6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Mientras Xug remata la web ... while Xug finishes updating the web

Report :arrow:
Replay :arrow:

Doni Yourth
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Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Great to be back with my amigos for another season at the PDLR! :)

I'm pretty satisfied with my race having dices first with Xuggy and then later, with Sergio. In both cases, some small errors by each let me get the advantage to take places.

Gaizka brilliant up front in the Vanwall. Paul and Quico both worthy of their podium placings.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por quico »

Algunos problemas de sonido me hicieron perderme los primeros 10 minutos de quali, lo que siempre ayuda a que te pongas nervioso. Entre otras cosas, no tenía calculado el consumo de gasolina.

Salí mejor que otras veces y conseguí mantener mi 3er puesto de calificación en las primeras vueltas, con Jorge Nieva pisándome los talones todo el rato. En lap7, en la curva de arriba (Eastern Loop) me voy un poco largo pero sin salirme, pero Jorge, pegado a mi, acaba fuera. No estoy seguro si es por mi causa.
Jorge se ha quedado unos segundos atrás y puedo rodar tranquilo... un rato. Yo puedo hacer algún 1:02 pero no mantener ese ritmo, pero al acercarse a mi, Jorge empalma cuatro vueltas seguidas por debajo de 1:03. Estamos en lap 27 y lo llevo pegado otra vez.
En lap 29, otra vez en la curva de arriba, se me cruza el coche y se va hacia en interior de la curva, atravesándome en la trayectoria de Jorge que me da un tantarantán. Jorge espera a que me recupere y vuelva a rodar delante de el, pero en la recta le dejo pasar ya que ha sido un claro error mío.
Doy por bueno el 4º puesto, pero mantengo el ritmo lo mejor que puedo a ver si presionar a Jorge da algún resultado, pero ya no voy tan fino. En lap 35 golpeo con la trasera izquierda el guardarail de Shell Bridge, aunque sin más consecuencias que una breve reseña en el mechanical report. Jorge se me escapa un poco, y en lap 38 me como T1 y la valla. El coche no se rompe y vuelvo a pista, viendo a Jorge más lejos aún. Pero cuando llego a Eastern loop le veo fuera de la pista esperando que pase yo para reincorporarse sin molestarme. Vuelvo a ser 3º.
Dispuesto a no desaprovechar el regalo, paso la vuelta 39 bien y afronto la 40, pero al llegar a T1, me vuelvo a ir largo y llego a tener las cuatro ruedas fuera de pista, pero sin perder el control ni casi tiempo y a Jorge no le da tiempo a cogerme. Pero el susto que me llevo...
Consigo entrar 3º, con bastante dolor en el cuello (tengo que volver a hacer unas sesiones de mancuernas) y machacado por la nochecita que me ha dado Nieva, pero encantado de haber aguantado el tirón toda la carrera y que el ordenador no me haya hecho ninguna pirula. El haber podido terminar sin ningún desastre ya es una victoria (esa salida en lap 38... ufff).

Hace mucho tiempo que no tenía una buena carrera y no esperaba que fuera esta, pero encantado.
Estuvo bien que Doni y yo no coincidiéramos en ningún momento, así no tuve ninguna opción de estropearle la carrera. Espero que la próxima vez que coincidamos mis modales hayan mejorado!
Una parrilla estupenda, y aunque no voy a poder estar en casi ninguna de las que quedan de este champ, espero que alguno aparecerá para hacerme la suplencia.

Enhorabuena a todos los que disfrutaron de la noche!

Some sound issues made me miss the first 10 minutes of quali, which always helps to make you nervous. Among other things, I had not calculated fuel consumption.

I started better than other races and managed to keep my 3rd qualifying position in the first few laps, with Jorge Nieva hot on my heels the whole time. In lap 7, in the upper curve (Eastern Loop) I go a bit long but without going off, but Jorge, close to me, ends up outside. I'm not sure if it's because of me.
Jorge has been a few seconds behind and I can ride calmly... for a while. I can do some 1:02 but not maintain that rhythm, but as he approaches me, Jorge splices four consecutive laps under 1:03. We are in lap 27 and I have it stuck again.
In lap 29, again in the upper curve, the my car crosses and goes inside the track, crossing in Jorge's trajectory that gives me a tantarantán (no translation necessary). Jorge waits for me to recover and ride in front of him again, but on the straight I let him pass since it was a clear mistake on my part.
I take 4th place for good, but I keep the pace as best I can to see if putting pressure on Jorge has any results, but I'm not going so well anymore. In lap 35 I hit the Shell Bridge guardrail with my left rear, although with no more consequences than a brief review in the mechanical report. Jorge escapes me a bit, and in lap 38 I eat T1 and the fence. The car doesn't break down and I return to the track, seeing Jorge further away. But when I get to the Eastern loop I see him off the track waiting for me to pass so he can rejoin without bothering me. I am 3rd again.
Determined not to miss out on the gift, I passed lap 39 well and faced lap 40, but when I got to T1, I went wide again and had all four wheels off the track, but without losing control for almost no time and Jorge didn't It gives him time to catch me. But the scare I got...
I manage to enter 3rd, with a lot of pain in my neck (I have to do some dumbbell sessions again) and crushed by the night that Nieva has given me, but delighted to have endured the pull throughout the race and that the computer has not made me no lollipop. Being able to finish without any disaster is already a victory (that blow to fence in lap 38... ufff).

It's been a long time since I had a good race and I didn't expect it to be this one, but delighted.
It was good that Doni and I didn't meet at any time, so I had no chance of spoiling his race. I hope the next time we meet my manners will improve!
A great grill, and although I will not be able to be in almost any of the remaining ones of this champion, I hope that someone will appear to fill the hole.

Congratulations to everyone who enjoyed the night!
no corrais que es peor...
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Thanks all for the race.

I had better pace in Monday training than I had on Tuesday, so I was not confident when the flag dropped.
Gaizka made a decent start. I knew from then on I was racing for 2nd.

The gap in front increased but I had a nice buffer to the cars behind so I tried not to make mistakes and make it to the end.

Well done Gaiz and Quico and all that finished :)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

En este evento recuperamos a Doni disfrutando en pista :mrgreen:
In this event we got Doni back enjoying on the track

le damos la bienvenida a Philippe :bien:
we welcome Philippe

y nos supo mal que Clive no pudiera rodar con nosotros esta vez :cry:
and we were disappointed that Clive couldn't ride with us this time

Jani creo que también tuvo algún problema :cry:
I think Jani also had some problems

Yo salí bien pero no mejor que Jorge así que iba detrás de su Jorgini que a su vez achuchaba a Quico mientras Paul y Gaizka se nos alejaban
I got off well but no better than Jorge so I was behind his Jorgini who in turn was shagging Quico while Paul and Gaizka were pulling away.

Rodé un rato en su estela pero mi carrera iba a ser con Sergio que se acercaba y amenazaba mi posición
I rode in his wake for a while but my race was going to be with Sergio who was closing in and threatening my position.

Por delante Jorge y Quico se me fueron definitivamente y me quedé muchas vueltas con Sergio que al final en algún momento avanzada la carrera se fue a pelear con Doni con lo que pude mantener mi Quinto puesto que tal y como está el patio no es moco de pavo :reygreen:
Ahead of me Jorge and Quico definitely went away and I stayed many laps with Sergio who in the end at some point late in the race went to fight with Doni so I could keep my fifth place which is worth it

Lástima la desconexión de Enrique que seguro que hubiera dado batalla :jo:
Too bad Enrique's disconnection, he would have given us a good fights

Mi guinda la conseguí con el punto de la consistencia pispada por un suspiro a Gaiz que tuvo un rendimiento excepcional :flores:
I got my cherry on top with the consistency point, which was just a sigh away from Gaiz, who had an exceptional performance

Código: Seleccionar todo

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
 tagomago55                       0.273          0.417    1m04.292s     39
Gaizka Lopez55                    0.277          0.360    1m02.508s     40
Un placer estar en pista contigo Philippe ... lo dicho bienvenido :brindis:
A pleasure to be on the track with you Philippe ... welcome

Thx all for racing ;)
Philippe Girard
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Philippe Girard »

for a first, it was pretty cool.
mod 55 not being my favourite, I try to stay in touch, and learn to master these diabolical cars.

Thank you all for your welcome.

I will not be able to participate in all the races, because I also participate in the ukgpl championship, same day, same time! :?

I wanted to participate in the 67 championship, but it won't be possible, my gpl version is:, and therefore you have to tamper with the software to make the patch work.
I had a lot of trouble stabilizing my current gpl version, and now that everything is ok, I don't modify anything anymore, lol ;)
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por quico »

Philippe, as with other mods, after some thousands of hours of training :D , you begin to enjoy the driving.

Tago, your race line is almost a straight line. Can't remember a line like that
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

I have a micro off in my internet, enough for broke my race :( , I think much luckier next time
congrats gaizka ;)
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Philippe Girard escribió: Mié Feb 01, 2023 9:44 pmI will not be able to participate in all the races, because I also participate in the ukgpl championship, same day, same time! :?
What can I say...

We have been running this league since 2004, on Tuesdays since 2005 & always around 22 o'clock, with the 55F1 mod champ triggering our yearly season since 2018.
Moreover, Clive informed them of the clash / overlap when they decided to switch their schedule from Sundays to Tuesdays, but it made no difference.

Obviously the outcome is a bad deal for both grids :|
GPL Rank = -92.907
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Lakeside International 99

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

I'm sorry to say that your words ring so very, very true, Gaizka.

Tuesday afternoons...at least for me here in Canada...see no less than three possible GPL online races. GPLRacer, UKGPL & the PDLR with the latter two in exactly the same time slot. It makes for a difficult and hectic day.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.