2019 F1 1967 - 06 - British Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Mensajes: 1181
Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Carrerón anoche en SilversTron :D :D :D . Todas las vueltas fueron a muerte menos las dos o tres siguientes al pequeño incidente con Tron . No he visto la repetición , pero si Quico dice que la culpa fue de los dos así será :bendigo: .
Pasé toda la carrera pegado a Clive y a su Eagle , que corre mucho comparándolo con el Cooper , aún así mi cacharro se comportó como un campeón . Logré pasarle un par de veces , pero Clive recuperaba P2 rápidamente . Le molesté todo lo que pude para forzar un error grave que me dejara pista por delante , era la única manera de deshacerme de él , pero pilotó de una manera casi perfecta y al final cruzamos meta muy cerca . Me lo pasé en grande , una carrera para recordar :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso:
Felicitaciones a Pelle con su StoneGrosso - four wheels , y su FL estratosférica :primero: y a Clive :segundo: con su super ancho Eagle . Y mención especial a Doni , diste unas vueltas fantásticas con la gorda .
Y a Tron ésto : :blah: :blah: :blah: :diablo: jejejejje.........
Gracias a todos por participar en éste gran campeonato .

David , entre carrera y carrera puedes crionizarte en el congelador de casa , pero no dejes de correr :bien: :bien: :bien:

Great race last night at SilversTron . All the laps went to death except the two or three following the small incident with Tron. I have not seen the repetition, but if Quico says that it was the fault of both of them that way it will be .
I spent the whole race stuck to Clive and his Eagle, who runs a lot compared to the Cooper, even so my pileup behaved like a champion. I managed to pass him a couple of times, but Clive recovered P2 quickly. I bothered him as much as I could to force a serious error that left me in the lead, it was the only way to get rid of him, but he drove almost perfectly and in the end we crossed the finish line very close. I had a great time, a race to remember applause applause applause
Congratulations to Pelle with his StoneGrosso - four wheels, and his stratospheric FL first and Clive second with his super wide Eagle. And special mention to Doni, you gave some fantastic laps with the fat girl.
And to Tron this: blah blah blah devil jejejejje .........
Thank you all for participating in this great championship.

David, between career and race you can cryonize in the freezer at home, but do not stop running
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

:cabreo: :mascabreo: :cabreo: :mascabreo: :cabreo:
no corrais que es peor...
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Trooper 55
Mensajes: 1425
Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Trooper 55 »

A pesar de que aquí tengo buen ritmo hice una malísima clasificación. Cuando no me salía por una cosa me salía por otra. Al final octavo en la parrilla de salida.
Salí bien poniéndome sexto y en la vuelta 5 adelanté a Tron. Pude aguantarle unas vueltas detrás hasta que cometí mi primer error en Club y Tron recuperó su posición. A falta de 11 vueltas cometí otro tonto error y perdí una rueda. Una pena. Me pasé una carrera muy divertida con Tron y Tago.

Felicidades al podio. Nos vemos en Alemania.

Although I have a good rhythm here, I did a poor classification. When I did not go out for one thing, it came out for another. At the end eighth on the grid.
I started well by placing myself sixth and on lap 5 I overtook Tron. I was able to hold him a few laps behind until I made my first mistake in Club and Tron regained his position. In the absence of 11 laps I made another silly mistake and lost a wheel. A shame I had a very fun race with Tron and Tago.

Congratulations to the podium. See you in Germany.
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
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Mensaje por Xug »

Clive Loynes escribió:It puts Mr Trooper above Sergio on consistency but Troop only did 13 laps.
Hi, Clive:
thanks for your help! :)
I've found 2 differences between the tables at GPLWeekly and here:
- I think that Karakol doesn't get points at Spa, because he didn't complete 50% of the race.
- MrTrooper at Silverstone gets 1 point, as he completed 50% (12 laps).
Don't you agree?
I'm sorry for the delay updating this table, but I'm very busy in the real world and it's hard to find some free-time-with-my-brain-switched-on to make it, even on weekends :)
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Xug escribió:
Clive Loynes escribió:It puts Mr Trooper above Sergio on consistency but Troop only did 13 laps.
Hi, Clive:
thanks for your help! :)
I've found 2 differences between the tables at GPLWeekly and here:
- I think that Karakol doesn't get points at Spa, because he didn't complete 50% of the race.
- MrTrooper at Silverstone gets 1 point, as he completed 50% (12 laps).
Don't you agree?
I'm sorry for the delay updating this table, but I'm very busy in the real world and it's hard to find some free-time-with-my-brain-switched-on to make it, even on weekends :)
Hi Xavier,
Sorry for slow response but we have been away from home since Wednesday.

I agree that Karakol should not get points as he has not completed 50% of the race.

As for Mr Trooper at Silverstone, I agree that the analyser says that he has topped the list for consistency but we are still waiting for him to complete his 14th lap! How can that compare to Sergio's full race distance consistency?

We have had this discussion before and it is just not mathematically valid to compare consistency over thirteen laps with consistency over twenty-four laps.

In my view the point is awarded for consistency over the race distance, not consistency over just the first half of the race?
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Mensajes: 1181
Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

:quico: :quico: :quico:
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón