3rd 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Große Preis der Schweiz

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Commiserations to Tago and Quico for their hardware problems.

Congratulations to Doni on a fine drive.

I feel that after gaining pole with the Gordini I should really have done better. However, my post-race debrief showed that I should have geared the Gordini for slip-streaming instead of leaving it in training mode. :(

I'm always cautious when following other cars, especially when I'm first behind them and may not know who I am following or what they may do! This didn't get me close enough for the long fast sections to make up any ground because the engine was hitting its rev limit.

I shall make sure that this is not the case at Indy. :D

Condolencias a Tago y Quico por sus problemas de hardware.

Felicitaciones a Doni en un buen viaje.

Siento que después de ganar la pole con el Gordini realmente debería haberlo hecho mejor. Sin embargo, mi informe posterior a la carrera mostró que debería haber adaptado el Gordini para la transmisión por deslizamiento en lugar de dejarlo en modo de entrenamiento. :(

¡Siempre soy cauteloso cuando sigo a otros autos, especialmente cuando estoy detrás de ellos por primera vez y es posible que no sepa a quién estoy siguiendo o qué pueden hacer! Esto no me acercó lo suficiente para que las secciones largas y rápidas hicieran terreno porque el motor estaba alcanzando su límite de revoluciones.

Me aseguraré de que este no sea el caso en Indy. :D
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Después de los entrenos en Madrid, sabía que en Portugal (Cascais) no sería lo mismo, pero lo que no me esperaba es lo de la gráfica. Lo malo fue que no me dio tiempo a preparar el plan B, y me planté en la Qualify Session 4, sin haber probado nada. Afortunadamente, 1024x768 tampoco es un drama, sobre todo la mejora de frames la noté al quitar casi todo lo del Pribluda, dejando solo la tabla de distancia con los otros coches.

En la Q4, conseguí un tiempo bueno, dadas las circunstancias, 3º que con el retraso de Birle, salía 2º, pero en la salida me adelantaron un par de listos. Iba tranquilo, pero en Jordenrampe, antes de llegar abajo del todo, me salí de la carretera sin esperármelo para nada, volviendo último y retrasado a la carrera. Al principio de la 3ª vuelta, en Quarry, cuando ya has cogido velocidad en la bajada que sigue a T1, estaba Xug con su coche atravesado en medio del camino y al esquivarle acabé volcado.

Enhorabuena a los que le sacasteis jugo a la noche!

El circuito es estupendo. Nadie lo recomendó Xug, lo pusiste ya en tu primera propuesta por inspiración divina. A mi me gusta mucho y tengo un buen PB aquí con los 65s, de los tiempos del gamepad. Es divertido y menos peligroso de lo que parece.

After training in Madrid, I knew that in Portugal (Cascais) it would not be the same, but what I did not expect is the graphic card issue. The trouble was that I didn't have time to prepare plan B, and I planted in Qualify Session 4, without having tried anything. Fortunately, 1024x768 is also not a drama, especially the improvement of frames I noticed when removing almost everything from the Pribluda, leaving only the table away with the other cars.

In Q4, I got a good time, given the circumstances, 3º, that with the delay of Birle, I left 2º, but in the start they advanced to me a pair of ready ones. I was calm, but in Jordenrampe, before reaching the bottom, I left the road, returning last and delayed to the race. At the beginning of the 3rd lap, in Quarry, when you have already picked up speed on the descent that follows T1, Xug was with his car crossed in the middle of the road and when I dodged I ended up overturning.

Grats to those who got juice of night

The track is great. No one recommended it, Xug, you already put it in your first proposal by divine inspiration. I really like it and I have a good PB here with the 65s, from the times of the gamepad. It is fun and less dangerous than it seems.
no corrais que es peor...
Mensajes: 82
Registrado: Jue Jul 18, 2019 12:15 pm
Ubicación: Budapest, EU

Mensaje por JaniP »

After all it was a great race.

I know the track and all its dirty tricks :) but with such a little track time in a 55 mod car I did not know what to expect. My mantra was: keeping out of trouble, keeping the brakes in the yellow.

My one lap qual was okay. The start came way too late, but at least it was safe and as something happened on the left, I could sneak into P2 on the right.

I had a yellow car ahead of me (Doni's privateer Maserati?), and it seemed that I could keep his pace and it would be an epic race. But as soon as lap 2 I went off at Jorden(?)...

After having lost a lot of positions I could do nothing but shrug the dust off and drive the rest of the race faultlessly, with a reasonable pace.

My efforts fruited P4, even P3 in the finish.

Podium finish at Bremgarten in a 55 Maserati, woohoo! :D

Grats Doni!
Thanks for the race, guys. I can't wait for Indy.

To cure my FPS problems I drove this time with No Letterbox patch and without Pribluda. This meant a total old school approach with pitboard infos and looking left/right/mirrors when need. It was scary sometimes, but still fun.


Report on Weekly: http://freeleo.hu/weekly/index.php?p:races/202002183/


Después de todo, fue una gran carrera.

Conozco la pista y todos sus trucos sucios :) pero con tan poco tiempo en un auto modelo 55 no sabía qué esperar. Mi mantra era: mantenerse alejado de los problemas, mantener los frenos en amarillo.

Mi única vuelta de calificación estaba bien. El comienzo llegó demasiado tarde, pero al menos fue seguro y, como sucedió algo a la izquierda, pude colarse en P2 a la derecha.

Tenía un auto amarillo delante de mí (¿el privado de Doni, Maserati?), Y parecía que podía mantener su ritmo y sería una carrera épica. Pero tan pronto como la vuelta 2 salí en Jorden (?) ...

Después de haber perdido muchas posiciones, no pude hacer nada más que quitarme el polvo y conducir el resto de la carrera sin fallas, a un ritmo razonable.

Mis esfuerzos fructificaron P4, incluso P3 en el final.

Podio terminar en Bremgarten en un Maserati 55, ¡guau! :RE

Grats Doni!
Gracias por la carrera, muchachos. No puedo esperar a Indy.

Para curar mis problemas de FPS conduje esta vez con el parche No Letterbox y sin Pribluda. Esto significó un enfoque total de la vieja escuela con información de la pizarra y mirando hacia la izquierda / derecha / espejos cuando sea necesario. A veces daba miedo, pero aún así era divertido.
Groundhog GPL Weekly || Custom Rank
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Well... The record books will show that the victor was Doni but in all honesty and in good faith, the moral victor was Aitor. Great pace and the fastest lap, it all came to grief with just one lap to go. And I just hope that I wasn't the cause of his untimely exit.

My face in the Winner's Circle may have been red but not from exertion. It would be from embarrassment. Two errors on Lap14 with brushes of barriers are cause for great concern. I first clipped the haybales at Eichholz to lose the lead to Aitor and still don't know why. I thought I'd slowed sufficiently but obviously not. Then, later in the same lap, I clipped the barriers in Glasbrunnen. I got out of phase in the preceding section and couldn't hold the Maser. Most embarrassing. Errors notwithstanding, that still left me close enough to Aitor to offer up a challenge on the pit straight. I pulled up alongside but decided to abort the bid and went back to the left to show in his mirrors. Hanging out there in someone's blind spot is just not kosher in my books. It takes advantage of GPL's lack of side vision even with a look. I just hope that he was aware of my move to take up station behind him again and it didn't force him into a mistake. I was horrified to see him skip off into the outside barriers at T1 with what must have been a braking issue. More to the point, he was cruelly robbed of a fine finish thanks to the loss of a wheel. No justice there whatsoever.

The early laps were fairly quiet til a yellow car appeared in my mirrors. 'Who's this?', I thought. I don't use Pribluda other than for its dashboard facility so don't keep track of live timing. I rely strictly on my mirrors and my pit board. I got the message starting Lap03 that it was Aitor and his great challenge at Buenos Aires came to mind. Uh-oh.

It didn't take long for Aitor to mount the challenge. He passed cleanly for T1 to start Lap03. I chased with a pace that was just slightly more than I'd like but Clive was close behind and not giving me a moment to relax. Lap07 and high drama. Aitor had a monumental spin going down the hill at Jordenrampe. I only just squeezed by with incident. Thinking that I was now well clear of any challengers, I settled into a pace to keep those pesky Gordinis at bay. The cruise home to a comfy win was short-lived. Within two laps, I caught site of a yellow car distant in my mirrors and my pit board confirmed. Aitor was charging back. HARD! Over the next laps, he closed right in to offer up threats here and there. With just two laps to run, I thought that if I just hit my marks with precision, it will be very tough for Aitor to make a bid. Well, of course, I bungled Eichholz and the rest you know.

Grats on a fine run to P2, Clive. Incredible pace from the tiny Gordini. Jani a fine recovery from an early off to claim P3 right on Clive's tail. Sergio and Nick had some mis-adventures but managed finishes. Bad luck to Quico and Tago and, of course, Aitor.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Lun Mar 29, 2010 6:08 pm

Mensaje por birle1 »

nothing more to say dony. you deserved the victory more than me. i made two big mistakes. in fisrt one i don´t know how the car did not break. i was more confortable behin you than in front. i thought to stay cal behin untill the las two laps. and i did it. but, in the last lap, i missed the downshift, i simrace with a h-shifter, and deconcetrated a bit, and hit the barrier. i was very disapointed. but it was a great race. thank you all. next time i will pick slower car.

pues eso, que falle al bajar a cuarta en la ultima vuelta, me desconcetre y me ostie yo solito como un pardillo novato. menuda mala ostia me quedo, pero me lo pase teta antes de eso. pa la proxima cogere un coche mas lento. cual me recomendais??
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Sin duda este. Además, ligarías mucho.

Última edición por quico el Vie Feb 14, 2020 6:51 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
no corrais que es peor...
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Mensajes: 3229
Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

toppolino Fiat 500 :D
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Lun Mar 29, 2010 6:08 pm

Mensaje por birle1 »

jodo, ya ni un gordini me recomendais!! menuda panda de .... :mascabreo:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:mrgreen: Pues yo lo conduciría encantado :baba: