7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Clive Loynes escribió: Mié May 22, 2024 8:06 pmThis is probably my last outing for this season, as I don't fancy IoM.

Excerpt from the 37¾ mile Isle Of Man Mountain Course track readme & driving guide for GPL version 1.1, which I truly recommend you all to read:
Jim Pearson escribió:Recommended Approach – Learning The Mountain Course In A Car Simulation
Some simple techniques are suggested below for learning and enjoying such a long, historic, challenging and ultimately, very rewarding track to drive.

Most of you will want to get straight out on the Course and go for a drive or a ‘fang’ around when you first download it. I know I would if I were you.

Doing that you will have fun, perhaps be distracted by the scenery, great variety of challenges presented and crash a lot at first. Some may not care to learn the track in any detail; so certainly won’t read this guide, which is fair enough. Some will be daunted by the Course and quickly move back to their favourite easy short circuit's, which will be a shame.

It’s the ‘nature of the beast’ though, that long tracks do require learning commitment, something that can’t be avoided. Remember your first few outings on the Nürburgring Nordshleiffe in Grand Prix Legends? How difficult did that feel at first, yet how much satisfaction did you eventually derive from persevering with it? Such long tracks are almost like a stand alone Sim within a Sim.

It’s the same with the Isle of Man Mountain Course. The track may be two and a half times the length of the Nordshlieffe at 61 km, and have 50% more corners, but IMO is no more difficult to learn.

However, if you have a short attention span or get frustrated easily, this is not the ideal track; [ or bedside reading ] for you. :)
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Paul_S escribió: Lun May 27, 2024 11:06 amWhenever I have organised events here they were run as a time trial like the real event.

We had a two hour qualification period and took it in turns to go at 1 minute intervals. As many goes as you like within the 2 hour period.
If someone caught you, you let them pass because they were already 1 minute ahead.

There is not enough space for close combat, so we never had a race at the end.
I would love to repeat the same format we did last year in Targa Florio. The pressure to be fast and consistent with no room for errors is priceless and that cannot be achieved with hotlapping.
However, given the amount of CTDs I am suffering when training online, the Time Trial may be our safest bet.
Plus we are few anyways :llorar:

As Xug suggested, let's use the next weeks to try the different options and evaluate them accordingly :D
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I think the server needs a reboot.

It has been mutating on the race list for some time.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:cry: thx for warning Paul :bien:
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Por ahora solo consigo apretar algo durante 1/3 de vuelta ... luego pisando huevos he completado mi primera vuelta en 24.18 :roll: :llorar:
I am only able to push a bit during 1/3of a lap ... then stepping on eggs I've finished my first lap with 24.18



Multiple Choice Hell
Isle of Man Mountain Course 37.75 miles
Any chassis of GPL55

Código: Seleccionar todo

Pos	Laptime		Driver			Class	Chassis				Session		Date and time		Steer		Brake			Shift	
1	20:19.898	Paul McAdam		F1	Mercedes W196 Open Wheeler	Training	2023-09-01 06:50:49	Gamepad		Joystick/Analog paddle	Paddles	
2	20:44.893	Pedro van den Berg	F1	Lancia D50 1955			Practice	2019-07-12 17:11:07	FF-Wheel	Left Foot		Paddles		
3	21:34.674	Bjørn Finnestad		F1	Maserati 250F			Training	2019-08-03 16:30:37	FF-Wheel	Left Foot		Stick	
4	23:11.160	Phil Thornton		F1	Ferrari 625			Training	2024-01-10 22:13:00	Wheel		Right Foot		H-stick with clutch
5	24:23.925	Darren Hosein		F1	Mercedes W196 Open Wheeler	Training	2024-01-28 13:47:06	FF-Wheel	Left Foot		Paddles
Times matched: 5
Doni Yourth
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Got my 21:30 lap in the Vanwall! In fact, a 21:28 effort with a small loss of time in a couple of places. A 21:25 is doable. But wait! There's more...

I'm on the edit team for the GP37 mod and decided to try one of those pre-war monsters at IOM. Aboard the Mercedes W125, I managed a 21:32 on one try only. Several mistakes so a sub-21:30 easily within reach with a clean lap. I think that I saw 184mph...294kph...on a section up on the mountain. PHEW!

Not done yet. I took a look around and found that the IOM is available for Assetto Corsa. I downloaded it over the weekend and took a spin in a Jag D-type. Not worth the time or effort really as there are so many differences between the AC offering and Jim Pearson's superb version that one can get lost very easily. Mostly down to trackside references being absent. Managed 32:05 and that will stand as I won't give it another look. Pity.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

After 42 laps at Watkins in the 67 cars with GPLRACER I noticed Tago and Gaizka online so I had a couple of laps at I.O.M.

First lap was clean. I thought I was being cautious but managed to get a PB.
Second lap was going OK but something went wrong near the end of the lap at Bedstead.

Then we had a race but it was a disaster after I clipped the apex at Ballascarey and went ping-pong against the walls. It must have looked good from Gaizka's cockpit :)
If we do have a race here I am going to remove my mirrors because they distracted me.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Gaizka »

During the first two weeks of training I made a very good progress when it comes to learning the track. I was pushing hard, being able to pass flat out more and more sections. But I could not improve Doni's initial reference :o
This week I got to learn that my gas pedal was malfunctioning. It was Paul's reference :bien: that helped me to spot that I was missing 20 kph all over the track :fundido:
I hope I will be able to fix it despite that will force me to spend the next week relearning the track :nose:
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

14/06/2024 Usando este post para una respuesta posterior me lo he cargado y lo he tenido que reconstruir :boink:
Using this post for a later reply I destroyed it and had to rebuild it.

Mientras Doni y Paul parecen tener los deberes hechos Xuggy, Gaiz y yo seguimos trabajando ... :piloto:
While Doni and Paul seem to have their homework done, Xuggy, Gaiz and I continue to work ...

Respecto al server
Regarding the server

Un problemilla en linux me ha tenido distraido durante mas de una semana que no me ha permitido montar el prometido 2º server con puntos de inicio por calendario
A linux problem has kept me distracted for more than a week and has not allowed me to set up the promised 2nd server with starting points by calendar.

Como el servidor habitual ha demostrado no comportarse bien con este circuito utilizaremos la maquina linux en su lugar
As the usual server has proven not to behave well with this circuit we will use the linux machine instead.

Respecto a la celebración del evento
Regarding the celebration of the event

Parece que por ahora vence la propuesta de 120 min de Q, salvo que alguno que no ha opinado lo haga uno de estos días
It seems that for now the proposal of 120 min of Q wins, unless someone who has not given his opinion does it one of these days.

Yo creo que a 5 días de la carrera, por ejemplo el 12, cerraremos definitivamente el tema para que se pueda entrenar acorde a lo que sea
I think that 5 days before the race, for example the 12th, we definitively will close the issue so that you can train according to what it is.

Por otro lado, en este supuesto de no correr la carrera los puntos adicionales de pole position, vuelta rápida, consistencia y remontada, no tienen sentido ... o si?
On the other hand, in this case of not running the race, the additional points for pole position, fastest lap, consistency and highest climber do not make sense .... or do they?


PD: Xuggy ... ¿Ya tienes los billetes para Isla de Man este verano con Pilar? :prrr:
PS: Xuggy... Do you already have the tickets for Isle of Man this summer with Pilar?
Última edición por Mezcua el Vie Jun 14, 2024 10:13 am, editado 5 veces en total.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Xug »

:D juas, no tengo previsto viajar tan lejos este verano. el caso es q el circuito aun se usa, precisamente esta semana pasada, así q estará en buenas condiciones. queda en la lista de viajes por hacer :)
yo sigo dando vueltas prácticamente cada día y he terminado solo 2 sin reiniciar... con todas las ayudas activadas (nombres de las zonas y señales de las curvas) :oops: . sin esto, aun estaría aprendiendo el primer tercio.
a partir de hoy intentaré entrar al server
PB 23m00s

:D I don't plan to travel that far this summer. The fact is that the circuit is still in use, just this past week, so it will be in good condition. I let it on the to-do travel list :)
I keep doing laps almost every day and I have finished only 2 of them without restarting... with all aids activated (white names and turn signs) :oops: . Without this, I would still be learning the first miles.
from today on, i'll try to be on the server practice sessions
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I watch the TT every year on TV. We are lucky here that is normally shown for free.

It really is the craziest scary thing a biker can do. But also one of the most dangerous.
Even the MotoGP boys steer clear of it.

Watching this years event reminded me of the sad story last year when one of your countrymen Raul Martinez lost his life only hours after becoming the fastest Spaniard around the TT course at 125 mph average. ( 201 kph )
In interviews over the race week before he crashed, he seemed a really nice guy just doing what he loved....... such a shame.

I have never been to the I.O.M. for the TT but it is on my bucket list.

Todos los años veo el TT por televisión. Aquí tenemos la suerte de que normalmente se retransmite gratis.

Realmente es la cosa más loca de miedo que un motorista puede hacer. Pero también una de las más peligrosas.
Incluso los chicos de MotoGP lo evitan.

