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Track: Ahvenisto             Tue Feb 25 23:06:12 2014

RACE RESULTS (After 26 laps)

Pos No Driver                          Car           Nat Laps   Race Time       Diff
 1  20 Jose - Varela                   Brabham BT23  SPA   26  35m31.083s            
 2  14 F2 quico                        Brabham BT23  SPA   26  35m38.940s    07.857s 
 3  16 Sergio Stewart                  Brabham BT23  USA   26  36m00.263s    29.180s 
 4  18 Cayo Cambero                    Brabham BT23  SPA   26  36m51.920s  1m20.837s 
 5  10  tagomagof2                     Brabham BT23  SPA   25  35m57.704s   1 lap(s) 
 6  19 Mr Trooper                      Brabham BT23  SPA   15  21m46.100s  11 lap(s) 
 7   3 Alex Karakol f2                 Brabham BT23  SPA    9  13m58.237s  17 lap(s) 
 8   6  Morcoran                       Brabham BT23  SPA    4   6m20.306s  22 lap(s) 
 9  17 NickF2 Xug                      Brabham BT23  CAN    1   1m44.371s  25 lap(s) 
10   4 sapus pokuzz                    Brabham BT23  CAN    0 DidNotStart  26 lap(s) 

Race results are official


Pos Driver                                 Time Lap
 1  F2 quico                          1m20.973s  24
 2  Jose - Varela                     1m21.071s  22
 3  Sergio Stewart                    1m21.493s   5
 4  Cayo Cambero                      1m23.035s  15
 5  Mr Trooper                        1m23.142s   4
 6  Alex Karakol f2                   1m23.617s   9
 7   tagomagof2                       1m23.873s  25
 8   Morcoran                         1m29.744s   3
 9  NickF2 Xug                        1m41.990s   1
10  sapus pokuzz                        No time
11   PDLR.GAIZTOR                       No time


Driver                           Laps
Jose - Varela                    1-26

Number of lead changes: 0
Number of leaders: 1


Driver                           Laps led
Jose - Varela                    26


Driver                           Start Finish  Change
Alex Karakol f2                     10      7       3  
F2 quico                             3      2       1  
 tagomagof2                          6      5       1  
 Morcoran                            9      8       1  
Cayo Cambero                         5      4       1  
 PDLR.GAIZTOR                       11     11       0  
Jose - Varela                        1      1       0  
Sergio Stewart                       2      3      -1  
sapus pokuzz                         8     10      -2  
Mr Trooper                           4      6      -2  
NickF2 Xug                           7      9      -2  


Driver                           Laps/Total    Percent
F2 quico                            (24/26)      92.31
Cayo Cambero                        (22/26)      84.62
Sergio Stewart                      (19/26)      73.08
Jose - Varela                       (17/26)      65.38
 tagomagof2                         (13/25)      52.00
Mr Trooper                           (7/15)      46.67
Alex Karakol f2                       (4/9)      44.44
 Morcoran                             (2/4)      50.00
NickF2 Xug                            (0/1)       0.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
Jose - Varela                     0.447          0.615    1m21.784s     26
F2 quico                          0.465          0.592    1m22.011s     26
Cayo Cambero                      0.861          1.591    1m24.761s     26
Sergio Stewart                    0.923          1.110    1m22.842s     26
 tagomagof2                       1.594          2.260    1m26.068s     25
Mr Trooper                        2.912          3.653    1m26.369s     15
 Morcoran                         3.388          3.629    1m32.907s      4
Alex Karakol f2                  10.610         14.628    1m32.768s      9

All times are official

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser