1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

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1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Xug »

1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season


Circuito / Track: Spa Circuit National de Francorchamps 1967

Día de carrera / Race date: 23 de septiembre de 2024 / September 23rd 2024

Vueltas / Laps: 10

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas de los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Descarga de la pista en Track Database / Track Database download :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • domingo / Sunday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h
    lunes / Monday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h

Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 40 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 40-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 31 de marzo al 27 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 31st to October 27th, CEST)
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I will drive the car Surtees won the race with.

Now we just need a downpour on the first lap :)

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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

That would be terrific :P

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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Free practice 1 - 3 started ... all drivers welcome :piloto:
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	P. Skingley66 	FER 	3:33.90
 	 	 	COO 	3:34.80
 	 	 	HON 	3:34.84
2 	N. Xug 	 	BRA 	3:37.03 
3 	tagomago66 	FER 	3:37.49
 	P. Skingley66 	MCL 	3:40.47 
Fantástico rato en pista con Paul y Xuggy :bien: que por cierto está actualizando la web con esmero
Fantastic time on track with Paul and Xuggy, who by the way is updating the web with care


Solo hay que clickar la foto de la página de portada de la web :P
Just click on the photo on the home page of the website
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Starting race in a few minutes :P

pass pdlrxx

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Excelente noche de carreras en el Grand Prix de Belgique
Excellent racing night at the Grand Prix de Belgique


Congrats to Paul for a tight win :primero: :tonto: Enrique :segundo: :raquel: and David :tercero: :raquel:

Thx all for racing :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Replay and report availables using "Informes" option on the left menu :P
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Thanks all for racing.

I love Spa67 with any mod but it suits the 66 cars very well.

The start went well for me but Enrique who was on pole had a bad start which allowed me to pass him. Doni and Stefan followed me through.
I held the lead for a couple of laps with the others close behind.
I made a mistake out of Stavelot which slowed me and let those behind cruise past. Doni went off at Les Combes ( bad luck )

Stefan and I both tried to pass the Ferrari on the straight but the BT19 did not have the top speed. I was able to pull out of the slipstream and along side in the RA273 but was behind again by the time we reached the turn.
Eventually I made a pass into the Masta Kink but promptly lost the position at Stavelot after running wide again.

With 3 to go Stefan had an off at Blanchimont ( bad luck )
On the penultimate lap I had a good exit from Masta and tried a pass into Stavelot.
Even with the slipstream the best I could do was get along side Enrique and out brake him. That worked so now I had to try and stay in front for a complete lap.

With some weaving on the straights to try and break the tow it almost worked until the fast left at the back of the pits before the hairpin.
I have never tried to get two cars through that turn side by side before but we almost made it.
Unfortunately Enrique could not hold the inside and drifted into my left rear. I was launched but the barrier saved me. I came back down and the car still had 4 wheels and a working engine. Enrique had spun but could also continue so we both finished.

Dave came home in 3rd to complete the podium.
It was a good race and lots of fun.

Sorry to those that DNF.
Thanks for hosting.

I notice on the server replay my connection went bad a couple of times in the race. I will try and find out what is causing it ( I think it may be my new satellite receiver so i will disconnect it from the internet next time )

See you next race.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

I'm still somewhat mystified as to how and why I could have bungled Les Combes quite so badly to shunt off into an early DNF. Scanning the replay cap, I can only conclude that I braked not quite hard enough and/or turned the steering wheel a fraction of a second too late. I was amazed to find that I was skating wide to strike the barriers and get launched off into the forest. Groan... I was certainly under no pressure to push hard and take a risk. I was nicely in the slipstream of both Paul and Ricky. Must have given Stefan a bit of a fright as he was right behind me to witness it all.

Sorry to see the loss of Xuggy, Stefan and Tago. The collision between Dave and Tago most unfortunate.

How on Earth did Paul ever survive that collision with Ricky on the last lap is a mystery. A solid hit on the barriers and a wild ride but Paul managed to find the handle on the Honda to round La Source and gun it down to the line for the win to pip Ricky by only a second or two. Remarkable!

Dave a good run to P3.

Off to Reims next where I'm sure to find it a tall order to get the Eagle/Weslake to figure well in the results.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Enhorabuena a todos por otra carrera con emoción en pista :P

Salimos tal como describe Paul y tras una primera vuelta seguíamos todos en grupo

Sabía que iba a ser muy difícil seguir el grupo delantero, así que desistí de intentar adelantar a David para probar

Xug venía solido en mi trasera y cometí un fallo en la entrada de Burnenville :jo: ... no se como pero logré sujetar el coche sin salirme al prado ... Xuggy me adelantó esquivando el percance :bien:

Luego empezó a atacar a David y debido al rebufo perdió el asfalto y también el coche ... lástima

Así que continué detrás de David dejando que cayeran las vueltas porque David rueda continuo y suave y me era fácil seguirle

A tres del final por rebufo lo pasé antes de Masta y luego en la siguiente vuelta conseguí hacer mi mejor vuelta ... aun asi David venía bien en mi trasera y un pequeño toque me envio a engancharme en un arbol ... lástima porque la carrera estaba emocionante con aún dos vueltas de posible toma y daca

En cualquier caso muy contento de mantenerme bien en pista y con opciones de batalla con David ... un placer :bien: ... solo me debes una cerveza :prrr:

Congratulations to all for another exciting race on the track :P

We started as described by Paul and after the first lap we were all in a group

I knew that it was going to be very difficult to follow the front group, so I gave up trying to overtake David to test

