Regarding the celebration of the event
Evento contrareloj en las siguientes condicionesPaul_S escribió: ↑Lun May 27, 2024 11:06 am ...
Whenever I have organised events here they were run as a time trial like the real event.
We had a two hour qualification period and took it in turns to go at 1 minute intervals. As many goes as you like within the 2 hour period.
If someone caught you, you let them pass because they were already 1 minute ahead.
Time trial event under the following conditions
2 horas de clasificación
2 hour qualification period
Los pilotos saldrán la primera vez por turnos a intervalos de 2 minutos según el orden de mejor tiempo acreditado.
Riders will start the first time in turns at 2-minute intervals according to the order of best accredited time.
Tantas vueltas como quieras dentro del periodo de 2 horas.
As many goes as you like within the 2 hour period.
Si alguien te alcanza, tienes que dejarle pasar
If someone caught you, you must let them pass
La salida será justo después de Creg en la larga recta antes de Brandish, tal como el servidor de entrenamiento está en este momento
The start will be just after the Creg on the long straight before Brandish, like the training server is right now
Para salir por segunda vez y sucesivas se deberá esperar 2 minutos mas tras la salida inicial del último piloto participante
To start for the second and subsequent times, an additional 2 minutes must be waited after the initial start of the last participating driver.
Además deberá verificarse que no hay ningún piloto completando vuelta aproximándose a ese punto y en cualquier caso se rodará por la derecha de la pista atento a no molestar
In addition, it must be verified that there is no driver completing a lap approaching that point and in any case, the driver must ride on the right side of the track, taking care not to disturb anyone.
Daremos las puntuaciones de posición de clasificación como posición de carrera y no habrá puntos especiales para pole position, vuelta rápida, consistencia y remontada
We will give qualifying position scores as race position and there will be no special points for pole position, fastest lap, consistency and highest climber
Recordad que quién calla otorga, así que opinad por favor si alguna cosa os chirría

Remember that saying nothing is to allow, so please give us your opinion if anything sounds wrong