Telegrama 2 de Dic. 1966
Telegram Dec 2nd 1966
Espero que aun no hayais enviado todo el material y enseres hacia Mexico porque mi querido amigo Xuggy ha propuesto que pasemos fuera de campeonato un buen rato en pista en Oulton ... stop
I hope you have not yet sent all your gear and equipment to Mexico because my dear friend Xuggy has proposed that we spend some time out of the championship on the track at Oulton .... stop
Tras una semana de descanso y con otra sin saber que hacer mejor compartir pista en Oulton. Eso será el próximo 9 de Diciembre ... entrenos el 8 ... stop
After a week of rest and with another week without knowing what to do, we'd better share the track in Oulton. That will be next December 9th ... practice on the 8th ... stop
Esta vez para la ocasión se exige traer un buen chiste que contar, y venir a la reunión de pilotos pulcros y recien duchados que la otra vez pusimos el bar lleno de grasa ... stop
This time for the occasion it is required to bring a good joke to tell, and to come to the drivers meeting freshly showered and tidy because last time we put the bar full of grease ... stop
Prefiero pagar las rondas extra de pintas que os vais a tomar que tener que solventar los desmanes de limpieza que solemos ocasionar ... stop
I'd rather pay for the extra rounds of pints you're going to drink than have to deal with the cleaning mess we tend to cause ... stop
Ah y también dice Xuggy que si no teneis nada mas a mano y el chiste es malo pues que vale, que os hemos avisado con poco tiempo ... stop
Oh and Xuggy also says that if you don't have anything else to hand and the joke is bad then fine, we have given you short notice ... stop
Ya sabéis Oulton 1966 ... poned en marcha vuestra máquina del tiempo .. stop
You know Oulton 1966 ... start up your time machine ... stop
Ahora que pienso ... a Oulton lo llaman "The Cheshire track" ... David! si vamos a tu casa ... ¿no serás tú quién tiene que pagar las birras? ... stop
Come to think of it ... Oulton is called "The Cheshire track" ... David! if we go to your place... won't you be the one who has to pay for the beers? ... stop