3rd 1965 Formula 1 Challenge - 10 - Gran Premio de España

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Report & replay udpated :arrow:


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Registrado: Lun Mar 29, 2010 6:08 pm

Mensaje por birle1 »


carrera insulsa para mi. sali cuarto y llegue cuarto, sin poder achuchar a sebas y sin ser achuchado. cometi un fallo, pise el bordillo y trompee, alejandome de sebas. pero por lo menos acabe una carrera este año sin llevarme a nadie por delante ni nada de eso.


bland career for me. I left fourth and I arrived fourth, without being able to punch out sebas and without being struck down. I made a mistake, stepped on the curb and trumpeted away from sebas. but at least I finished a race this year without taking anyone ahead or anything like that.

and clive, so sorry for my braking points. i usually race with h-shifter and this compromises my race lines, braking point,... and i think here, at jarama,, this is a disadvantage, because you need to trail braking a lot here.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

birle1 escribió:
and clive, so sorry for my braking points. i usually race with h-shifter and this compromises my race lines, braking point,... and i think here, at jarama,, this is a disadvantage, because you need to trail braking a lot here.
No problem, Aitor, I was having problems of my own! I think that this was a race where everyone put in some practice time and this showed up my true pace with the BT7. Quico was untouchable and Sergio was not so far behind him.

Congratulations also to Seb on his first PDLR podium.

After two spins I found myself behind Tago and we had a great battle. Not sure why I came out on top of that one.

Many thanks to PDLR for a great year of racing. I am already looking forward to next year. :)

No hay problema, Aitor, ¡tenía mis propios problemas! Creo que esta fue una carrera en la que todos dedicaron algo de tiempo de práctica y esto mostró mi verdadero ritmo con el BT7. Quico era intocable y Sergio no estaba tan lejos detrás de él.

Felicitaciones también a Seb por su primer podio PDLR.

Después de dos giros, me encontré detrás de Tago y tuvimos una gran batalla. No estoy seguro de por qué salí encima de eso.

Muchas gracias a PDLR por un gran año de carreras. Ya estoy deseando que llegue el año que viene.
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Registrado: Jue Nov 28, 2019 1:58 pm

Mensaje por 5117sebastian »

muchas gracias y felicitaciones a todos, estoy deseando que comiencen los nuevos campeonatos!! ...alguien sabe porque no están los datos en gpl weekly?
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

5117sebastian escribió: ...alguien sabe porque no están los datos en gpl weekly?

Yes, because I can't find the button to upload it. See the comments on the GPL Weekly forum.

EDIT: Fixed now. ;-)
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Congratulations to Sergio on taking the championship in fine style. :primero: and to Doni for the runner up spot. :segundo:
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Registrado: Mié Oct 09, 2013 10:26 am
Ubicación: Porto-Portugal

Mensaje por Sochenna »

Sergio, Champion, who deserved it, because Doni and Clive (also congratulations), I think they did everything to get the title.

To the rest, my thanks for their performance and respectability, which I greatly appreciate in this country, with insentatives of all kinds and sincere encouragement.

I still look forward to a championship of "old guards" and, however, if you are healthy, count on the "senior" next year.

Congratulations to all.
Doni Yourth
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Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

I can't say that I'm surprised and downcast from Jarama. Not high on my list of favourite circuits. Sort of like Ahvenisto without the trees. One thing that works against me is that I try to scrupulously stay inside the white lines defining the roadway. I figure that they are there for a purpose no matter what GPLRA says is on or off track.

A fine performance from Quico to take a well-earned victory. And no disco this time! Hey! That's got to be encouraging.

Sergio a solid P2 run to clinch the GP65 Championship. After the Watkins Glen debacle, I was, at best, at long shot to emerge the champ.

Sebas having an admirable run to a podium placing in only his 2nd appearance here at the PDLR. Well done.

I wasn't terribly surprised to find that I was slowest qualifier and contrary to my usual mindset, took it very easy off the grid. I could have got a much better launch but figured that I'd just be a mobile roadblock to anyone I managed to pass on the run down to T1. I settled in behind Nick and not until he slid a bit wide did I get a chance to pass. On Lap10, I returned the favour by touching the curb going up the hill and having a wild spin in the Cooper. Cost me a bundle. Not deterred, I put my chin down and carried on to have the satisfaction of closing on Nick again but time ran out. Pleased to see that I cut a new PB lap time, at least.

Once again, hats off to Sergio, our GP65 Champion. :)

My thanks to the PDLR for organizing a fine series. Looking forward to being back with you again in 2020.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Doni Yourth escribió:One thing that works against me is that I try to scrupulously stay inside the white lines defining the roadway. I figure that they are there for a purpose no matter what GPLRA says is on or off track.
As I explained above (but not traslated, sorry), white lines at Jarama were not a very serious thing. But the pianos in the ápex of turns were hard to climb, so drivers kept inside the lines there, but not at the start of the turns that haven't pianos. This is a 1970 pic. Almost all drivers took the tunnel turn like that:

no corrais que es peor...
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

PDLR server has switched to WVROC and I can't connect. :(

I have managed to join other '67 servers on iGOR.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:roll: ops... I'll try and say something later :wink:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D I found out what was happening... xp firewall was blocking connections ...

thanks to say something :bien:
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Thanks Jose.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

No demasiado entrenamiento, y cada vez que salía a pista, con un setup diferente. Así, el lunes en el server un setup, el martes para la carrera otro... que estrené en ese momento.

El primer 30 que salió en calificación, fue con gasolina de carrera, pero como lo vi justito, entré en boxes y salí a dar unas vueltas con poca gasofa. Sonó la flauta y me salió un buen tiempo que me quitaba los moscones de encima para el asunto ese de la pole.

No salí mal -aquí la relación de marchas es corta- y me dejasteis salir entrar y salir de T1 en 1ª posición. Todo el mundo tuvo la delicadeza de descolgarse rápidamente, menos Sergio, decidido a animarme la noche. Mantuve un ritmo fuerte pero ahí seguía el tío, vuelta tras vuelta. Después de muuuuchas vueltas conseguí que me perdiera el rebufo, y empecé a rodar solo, con el peligro que tiene eso de perder la concentración... en lap 18 me voy estúpidamente largo en monza y trompeo en medio de la pista. Me lío con las marchas e intento girar el coche con un acelerón, pero la que tengo metida o es la 1ª, sino la 2ª y la maniobra sale un poco churro y lenta, y Sergio que no venía lejos, no sabe por donde pasarme y me golpea, por suerte con poca fuerza. Salimos los dos corriendo, pero yo sigo 1º.

En lap 20 nos volvemos a ir largos en monza, pero yo me mantengo por el arcén y a el se le cruza el coche hasta el otro arcén, perdiendo un par de segundos quizá. En la siguiente vuelta, al salir de las curvas de final de recta, trompeo, pero esos trompos de 360º que continúas como si nada y como Sergio había perido ese par de segundos, no consigue pasarme.

Ahí parece que Sergio se da cuenta de que tiene poca gasolina para acabar la carrea y me deja en paz de una vez, y yo,ya tranquilo me dedico a la vuelta rápida que consigo en la 25.

Y por fin gano una!

Felicidades Sergio por el campeonato, porque has sido rápido y consistente y aún sin los desastres que me acontecieron, no hubiera podido contigo!
Doni gran campeonato también, y a ver qué tal se te da el nuevo Jarama. Espero que te guste más!

Enhorabuena Sebas, no parece que te pueda la presión precisamente.

Y enhorabuena a todos: Una carrera sin abandonos!!! :ola:

Not too much training, and every time I went on track, with a different setup. So, on Monday on the server a setup, on Tuesday for the race another ... that I released at that time.

The first 30 that came out in qualification, was with race fuel, but as I saw it not enough, I went into the pits and return for a few laps with little "gasofa". The flute sounded and a good time came out that took my mosquitoes off me for the pole issue.

I started not wrong - here the gear ratio is short - and you let me in and out of T1 in 1st position. Everyone had the delicacy of getting off the hook quickly, except Sergio, determined to cheer me up at night. I kept a strong rhythm but there was the uncle (Sergio), lap after lap. After so maaaany laps, I managed to get a gap, and I started to shoot alone, with the danger of losing my concentration ... in lap 18 I go stupidly long in monza and spin in the middle of the track. I mess with the gears and try to turn the car with accelerator, but the gear that I have put in is not the 1st, but the 2nd and the maneuver comes out slow, and Sergio who did not come far, does not know where to pass and hits me, luckily with little force. We both ran, but I'm still 1st.

In lap 20 we go long in Monza again, but I stay on the side of the road and he crosses the car to the other side, losing a couple of seconds maybe. On the next lap, when leaving the end of the straight turns, I spin, but those 360º spins that you continue as if nothing happened, and as Sergio had lost that couple of seconds, he fails to pass me.

There it seems that Sergio realizes that he has little fuel to finish the race and leaves me alone, and I, already calmly, dedicate myself to the fast lap I get in the 25th.

And finally I win one!

Congratulations Sergio for the championship, because you've been fast and consistent and even without the disasters that happened to me, I couldn't have been with you!
Doni great championship too, and see how you get the new Jarama. I hope you like it more!

Congratulations Sebas, it does not seem that I can pressure you precisely.

An grats to all: a race all the field finished!!! :ola:
no corrais que es peor...