1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Indeed Clive :piloto:

Free practice 4 started ... drivers welcome :P
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Great training with Clive .. Free practice times not improved

It will be a 24 laps Grand Prix with 30 minutes of qualy

pass: pdlrxx

Good Luck All :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Great race at Monza!!


Grats to Enrique :primero: :raquel: Doni :segundo: :raquel: and Clive :tercero: :cava:

Thx all for racing

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Clive Loynes
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Sorry Xug. I kind of messed that up for you.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Xug »

Clive, creo que la lucha estuvo bien. Tenias dificultades con el BRM, pero iba de mi cuenta tener cuidado con ello. Mi rotura fue solo falta mia: al adelantar al coche parado, me retrasé al subir una marcha. Hasta entonces tuve una carrera divertida.
:cava: Grats Enrique :primero: Doni :segundo: & Clive :tercero: Condolencias a los que no llegaron :cura:
Clive, I think the fight was good. Maybe you were having difficulties with the BRM, but it was up to me to be careful with it. My breakdown was only my fault: when overtaking the stationary car, I was delayed by upshifting. Until then I had some good fun.
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David Cheshire
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por David Cheshire »

I decided to run the Ferrari at this race as it is fastest in my hands and I was expecting it to be the car of choice for all drivers but as it turned out I was lonely in red!
Got a decent but unaided time in practice, got off the line quite well and was racing the Honda ahead but I was too nervous in the first corner and indeed the whole first lap and was passed by many drivers. The front group of drivers got a gap of 2-3 secs and I was worried I had lost the tow so once my tyres had warmed up I got my head down. I was surprised that Doni was one of the drivers behind me as he was driving well.
Even trying hard I wasn't catching the drivers ahead very quickly but one or two drivers dropped out. Then there was an incident at Parabolica - I think Enrique had a spin? He rejoined, I managed to avoid him and he was ahead of me, Doni just behind but he got into Enriques slip stream and I wasn't sure exactly where he was beside me so conceded the corner - there is plenty of time yet!
At some point Paul dropped out - not sure what happened - and then a few laps later there were some more cars in the kitty litter at Parabolica. Somehow, Enrique, Doni and myself were in the top 3 places!
I hung back a little as Doni was competing very well with Enrique. At some point the opportunity arose and I overtook Doni into second behind Enrique. I was behind Enrique and with the slipstream so I was catching along every straight but in every braking zone I kept thinking back to Reims, where I took him out under braking, so I was being super careful. We toured around in order for many laps.
Unfortunately I made a mistake into T1, slid gently wide and into the barriers. Managed to hit gently on both wheels, came off the barriers and had a spin. Got going again having been passed by Clive and a Brabham which exploded in front of me into the next corner! I was amazed my car wasn't damaged so set off after Clive. Took me a few laps but I eventually caught him but as soon as I did I repeated my slide along the barriers at T1 but without the pirouette. Time lost and Clive woken up as I wasn't catching him again and the race ended all too quickly. Disappointed with 4th but if you don't drive clean what can you expect!
Well done Enrique but especially to Doni for driving the Cooper to 2nd place.
Great organisation as always Tago.

Decidí correr con el Ferrari en esta carrera porque es el más rápido que tengo en mis manos y esperaba que fuera el coche elegido por todos los pilotos, pero resultó que estaba solo en rojo.
Conseguí un tiempo decente, pero sin ayuda, en los entrenamientos, salí bastante bien de la línea de salida y competí con el Honda, pero estaba demasiado nervioso en la primera curva y durante toda la primera vuelta, y muchos pilotos me adelantaron. El grupo de pilotos de delante consiguió una ventaja de 2-3 segundos y me preocupaba haber perdido el rebufo, así que una vez que mis neumáticos se calentaron, bajé la cabeza. Me sorprendió que Doni fuera uno de los pilotos que me seguían, ya que conducía bien.
A pesar de esforzarme, no alcanzaba a los pilotos de delante muy rápidamente, pero uno o dos pilotos abandonaron. Luego hubo un incidente en Parabolica. Creo que Enrique hizo un trompo. Se reincorporó, logré esquivarlo y estaba delante de mí, Doni justo detrás, pero se metió en la estela de Enrique y no estaba seguro exactamente dónde estaba a mi lado, así que cedí la curva. ¡Todavía hay mucho tiempo!
En algún momento, Paul se retiró (no estoy seguro de qué sucedió) y luego, unas vueltas más tarde, había algunos autos más en la arena para gatos en Parabolica. ¡De alguna manera, Enrique, Doni y yo estábamos en los 3 primeros lugares!
Me quedé un poco atrás porque Doni estaba compitiendo muy bien con Enrique. En algún momento surgió la oportunidad y adelanté a Doni en segundo lugar detrás de Enrique. Estaba detrás de Enrique y con la estela, así que lo alcanzaba en cada recta, pero en cada zona de frenado seguía pensando en Reims, donde lo saqué al frenar, así que fui muy cuidadoso. Hicimos una gira en orden durante muchas vueltas.
Desafortunadamente, cometí un error en T1, me deslicé ligeramente hacia afuera y choqué contra las barreras. Logré golpear suavemente con ambas ruedas, me salí de las barreras y di un trompo. Me puse en marcha de nuevo después de que Clive me adelantara y un Brabham explotara delante de mí en la siguiente curva. Me sorprendió que mi coche no resultara dañado, así que salí a por Clive. Me llevó unas cuantas vueltas, pero finalmente lo alcancé, pero tan pronto como lo hice, repetí mi deslizamiento a lo largo de las barreras en T1, pero sin la pirueta. Perdí tiempo y Clive se despertó porque no lo estaba alcanzando de nuevo y la carrera terminó demasiado rápido. Decepcionado con el cuarto puesto, pero si no conduces limpio, ¿qué puedes esperar?
Bien hecho Enrique, pero especialmente a Doni por conducir el Cooper hasta el segundo puesto.
Gran organización como siempre Tago.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Thanks all for racing.

I got on the marbles out of Parabolica and lost it. :jo:
Glad everyone could avoid.

Well done podium.

Thanks for organising and hosting.
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Clive Loynes
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Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Xug escribió: Mar Nov 19, 2024 12:18 am Clive, creo que la lucha estuvo bien. Tenias dificultades con el BRM, pero iba de mi cuenta tener cuidado con ello. Mi rotura fue solo falta mia: al adelantar al coche parado, me retrasé al subir una marcha. Hasta entonces tuve una carrera divertida.
:cava: Grats Enrique :primero: Doni :segundo: & Clive :tercero: Condolencias a los que no llegaron :cura:
Clive, I think the fight was good. Maybe you were having difficulties with the BRM, but it was up to me to be careful with it. My breakdown was only my fault: when overtaking the stationary car, I was delayed by upshifting. Until then I had some good fun.

I was thinking more of the tankslapper that I had going into Parabolica on lap six. Paul took evasive action and managed to avoid me but I think that you were caught out by Paul's heavier than usual braking and had to take to the gravel.
Sorry :(
Briliant reaction by Paul.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

That was a real ripper of a race! Very happy to have been able to run with the lead serial and even lead a lap.

Qualified pretty well with a time on par with my pre-race trials. My last lap in the run looking really good til I bungled the braking going into the Parabolique to spoil the lap. Started P6 and got a miserable launch off the line to be dead last and trail Tago for the first lap. Exiting the Parabolique, got a fright as his Cooper broke traction and spun across my nose. So sad to see that he trashed his T81 against the barriers and was an instant DNF. Trailed David's rapid Ferrari for a few laps getting a lovely slipstream tow but did not have the steam to make a pass. In the early laps, it looked like Dave and I had missed the bus as the lead serial of Paul, Ricky, Xuggy and Clive were several seconds up the road. Ricky fell back to us to give us a tow and on Lap06, major developments as Clive spins off in the Parabolique and Xuggy drifts off into the gravel pit. Both rejoin well down. Paul's spin and DNF on Lap07 was something of a head-scratcher. Swinging wide out of the Parabolique, he caught the grass verge and spun to the infield. The Honda struck the inner barrier at a mere 10mph but GPL promptly pruned the LR wheel off the car. Really, now... This left Ricky, Dave and I to occupy the top three places with many a lap left to run. We exchanged places from time to time and I was happy to sit back and tag along with the Honda and Ferrari. I found quite easy to stay with and gain pace on the Honda. Not so, the Ferrari. Lap18 and Dave skirted wide in the Curva Grande and spun. This left Ricky and I to settle it for the lead and win. Lap22 and I set for a pass approaching the Parabolique but Ricky ran to the right of centre of the road and pinched me off rather badly. Fearing a collision, I aborted the bid and swept to the left to miss his Honda, momentarily lost my bearings missing my braking point and going off into the gravel pit with a healthy thud of the outer barriers. Lucky to have survived that. Lost about 10 seconds overall but did manage to recover before Clive closed in for position.

A good win for Ricky. Pleased to have survived for P2. Clive gives the Lotus a podium.

All-in-all, a solid 4/5 score.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
Doni Yourth
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Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

In my post, I neglected to mention how Xuggy was well and truly in the mix up til his unfortunate trip into the sand pit on Lap06. Fighting back, his efforts came to nought with a blown engine. Bad luck there, Xug.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Xug »

NP, Clive :)
Clive Loynes escribió: Mar Nov 19, 2024 11:30 am going into Parabolica on lap six. Paul took evasive action and managed to avoid me but I think that you were caught out by Paul's heavier than usual braking and had to take to the gravel
This was the case, and I had that moment in mind: I had seen in the first laps that you had a hard time braking at Parabolica, so I could have been a little more cautious and not get so close to the tail of the Honda. If I had been a bit further away, I would have come out of the incident in P2.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

A surprising race for me.
First of all, I love Monza and I always try to do well here.
We had a nice fight with Clive and Paul, until the other Honda at the exit of the Parabolica, coming out side by side, Paul went a bit wide and hit the guardrail. I saw it in my mirror, but I didn't realize that I had lost a wheel. What a pity. I would have loved to fight like we have been doing, the last few races with Paul. Anyway, that's how racing is. I'm very sorry Paul.
Then I went off course a bit and lost a few positions, but fortunately I got back into the slipstream and got quite close to the point where Clive and Xuge went off on the last corner, somehow giving me first position, a position I fought to the death with David's Ferrari and Doni's Cooper, and in the end it was just me and Cooper, because unfortunately the 312 was also far behind. With 5 laps to go (I think) Doni was studying me, to overtake me at Parabilca and try to win the race, and my strategy was to stay on the right side of the straight so that it would be a little more difficult to overtake me, in one of those he came very close to me when we reached the braking point he was coming behind me and in order not to hit me he turned his wheel sharply to the left, (it seemed very strange to me that he had not opened to the left before and he waited until the braking point to do it, I said to myself, he is going to go into the sand, he has no space and so it was. In reality, my friend Doni, you had a great race with that Cooper, you were coming very hard and the victory was for either of the two, I congratulate you..... ;)
Then it was time to reach the finish line, and I waited for the runners behind, so that we could cross the finish line in single file and that's how it was, as I said before, this race was very surprising, I was very happy, shame about the retirements... It was even more exciting.
Thanks for the server and I'll see you next time, hugs/
By the way, what great photos, Mezcua and the beautiful 300 SL and its companion..... :amor:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Mi report de carrera es el mismo que el de Paul, solo que tonto de mi lo hice sin haber completado vuelta: pisé hierba saliendo de la parabolica y por suerte sin dañar a Doni perdi dos ruedas en el guardarail :ahorcado:
My race report is the same as Paul's, but silly me, I did it without having completed a lap: I stepped on grass coming out of the parabolic and luckily without damaging Doni I lost two wheels in the guardrail

Sin embargo como otras veces terminé muy contento del evento ... escogí el coche ganador gracias a Doni ... le saqué buen partido en entrenos ... aunque luego no pude disfrutarlo en carrera
However, like other times I ended up very happy with the event ... I chose the winning car thanks to Doni ... I made good use of it in practice although I couldn't enjoy it in the race

Nos vamos hacia The Glen
We are going to The Glen

¿Que os parece el aspecto que tendrá el lotus de Clive?
What do you think Clive's lotus will look like?


Gracias a todos por participar
Thx all for racing

:piloto: :baba:
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

The Lotus 43 is my intended ride for the Glen. Can't be a bad choice. It won! :)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 07 - Gran Premio d'Italia

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Sorry but I can't do the next round due to being in 1955 until Tuesday. :(

My poor old brain cannot cope with jumping through eleven years in one day.