Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Thanks for that, Tago.

Track loaded up just fine and ran a treat.

I'll attempt to get onto the test server later today.

Quico has done such a fine job with this makeover. :)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

La lista de ruido y confirmación es la siguiente The noise and confirmation list is as follows

Confirmados Confirmed
01 - Xug - ok
02 - Quico - ok
03 - Paul - ok
04 - Tago - ok
05 - Jorge Nieva - ok
06 - Birle - ok motor reparado Engine problems solved
07 - Enrique Farina - ok
08 - Jani P - ok
09 - Doni - ok
10 - Robert F. - ok

Quieren estar en pista Want to
Sergio - ok
Super KKL - ok

Avisados pendientes de respuesta Notifications pending response
Blood - ok
Cayo - ok
Nes - ok
Regor - ok
Clive - ok
Troop - ok
Olaf Lehman - ok
Lasse -ok
Tommie - ok
Dag - ok
Will - ok

Enredados por otros menesteres They would like to but have to decline
Gaiz - ok - demasiado enredado por trabajo heavy workload
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Robert Fleurke
Mensajes: 25
Registrado: Mié Jul 28, 2021 5:40 pm
Ubicación: Groningen

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Robert Fleurke »

Hola amigo's,

thanks for inviting me to this race. I have tried some laps yesterday, it runs flawless so far. Very difficult tight track though, and it's slower/longer than the previous Jarama.

Well done to Quico and See you next week! :)
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Hola, amigos! :)

I will echo Robert's sentiments above. A really nifty production. Runs as smooth as silk. Hats off to Quico.

I attempted to join the server for a trial but failed. It is for GP67's, no? It being VROC, I made sure to have the track season data in my '67season.ini' file to be sure it would be recognized. Maybe I got the data wrong for the entry. Could I get a full listing of the proper entry, please?

I tried then to join via the IP address provided by Tago but no joy again. I'll give it another shot today before throwing up the white flag.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
Lasse Albrecht
Mensajes: 41
Registrado: Mar Sep 07, 2021 5:05 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Lasse Albrecht »

Hey guys,

thanks Jose for the invitation, and as far as I know there's nothing special planned for me on the 30th, so there should be room for me to participate! :) I'll give the track a shot when I have the time. The grid looks exciting too with some great names on the list, looking forward to seeing all of you on the track! ;)
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Super Karakol
Mensajes: 1520
Registrado: Sab Feb 24, 2007 3:15 pm
Ubicación: Mollet del Valles (Barcelona)

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Super Karakol »

Hola sési pipol!
Jódo Tago!
Jódo Quico-Tron!!!

Se cabe?
Si quepo, me meto!

Será un honor to be in the grid con vosotros in the new Jarama-Tron
Felices fiestas
Un saludazo
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Problem with joining the server corrected at my end. It's been so long since I've used VROC that I had neglected to point the app to the correct gpl.exe file. That done, I can join and run successfully. I cut a 1m37s lap in the BRM. Does that scare anybody? No, I didn't think so. :)

One oddity on the server... I could not recognize/access recipes for my BRM that I made offline prior to joining the server. Had to start from scratch with all the settings to get something recorded and loadable. Any ideas as to why that occurred?

I have appointments out of town on December 30 but if all goes well, I should be back in plenty of time to make the test show. Fingers X'd.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Robert Fleurke escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 11:01 am Hola amigo's,

thanks for inviting me to this race. I have tried some laps yesterday, it runs flawless so far. Very difficult tight track though, and it's slower/longer than the previous Jarama.

Well done to Quico and See you next week! :)

Yo aun estoy buscando la trazada correcta ... los arcenes condicionan mucho así que el trazado es exigente ...
I'm still looking for the right line ... the curbs are a major constraint, making the layout very demanding ...

He puesto 27 vueltas de carrera pensando que alomejor podemos hacer un ritmo de carrera de 1.30,s pero no se si todos llegaremos o solo soy yo que lo veo lejos :nose:
I put 27 laps of race thinking that maybe we can do a race pace of 1.30,s but I don't know if we will all get there or it's just me who sees it far away
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Lasse Albrecht escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 2:25 pm Hey guys,

thanks Jose for the invitation, and as far as I know there's nothing special planned for me on the 30th, so there should be room for me to participate! :) I'll give the track a shot when I have the time. The grid looks exciting too with some great names on the list, looking forward to seeing all of you on the track! ;)

I've sent you the pass to unzip the track by email ;)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Super Karakol escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 5:26 pm Hi!!!
Hola sési pipol!
Jódo Tago!
Jódo Quico-Tron!!!

Se cabe?
Si quepo, me meto!

Será un honor to be in the grid con vosotros in the new Jarama-Tron
Felices fiestas
Un saludazo
KKL tienes un mail por el hiperespacio con la clave para descomprimir la pista ...

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Doni Yourth escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 6:43 pm Problem with joining the server corrected at my end. It's been so long since I've used VROC that I had neglected to point the app to the correct gpl.exe file. That done, I can join and run successfully. I cut a 1m37s lap in the BRM. Does that scare anybody? No, I didn't think so. :)

One oddity on the server... I could not recognize/access recipes for my BRM that I made offline prior to joining the server. Had to start from scratch with all the settings to get something recorded and loadable. Any ideas as to why that occurred?

I have appointments out of town on December 30 but if all goes well, I should be back in plenty of time to make the test show. Fingers X'd.
Great to know that you are already on the server :bien:

Sometimes it happens to me that when I enter remotely to a server for some reason my player does not have any setup ... to solve it I exit all ... the server and gpl
Then to enter I use GEM+ placing the exact conditions of what I am going to run ... mod, player, rasterizer, graphics ... and from there I go to GPL and enter by IP, or I go to VROC and enter the server.

Server config.:
Bandwidth Fast - 3/84, 3/132
Original GPL
Patch 77k Track Gap Freeze Fix v.09

Season.ini config
Open GEM
--> Seasons
--> Select JARAMA68 on the left and your season 67 on the right (67SEASON.INI)
--> Add jarama68 to the season
--> Then click on the track jarama68 on the right and edit it adding the name
short Name - Jarama68
Name - Jarama Grand Prix 1968
--> ok
--> ok
Hope this helps ;)
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por birle1 »

syo si quereis informo de ritmo. yo llego a los 31s con el cooper. veo los 30 en el pribu, pero no se si llegare. stoy ahora en el server, sin ningun problem.

if you want to inform rhythm.I get to 31s with the Cooper. I see the 30 in the Pribu, but I don't know if I'll get there. I am now on the server, without any problem
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por quico »

Gracias a todos, parece que en vez de correr la carrera, pasaremos la noche tomando cervezas y charlando de los buenos tiempos :brindis: . Va a ser estupendo veros a todos.
Thanks everyone, looks like instead of running the race, we'll spend the night having beers and chatting about the good times :brindis: . It's going to be great to see you all.


Pero, aunque esta salida me parece resultona, creo que es necesario hacer una parrilla segura, o a T1 vamos a llegar con algunas bajas.

But, although this start seems so pretty to me, I think it is necessary to make a safe grid, or we will arrive at T1 with some casualties.
¡¡¡MERRY CHRISTMAS :raquel: :cava: :guitarra: FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Mezcua escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 7:59 pm
Doni Yourth escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 6:43 pmProblem with joining the server corrected at my end. It's been so long since I've used VROC that I had neglected to point the app to the correct gpl.exe file. That done, I can join and run successfully. I cut a 1m37s lap in the BRM. Does that scare anybody? No, I didn't think so. :)

One oddity on the server... I could not recognize/access recipes for my BRM that I made offline prior to joining the server. Had to start from scratch with all the settings to get something recorded and loadable. Any ideas as to why that occurred?

I have appointments out of town on December 30 but if all goes well, I should be back in plenty of time to make the test show. Fingers X'd.
Great to know that you are already on the server :bien:

Sometimes it happens to me that when I enter remotely to a server for some reason my player does not have any setup ... to solve it I exit all ... the server and gpl
Then to enter I use GEM+ placing the exact conditions of what I am going to run ... mod, player, rasterizer, graphics ... and from there I go to GPL and enter by IP, or I go to VROC and enter the server.
The key is to launch VROC from GEM :bien:

quico escribió: Vie Dic 23, 2022 9:13 pmPero, aunque esta salida me parece resultona, creo que es necesario hacer una parrilla segura, o a T1 vamos a llegar con algunas bajas.
But, although this start seems so pretty to me, I think it is necessary to make a safe grid, or we will arrive at T1 with some casualties.
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Actualizado Updated

Confirmados Confirmed
01 - Xug - ok
02 - Quico - ok
03 - Paul - ok
04 - Tago - ok
05 - Jorge Nieva - ok
06 - Birle - ok motor reparado Engine problems solved
07 - Enrique Farina - ok
08 - Jani P - ok
09 - Doni - ok
10 - Robert F. - ok
11 - Lasse -ok
12 - Super KKL - ok

Quieren estar en pista Want to
Sergio - ok

Avisados pendientes de respuesta Notifications pending response
Blood - ok
Cayo - ok
Nes - ok
Regor - ok
Clive - ok
Troop - ok
Tommie - ok
Dag - ok
Will - ok

Enredados por otros menesteres They would like to but have to decline
Gaiz - ok - demasiado enredado por trabajo heavy workload
Olaf Lehman - ok - tiene problemas de frames 36 fps problems (enjoy and happy christmas all!)