Xug was coming solidly on my rear and I made a mistake at the entrance of Burnenville :jo:... I do not know how but I managed to hold the car without going out into the meadow ... Xuggy overtook me and avoided the mishap :bien:

Then he started to attack David and due to the slipstream he lost the asphalt and also the car ... pity

So I continued behind David letting the laps to fall because David rolls continuous and smooth and it was easy for me to follow him

With three laps to go I passed him before Masta and then on the next lap I managed to do my best lap ... but David was still coming well on my rear and a little touch sent me into a tree ... too bad because the race was exciting with still two laps of possible give and take

In any case, I am very happy to stay on track and have a good chance to do battle with David.... a pleasure :bien: ... u just owe me a beer :prrr:

Thanks all for racing ;)

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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

Perhaps one of the best races I have ever run in my life, because of the high pressure that the two Hondas and Bramy were putting on me. It was 10 laps in which I could not relax at any time. Because of those cars, with 3 laps to go, Paul and I were left, since unfortunately the BT and Doni's Honda were left behind, and I was left with only Paul's Honda (Red Bull chassis for sure), which he handled in a formidable way, which I take my hat off to and bow to him.... :aplauso:
The overtaking of him was masterful, but in a very dangerous curve where he decided to go in, I had to brake very hard to avoid crashing into the wall on the right side (I'm talking about the strong curve that comes after Masta) which he managed to enter very well without crashing and managing to get ahead at a point as I said before, very dangerous, but it was a masterful maneuver, which I applaud a lot. Afterwards I made small mistakes generated by the suction and not I was able to get close enough to overtake him, I only tried it in the penultimate corner but it was very risky, causing an accident and it was totally my fault, but fortunately he was able to continue and win the race in a "masterful" way: :amor:
if he had not been able to continue, I would have retired immediately from the race as I did not deserve the victory for trying to overtake like that, (something I will never do again) :ladrillo:
as I said before, spectacular race and I am really very happy with that 2nd place, congratulations Paul. In fact, I bow to you.
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David Cheshire
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por David Cheshire »

I really enjoy Spa - I am not fast around it and it rarely pays me back for my love but I am still infatuated!
In practice I eventually (on the last lap) managed to post a time near my best and popped up into 5th. Very happy with that.
Off the start I got a good reaction but let the revs drop slightly but still a decent launch. Enrique didn't do so well off the line and Stefan ahead of me had to slow and so did I but we all sorted ourselves out around Eau Rouge and I maintained my position with Tago also behind me. Tago was driving the fast Ferrari so I knew my only hope was to grab a slipstream from Stefan down all the long straights. I was close enough to Stefan for 2-3 laps (despite running a little wide at Les Combes on lap 2) but by lap 4 he was too far ahead and I was starting to look more in my mirrors. I was surprised at how much quicker the Brabham was through most of the corners than the Ferrari and I could generally get far enough ahead to stave off an attack on the next straight.
Tago was also troubled by Nick at times which gave me some respite. Somewhere on lap 5 Nick got past Tago - no mean feat in a Brabham. He caught me and got half a run on me out of Stavelot. I stayed to the inside and he accepted the outside line (brave!) and then I saw him in my mirrors catapulting off to the right. I was worried I had touched him but the replay shows I was not guilty (this time!) - he simply understeered off.
Tago was back on the case. Catching along the straights but not quick enough to make a pass until lap 8 where he put on the afterburners down Masta straight and was through. I followed him able to keep up in the slipstream for a lap and a half. At La Carierre I thought I had a chance and got a better run into the corner. Tago lost the rear a fraction mid corner which slowed him and despite keeping to the inside I just clipped him which threw him into the trees. I pulled up to wait for him but there was no coming back. Sorry Tago 100% my fault and in reality I suspect that you would have got me back down the next straight anyway - but this is racing not driving so you have to try!
Drove to the finish to find I was 3rd! Amazing but a guilty 3rd from my perspective.
My most enjoyable Spa race ever - great competition throughout. Well done to Paul and Enrique and another apology to Tago.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Hi Tago.
It is good you maintain news of the races at SRMZ as well as here because it may attract a few more drivers.

GPLRACER race every Tuesday. The regular events are always 65 mod every two weeks and well attended.
In between we have an alternative championship. ( 69x this season ) which runs on the alternate Tuesday. The numbers for these events are always lower no matter what mod we run. Last night we only had 9 drivers.

I was chatting to Stefan about our alternate week events.
My suggestion was to run the alternate week events without a pass as it may attract some casual drivers who may become regulars.

You might consider the same for the PDLR events.
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Re: 1st PDLR 1966 F1 Season - 02 - Grand Prix de Belgique

Mensaje por Xug »

Podría haber sido una buena carrera, porque no iba mal con el BT19, pero no tuve paciencia y me lancé a por David en un sitio imposible. Suerte que no perjudiqué a nadie. Es la falta de práctica en línea. Reims tendrá aun más rectas y rebufos, así que espero tener tiempo de practicar y hacerlo mejor. Me alegra leer que casi todos lo pasamos bien. Bravo! :piloto:

It could have been a good race for me, because the BT19 was not bad, but I was not patient and I went after David too soon in an impossible place. Luckily I didn't hurt anyone. It's the lack of online practice. Reims will have even more straights and slipstreams, so I hope to have time to practice and do better. I'm glad to read that almost everyone had a good time. Bravo!