6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

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6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Xug »

6th 1955 F1 Championship


Circuito / Track: Solitude

Día de carrera / Race date: 14 de febrero de 2023 / February 14th 2023

Vueltas / Laps: 10

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas para los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow:
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • lunes / Monday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h

    martes / Tuesday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h
Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 35 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 35-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 26 de marzo al 29 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 26th to October 29th, CEST)
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Ayer se vio un Mercedes en pista... ¡y no era el de Xug! Ahí lo dejo
Yesterday there was a Mercedes on track... and it was not Xug! That's all I have to say about it
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Clive Loynes
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Wasn't me. 🤪
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Cayo Cambero
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Cayo Cambero »

Pues siiii

Ha vuelto la bestia ( The best) de momento con la mercedes :simp:

Un apretón al core.ini unos updates y ya está listo para correr ( Anímate Trooper ,, que son divertidos de la leche los 55s)
Que alegría , ver como después de tantos años esto sigue en marcha y a tope.
Por mi parte intentaré que no me obliguen a desmontar el Cockpit y poder tener continuidad en el campeonato .

Por cierto ya centrados en Solitude y concretamente en los entrenos del jueves :

"he visto tiempos que vosotros no creeríais..."

Así que a darle caña al mono colegass. :piloto:

Un abrazo a todos
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Hi tago.
There is a problem with the track.ini

I joined the server this evening for some training but when I pit out I was on top of the hay bales at the start of the pit lane.

Hola tago.
Hay un problema con el track.ini

Me uní al servidor esta tarde para entrenar un poco pero cuando salí de boxes estaba encima de las balas de heno al principio de la calle de boxes.

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Un buen ratico en pista con Gaiz Paul Cayo y Martin :bien: :piloto: :simp: :drool:
Great fun with Gaiz Paul Cayo and Martin

Ya te vi encima de las balas de paja Paul ... le daré un vistazo al track.ini :roll:
I saw you Paul over the straw bales ... will review track.ini
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I think the problem is stalls 18 and 19.

I made this adjustment in my own track.ini but it will not change when I join PDLR until the server track.ini is edited.

stall_0 = 176.00 -15.0
stall_1 = 168.00 -15.0
stall_2 = 160.00 -15.0
stall_3 = 152.00 -15.0
stall_4 = 146.00 -15.0
stall_5 = 138.00 -15.0
stall_6 = 130.00 -15.0
stall_7 = 122.00 -15.0
stall_8 = 114.00 -15.0
stall_9 = 106.00 -15.0
stall_10 = 98.00 -15.0
stall_11 = 90.00 -15.0
stall_12 = 82.00 -15.0
stall_13 = 74.00 -15.0
stall_14 = 66.00 -15.0
stall_15 = 58.00 -15.0
stall_16 = 50.00 -15.0
stall_17 = 42.00 -15.0
stall_18 = 34.00 -15.0
stall_19 = 26.00 -15.0

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Hi Paul ... many thanks

Your proposal has a normal distance of 8 while stall 3-4 is only 6

I have found a problem with my version of track.ini from Stephan, the file should be corrupted so I have just decided to use the loose grid previous that I already had at the server

Change done at 2 AM Feb, 13

Código: Seleccionar todo

[ track ]
track_name = Solitude
track_name_short = Solitude
track_num_turns = 45
track_length = 7.094m
track_altitude = 375.0			
  ; Above, note track length given in miles,
  ; while altitude given in meters.

[ configuration_0 ]
  ; Format: dlong, start dlat, end dlat, time penalty (sec), 0 (required)
  ; 3 checkpoint minimum

[ statistics ]
reference_value = 225.3

[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 5.000000   	; section at which race start behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 400.000000		; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 0.0			; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 112.000000           	; dlong where pit lane divider ends
pit_lane_entrance_width = 18.25			; dlong width of pit lane entrance in meters
pit_lane_has_wall = 0.000000            	; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
pit_lane_on_right = 1.000000            	; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 175.000000	      	; base dlong for calculating transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 2.000000          	; width of pit lane in meters to LEFT of PIT.LP
pit_lane_width_right = 2.000000         	; width of pit lane in meters to RIGHT of PIT.LP
start_of_pit_stalls = 8.000000  	     	; dlong where pit stalls begin
brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.22		; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per lap
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 5.22			; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.76		; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per lap
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.77			; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.78		; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per lap
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 4.55			; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 5.20		; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per lap

track_dlong_sep_coeff = 0.8			; encourage somewhat closer racing

[ GP ]
dlong_speed_adj_coeff = 1.000000        	; value modifies dlong velocities (i.e. RELS) in .LP  
dlong_speed_maximum = 2.910000          	; max. dlong speed (meters/tick) for .LP after all modifiers (e.g., dlong_speed_adj_coeff)

[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 1				; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 0				; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 5.0 200.0	   		; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = -7.6 -7.6			; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = -8.5 210.0 -100.0 100.0		; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)

stall_0 = 175.00 -15.0
stall_1 = 167.00 -15.0 
stall_2 = 159.00 -15.0
stall_3 = 151.00 -15.0
stall_4 = 143.00 -15.0
stall_5 = 135.00 -15.0
stall_6 = 127.00 -15.0
stall_7 = 119.00 -15.0
stall_8 = 111.00 -15.0
stall_9 = 103.00 -15.0
stall_10 = 95.00 -15.0
stall_11 = 87.00 -15.0
stall_12 = 79.00 -15.0
stall_13 = 71.00 -15.0
stall_14 = 63.00 -15.0
stall_15 = 55.00 -15.0
stall_16 = 47.00 -15.0
stall_17 = 39.00 -15.0
stall_18 = 31.00 -15.0
stall_19 = 23.00 -15.0

[ starting_grid_0 ]
  ; SpeedCenter tested format 1x1 staggered grid for better online starts
  ; polesitter on left
  ; track length is <11376.97>
  ; grid front center at <11371.40, 1.5>
  ; width between boxes  7.00

stall_0 = 11371.40 4.00
stall_1 = 11361.40 -4.00
stall_2 = 11351.40 4.00
stall_3 = 11341.40 -4.00
stall_4 = 11331.40 4.00
stall_5 = 11321.40 -4.00
stall_6 = 11311.40 4.00
stall_7 = 11301.40 -4.00
stall_8 = 11291.40 4.00
stall_9 = 11281.40 -4.00
stall_10 = 11271.40 4.00
stall_11 = 11261.40 -4.00
stall_12 = 11251.40 4.00
stall_13 = 11241.40 -4.00
stall_14 = 11231.40 4.00
stall_15 = 11221.40 -4.00
stall_16 = 11211.40 4.00
stall_17 = 11201.40 -4.00
stall_18 = 11191.40 4.00
stall_19 = 11181.40 -4.00
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Does it look good for you Paul :nose:
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Paul_S »


I will join PDLR this evening to check :)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

:director: Free practice sessions started :piloto: drivers welcome ;)
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Cayo Cambero escribió: Sab Feb 11, 2023 10:55 pm Pues siiii

Ha vuelto la bestia ( The best) de momento con la mercedes :simp:

Un apretón al core.ini unos updates y ya está listo para correr ( Anímate Trooper ,, que son divertidos de la leche los 55s)
Que alegría , ver como después de tantos años esto sigue en marcha y a tope.
Por mi parte intentaré que no me obliguen a desmontar el Cockpit y poder tener continuidad en el campeonato .

Por cierto ya centrados en Solitude y concretamente en los entrenos del jueves :

"he visto tiempos que vosotros no creeríais..."

Así que a darle caña al mono colegass. :piloto:

Un abrazo a todos
CAGÜEN LA LECHE Cayo!!!!!!otro que retorna :D :D :D qué ganas de vernos en pista otra vez :adios: :adios:
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Mejores tiempos de ayer Yesterday best times

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	8 	G. Lopez55 	VAN 	3:59.98
2 	20 	P. Skingley55 	LAN 	4:01.04
3 	6 	C. Loynes55 	LAN 	4:04.22
4 	6 	tagomago55 	LAN 	4:06.81
5 	14 	J. Nieva55 	GOR 	4:11.01
6 	26 	N. Xug	 	MER 	4:12.36 
7 	28 	M. Hunt 	MAS 	4:22.62
Cayo ayer no pudo venir pero ha entrenado y está en mejores tiempos que yo ... :bien:
Cayo could not came yesterday but he's been training en has better times than me

Sergio también anda con ganas, o sea que por ahí andará :mrgreen:
Sergio is also in the mood, so he's probably around

Esta carrera va a ser entretenida :piloto:
This can be a great race

Good luck all for today :P
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

:director: Free Practice 4 started ... drivers welcome :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Großer Preis der Solitude

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Great racing night at Solitude :P


Grats Gaiz :primero: :raquel: Clive :segundo: :tonto: :raquel: and Enrique :tercero: :tonto: :raquel:

Thx all for racing :piloto: :baba: