4th 1969 F1 Trophy - 03 - Grande Prêmio do Paraná

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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
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4th 1969 F1 Trophy - 03 - Grande Prêmio do Paraná

Mensaje por Xug »

4th 1969 F1 Trophy


Circuito / Track: Cascavel 1974

Día de carrera / Race date: 17 de mayo de 2022 / May 17th 2022

Vueltas / Laps: 40

:!: Área de boxes para instalaciones y actualizaciones gráficas para los circuitos de la temporada / Install and update files for this season's tracks :arrow: (Guía breve de Mezcua / Mezcua's short guide :arrow:)
:!: Información de la pista en GPL Weekly / Track info page on GPL Weekly Imagen


Normas / Rules :arrow:
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    40-45 minutos de carrera / 40-45 minutes race
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de entrenamientos / Practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min short training race]
  • lunes / Monday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h

    martes / Tuesday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h
Carrera / Race

21.55 h Encuentro en el iGOR / VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meet at iGOR / VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.30 h Calificación de 30 min / Qualification, 30 min
22.30 h - 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro larga, de 35 min a 45 min / Race: pro long mode, about 35-45 minutes

(Todas las horas son CET o, del 28 de marzo al 31 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 28th to October 31st, CEST)
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

No dejeis de usar el "anti-gap" patch para este circuito!

No hay referencias de tiempos, así que ahí dejo el mío: 1 04 24 con el BRM.

Be sure to use the "anti-gap" patch for this circuit!

There are no time references, so here I leave mine: 1 04 24 with the BRM.
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

:oops: 1min 08.30s McLaren M7 :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:oops: :oops: Toy verde .... :roll: A entrenar!! :twisted:

I'm really green here :crygreen:

:director: Starting free practice sessions ... drivers welcome :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D High 1.06 and improving ... funny track to drive :piloto: :bien:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Free practice 4 started ... drivers welcome :piloto:

Yesterday times were like this

:arrow: FP1

:arrow: FP2

:arrow: FP3
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:oops: There is a problem in the track.ini so we don't have a secure grid for today ... pls take it easy
Hay un problema con el track.ini y no he consegido una parrilla segura para hoy, asi que tened cautela en la salida

Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

NUTS! Got into the 2nd last corner a bit too hot, slid sideways and in trying to save it, cut off Xuggy. He couldn't avoid me and I was over on my roof. All my fault.

I just tested a full grid of starters in an offline test race with the following pit stalls and everyone fits. Nobody stuck on those cones. Give it a try...

stall_0 = 2997.00 12.0
stall_1 = 2989.00 12.0
stall_2 = 2981.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2973.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2965.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2957.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2949.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2941.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2933.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2925.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2917.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2909.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2901.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2893.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2885.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2877.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2869.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2861.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2853.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2845.00 12.0
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Funny track with a track.ini problem that has to be repaired


Grats to Paul :primero: :tonto:, Tommy :segundo: :cava: and Tago :tercero: :mrgreen:

Should be a non scoring one after the mess in qualification first for Paul and then for Tommy

Thx all for racing :piloto:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Doni Yourth escribió:NUTS! Got into the 2nd last corner a bit too hot, slid sideways and in trying to save it, cut off Xuggy. He couldn't avoid me and I was over on my roof. All my fault.

I just tested a full grid of starters in an offline test race with the following pit stalls and everyone fits. Nobody stuck on those cones. Give it a try...

stall_0 = 2997.00 12.0
stall_1 = 2989.00 12.0
stall_2 = 2981.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2973.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2965.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2957.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2949.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2941.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2933.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2925.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2917.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2909.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2901.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2893.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2885.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2877.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2869.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2861.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2853.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2845.00 12.0
A pity your race Doni :roll:

Thx for the data ... tomorrow will try it :bien:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Hacía algún tiempo que no nos pasaban tontás en una carrera :P

Recordé que en las free practice del lunes la parrilla no era segura y antes de la FP4 me puse a toquetear el track.ini con el Online grid tool v2 ... me dio un error tonto de que no podía analizar el fichero :roll:

Vi claramente que el fichero se corrompió ... así que tras otro intento y viendo que no se solucionaba repuse la copia de trabajo hecha antes de empezar y avisé en el foro que la parrilla no sería segura

Tras la fp4 cuando fuimos a carrera cometí la tonteria de clickar el circuito anterior ... luego de que casi todo el mundo entrara al server me fui a mi máquina de correr y cuando entré no había nadie :nose: ... me habré equivocado? ... no puede ser ... juas pero si aqui no hay nadie ... :prrr:

Arreglamos el entuerto y por fin nos vamos a Cascavel :oops:

Entonces es cuando Paul no puede salir de pits ... :jiji: debia pensar que le habiamos atrapado para que no pudiera clasificar :rie:

Todos para el chat :shock:

Reinstalo la pista y no le aplico ningun update al track.ini esperando que se solucione ... pero no ... esta vez es Tommie el que está atrapado :jiji: ... parece que la 6ª posición de boxes queda encerrada por unos conos

A base de entrar y salir, yo también salgo y entro, yo paso a 7º o 8º y cuando Tommie cambia de player ya coge la 8ª o 9ª posicion de box y puede salir a clasificar :D

Yo tengo que hacer algo de marcha atrás y pasar entre los conos ... bueno algunos supongo que llegaron más estresados que otros a la parrilla de salida que además era altamente peligrosa con 3 coches en la misma fila a poca distancia cada uno del otro :mrgreen:

Todo esto es lo que me hace proponer que la carrera sea no puntuable ... pero bien ... solo es una propuesta ... ya me direis ... también podríamos repetirla si quereis ... la pista es para disfrutar ... :piloto:

Bien ... salimos ... :baba: ... me fui con los 3 de alante ... y tuve mis 7 vueltas de gloria rodando en la estela de Tommie cuando lances de Paul y Quico nos dejaron tirar :diablo:

Luego ya apareció mi cansancio y rodé para llevar el coche al garage ... :roll:

No problem con tu toque Paul ... demasiado asegurón por mi parte porque empezaba a mostrar el cansancio :jo:

Ese día dormi poco ... llevé la moto al taller ... hize todo el día por Barcelona ... calor ... bien ... un día muy bonito ... pero para la carrera no tenia mi mejor forma

Así que aunque me devolviste posición preferí que te fueras para alante porque necesitaba encontrar más mi ritmo que tirar

Lástima la mala pata de Doni :cabezazo: y luego ahi estuvo Quico dando guerra :bien: aunque en las últimas vueltas por fallos diversos me regaló el último del cajon

Luego cuando me puse a preparar informes el servidor hizo el burro y tuve que reiniciarlo, asi que me queda la duda de si es el circuito o fue culpa de la máquina que estaba lela :roll:

Hoy probaré el circuito y los datos del track.ini que me pasa Doni a ver si descubro que pasó o por lo menos corregir el track.ini definitivamente

Respecto a puntuable o no y repetirla ya me direis :D

Thx all for racing :piloto:


:D :D :D

It's been a while since we had a silly race :P

I remembered that in the free practice on Monday the grid was not safe and before the FP4 I started to fiddle with the track.ini with the Online grid tool v2 ... it gave me a silly error that it couldn't parse the file :roll:

I saw clearly that the file was corrupted ... so after another try and seeing that it was not solved I restored the working copy made before starting and warned in the forum that the grid would not be safe.

After the fp4 when we went to race I made the foolishness of clicking the previous circuit ... after almost everyone entered the server I went to my running machine and when I entered there was no one :nose: ... I must have made a mistake ... no way ... but there is no one here ... :prrr:

We fixed the mess and finally we went to Cascavel :oops:

That's when Paul could not leave the pits ... :jiji: he must have thought we had trapped him so he couldn't qualify :rie:

All to the chat :shock:

I reinstalled the track and did not apply any updates to the track.ini hoping that it will be fixed ... but no ... this time it's Tommie who is trapped :jiji: ... it seems that the 6th pit position is locked by some cones.

By entering and exiting, I also went out and entered, I moved to 7th or 8th and when Tommie changed player took the 8th or 9th pit position and could go out to qualify :D

I had to do some backtracking and pass between the cones.... well some I guess arrived more stressed than others to the starting grid which was also highly dangerous with 3 cars in the same row at a short distance from each other :mrgreen:

All this is what makes me propose that the race should be non-scoring .... but well ... it's just a proposal ... you tell me ... we could also repeat it if you want ... the track is to enjoy ... :piloto:

Well ... we went out ... :baba: ... I went with the 3 in front ... and I had my 7 laps of glory riding in Tommie's wake when Paul and Quico's launches let us pull :diablo:

Then my tiredness set in and I rode to take the car to the garage ... :roll:

No problem with your touch Paul ... too much insurance on my part because I was starting to show the fatigue :jo:

That day I slept little ... I took the motorbike to the garage ... I rode all day around Barcelona ... hot ... well ... a very nice day ... but for the race I wasn't in my best shape.

So even though you gave me back position I preferred you to go ahead because I needed to find my rhythm more than to pull.

Too bad Doni's bad luck :cabezazo: and then Quico was there giving war :bien: although in the last laps by various failures gave me the last of the drawer

Then when I started to prepare reports the server made the donkey and I had to restart it, so I have the doubt if it's the circuit or it was the fault of the machine that was not ready :roll:

Today I will try the circuit and the track.ini data that Doni gives me to see if I find out what happened or at least correct the track.ini definitely.

Regarding scoring or not and repeat it say something :D

Thx all for racing :piloto:

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator and reviewed by me
Tommie van Ostade
Mensajes: 5
Registrado: Mié Abr 27, 2022 12:10 pm

Mensaje por Tommie van Ostade »


I'd run some practice before but only with the default setup. I tried copying over a Brabham BT26 setup but some reason I once tried some things with it so it was ehm... 'experimental' :D . 1000 Nm front ARB, 70 Nm rear ARB, huge front wheelrates... So the first minutes were about my trying to find a suitable setup, so I completely missed the pit stall issue Paul was having :D .

Anyway, after we got going again I found out I was the one who was now stuck. Doni unstuck me for a stint with a tap from behind in the pits, but I changed to a different player afterwards to get GPL to assign me a new pit stall.

I got to grips with the McLaren M9 and the track but found I was not as fast as I'd like. Still, in the end I figured it out and went from a 1:07 to a 1:05.5 :) .

I took it easy at the start of the race and settled behind Paul and Quico until Quico went off in the BRM. Then Paul did the same a lap later! José was hot on my heels but both he and Paul fell further back, so I was holding a 4 second gap to Quico until about midway through the race. Quico first lost 10 seconds, then the position to Paul who was catching rapidly. With about 7 laps to go he overtook me. Although I was able to stay behind Paul had a lot more speed in the Lotus 63 and I was happy to finish second. Great recovery Paul! Grats José for P3 and Quico and Xug for finishing!




He hecho algunas prácticas antes pero sólo con la configuración por defecto. Intenté copiar una configuración del Brabham BT26 pero por alguna razón una vez probé algunas cosas con él así que fue ehm... 'experimental' :D . 1000 Nm de ARB delantero, 70 Nm de ARB trasero, gran velocidad de las ruedas delanteras... Así que los primeros minutos fueron para tratar de encontrar una configuración adecuada, por lo que me perdí por completo el problema de la parada en boxes que Paul estaba teniendo :D .

De todos modos, después de que nos pusiéramos en marcha de nuevo me di cuenta de que era yo el que estaba ahora atascado. Doni me desatascó durante un rato con un toque por detrás en los boxes, pero después cambié de jugador para que GPL me asignara un nuevo box.

Me he acostumbrado al McLaren M9 y a la pista, pero he visto que no era tan rápido como me gustaría. Aun así, al final lo resolví y pasé de un 1:07 a un 1:05.5 :) .

Me lo tomé con calma al principio de la carrera y me acomodé detrás de Paul y Quico hasta que éste se salió en el BRM. Entonces Paul hizo lo mismo una vuelta después. José me pisaba los talones, pero tanto él como Paul se quedaron más atrás, así que mantuve una diferencia de 4 segundos con Quico hasta aproximadamente la mitad de la carrera. Quico perdió primero 10 segundos, y luego la posición a Paul, que estaba alcanzando rápidamente. A falta de 7 vueltas me ha adelantado. Aunque pude mantenerme detrás, Paul tenía mucha más velocidad en el Lotus 63 y me alegré de terminar segundo. ¡Gran recuperación Paul! ¡Felicidades a José por la P3 y a Quico y Xug por terminar!

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Terminé la carrera gracias a que estos coches son realmente duros. Cuando me adelantó Tago a pocas vueltas del final en mi enésima excursión al campo, apreté a ver si hacía por lo menos una buena vuelta, y en la última me acerqué a la rápida de carrera, a pesar del abultado report de daños que llevaba a esas alturas... :shock:

Grats a ese podio!

I finished the race because these cars are really tough. When Tago overtook me a few laps from the end on my umpteenth trip to the field, I pushed to see if I had at least one good lap, and in the last one I got a really good one, despite the bulky damage report I had at that point… :shock:

Grats to that podium!
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Es una pena que hayamos tenido problemas técnicos, pero me alegro de haber podido correr.

Cambié el Ferrari por el Lotus 63 para que mi ritmo se acercara al del resto de la parrilla, pero no había probado ninguna vuelta con el 63 hasta la calificación. Y entonces tuvimos el problema técnico, pero aún así pude estar a menos de 2 segundos de mi PB de Ferrari.

El 63 es un coche extraño de conducir porque te sientas cerca de las ruedas delanteras. Imagino que debe ser algo parecido a los coches de F1 de los años 80 que hacían lo mismo antes de que les hicieran mover al conductor más atrás por razones de seguridad.

En la carrera cometí un error y me salí pero pude continuar.
Cuando cogí a Tago me pasé unas cuantas vueltas detrás buscando una forma de adelantar pero los lugares en los que era más rápido no eran lugares para adelantar.
Al final me acerqué demasiado al salir de la última curva y le di un empujón a Tago que GPL convirtió en un drama.
Ambos perdimos tiempo. Esperé a Tago pero decidió que era más seguro estar detrás de mí :)

En la última parte de la carrera tuve que alcanzar a Tommie. Me sorprendió que el Mclaren M9 no tuviera el mismo ritmo que el Lotus 63.
Ambos coches fueron perros en su día, pero quizás el 63 era un perro ligeramente mejor :)

Gracias a todos por las carreras.
Gracias por organizar y acoger.

Esto arreglará los huecos de los boxes si volvemos a correr aquí.

[ track ]
track_name = Autodromo Internacional de Cascavel
track_name_short = Cascavel
track_num_turns = 7
track_length = 1.892m ; Above, note track length given in miles,
track_altitude = 0.0 ; while altitude given in meters.

[ statistics ]
reference_value = 70.1

[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 1.000000 ; section at which race start behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 430.000000 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 1.0 ; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 3017.00 ; dlong where pit lane divider ends
pit_lane_entrance_width = 17.0 ; dlong width of pit lane entrance in meters
pit_lane_has_wall = 1.000000 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
pit_lane_on_right = 0.000000 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2778.000000 ; base dlong for calculating transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 5.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to LEFT of PIT.LP
pit_lane_width_right = 2.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to RIGHT of PIT.LP
start_of_pit_stalls = 2855.000000 ; dlong where pit stalls begin

brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.267 ; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per lap
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.616 ; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.435 ; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per lap
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.500 ; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.513 ; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per lap
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.409 ; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.635 ; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per lap

track_dlong_sep_coeff = 0.9 ; slightly closer racing here

[ GP ]
dlong_speed_adj_coeff = 1.000000 ; value modifies dlong velocities (i.e. RELS) in .LP
dlong_speed_maximum = 2.160000 ; max. dlong speed (meters/tick) for .LP after all modifiers (e.g., dlong_speed_adj_coeff)

[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 2838.0 80.0 ; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = 5.5 14.0 ; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = 6.20 2900.0 -100.0 100.0 ; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)

stall_0 = 3017.00 12.0
stall_1 = 3009.00 12.0
stall_2 = 3001.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2993.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2985.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2977.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2969.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2951.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2943.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2935.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2927.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2919.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2911.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2903.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2895.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2887.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2879.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2871.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2863.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2855.00 12.0

[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 3x2 staggered grid
; polesitter on left
; track length is <3020>
; grid front center at <2997.00, 0.00>
; width between boxes 4.00
stall_0 = 2997.00 3.30
stall_1 = 2997.00 0.00
stall_2 = 2997.00 -3.30
stall_3 = 2988.00 1.80
stall_4 = 2988.00 -1.80
stall_5 = 2979.00 3.30
stall_6 = 2979.00 0.00
stall_7 = 2979.00 -3.30
stall_8 = 2970.00 1.80
stall_9 = 2970.00 -1.80
stall_10 = 2961.00 3.30
stall_11 = 2961.00 0.00
stall_12 = 2961.00 -3.30
stall_13 = 2952.00 1.80
stall_14 = 2952.00 -1.80
stall_15 = 2943.00 3.30
stall_16 = 2943.00 0.00
stall_17 = 2943.00 -3.30
stall_18 = 2934.00 1.80
stall_19 = 2934.00 -1.80

Too bad we had the technical problems, but glad we could race.

I switched from the Ferrari to the Lotus 63 so my pace would closer to the rest of the grid but I had not tried any laps with the 63 until qualification. And then we had the technical problem but still I was able to be within 2 seconds of my Ferrari PB.

The 63 is a strange car to drive because you sit close too the front wheels. I imagine it must be something like the 80's F1 cars that did the same thing before they made them move the driver further back for safety reasons.

In the race i made a mistake and went off but could continue.
When I caught Tago I spent a few laps behind looking for a way to overtake but the places that I was faster were not places to overtake.
Eventually I got too close exiting the last turn and gave Tago a nudge that GPL turned into a drama.
We both lost time. I waited for Tago but he decided it was safer to be behind me :)

The last part of the race I had to catch Tommie. I was surprised the Mclaren M9 was not on the same pace as the Lotus 63.
Both cars were dogs in their day, but maybe the 63 was a slightly better dog :)

Thanks all for racing.
Thanks for organising and hosting.

This will fix the pit slots if we race here again.

[ track ]
track_name = Autodromo Internacional de Cascavel
track_name_short = Cascavel
track_num_turns = 7
track_length = 1.892m ; Above, note track length given in miles,
track_altitude = 0.0 ; while altitude given in meters.

[ statistics ]
reference_value = 70.1

[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 1.000000 ; section at which race start behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 430.000000 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 1.0 ; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 3017.00 ; dlong where pit lane divider ends
pit_lane_entrance_width = 17.0 ; dlong width of pit lane entrance in meters
pit_lane_has_wall = 1.000000 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
pit_lane_on_right = 0.000000 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2778.000000 ; base dlong for calculating transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 5.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to LEFT of PIT.LP
pit_lane_width_right = 2.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to RIGHT of PIT.LP
start_of_pit_stalls = 2855.000000 ; dlong where pit stalls begin

brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.267 ; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per lap
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.616 ; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.435 ; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per lap
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.500 ; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.513 ; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per lap
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.409 ; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.635 ; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per lap

track_dlong_sep_coeff = 0.9 ; slightly closer racing here

[ GP ]
dlong_speed_adj_coeff = 1.000000 ; value modifies dlong velocities (i.e. RELS) in .LP
dlong_speed_maximum = 2.160000 ; max. dlong speed (meters/tick) for .LP after all modifiers (e.g., dlong_speed_adj_coeff)

[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 2838.0 80.0 ; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = 5.5 14.0 ; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = 6.20 2900.0 -100.0 100.0 ; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)

stall_0 = 3017.00 12.0
stall_1 = 3009.00 12.0
stall_2 = 3001.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2993.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2985.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2977.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2969.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2951.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2943.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2935.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2927.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2919.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2911.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2903.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2895.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2887.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2879.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2871.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2863.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2855.00 12.0

[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 3x2 staggered grid
; polesitter on left
; track length is <3020>
; grid front center at <2997.00, 0.00>
; width between boxes 4.00
stall_0 = 2997.00 3.30
stall_1 = 2997.00 0.00
stall_2 = 2997.00 -3.30
stall_3 = 2988.00 1.80
stall_4 = 2988.00 -1.80
stall_5 = 2979.00 3.30
stall_6 = 2979.00 0.00
stall_7 = 2979.00 -3.30
stall_8 = 2970.00 1.80
stall_9 = 2970.00 -1.80
stall_10 = 2961.00 3.30
stall_11 = 2961.00 0.00
stall_12 = 2961.00 -3.30
stall_13 = 2952.00 1.80
stall_14 = 2952.00 -1.80
stall_15 = 2943.00 3.30
stall_16 = 2943.00 0.00
stall_17 = 2943.00 -3.30
stall_18 = 2934.00 1.80
stall_19 = 2934.00 -1.80
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Mensajes: 2895
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Muchas gracias Paul por las actualizaciones :bien: Many thx for the updates Paul

http://srmz.net/index.php?showtopic=138 ... ntry163894

" I added a different sky behind your mountains and made some adjustment to the track.ini pit stalls and ai
The horizon uses the conventional 14 mips instead of your 10. The texture size is 512x512 32bit."