2021 F1 1967 - 05 - Ulster Tourist Trophy

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

pa despistaos que no salvan el replay :jo:

Report and Replay up to date :arrow:
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Robert Fleurke
Mensajes: 25
Registrado: Mié Jul 28, 2021 5:40 pm
Ubicación: Groningen

Mensaje por Robert Fleurke »

Gracias JL :)

La calificación fue buena, mi segunda vuelta cronometrada estuvo cerca de mi PB, y suficiente para la Pole.

Después de la salida, Lasse fue a remolque, pero se conformó con la P2 hacia la primera curva. Lasse se mantuvo bastante cerca hasta el final de la segunda vuelta, cuando se cayó. Keni también cometió un error en la segunda vuelta, así que después de dos vueltas pude controlar el ritmo y el liderazgo. Estaba bastante contento con mi carrera, consistente y sin grandes errores. Mi mayor error fue en la primera vuelta, cuando casi hice un trompo al entrar en Cochranstown, al poner una rueda en la hierba.

No esperaba ganar tan fácilmente, pero Lasse no conocía bien la pista, y Keni ya tenía una carrera y sufrió algunos errores.

Enhorabuena a José Luis por terminar y ser P2. Mala suerte con los abandonos, esta es una pista muy dura y complicada...

La semana que viene Mosport, una pista realmente dura para los BRM, sobre todo en carrera...

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

Gracias JL :)

Quali was good, my 2nd timed lap was close to my PB, and enough for Pole.

After the start Lasse had a tow, but he settled for P2 towards the first corner. Lasse stayed quite close until the end of Lap 2 when he crashed out. Keni also made a mistake on Lap 2, so after 2 laps I could control the pace and lead. I was a quite happy with my race, consistent and without big mistakes. My biggest mistake was on Lap 1 almost spinning out entering Cochranstown, putting a wheel in the grass.

I did not expect to win that easily, but Lasse did not know the track well, and Keni already had a race and suffered from some mistakes.

Congrats José Luis for finishing and P2! Bad luck retirements, this is a very hard and tricky track...

Next week Mosport, a real tough track for the BRM, especially in the race...
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Mensajes: 263
Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 1:00 pm
Ubicación: Cooper

Mensaje por Blood »

Report uploaded to weekly, sorry for the delay.

It's true that I arrived a little bit tired, but no excuses, I did the double race many times... but Dundrod its not the best place to do little mistakes.

In qual Robert was untouchable in race I did one big mistake on lap 2, and lose many time. Lasse went out on the same lap, and I was second on lap 3...

Was a fight trying to keep the distance with Robert, but slowly he was far and far 21s, 23s, 24s.....30s... at the end I thought it was a good idea, and try to steal the fastest lap... i had good sectors to try... an stupid spin, and the last lap another mistake and was caught in a bush... was lucky and only tago was able to still alive on my back.

Great pace Robert, I need to learn about you are able to stay focused the whole race.

Congrats to Tago and Robert, well done guys. See you on Mosport :twisted:
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Robert Fleurke
Mensajes: 25
Registrado: Mié Jul 28, 2021 5:40 pm
Ubicación: Groningen

Mensaje por Robert Fleurke »

Blood escribió:Report uploaded to weekly, sorry for the delay.

Great pace Robert, I need to learn about you are able to stay focused the whole race.
Gracias :)

I race with headphones on and try not to be distracted or having lapses. A mindful approach trying to stay within the moment. Also I want to have a wide gripzone, that allows me to drive more easy, or to push more, without losing grip or the balance too much.

Also I race often at 99% which allows me to avoid mistakes, I often keep a slight margin, unless I have to push more.

I have many runaway wins, those are the hardest to keep focus, but I have the experience. It's better to fight/race with others to keep the focus, and it's much more fun!

Also, this schedule favours the BRM in general, at many tracks. ;)
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Mensajes: 3229
Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Llegué a pensar que podría apañarme para dar unas cuantas vueltas y por o menos, salir en la foto, pero, igual que me pasó en el 2019, en la subida del 3er parcial in lap 1, me eché encima del coche de delante por el rebufo y al evitarlo me enganché en el seto. :cabezazo:

Enhorabuena a los que acabasteis -o casi-.

I came to think that I could manage to do a few laps and at least appear in the photo, but, as happened to me in 2019, on the climb of the 3rd partial in lap 1, I came so close to the car in front due to stream and to avoid it I got hooked on the hedge :cabezazo: .

Grats to those who finished -or almost-.
no corrais que es peor...