2018 F1 1967 - 12 - Gran Premi Penya Rhin

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

Mezcua escribió:pendiente / use these links
solucionao! / fixed! :D
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Trooper 55
Mensajes: 1425
Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Trooper 55 »

Me libre del incidente en T1 y me puse segundo tras Tron, que me dejo verle durante unas 5 vueltas, después hizo Beep Beep como el Correcaminos y desapareció. Por la parte de atras fueron cambiando mis perseguidores y poco a poco fui abriendo hueco. A unas 15 vueltas del final ya sacaba 17 sg, por lo que me relajé, cosa que al final casi me cuesta un disgusto, porque Tago recorto toda esa diferencia y entró en la última vuelta pegadito pegadito.

Felicidades a Tron por su :primero: y Tago por su :tercero:, y a los que acabaron.

Un placer correr con todos. Gracias y feliz verano

I got rid of the incident in T1 and got second after Tron, who let me see him for about 5 laps, then he made Beep Beep as the Roadrunner and disappeared. On the part of behind my persecutors were changing and little by little I was distancing myself. At about 15 laps from the end I was already 17 sg, so I relaxed, which in the end almost cost me a dislike, because Tago cut all that difference and entered the last lap very close.

Congratulations to Tron for his :primero: and Tago for his :tercero:, and those who finished.

A pleasure to run with everyone. Thank you and happy summer
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
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Mensajes: 3221
Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

I've had to improve so much if I'm so skillful to kick out the fastest drivers of the champ in the first turn to have cleared in front to ease my only and needed win on the championship.

But I would have changed that win by a complete race with Pelle and Dag. I have been not specially lucky in this champ (except this race) but all of us know well how gpl gives and takes in every race. It's a pitty what happened yesterday and I apologize for my clumsiness (thx google traslator!!). Was a great atmosphere before the race!.

I had a very good setup, but in the qualy wasn't awake enough to take advantage before run out of gas. Then I went to my box, put one click more pressure in tyres, 8 liters fuel and return to the track for 4 laps, getting the pole in the last.

My start was better than I expected, but Pelle reach T1 in front, but was in my right side and I didn't see him till he appears suddenly, but yet I thought that he was not so close to de apex of the hairpin as in other races in T1 we make two lines to take it. As he said it was a sad missundertanding, completed with a very silly melee following. It's not usual that two cars crash at that very low speed, while trying to put the cars in order to run again.

From that moment, only Trooper followed me some laps with great consistency but finally I was left alone for the rest of the race, having only once a true lack of concentration, did almost no errors till the end.

Great races of Tago and Trooper, and it seems David is running with more reliance.

A big pleasure to race with all of you, waiting for next champ to have those nice times together.

Sergio!!!, ponte bueno!
no corrais que es peor...
Mensajes: 141
Registrado: Mié Oct 09, 2013 10:26 am
Ubicación: Porto-Portugal

Mensaje por Sochenna »

It's true, Quico. On the day of the race, on my 68th birthday, I finished the race, a prize for myself, and even gave myself to let it go, without even fighting, given that the championship was decided and I let the Dag, Jose and Xavier. And it was worth it because I was able to finish and on the same lap as the ones that finished.

Now, if I'm healthy, I'll try out the 65 on some tracks because I received a Lotus as a prize and I do not want to disappoint Colin.

Good holidays and even Albi.

Big hug to a fantastic league that has always treated me very well.