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Track: Crystal             Tue Feb 04 23:05:13 2014

RACE RESULTS (After 39 laps)

Pos No Driver                          Car              Nat Laps   Race Time       Diff
 1  10 Alex Karakol f2                 Lola T-100 BMW   SPA   39  33m59.539s            
 2  20 Jose - Varela                   Lola T-100 FVA   SPA   39  33m59.653s    00.114s 
 3  16 Mr Trooper                      Lola T-100 BMW   SPA   38  34m06.514s   1 lap(s) 
 4  11 NickF2 Xug                      Lola T-100 FVA   CAN   38  34m27.921s   1 lap(s) 
 5  17  tagomagof2                     Lola T-100 FVA   SPA   38  34m46.923s   1 lap(s) 
 6   3 David Sochenna                  Lola T-100 FVA   POR   37  34m11.820s   2 lap(s) 
 7   4 Sergio Stewart                  Lola T-100 FVA   USA    8   7m05.055s  31 lap(s) 
 8  14 Cayo Cambero                    Lola T-100 BMW   SPA    5   5m14.383s  34 lap(s) 
 9  18 sapus pokuzz                    Lola T-100 BMW   CAN    3   3m06.145s  36 lap(s) 
10  19 F2 quico                        Lola T-100 BMW   SPA    3   3m06.837s  36 lap(s) 
11   6  Morcoran                       Lola T-100 FVA   SPA    0   0m00.000s  39 lap(s) 

Race results are official


Pos Driver                                 Time Lap
 1  Jose - Varela                       51.293s  27
 2  Alex Karakol f2                     51.493s  27
 3  Sergio Stewart                      52.164s   8
 4   tagomagof2                         52.192s  18
 5  F2 quico                            52.486s   3
 6  Mr Trooper                          52.510s  11
 7  NickF2 Xug                          52.918s  33
 8  David Sochenna                      53.516s  17
 9  Cayo Cambero                        53.982s   2
10  sapus pokuzz                        54.655s   3
11   Morcoran                           No time


Driver                           Laps
Alex Karakol f2                  1-39

Number of lead changes: 0
Number of leaders: 1


Driver                           Laps led
Alex Karakol f2                  39


Driver                           Start Finish  Change
NickF2 Xug                          10      4       6  
David Sochenna                      11      6       5  
Mr Trooper                           6      3       3  
 tagomagof2                          7      5       2  
Alex Karakol f2                      2      1       1  
sapus pokuzz                         9      9       0  
Jose - Varela                        1      2      -1  
 Morcoran                            8     11      -3  
Sergio Stewart                       3      7      -4  
Cayo Cambero                         4      8      -4  
F2 quico                             5     10      -5  


Driver                           Laps/Total    Percent
Jose - Varela                       (39/39)     100.00
Alex Karakol f2                     (35/39)      89.74
Mr Trooper                          (34/38)      89.47
David Sochenna                      (34/37)      91.89
NickF2 Xug                          (33/38)      86.84
 tagomagof2                         (32/38)      84.21
Sergio Stewart                        (7/8)      87.50
Cayo Cambero                          (2/5)      40.00
sapus pokuzz                          (2/3)      66.67
F2 quico                              (1/3)      33.33

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
Sergio Stewart                    0.206          0.249      52.483s      8
sapus pokuzz                      0.229          0.229      54.884s      3
Alex Karakol f2                   0.302          0.369      52.201s     39
Jose - Varela                     0.390          0.509      52.168s     39
Mr Trooper                        0.786          1.772      53.658s     38
NickF2 Xug                        0.876          1.933      54.175s     38
David Sochenna                    1.489          2.818      55.193s     37
 tagomagof2                       2.662          2.815      54.787s     38
F2 quico                          6.448          6.448      58.934s      3
Cayo Cambero                      8.587          9.525    1m02.657s      5

All times are official

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser