1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

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1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Xug »

1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season


Circuito / Track: Oulton Park

Día de carrera / Race date: 09 de diciembre de 2024 / December 09th 2024

Vueltas / Laps: 24

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas de los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Descarga de la pista en Track Database / Track Database download :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • domingo / Sunday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h
    lunes / Monday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h

Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 40 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 40-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 31 de marzo al 27 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 31st to October 27th, CEST)
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Xug »

Una persona no debe estar tres semanas sin competir a estas alturas de la temporada, así que, para mantener la forma, hacemos una sin puntos?
A driver should not go three weeks without racing at this point in the season, so we propose a non-championship race to keep fit. :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :simp: :mrgreen: :aplauso: :piloto:

Realmente no se porque propusimos un lapso de 3 semanas
I really don't know why we left this 3 weeks gap :nose:

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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Telegrama 2 de Dic. 1966
Telegram Dec 2nd 1966

Espero que aun no hayais enviado todo el material y enseres hacia Mexico porque mi querido amigo Xuggy ha propuesto que pasemos fuera de campeonato un buen rato en pista en Oulton ... stop
I hope you have not yet sent all your gear and equipment to Mexico because my dear friend Xuggy has proposed that we spend some time out of the championship on the track at Oulton .... stop

Tras una semana de descanso y con otra sin saber que hacer mejor compartir pista en Oulton. Eso será el próximo 9 de Diciembre ... entrenos el 8 ... stop
After a week of rest and with another week without knowing what to do, we'd better share the track in Oulton. That will be next December 9th ... practice on the 8th ... stop

Esta vez para la ocasión se exige traer un buen chiste que contar, y venir a la reunión de pilotos pulcros y recien duchados que la otra vez pusimos el bar lleno de grasa ... stop
This time for the occasion it is required to bring a good joke to tell, and to come to the drivers meeting freshly showered and tidy because last time we put the bar full of grease ... stop

Prefiero pagar las rondas extra de pintas que os vais a tomar que tener que solventar los desmanes de limpieza que solemos ocasionar ... stop
I'd rather pay for the extra rounds of pints you're going to drink than have to deal with the cleaning mess we tend to cause ... stop

Ah y también dice Xuggy que si no teneis nada mas a mano y el chiste es malo pues que vale, que os hemos avisado con poco tiempo ... stop
Oh and Xuggy also says that if you don't have anything else to hand and the joke is bad then fine, we have given you short notice ... stop

Ya sabéis Oulton 1966 ... poned en marcha vuestra máquina del tiempo .. stop
You know Oulton 1966 ... start up your time machine ... stop

Ahora que pienso ... a Oulton lo llaman "The Cheshire track" ... David! si vamos a tu casa ... ¿no serás tú quién tiene que pagar las birras? ... stop :prrr:
Come to think of it ... Oulton is called "The Cheshire track" ... David! if we go to your place... won't you be the one who has to pay for the beers? ... stop

Doni Yourth
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

My records show that I've used the following GP66 cars at Oulton Park...

Brabham BT19
Lotus 33/BRM
Lotus 33/Coventry-Climax
Eagle T1F/Coventry-Climax

As ever, I'm keen to try a car not previously used. Looking hard at the Dino Ferrari. A few laps to pin down the gearing seems to have the baby Ferrari in the ballpark for lap times.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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David Cheshire
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por David Cheshire »

Mezcua escribió: Lun Dic 02, 2024 11:30 am Ahora que pienso ... a Oulton lo llaman "The Cheshire track" ... David! si vamos a tu casa ... ¿no serás tú quién tiene que pagar las birras? ... stop :prrr:
Come to think of it ... Oulton is called "The Cheshire track" ... David! if we go to your place... won't you be the one who has to pay for the beers? ... stop
Correct, Oulton Park is the Cheshire track and I live not so many miles away. I am happy to pay for the beers on this occasion as I understand virtual beers are quite cheap! ;)

(PS yes my name is Cheshire but I only moved here quite recently! I suspect that back in history my family originated from here but were we "The Princes of Cheshire" or "The Thieves of Cheshire"? :D )
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

David :brindis:

Según como vuelta a tus origenes ... al menos por el nombre :P
In a way back to your roots ... at least related to your name

¿Principes o ladrones? ... en la familia de mi padre sostienen que hay un antepasado corsario cosa que no se porque no le hacia ninguna gracia a mi madre :prrr:
Princes or thieves? ... in my father's family they claim that there is a corsair ancestor, which I don't know why my mother didn't like it
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Oulton Park - International Gold Cup

The International Gold Cup es un premio que se concede anualmente al ganador de una carrera automovilística celebrada en el circuito de Oulton Park, Cheshire, Inglaterra. En las décadas de 1950 y 1960, formaba parte de una serie de carreras de Fórmula 1 no pertenecientes al campeonato que gozaban de gran prestigio y que atraían regularmente a los mejores pilotos y equipos.

The International Gold Cup is a prize awarded annually to the winner of a motor race held at the Oulton Park circuit, Cheshire, England. In the 1950s and 1960s it formed one of a number of highly regarded non-Championship Formula One races, which regularly attracted top drivers and teams

Oulton figura entre las carreras no puntuables del año 1966, como vemos en este cuadro obtenido de wikipedia


Oulton is among the non-scoring races of 1966, as shown in this table obtained from wikipedia



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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Imagen de Brian Watson del humeante motor H16 del Lotus 43 de Clarks a punto de estallar en Oulton Park.
Brian Watson’s shot of the smoky H16 engine in Clarks’ Lotus 43 about to pop at Oulton Park!


fuente / source
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

El BRM de Jackie Stewart en la Golden Cup de Oulton Park
Jackie Stewart’s BRM at Oulton Park Gold Cup


Fue hace 51 años, concretamente el sábado 17 de septiembre de 1966. Todavía se podían ver coches de Fórmula 1 compitiendo en carreras que no eran del campeonato, algunas de las cuales tenían lugar en primavera y ofrecían valiosas oportunidades para probar los coches de la nueva temporada, pero una de las mejores, la Golden Cup de Oulton Park, organizada entonces por el Mid-Cheshire Motor Racing Club, solía celebrarse en otoño ...

It was 51 years ago – Saturday 17th September 1966 to be precise. Grand Prix Formula 1 cars could still be seen competing in non-championship races, a cluster of which took place in spring providing valuable testing opportunities for the new season’s cars but one of the best, the Oulton Park Gold Cup, then organised by the Mid-Cheshire Motor Racing Club, usually held in the autumn ...

fuente y continuar artículo / source and continue reading
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Brabham wins Gold Cup at Oulton Park


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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

caballeros, lamento informar que no voy a poder estar en esta prestigiosa carrera, ya que el deber llama, 2 clientes muy importantes requieren mis servicios y pues me toca atenderlos... es una lastima, pero el deber llama, les deseo mucha suerte en esa carrera a todos..... :adios:

Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to participate in this prestigious race, as duty calls, 2 very important clients require my services and well, I have to serve them... it's a shame, but duty calls, I wish you all the best of luck in that race.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Ayer me lo pasé muy bien con Paul
Great fun with Paul yesterday

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	P. Skingley66 	FER 	1:35.03
2 	tagomago66 	BRA 	1:36.28 
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Starting race in minutes ...it will last 24 laps Grand Prix with 30 minutes of qualy

pass: pdlrxx

Good Luck All :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:cry: So sorry David ... I ruined your race ... I have not seen the replay ... but I know I did not wait you to be there ... I thought my start was not bad

Pity you lost a wheel ... so I decided to continue

Sorry ... owe you a beer :brindis: