Es una pena que hayamos tenido problemas técnicos, pero me alegro de haber podido correr.
Cambié el Ferrari por el Lotus 63 para que mi ritmo se acercara al del resto de la parrilla, pero no había probado ninguna vuelta con el 63 hasta la calificación. Y entonces tuvimos el problema técnico, pero aún así pude estar a menos de 2 segundos de mi PB de Ferrari.
El 63 es un coche extraño de conducir porque te sientas cerca de las ruedas delanteras. Imagino que debe ser algo parecido a los coches de F1 de los años 80 que hacían lo mismo antes de que les hicieran mover al conductor más atrás por razones de seguridad.
En la carrera cometí un error y me salí pero pude continuar.
Cuando cogí a Tago me pasé unas cuantas vueltas detrás buscando una forma de adelantar pero los lugares en los que era más rápido no eran lugares para adelantar.
Al final me acerqué demasiado al salir de la última curva y le di un empujón a Tago que GPL convirtió en un drama.
Ambos perdimos tiempo. Esperé a Tago pero decidió que era más seguro estar detrás de mí
En la última parte de la carrera tuve que alcanzar a Tommie. Me sorprendió que el Mclaren M9 no tuviera el mismo ritmo que el Lotus 63.
Ambos coches fueron perros en su día, pero quizás el 63 era un perro ligeramente mejor
Gracias a todos por las carreras.
Gracias por organizar y acoger.
Esto arreglará los huecos de los boxes si volvemos a correr aquí.
[ track ]
track_name = Autodromo Internacional de Cascavel
track_name_short = Cascavel
track_num_turns = 7
track_length = 1.892m ; Above, note track length given in miles,
track_altitude = 0.0 ; while altitude given in meters.
[ statistics ]
reference_value = 70.1
[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 1.000000 ; section at which race start behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 430.000000 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 1.0 ; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 3017.00 ; dlong where pit lane divider ends
pit_lane_entrance_width = 17.0 ; dlong width of pit lane entrance in meters
pit_lane_has_wall = 1.000000 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
pit_lane_on_right = 0.000000 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2778.000000 ; base dlong for calculating transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 5.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to LEFT of PIT.LP
pit_lane_width_right = 2.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to RIGHT of PIT.LP
start_of_pit_stalls = 2855.000000 ; dlong where pit stalls begin
brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.267 ; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per lap
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.616 ; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.435 ; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per lap
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.500 ; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.513 ; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per lap
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.409 ; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.635 ; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per lap
track_dlong_sep_coeff = 0.9 ; slightly closer racing here
[ GP ]
dlong_speed_adj_coeff = 1.000000 ; value modifies dlong velocities (i.e. RELS) in .LP
dlong_speed_maximum = 2.160000 ; max. dlong speed (meters/tick) for .LP after all modifiers (e.g., dlong_speed_adj_coeff)
[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 2838.0 80.0 ; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = 5.5 14.0 ; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = 6.20 2900.0 -100.0 100.0 ; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)
stall_0 = 3017.00 12.0
stall_1 = 3009.00 12.0
stall_2 = 3001.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2993.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2985.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2977.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2969.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2951.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2943.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2935.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2927.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2919.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2911.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2903.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2895.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2887.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2879.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2871.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2863.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2855.00 12.0
[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 3x2 staggered grid
; polesitter on left
; track length is <3020>
; grid front center at <2997.00, 0.00>
; width between boxes 4.00
stall_0 = 2997.00 3.30
stall_1 = 2997.00 0.00
stall_2 = 2997.00 -3.30
stall_3 = 2988.00 1.80
stall_4 = 2988.00 -1.80
stall_5 = 2979.00 3.30
stall_6 = 2979.00 0.00
stall_7 = 2979.00 -3.30
stall_8 = 2970.00 1.80
stall_9 = 2970.00 -1.80
stall_10 = 2961.00 3.30
stall_11 = 2961.00 0.00
stall_12 = 2961.00 -3.30
stall_13 = 2952.00 1.80
stall_14 = 2952.00 -1.80
stall_15 = 2943.00 3.30
stall_16 = 2943.00 0.00
stall_17 = 2943.00 -3.30
stall_18 = 2934.00 1.80
stall_19 = 2934.00 -1.80
Too bad we had the technical problems, but glad we could race.
I switched from the Ferrari to the Lotus 63 so my pace would closer to the rest of the grid but I had not tried any laps with the 63 until qualification. And then we had the technical problem but still I was able to be within 2 seconds of my Ferrari PB.
The 63 is a strange car to drive because you sit close too the front wheels. I imagine it must be something like the 80's F1 cars that did the same thing before they made them move the driver further back for safety reasons.
In the race i made a mistake and went off but could continue.
