6th Tasman Cup F1 66 - 4 - International Gold Cup

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6th Tasman Cup F1 66 - 4 - International Gold Cup

Mensaje por Xug »

6th Tasman Cup F1 66

Circuito / Track: Oulton Park
Día / Date: 2 de junio de 2020 / June 2nd 2020

Carrera / Race 1: 8 vueltas / laps
Carrera / Race 2: 21 vueltas / laps

GPLRank F1 1966: Imagen


Normas / Rules

Modo pro / Pro mode
En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules [shift]+[r] is not allowed
Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flag

Grand Prix

Carrera / Race 1
  • 10 minutos de calificación / 10 minutes qualifying
    15 minutos de carrera aproximadamente / About 15 minutes race
    Puntuación / Points: 5-3-2-1 + 1 pp
Carrera / Race 2
  • Parrilla de salida invertida según los resultados de la carrera 1 / Reverse grid according race 1 results
    30 minutos de carrera aproximadamente / About 30 minutes race
    Puntuación / Points: 9-6-4-3-2-1 + 1 consistencia / consistency + 1 remontada / highest climber + 1 VR (entre las 2 mangas) / FL (considered both races)
Duración aproximada del evento: 1 hora 10 min. / Approximate duration of the event: 1 h 10 min

21.55 h - 22.00 h Encuentro en el iGOR (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meeting at iGOR (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.00 h - 22.10 h Entrada al servidor, 10 min de calificación / Server open, 10 min qualifying
22.10 h - 22.25 h Carrera 1 en modo pro, de unos 15 min / Pro mode race 1, about 15 minutes
22.25 h - 22.35 h Entrada al servidor según el orden de la parrilla invertida / Server entry in reverse grid order
22.40 h - 23.10 h Carrera 2 en modo pro, de unos 30 min / Pro mode race 2, about 30 minutes
Todas las horas son CET o, del 29 de marzo al 25 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 29th to October 25th, CEST.

Coches dispponibles para este gran premio / Cars available for this event
Última edición por Xug el Mié Jun 03, 2020 5:26 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Por alguna misteriosa razón (seguramente la falta de sueño o algo así) tenemos el server apuntando a Brno49. Yo he intentado hacerle entrar en razón, pero está cabezota el tío.
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Unas sesiones privadas en Brno 49 motivaron tu intriga Quico ... esta temporada usaremos el 65 ... la próxima vez que vayamos por alli la propuesta será el 49 :piloto: :baba:
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Mensajes: 2895
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:director: It seems today is going to be a training day at Outlon ...

A braby bt11 2.7 for me please .. I only have a few hours to mop it :diablo:
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Mensajes: 2895
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D Great racing night at Oulton


Keni :primero: Sergio :segundo: and Xug :tercero:


Doni :primero: (a misterious doctor's setup :nose: :prrr:) Sergio :segundo: :segundo: :tonto: y Xug :tercero: :tercero: :tonto:

Nice laps with Xug and Clive by my side :bien:

Thanks all for racing :piloto: :baba:
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Mensajes: 3229
Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Con solo una sesión de entrenos durante la semana y unas vueltas poco antes de la carrera, con un setup que era el estándar (que no es malo) con unos retoques improvisados, no supe hacerlo mejor :cry: .

Enhorabuena a los que os divertisteis.

With only one training session during the week and a few laps just before the race, with a setup that was the standard (which is not bad) with some improvised touches, I did not know how to do better :cry: .

Congratulations to those who had fun.
no corrais que es peor...
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Heat Race:
A litany of misadventures for just about everyone at some point or other not the least among them my feeble efforts. Two spins on successive laps put me back where I belonged for a P5 finish and all in all, it could have been worse. In fact, if it weren't for a brake marker on the left exiting Island Bend to interrupt my trajectory on Lap04, I almost certainly would have gone for a swim. I could weep for Clive who was looking so strong and good up on the point with less than two laps to run when a spin cost him the victory. Keni took advantage to cruise in with Sergio P2 and Xuggy a good P3. Clive at least did recover for a P4 finish.

Feature Race:
A poorish result in the heat put me on Row #2 for the feature and while the heat race showed three cars on the front row, our feature went off with only two cars visible to me on the 2nd row. This left me with the opportunity to gas it off the line and I got a fine launch to steal the lead on the run down to T1. A collision between Clive and Keni on Lap02 entering Esso put Clive way, way back and in a deep, deep hole. Keni, at least, was able to get away with minimal time lost. A moment before this, Quico had spun coming off Island Bend and dropped well back. This all left me with a decent lead over Xuggy with Sergio pressing hard in P3. Lap03 and disaster for Quico. Exiting Island Bend, he skated wide, struck a bill board...notorious for being an unmovable object...and pruned off a corner. Not done, the Brabham skipped across the road and into the lake. Exit Quico. Dear me...

The laps reeled off with a slightly growing cushion over Xuggy with Sergio still in hot pursuit. Keni was staging a charge from the back and looking to pass Tago for position when the two collided at Lodge with Keni spinning off. Tago eased up and let Keni take the place along the pit straight. Lap06 was misery for Xuggy. A spin in Cascades cost a ton of time and set him up for an easy pass by Keni. Sergio was now in P2 only about 3-1/2 seconds behind me and a definite threat. By half distance, the gap back to Sergio was about seven seconds and I was starting to feel secure. That all evaporated very quickly as my signals board soon showed Keni in P2. Groan...

It didn't take long for him to hunt me down and starting Lap17, I saw him duck low for T1 and I left the door open. Through to the the lead, he marched away with great rapidity. Now, my main concern was Sergio who was coming on strong and closing. He was just a tiny dot in my mirrors but that was very likely to change for the worse very soon indeed. Starting Lap19, there was only about five seconds covering the top three places with Keni leading and Sergio chasing me hard in P3. Hard luck indeed for Sergio as a slide off the road in Island Bend cost him any shot at P2. PHEW! He disappeared from my mirrors and I breathed a sigh of relief. Starting Lap20, Keni was about five seconds up the road and in sight on the longer straights. As I came through T1 and exited, I saw a car off to the side of the road up against a tree. There were no yellow flags in warning so I was a bit surprised at this. As well, I think that I saw a detached wheel. I continued on wondering just whom that was up against the tree and only on gaining a longish straightaway and not seeing Keni's Brabham ahead, I thought, 'NO! Can't be!' I'm afraid it was. Keni had gotten out of shape rounding T1 and slid into a tree. They are known for showing no mercy. Bad luck is an understatement.

Reeled off the last two laps with relative safety with Sergio about 10 seconds down. Xuggy was in for a useful P3 and Tago not behind in P4. Pity to have lost Clive late in the going with a blown engine after a spirited dice with Tago.

A lucky victory for sure. Our races took place on June 02. Fifty years ago to the day, in 1970, Bruce McLaren lost his life testing his M8D CanAm car at Goodwood. In the spirit of remembering the fallen greats, I'll gladly dedicated the win to him. RIP, Bruce.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I had a dream start to race one when I got off the line very smartly and was 4th into Old Hall, where Keni and Quico touched and enabled me to pass both of them before Cascades. That left only Sergio in front of me, and when he had a grassy moment that put me in the lead with just half the race to go.

Sadly it was not to be. With Keni and Sergio closing me down I got carried away on the entry to Cascades and had a silly spin.

That allowed Keni and Sergio an easy pass and Xavier sneaked past before I could get going. Bother!

In race two, my start was not so good. In fact I was last off the line but I MANAGED TO OVERTAKE KENI on the run down to Cascades. Think I will put that in my CV.

I was trying to find a way past Tago when I was booted off the track at Shell and had to rejoin around the back of the hoarding.

The red mist came down and I did manage to catch Tago and Xavier again, thanks to some delays on their part, but the shunt up the rear and my rough treatment of the Brabham thereafter meant that the engine gave up with two laps to go.

Still, at least I felt that I was taking part in the same race as the rest of you this time!

Congrats to Keni on the double win. Guess you had to work a bit harder than usual?