Ver el evento de este año me recordó la triste historia del año pasado, cuando uno de tus compatriotas Raúl Martínez perdió la vida sólo unas horas después de convertirse en el español más rápido alrededor del TT a 125 mph de media. ( 201 kph )
En las entrevistas que le hicieron durante la semana antes de estrellarse, parecía un buen tipo haciendo lo que le gustaba: ....... Es una pena.

Nunca he estado en el I.O.M. para el TT, pero está en mi lista de deseos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Ah bandido :cabreo:
Ah bandit

... ahora entiendo como es que te sabes el circuito ... aprovechando las retransmisiones de la tele :jiji:
... now I understand how you know the circuit ... taking advantage of the TV broadcasts

La verdad que es impresionante tu solidez aqui .... cada día que entrenamos consigues vuelta o vueltas y siempre por debajo de 20.30
The truth is that it is impressive your solidity here .... every day that we train you get lap or laps and always below 20.30

Supongo que Doni también ve la tele como tú porque según él acaba vueltas con el hierro del año que sea
I guess Doni also watches tv like you because according to him he finishes laps with the iron of whatever year.

Gaizka con sus problemas de pedal de gas está escondiendo su capacidad real aqui ... por ahora 21 bajito con el motor rateando un trozo del ultimo tercio ...
Gaizka with his gas pedal problems is hiding his real capacity here ... for now low 21 with the engine spitting during a part of the last third ...

Yo voy bastante seguro en los inicios de tercios pero de vez en cuando tengo un ostras!!! ahora paqui o paya?
I'm pretty confident at the beginning of thirds but every once in a while I have an Wow!!! now this way or that way?

Solo tengo en mi haber 4 vueltas 24 alto, 22.41, 23.01 y ayer un 22.21 de 6 intentos
I only have to my credit 4 laps 24 high, 22.41, 23.01 and yesterday a 22.21 out of 6 attempt

Me quedan deberes pero también quedan unos días :piloto:
I still have some homework to do but there are also a few days left
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Well the main reason that Doni and I know the track quite well is that we helped Jim with a few problems before the track was released. That meant doing quite a few laps.
Plus I have run time trial events here in the past.

Despite all these laps I still like to have the floating white place names above the track to remind me what section is coming next. :piloto:
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Mezcua escribió: Mié Jun 12, 2024 9:33 am
Gaizka with his gas pedal problems is hiding his real capacity here ...
Yes I was expecting Gaizka to be faster.

What pedals are you using ?

I am using my old G25 pedals.
A couple of time a year I take them apart and clean the dust and crap out of them and then give the pots a spray with electrical contact cleaner.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Manx Tourist Trophy

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Contento con mis prestaciones ayer: un avance considerable
Pleased with my performance yesterday: considerable progress.

Estuvimos con Paul, en su genial linea por debajo de 20.30 y Xuggy que sacó su PB en 22 medio :bien:
We were with Paul, in his great line under 20.30 and Xuggy who got his PB in a medium 22

Yo solo hice una tanda muriendo al alcanzar el primer tercio de la 3ª vuelta, llevándome en el bolsillo un 22.24 y un 22.04 :P
I only did one run, dying at the first third of the 3rd lap, with a 22.24 and a 22.04 in my pocket.

Tuve por fin la sensación de poder dar vueltas con s :piloto:
I finally had the feeling of being able to go round and round

Gaiz ya te contará pero corre con un volante antidiluviano que es el que le permite las prestaciones que consigue :shock:
Gaiz will tell you more but he runs with an antidiluvian wheel which is the one that gives him the performance he gets.

Yo tengo un volante G27 heredado hace años de Gaiz y la pedalera me ha dejado tirado varias veces, en ocasiones solo un mes tras la limpieza ... la última vez que falló me perdí la fiesta con vosotros en Grenzlandring
I have a G27 steering wheel inherited years ago from Gaiz and the pedalboard has left me stranded several times, sometimes only a month after cleaning ... the last time it failed I missed the party with you in Grenzlandring.

Asi que mantengo el volante y ahora me estoy habituando a una pedalera thrustmaster T-LCM siguiendo la configuración que tiene Jorge Nieva
So I keep the steering wheel and now I'm getting used to a thrustmaster T-LCM pedalboard following the configuration that Jorge Nieva has.

No creo que yo vaya a ser más rápido ... solo el hecho de que no falle para mi ya es el todo ... debo decir que si que noto mejor confianza en la precisión de frenada
I don't think I'm going to be faster ... just the fact that it doesn't fail for me is the whole story ... I must say that I do feel more confidence in braking precision.

El único fallo es que es un dispositivo propietario Windows y no he podido configurarlo en Linux, con lo que también me estoy adaptando al ordenador
The only flaw is that it is a Windows proprietary device and I have not been able to configure it in Linux, so I am also adapting to the computer.