When I caught Tago I spent a few laps behind looking for a way to overtake but the places that I was faster were not places to overtake.
Eventually I got too close exiting the last turn and gave Tago a nudge that GPL turned into a drama.
We both lost time. I waited for Tago but he decided it was safer to be behind me 
The last part of the race I had to catch Tommie. I was surprised the Mclaren M9 was not on the same pace as the Lotus 63.
Both cars were dogs in their day, but maybe the 63 was a slightly better dog 
Thanks all for racing.
Thanks for organising and hosting.
This will fix the pit slots if we race here again.
[ track ]
track_name = Autodromo Internacional de Cascavel
track_name_short = Cascavel
track_num_turns = 7
track_length = 1.892m ; Above, note track length given in miles,
track_altitude = 0.0 ; while altitude given in meters.
[ statistics ]
reference_value = 70.1
[ ai_track ]
end_start_behavior_section = 1.000000 ; section at which race start behavior should end
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 430.000000 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
pit_at_end_of_track = 1.0 ; 0 if all stalls beyond s/f, 1 if not
pit_lane_end_dlong = 3017.00 ; dlong where pit lane divider ends
pit_lane_entrance_width = 17.0 ; dlong width of pit lane entrance in meters
pit_lane_has_wall = 1.000000 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
pit_lane_on_right = 0.000000 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2778.000000 ; base dlong for calculating transition to pit line
pit_lane_width_left = 5.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to LEFT of PIT.LP
pit_lane_width_right = 2.000000 ; width of pit lane in meters to RIGHT of PIT.LP
start_of_pit_stalls = 2855.000000 ; dlong where pit stalls begin
brabham_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.267 ; Brabham AI fuel loading in liters per lap
brm_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.616 ; BRM AI fuel loading in liters per lap
coventry_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.435 ; Coventry AI fuel loading in liters per lap
eagle_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.500 ; Eagle AI fuel loading in liters per lap
ferrari_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.513 ; Ferrari AI fuel loading in liters per lap
lotus_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.409 ; Lotus AI fuel loading in liters per lap
murasama_fuel_load_per_lap = 1.635 ; Murasama AI fuel loading in liters per lap
track_dlong_sep_coeff = 0.9 ; slightly closer racing here
[ GP ]
dlong_speed_adj_coeff = 1.000000 ; value modifies dlong velocities (i.e. RELS) in .LP
dlong_speed_maximum = 2.160000 ; max. dlong speed (meters/tick) for .LP after all modifiers (e.g., dlong_speed_adj_coeff)
[ pit_lane_0 ]
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if lane on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 1 ; 0 if no pit wall, 1 if pit wall exists
lane_bounds_dlong = 2838.0 80.0 ; start/end dlong of the pit lane
lane_bounds_dlat = 5.5 14.0 ; start/end dlat of the pit lane
pit_board = 6.20 2900.0 -100.0 100.0 ; dlat of board, dlong of board, dlong LOS start, dlong LOS end (last 2 not used)
stall_0 = 3017.00 12.0
stall_1 = 3009.00 12.0
stall_2 = 3001.00 12.0
stall_3 = 2993.00 12.0
stall_4 = 2985.00 12.0
stall_5 = 2977.00 12.0
stall_6 = 2969.00 12.0
stall_7 = 2951.00 12.0
stall_8 = 2943.00 12.0
stall_9 = 2935.00 12.0
stall_10 = 2927.00 12.0
stall_11 = 2919.00 12.0
stall_12 = 2911.00 12.0
stall_13 = 2903.00 12.0
stall_14 = 2895.00 12.0
stall_15 = 2887.00 12.0
stall_16 = 2879.00 12.0
stall_17 = 2871.00 12.0
stall_18 = 2863.00 12.0
stall_19 = 2855.00 12.0
[ starting_grid_0 ]
; 3x2 staggered grid
; polesitter on left
; track length is <3020>
; grid front center at <2997.00, 0.00>
; width between boxes 4.00
stall_0 = 2997.00 3.30
stall_1 = 2997.00 0.00
stall_2 = 2997.00 -3.30
stall_3 = 2988.00 1.80
stall_4 = 2988.00 -1.80
stall_5 = 2979.00 3.30
stall_6 = 2979.00 0.00
stall_7 = 2979.00 -3.30
stall_8 = 2970.00 1.80
stall_9 = 2970.00 -1.80
stall_10 = 2961.00 3.30
stall_11 = 2961.00 0.00
stall_12 = 2961.00 -3.30
stall_13 = 2952.00 1.80
stall_14 = 2952.00 -1.80
stall_15 = 2943.00 3.30
stall_16 = 2943.00 0.00
stall_17 = 2943.00 -3.30
stall_18 = 2934.00 1.80
stall_19 = 2934.00 -1.80