1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

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1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Xug »

1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season


Circuito / Track: Zandvoort 1967

Día de carrera / Race date: 28 de octubre de 2024 / October 28th 2024

Vueltas / Laps: 26

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas de los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Descarga de la pista en Track Database / Track Database download :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • domingo / Sunday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h
    lunes / Monday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h

Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 40 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 40-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 31 de marzo al 27 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 31st to October 27th, CEST)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:director: :director: :director:

Muy importante: hoy se ha cambiado el horario de CEST (UTC +2) a CET (UTC +1) por lo tanto hay que ajustarse al nuevo horario según vuestra situación geográfica
Very important: today the time has changed from CEST (UTC +2) to CET (UTC +1) so you have to adjust to the new time according to your geographical location.

:D :D :D

Hoy nos vamos a Zandvoort 1966 :piloto:
Today we go to Zandvoort 1966

Las fotos en blanco y negro me recuerdan como veíamos las fotos antes y me gustan
The black and white photos remind me of how we used to look at photos and I like them.


En color parecen más reales, sin embargo con el tiempo algunas han perdido su calidad original
In color they look more realistic, but over time some of them have lost their original quality


Las siguientes son un extracto de la serie en flickr que es sensacional
The following are an excerpt from the series on flickr which is sensational

Algo de diversión Some fun
Carrera de animación Support race
Filmación Grand Prix Grand Prix filming
Torre de control Tower
Dan Gurney - Eagle Climax
Jack Brabham - Brabham Repco
Jack Brabham (40 años) simulando ser viejo Jack Brabham (40 years old) pretending be an old man
Parrilla Grid
Inicio Start
Vuelta 2 Lap 2
Trompo de Lorenzo Bandini Lorenzo Bandini spin
Gradas Stands
Carrera Race

Sobre la filmación de la película Grand Prix
About Grand Prix movie filming

Origen: episodio de Zandvoort, extracto de la película Grand Prix Source: Zandvoort episode, excerpt from the film Grand Prix

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »


Starting free practice sessions right now ... drivers welcome :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Lap times up to now

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	P. Skingley66 	FER 	1:27.51
2 	tagomago66 	BRA 	1:28.96
3 	N. Xug	 	BRA 	1:29.98
Starting free practice 4 in 35 minutes :P

Updated with FP 4

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	P. Skingley66 	FER 	1:27.26
2 	S. Roess66 	BRA 	1:28.49
3 	tagomago66 	BRA 	1:28.85 
4 	N. Xug	 	BRA 	1:29.98
Good luck all for today ;)
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

5 minutes to race start

30 min Q + 26 laps to Zandvoort

pass pdlrxx


GLA :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Great driving at Zandvoort tonight


Grats to Paul :primero: :tonto: :cava: Enrique :segundo: :tonto: and Stefan :tercero: :tonto: :raquel:

Thx all for racing :piloto: :baba:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Thanks all for racing..

The race was won at the start.
Enrique made a bad start and gave me the lead. I could never have passed the 3lt car on the straight.

Early in the race Enrique made a couple of mistakes that gave me a few seconds lead, so I did all I could to maintain that gap and not let him get in my tow.
From lap 9 my laps were all in the 1:27s as the gap closed a second and then grew a second.

With 3 to go the gap was 1 second but Enrique spun out at T1 and lost 10 seconds.
That meant I could ease off at last and cruise to the flag.

Well done Enrique and Stefan for the podiums and to all that finished :)

Thanks for organising and hosting.

See you next race.
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David Cheshire
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por David Cheshire »

Well tagomago's prediction came true - I was indeed a Bandit - but a slow one! In a little practice for this race I managed, for the first time, to beat the GPLRank standard time so I genuinely wasn't expecting a good performance here. I chose the 2.7DWR Brabham - not the fastest but lovely to drive and very easy to be consistent.
In practice I managed a mid 1:28 and was solidly in 4th. At the race start Enrique was a little slow away which caused just a little confusion and I briefly got ahead of Stefan but gave racing room on the inside of Tarzan and he was back past me into his rightful 3rd place.
For the first few laps I had Xug behind me but when my tyres warmed up I was able to push a little and gradually pulled away. Stefan had a little spin and fell back behind Xug but quickly made his way past, caught me and I did not fight hard for my position as he was clearly faster than me.
And that was the end of the excitement! Just a long but surprisingly consistent (for me) drive to the finish in 4th. Well done to Mr Consistency (Paul), Enrique and Stefan for the podium and PDLR for hosting.

Bueno, la predicción de Tagomago se cumplió: yo era un Bandit, ¡pero uno lento! En un pequeño entrenamiento para esta carrera logré, por primera vez, superar el tiempo estándar de GPLRank, así que realmente no esperaba un buen desempeño aquí. Elegí el Brabham 2.7DWR, no el más rápido, pero es agradable de conducir y muy fácil de mantener.
En los entrenamientos logré un tiempo de 1:28 y quedé sólidamente en cuarto lugar. En la salida de la carrera, Enrique fue un poco lento, lo que causó un poco de confusión y me adelanté brevemente a Stefan, pero le di espacio para correr por dentro a Tarzan y él me superó nuevamente y se colocó en su merecido tercer lugar.
Durante las primeras vueltas, tenía a Xug detrás de mí, pero cuando mis neumáticos se calentaron, pude empujar un poco y gradualmente me alejé. Stefan hizo un pequeño trompo y se quedó detrás de Xug, pero rápidamente me adelantó, me alcanzó y no luché mucho por mi posición, ya que él era claramente más rápido que yo.
¡Y ese fue el final de la emoción! Fue un viaje largo pero sorprendentemente consistente (para mí) hasta la meta en cuarto lugar. Felicitaciones a Mr. Consistency (Paul), Enrique y Stefan por el podio y a PDLR por la organización.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

A great round for me with no mistakes and wringing everything I could out of the Lotus 43 and worthy of a 4/5 score. Trouble was, it was just hopelessly uncompetitive. At least, in my hands. That I managed all 26 laps in was in no small measure to Paul easing back considerably in the last two laps to not put me a lap down. I saw him in my mirrors with a couple of laps to run and figured my number was up. Thanks for that, Paul.

A pretty lonely run with only Stefan and Tago being in sight as they both spun and came back to pass. No point in putting up a fight for position. They were both substantially faster so I gave each a wave-by. Stefan charged back hard to regain a good P3 by race's end. Good show, Stefan. Without that early spin...

Ricky was right in contention for the win up to a late-race spin in Tarzan that set him back. Bad luck there, Ricky. Some consolation in nailing down the FTD. Dave put up a fine drive to place P4. Tago and Xuggy were slugging it out in a fine duel til Xuggy had an off to drop back but still scored a good P6.

This was my second race at Zandvoort in as many days. On Sunday, I ran the UKGPL event in a BRM P115 and just pussy-footed it all race just to score a finish. Not so here with the PDLR. I pushed that Lotus pretty hard all the way and my best lap of the day wasn't far off my personal best in the car.

Next week, the Ring in the Eagle T1G. Fingers X'd...
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

una gran carrera de paul ( como siempre ) y otra carrera con varios errores de mi parte ( como siempre) .... :ahorcado:
de todos modos me diverti muchisimo haciendo de gato detras de paul ( raton ) durante 3/4 partes de la carrera, era increible ver como doblaba esa dino en las curvas, se me alejaba muy fuerte, pero ya al final y faltando 3 vueltas, logre entrar en la succion de la recta orincipal y ya lo tenia a ojo de aguila para las ultimas 2 vueltas, pero al tener succion me pase del punto de frenado y me sali en la t1...... que lastima me hubiera gustado ver si hubiera podido ganarle en la ultima vuelta...... :boink:
cometi 2 errores que hicieron que la ferrari se me escapara, la 1 fue en la largada que no revoluicone bien el motor y se me cayo de rpm, y en la ultima curva me fui al pasto y ya se me escapo esa dino, todo en la 1 vuelta, el resto de las vueltas era girar en el mismo tiempo que paul, hasta que cometi el error que me quito la posibilidad ded quitarle la victoria..... :) . pero vale la pena aclarar que el manejo de mr.S fue magistral, como todas las carreras que hemos peleado, siempre su cabeza fria, le ha dado los resultados de la victoria, exelente paul, te admiro por eso.

A great race for Paul (as always) and another race with several mistakes on my part (as always) ....
Anyway, I had a lot of fun being the cat behind Paul (mouse) for 3/4 of the race, it was incredible to see how that dino turned in the corners, he was getting away from me very strongly, but at the end and with 3 laps to go, I managed to get into the suction of the main straight and I already had him at an eagle's eye for the last 2 laps, but having suction I went over the braking point and I went out in lap 1...... what a pity I would have liked to see if I could have beaten him in the last lap......
I made 2 mistakes that made the Ferrari get away from me, the first was at the start when I didn't rev the engine well and I dropped rpm, and in the last corner I went into the grass and that dino got away from me, all in the 1st lap, the rest of the laps was to turn in the same time as Paul, until I made the mistake that took away my possibility of taking the victory from him... but it is worth clarifying that Mr. S's driving was masterful, like all the races we have fought, always his cool head, has given him the results of victory, excellent Paul, I admire you for that.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Xug »

Zandvoort tiene curvas divinas, que fluyen de una manera parecida a algunas de Brands, así que es fácil ser feliz aquí si tienes un buen coche y una buena configuración, como fue el caso ayer. Aunque por falta de entrenamiento fui más lento que en Brands, disfruté la carrera.
Estoy usando las configuraciones que Blood ha subido a Weekly, funcionan estupendamente desde el minuto uno. Es la primera vez en mi carrera que me atrevo a correr carreras completas con el diferencial x/85: no recuerdo qué es, pero creo que ayuda a correr mucho saliendo de las curvas y hasta ahora me parecía muy difícil de manejar y, cuando usaba un fichero de Blood o similar lo "suavizaba" a x/45 o x/60. Exige más concentración, pero es cierto que con el BT11, al tener menos potencia, se gestiona más fácilmente.
Esta vez terminamos todos: enhorabuena a todos :cava: (y el informe mecánico está en blanco!)

Zandvoort has some divine corners, which flow in a similar way to some of Brands, so it's easy to be happy here if you have a good car and a good set-up, as was the case yesterday. Even though I was slower than at Brands due to lack of training, I enjoyed the race.
I'm using the settings that Blood has uploaded to Weekly, and they work great from the first minute. It's the first time in my career that I've dared to run full races with the x/85 differential: I don't remember what it is, but I think that it helps you to go faster coming out of the corners and until now I found it very difficult to handle and, when I used a Blood file or similar, I "softened" it to x/45 or x/60. It requires more concentration, but it's true that with the BT11, having less power, it's easier to manage.
This time we all finished, congratulations to everyone! (and the mechanical report is empty!)
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David Cheshire
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Registrado: Mié Sep 25, 2024 4:34 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por David Cheshire »

Xug escribió: Mar Oct 29, 2024 9:14 pm I don't remember what it is, but I think that it helps you to go faster coming out of the corners...
Xug, It is the opposite to what you describe. On the diff settings the first number refers to when you are ON Power for example coming out of a corner and the lower the number number the more the car is likely to break away (oversteer). The second number refers to when the car is OFF power (called coasting) such as going in to a corner. This time the higher the number the more the car is likely to oversteer going in to a corner. So the most alien setting is 30/85 and the default setting for novices is 85/30 which will make the car safe but will understeer..
I have found that Brabham cars respond well to high COAST settings but I am not skilful enough to control high POWER settings.
Hope I am not 'teaching my grandmother to suck eggs' - telling you what you already know.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Xug »

This must be the reason why it took me so long to get around to using Blood's setups without 'softening' them :D
Yesterday's was 30/85, it's actually an alien setup: Blood is from another planet. I'm trying to learn to drive with more oversteer, which should help me go faster, but at some point my mind had mixed up the order of the numbers, I thought the oversteer on power was for the /85, but, as you say, it's for the 30/. In any case, I had both in alien mode and managed to get to the finish line with only one major mistake. there's still hope for me :)
Thanks for the clarification, David. :brindis:
Blood, if you read us: thanks! :brindis:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Otra buena carrera para enmarcar :P
Another good race for everyone

Tenía un ritmo de 29,s para carrera y solo faltaba saber si sería suficiente para buscarle alguna cosquilla a David ... o eso pensaba yo con mi 5ª posición de parrilla justo detrás de él
I had a 29.s pace for the race and it was just a question of whether it would be enough to tickle David's fancy... or so I thought with my 5th position on the grid just behind him

Lo que conseguí fueron las carcajadas de Xuggy mientras él rodaba solidamente detrás de David y yo veía como mis ganas de seguirlos y la succión me hacían dar un breve pero maldito trompo en T1 para salvar un toque con Xug :boink:
What I got was Xuggy's guffaws as he rode solidly behind David and I watched as my desire to follow them and the suction made me spin briefly but damned in T1 to save a touch with Xug

Así que último tras Doni y Stefan que iniciaba su recuperación, intenté coger ritmo cuanto antes y agradecí mucho a Doni su elegante gesto de no ponerme oposición y permitirme ir a por más
So last behind Doni and Stefan who was starting his recovery, I tried to get into the rhythm as soon as possible and I was very grateful to Doni for his elegant gesture of not opposing me and allowing me to go for more.

Conseguí acercarme lentamente a Xug y tras unas vueltas de tanteo el rebufo de la recta, gracias a mi motor de 3l, me permitió superarle ... luego xuggy venia para cazarme pero un también maldito pequeño trompo le hizo perderme de vista
I managed to slowly get closer to Xug and after a few laps of testing, the slipstream on the straight, thanks to my 3l engine, allowed me to overtake him.... then Xuggy was coming to chase me but an also damn small spin made him lose sight of me.

Enhorabuena y gracias a todos .... Paul por ese ritmo genial que llevó a Enrique a su límite ... Enrique por una gran carrera ... Stefan por una gran recuperación ... David por su consistencia ...
Congratulations and thanks to all .... Paul for that great pace that pushed Enrique to his limit ... Enrique for a great race... Stefan for a great recovery ... David for his consistency ...

Xuggy y yo por pasar estos buenos ratillos ... y Doni por ser un gentleman en pista y también pasarselo bien ...
Xuggy and I for having a great time ... and Doni for being a gentleman on the track and also having a good time ...

Código: Seleccionar todo

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
David Cheshire                    0.378          0.512    1m29.211s     26   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------
 Doni66                           0.501          0.619    1m31.322s     26
Paul Skingley66                   0.602          0.914    1m28.059s     26
 tagomago66                       0.897          1.904    1m29.995s     26
Nick Xug                          0.953          2.053    1m30.418s     26
Stefan Roess66                    1.079          2.249    1m28.695s     26
enrique farina                    1.481          2.456    1m28.539s     26
Algo de color para lucir lo bonito que estaba el circuito
Some colour to show off how nice the track was.

David ... Xug ... Tago ... Doni


Paul ... Enrique ... Stefan ...






:piloto: :baba:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 05 - Dutch Grand Prix

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

que buenas fotos..... :aplauso: :porfa: