7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

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7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Xug »

7th 1955 F1 Championship


Circuito / Track: Road 67

Día de carrera / Race date: 8 de abril de 2024 / April 8th 2024

Vueltas / Laps: 8

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas para los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Descarga de la pista en Track Database / Track Database download :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • domingo / Sunday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h
    lunes / Monday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h

Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 40 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 40-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 31 de marzo al 27 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 31st to October 27th, CEST)
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

According to GPLRank, I last did this track in May 2004, in a Lotus.

And I don't think that I like it any better now than I did then!

Gaizka and Paul should both be out of sight after four corners. :(
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »


Nos quedo muy buen sabor de boca en 2022 con el 67 ... tras 10 vueltas llegamos asi de lejos unos de otros juntos :baba:
We had a good taste in our mouths in 2022 with 67 ... after 10 laps we came this far from each other together.


Ojala que esta con el 55 nos salga igual de bonita :P
Let's hope that this one with the 55th will be just as beautiful.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:director: :director: :director:
Probabilidad de entrenos hoy lunes 1, el miercoles 3 y el viernes 5 ... luego ya entrenos libres el domingo 7 para llegar a carrera el próximo lunes 8 :P
Probability of practice today Monday 1st, Wednesday 3rd and Friday 5th ... then free practices on Sunday 7th to get to the race next Monday 8th.

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Buen ambiente en pista con Paul, Xuggy y Gaiz :bien:
Good atmosphere on the track with Paul, Xuggy and Gaiz

Fui bajando de 5.15 a 5.07, mientras Paul marcó 5.01 y Gaiz por debajo de 5 ... a ver el miercoles :P
I went down from 5.15 to 5.07, while Paul clocked 5.01 and Gaiz under 5 ... let's see on Wednesday
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I shall try to join you but I will probably be in bed by the time that you appear.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Dear me... Best I sharpen my pencil on this. I can't break 5m10s. BOOHOO!
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
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Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I have finally found a setup that isn't trying to kill me every time that I touch the brakes and made it down to 5:03.19.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Gran semana de entrenos y, además, en buena compañía. Lo más destacable de momento, la batalla del miércoles con Paul (link a la repe) :caballito:

En cuanto a tiempos, en pretemporada marqué 4:58 y ayer hice 4:54. A ver si consigo dar con la tecla con el setup y logro ir algo más cómodo.

Nos vemos el domingo :)

Very good training sessions with very nice company this week. Biggest highlight so far has been the battle with Paul on Wednesday (link to replay) :caballito:

So far my PB has evolved from 4:58 this preseason to 4:54 yesterday. I am still playing around with the setup, trying to feel more comfortable.

See you on Sunday :)
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Great times Gaizka.

You have a setup there that lets to carry speed through the fast corners, like T1, and still be able to turn the beast!

I have never had a good Lancia setup and have absolutely no idea on how to create one!
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Paul_S »

The setup is depending on what you want from it.

This is what I do for all mods.

softer = more grip - less control
stiffer = more control - less grip

So if you want more front end grip - soften the front ( just the roll bar may do it ) or stiffen the rear - or a combination of both.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Thanks Paul.

That's what I have attempted to do but it got complicated because I felt that I wanted more steering but every now and then I would lose the back end. :?

In the end I started to soften the front roll bar and put my other problems down to incompetence. Also running out of brakes every now and then.

The violent climbs also give give me the screaming abdabs because they try to snatch the front end away from me.

I have made it down to a 5:00.58 but not every lap. :(
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »


It is training time :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:director: Lap times from free practice

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	G. Lopez55 	FER 	4:53.85
2 	P. Skingley55 	CON 	4:59.32
3 	C. Loynes55 	LAN 	5:00.41
4 	tagomago55 	LAN 	5:01.34
5 	N. Xug 		FER 	5:13.73
Good luck all for today ;)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Great racing time at Road67 :piloto:


Grats to Gaizka for the win :primero: :tonto: :cava: Paul :segundo: :tonto: :raquel: and Clive :tercero: :tonto: :raquel:

Fantastic fight with you Clive :brindis:

Grats also finishers :bien:

Thx all for racing :baba: