7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Respecto a la celebración del evento
Regarding the celebration of the event
Paul_S escribió: Lun May 27, 2024 11:06 am ...
Whenever I have organised events here they were run as a time trial like the real event.

We had a two hour qualification period and took it in turns to go at 1 minute intervals. As many goes as you like within the 2 hour period.
If someone caught you, you let them pass because they were already 1 minute ahead.
Evento contrareloj en las siguientes condiciones
Time trial event under the following conditions

2 horas de clasificación
2 hour qualification period

Los pilotos saldrán la primera vez por turnos a intervalos de 2 minutos según el orden de mejor tiempo acreditado.
Riders will start the first time in turns at 2-minute intervals according to the order of best accredited time.

Tantas vueltas como quieras dentro del periodo de 2 horas.
As many goes as you like within the 2 hour period.

Si alguien te alcanza, tienes que dejarle pasar
If someone caught you, you must let them pass

La salida será justo después de Creg en la larga recta antes de Brandish, tal como el servidor de entrenamiento está en este momento
The start will be just after the Creg on the long straight before Brandish, like the training server is right now

Para salir por segunda vez y sucesivas se deberá esperar 2 minutos mas tras la salida inicial del último piloto participante
To start for the second and subsequent times, an additional 2 minutes must be waited after the initial start of the last participating driver.

Además deberá verificarse que no hay ningún piloto completando vuelta aproximándose a ese punto y en cualquier caso se rodará por la derecha de la pista atento a no molestar
In addition, it must be verified that there is no driver completing a lap approaching that point and in any case, the driver must ride on the right side of the track, taking care not to disturb anyone.

Daremos las puntuaciones de posición de clasificación como posición de carrera y no habrá puntos especiales para pole position, vuelta rápida, consistencia y remontada
We will give qualifying position scores as race position and there will be no special points for pole position, fastest lap, consistency and highest climber


Recordad que quién calla otorga, así que opinad por favor si alguna cosa os chirría :prrr:
Remember that saying nothing is to allow, so please give us your opinion if anything sounds wrong

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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Xug »

a mi me parece bien como dices, no entusiasma el formato, pero también podemos pasarlo bien buscando la vuelta durante 2 horas.
por otra parte, si quereis, el martes o quizás mejor la semana siguiente podemos intentar un formato carrera, a ver qué sale.
It seems fine to me as you say, the format is not exciting, but we can also have a good time looking for a good lap for 2 hours.
On the other hand, if we all want, on Tuesday or -maybe better- the following week, we can try a race format, and see what comes out.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Paul_S escribió: Mié Jun 12, 2024 4:23 pm Yes I was expecting Gaizka to be faster.
Getting there! I set a new PB yesterday: 20min 17sec (default setup with a larger 5th gear).
I have pending to clean up the pedals and to polish sectors 3 & 4. Hopefully this weekend. Meanwhile I tricked the settings in GPL by calibrating a shorter length.

Mezcua escribió: Jue Jun 13, 2024 11:55 am Respecto a la celebración del evento
Regarding the celebration of the event
Personally I would prefer to simplify the format of the event so that only the first go is at 2-minutes intervals. Even better, as soon as the driver in front starts a new lap (it takes 2 minutes to reach the finish line from the long straight between Creg & Brandish). The rest of the session would be without any kind of limitations / constraints, like all our training sessions have been so far. My suggestion is based on the fact that we are really few and that I prefer no activity in the chat :roll:

Speaking of limitations / constraints, is it allowed to carry fuel for more than one lap and therefore complete several laps in a row? :blah:
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Gaizka escribió: Vie Jun 14, 2024 5:45 pm is it allowed to carry fuel for more than one lap and therefore complete several laps in a row? :blah:
No problem here.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Actualizado el primer post con los horarios y normas de la contrareloj
Updated the first post with the timetable and rules of the time trial.

Hoy 21.30 - 23.30 120 min Q + 1 lap race por si acaso alguien se ha quedado con ganas de rodar :jiji:
Today 21.30 - 23.30 120 min Q + 1 lap race in case someone still wants to ride

Mañana Lunes 21.30 - 23.30 120 min contrareloj
Tomorrow Monday 21.30 - 23.30 120 min time trial

Si quereis algun cambio de horario avisad por aqui ;)
If you want to change the schedule, please let us know
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

He disfrutado estos entrenos aunque me costó acabar vuelta ... por fin conseguí 2 vueltas completas en 21.41 ... y luego PB en la carrera :raquel:
I enjoyed this practice even though I had a hard time finishing laps.... I finally got 2 complete laps in 21.41 ... and then PB in the race.


Enhorabuena a Xuggy por su PB también
Congratulations to Xuggy for his PB as well.

El orden de salidas para mañana por tiempo acreditado
The starting order for tomorrow by credited time

1 - Gaizka 20.05
2 - Paul 20.15
3 - Doni 21.28
4 - Tago 21.39
5 - Xug 22.18
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Server launched ....

IP =

good luck all

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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Great activity and work in Isle of Man

Código: Seleccionar todo

Track: Aaiom             Tue Jun 18 00:38:56 2024


Pos No Driver                           Team     Nat      Time      Diff Laps
 1   8 Gaizka Lopez55                   BRM      SPA19m57.653s              9
 2  14 Paul Skingley55                  Conaught GBR20m16.657s   19.004s    4
 3  18  tagomago55                      Lancia   SPA21m39.834s 1m42.181s    8
 4   6  Doni55                          Vanwall  CAN21m43.810s 1m46.157s    4
 5  28 Nick Xug                         BRM      CAN22m22.824s 2m25.171s    3
 6  16 enrique farina                   Ferrari  MEX   No time   No time    4
 7  20 enrique farina                   Ferrari  MEX   No time   No time    0
 8   4  PDLR.GAIZTOR                    Gordini  SPA   No time   No time    0

All times are official
Generated with GPL Replay Analyser
Grats for the win to Gaizka :primero: :tonto: Paul :segundo: :raquel: and Tagomago :tercero: :tonto:

Thx all for racing :piloto: :baba:
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Final de fiesta

Doni Yourth
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Bravo, Gaizka! A fine win. Great job by Paul to make it close in P2. Tago an admirable run to P3. Well done, chaps!

I'm supremely disappointed in my performance. I laid off pre-race practice feeling fairly confident of my chances. I gassed up for two consecutive laps but never got that far. My recorded lap had three incidents including a major shunt up on the Mountain. Somewhat surprised to see that the car didn't seem that badly hurt and the lap time was reasonable considering. Xuggy a pretty reasonable drive to P5.

Licking my wounds tonight.

Thanks to the club for another fine season! See you next! :)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Como el día anterior de entrenos sufrí mucho para conseguir tiempos :roll:
As the previous day of training I suffered a lot to get times.

La estrategia consistía en marcar un tiempo digamos relajado para en segunda vuelta ya con buen tacto intentar mejorar
The strategy was to set a relaxed time, let's say, and then on the second lap try to improve with better feel.

Pero me costó mucho soltar los nervios y mi primera vuelta aunque no muy buena fue un 21.47
But it took me a lot to get rid of my nerves and my first lap, although not very good, was a 21.47.

Confiaba en conseguir un 21.30, además vi que la vuelta de Doni en 21.43 me daba posibilidades de pelearle posición
I was confident to get a 21.30, also I saw that Doni's lap in 21.43 gave me a chance to fight for position.

Conseguí una siguiente vuelta que pensaba podía ser mejor pero al ser muy conservador en el ultimo tramo me lleve la sorpresa de que mi buena vuelta solo era 1 segundo mejor 21.46 :ahorcado:
I got one more lap that I thought could be better but being very conservative in the last stretch I got the surprise that my good lap was only 1 second better 21.46

Así que continué peleando a ver si conseguía una vuelta mejor y por fin con poco tiempo para acabar los 120 minutos saqué un 21.39
So I kept fighting to see if I could get a better lap and finally with little time left to finish the 120 minutes I finally got my 21.39

Después rodamos la vuelta de carrera como fin de fiesta :bien:
Then we drove the race lap as if to celebrate the end of the party.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Doni Yourth escribió: Mar Jun 18, 2024 12:27 am ...
Licking my wounds tonight.
:mrgreen: :jiji:
Doni Yourth escribió: Mar Jun 18, 2024 12:27 am ... Thanks to the club for another fine season! See you next! :)
Thanks to you Doni ... a pleasure ... :brindis:
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

For some reason I thought the race was next week, and this was just another training session. :boink: So it did not seem bad leaving early after only a couple of laps.
Maybe I could have tried a bit harder and been faster if I had realised this was it, but I doubt I could be sub 20 like Gaizka.

Thanks all for rolling.

Well done Gaizka despite your hardware problems.

Thanks to PDLR for organising and hosting.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Paul_S escribió: Mar Jun 18, 2024 11:12 am
For some reason I thought the race was next week, and this was just another training session. :boink: So it did not seem bad leaving early after only a couple of laps.
Maybe I could have tried a bit harder and been faster if I had realised this was it, but I doubt I could be sub 20 like Gaizka.
Por suerte estuviste en tiempos buenos, yo te habia puesto 20.15 como acreditado pero los repase y era un 20.17, o sea que el 20.16 es tu PB en este evento
Luckily you were in good times, I had put you 20.15 as credited but I reviewed them and it was a 20.17, so 20.16 is your PB in this event.

Salvo Doni todos mejoramos nuestros tiempos
Except for Doni we all improved our times

Paul_S escribió: Mar Jun 18, 2024 11:12 am ... Thanks to PDLR for organising and hosting.
Thanks to you Paul ... a pleasure ... :brindis: