6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Xug »

6th 1955 F1 Championship


Circuito / Track: Hethel 50

Día de carrera / Race date: 4 de abril de 2023 / April 4th 2023

Vueltas / Laps: 28

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas para los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • lunes / Monday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h

    martes / Tuesday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h
Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 35 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 35-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 26 de marzo al 29 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 26th to October 29th, CEST)
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Clive Loynes
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Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Somehow that map looks familiar? :?
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Clive Loynes escribió: Sab Abr 01, 2023 8:30 pm Somehow that map looks familiar? :?
:mrgreen: :aplauso: :shock:

Viejo truco de Xuggy para saber si estais al loro :jiji: :prrr:
Xuggy's old trick to know if you're on the ball

Ganador del premio Clive Loynes :reygreen:
Clive Loynes Award winner

Ese trazado es de Snetertton
That layout is Snetertton's

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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Xug »

Imagen :jo:
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Paul_S »

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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Mezcua »


Hethel 50 Free practice sessions started ... drivers welcome :piloto:

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Los tiempos están por ahora así
Times list till now

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	G. Lopez55 	VAN 	1:31.76
2 	C. Loynes55 	LAN 	1:33.08
2 	P. Skingley55 	LAN 	1:33.58
3 	tagomago55 	LAN 	1:34.24 
Queda media horilla para la FP4
Half and hour for FP4

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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D


Free practice 4 started ... drivers welcome

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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Great racing night at Hethel


Grats Gaiz for great performance to take the win :primero: :tonto: :tonto: Clive :segundo: :tonto: and tago :tercero: :raquel:

thx all for racing :piloto: :baba:
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I had a spin early on but recovered to 3rd and was catching Clive.
I doubt I would have had enough laps to catch him but with 3 to go I ran out of gas so I will never know. :)

Well done podium.
Thanks all for racing.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Bravo to Gaizka, Clive and Tago! Well done, chaps.

Quite surprised to cop a P4 finish here. In qualifying, I was over a full second slower than my pre-race trials indicated but in the race, I was much more focused. When Paul fell off the road early on and got behind me, I didn't think it would be long before he was giving me a challenge. Sure enough, he was soon on my tail and I enjoyed trying to hold him off however much slower. That worked for about two laps but inevitably, he was by and gone in short order. So sorry to learn that he ran short on fuel late in the going. No justice.

I can't see an update of the title run standings any more recent than Assen. Just wanting to see what I have to do in making a late-season charge to upset Gaizka for the top step. ;)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Doni Yourth escribió: Mié Abr 05, 2023 2:02 pmI can't see an update of the title run standings any more recent than Assen. Just wanting to see what I have to do in making a late-season charge to upset Gaizka for the top step. ;)
Xug will update it as soon as time allows ;)
Meanwhile one can also check the standings in GPL Weekly... :roll: :mrgreen: :primero: :raquel:
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Clive Loynes
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Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I'm trying to write this on my phone because as I explained to Tago in FP4, I am struggling to fight off a head cold.

I was ok in the race because you all, very kindly, left me alone. Gaizka by vanishing off up the road and everyone else by falling back and giving me some space. Gaizka's pace was staggering and there was nothing that I could do about that. My Lancia seemed to have no grip anywhere. The back end was all over the place as I tried to come through the fast wiggles at the end of the lap.

Concentrating on driving seemed to stop my nose from running but I did suffer the occasional coughing fit and was thankful that I didn't have Paul breathing down my neck.

I saw that he was closing in and tried to pick up the pace but after he had vanished I was able to just keep it on the grey bit.

Thanks for the race and congratulations to Gaizka. When I get to switch on my PC I'm hoping to take a look at the replay to see how he does it.
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por Xug »

Esta vez no tuve la suerte que sí que tuve en Clermont-Ferrand de llevar delante a Doni marcando un ritmo exigente pero que podía seguir. En Auvergne me ayudó a completar una carrera estupenda que disfruté a pesar de no obtener puntos. Aquí no había podido entrenar, por primera vez este año, nada de nada, y me presenté con solo las 4 vueltas que pude dar en modo sin daños para aprender el circuito antes de entrar a la calificación. Afortunadamente, el circuito es fácil de aprender y conseguí andar por atrás sin molestar y terminar la carrera, esta vez con puntos pero con menos diversión.
:cava: enhorabuena, Gaizka :primero:, Clive :segundo: y Tago :tercero: :cava:
:cava: y doble enhorabuena Gaizka por el campeonato :cava:

This time I wasn't as lucky as I was in Clermont-Ferrand to follow Doni, who was setting a demanding pace but one that I could keep up with. In Auvergne he helped me complete a great race that I enjoyed despite not getting any points. Here I had not been able to train, for the first time this year, nothing at all, and I showed up with only the 4 laps I could do in no-damage mode to learn the circuit before entering qualifying. Fortunately, the circuit is easy to learn and I managed to finish the race without disturbing, this time with points but with less fun.
congratulations, Gaizka, Clive and Tago!
and double congratulations Gaizka for the championship!
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 08 - Lotus Test Day

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

:ahorcado: que animal que soy, pense que esta carrera era mañana martes y meequivoque, &(/&%#$%&/()#""#$%&/(.....que idiota....:
en fin, felicitaciones al podium y nos vemos el proximo martes... :(