Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 08 - Grand Prix du Quebec

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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 08 - Grand Prix du Quebec

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Great race at St. Jovite :bien:


Congrats Paul for your win :primero: :raquel: Tago for :segundo: :tonto: and Xug :tercero: :raquel:

Thx for the fun

:piloto: :baba:
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 08 - Grand Prix du Quebec

Mensaje por Xug »

Hoy se me presentaba un dia de trabajo difícil, lo ha sido, ayer habia estado preparando cosas y la verdad es q no tenia la cabeza en la carrera. No iba mal y batí mi PB de hace unas semanas, pero fui cometiendo errores pequeños que me fueron retrasando y perdiendo concentración hasta que me encontré en el guardarrail con tres ruedas en la primera frenada difícil en L14, sin siquiera llegar a la mitad para puntuar. Decididamente no es un circuito xug-friendly.
:cava: grats Paul and Tago, you're both doing a great champ! :cava:

Today I expected a difficult day at work, so has it been. Yesterday I had been doing homework (it was holyday in Spain) and in the evening I hadn't my head in the race. The beginning wasn't bad and I beat my PB from a few weeks ago, but I was making small mistakes that costed time and I was losing concentration until I found myself against the guardrail with three wheels in the first difficult braking on L14, without even reaching halfway to score. It is definitely not a xug-friendly circuit.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 08 - Grand Prix du Quebec

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Nice race.

Tago was on my tail from start to finish.
As I increased my pace, so did he.
Near the end of the race I had a spin at the last turn and Tago had the lead. I was able to close the 2 or 3 seconds I lost but passing would have been difficult.
On the penultimate lap Tago ran wide at the last turn and gave me back the lead.

Thanks for hosting.

See you at Thruxton.