2018 F1 1967 - 10 - Gran Premio de México

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Pelle_B escribió:@Clive, maybe it can be because GPLRank was down too, but looks like it up again & iGOR too.
It certainly does not work when GPLRank is down but last night GPLRank was working and the pre-qual page was still stuck on old data for me and didn't register that Xug had been there at all.
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Mensaje por Xug »

:cava: Pelle :primero: Sergio :segundo: Tagomago :tercero: :cava:

a nice race with nice fights everywhere! grats everyone :D
Dag Johnsen
Mensajes: 38
Registrado: Mar Feb 13, 2018 1:46 pm
Ubicación: Norway

Mensaje por Dag Johnsen »

Grats Pelle , Sergio and Tago.

Grats to all finishers and commiserations to the dnf`ers.

In short it was all going well and according to plan at Mexico. I knew that Pelle was sandbagging of sorts in Q and wasnt suprised to see him take pole at the end of the session. But p2 with no grid edit was more than good enough to take the lead and go first into T1. The grosso doesnt exactly fly off the line so with equal meters to T1 that wasnt very suprising.

Ofc Pelle kept me honest for the first laps and then he might have made a mistake of sorts cause all of a sudden I was 3 - 4 sec ahead of him. That gap stayed pretty consistent until I blew the engine going into lap 10.. Disaster. This was the first time I ever had an issue with the brabham and in all honesty I was kind of sloppy with my lifiting yesterday and that probably caused the blow up. I guess I started to think that the brab is unbreakable , turns out it isnt...

So what looked like a 10 - 8 in my favour turned out to be a 12 - 0 in Pelles favour so that makes the challenge a little greater but there are two races left and the championship is still up for grabs. C u guys @ Porto.
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Trooper 55
Mensajes: 1425
Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Trooper 55 »

Bueno, pues yo cuando mejor me lo estaba pasando, en tercera posición y peleando para que no me pasara Sergio se me congela la imagen :roto: . Cuando vuelve a funcionar estaba pegado al guardarrair y aparentemente sin daños, pero ya me había pasado Sergio y tenía a Tago pegado. Entre la pedida de concentración y que ya el coche no iba fino cometí dos errores más y el coche quedo mal, por lo que opte por abandonar…..
Lo malo de esto es que no veo solución al problema. Tengo los últimos drivers para mi tarjeta de vídeo instalados y he probado a reinstalar el gpl pero sigue igual , y todo desde la última actualización de W10.

Felicidades al podio
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
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Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

De verdad que fue una pena Trooper , yo también me lo estaba pasando teta . De hecho , creo que fue la carrera más divertida de toda mi mediocre temporada , hasta que sufriste la congelación :cry: :cry: :cry: . Iba muy pegado a tí y lo vi perfectamente :shock: , te aseguro que lo sentí casi como tú . Una lástima porque fueron muchas vueltas de guerra directa y ataques a muerte , pero eres un tipo duro y aguantaste todos los rounds :porfa: :porfa: :porfa: .
La salida fue muy mala por mi parte y perdí posición con Trooper y Clive y casi monto una melé , el más perjudicado fue Tron que le empujé a la hierba y quedó muy rezagado . Trooper se me escapó un poquito , pero a Clive lo adelanté sin querer :lol: :lol: :lol: y en un sitio muy delicado , pero explico ésto : frenó mucho antes que yo y para no darle un beso negro :oops: le esquivé por la izquierda y corté un poco la curva por dentro . También podría parecer un adelantamiento de un Ángel del Infierno borracho a una abuelita , pero no fue así :lol: :lol: .
Y la carrera , salvaje hasta que desapareció Trooper.A partir de ahí rodé en solitario todas las vueltas y entré en meta junto al otro Toro Grosso al que escolté hasta cruzar la línea . Luego nos hicimos unos donuts para celebrar el doblete del equipo samurái y todos tan contentos.
Por fin una carrera en condiciones donde he podido disfrutar mucho y acabar sin problemas .
Enhorabuena a Pelle Grosso Bunchen :primero: :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso: por su gran carrera y a Tago :tercero: por acompañarnos en el pódium . A Tron pedirle disculpas por empujarle un poquito en la salida :adios: :adios: y para Trooper mis condolencias ( ¿ has pensado en reinstalar W xp? ) .
Al resto saludos y nos vemos en Portugal . Ahí David tiene que poner toda la carne el el asador :disparo: :disparo: :disparo: , porque os recuerdo que la última carrera es Montjuich y como sabéis voy a ganaros a todos :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: .

NOS VEMOS EN PISTA!!!!!!! :piloto: :piloto: :piloto:

Truly it was a pity Trooper, I was also having fun . In fact, I think it was the funniest race of all my irregular season, until you suffered freezing. I was very close to you and I saw it perfectly , I assure you that I felt almost like you. A pity because there were many laps of direct war and death attacks, but you are a tough guy and endured all the rounds .
The start was very bad on my part and I lost position with Trooper and Clive and I almost rode a scrum, the hardest hit was Tron that pushed him to the grass and was very behind. Trooper escaped me a little bit, but Clive went ahead unintentionally and in a very delicate place, but I explain this: he slowed down much before me and not to give him a black kiss Embarassed I dodged him on the left and cut a little the curve inside. It might also seem like an overtaking of a drunken Hell Angels to a grandmother, but it was not like .
And the race, wild until Trooper disappeared. From there I run all the laps alone and I entered the finish line next to the other Toro Grosso that I escorted to cross the line. Then we made donuts to celebrate the samurai team's double and everyone was so happy.
Finally a race in conditions where I was able to enjoy a lot and finish without problems.
Congratulations to Pelle Grosso Bunchen for his great career and Tago for joining us on the podium. A Tron apologize for pushing a little in the exit and for Trooper my condolences (have you thought about reinstalling W xp?).
To the rest, greetings and see you in Portugal. There David has to put all the meat on the spit because I remind you that the last race is Montjuich and as you know I will win you all .

Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D reports up to date

:tercero: :raquel:

y muy contento por lanzar el server a la antigua consiguiendo la repe que normalmente se perdía

Me preparé un escritorio remoto en otra máquina para acceder al server y grabar la repe a mano ... cuando lanzas así no hay manera de decirle que salve otra cosa que el export ..

and very happy to launch the server the old way getting the replay that in this case was normally lost

I prepared a remote desktop on another machine to access the server and record the replay manually ... when you throw like that there's no way to tell it to save anything other than the export ..

Thx all for racing
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Mensajes: 105
Registrado: Mar Mar 22, 2016 12:40 am
Ubicación: Kastrup

Mensaje por Pelle_B »

Big Grats Sergio & Tago :aplauso:

This was a dream of the big ones - a book could not be written more exciting - we got Torro Grosso in as 1-2 :bien:

Again, I spent too much time changing my race setup, 5mins before race...I think, Pole gives points :shock: ...on with qual setup & Pole. I need all the points I can get in the match on Dag. :wink:

Can't do anything against Clive & Dag down to T1.
Clive slide out & there is room, thank you. The fight up to Dag is a thrill of the big ones. Some laps later I'm smashing into the fence of T1 & think: My race is over :roll: Great surprise, the car can move on :)
Must put even more pressure on my Grosso, regardless of how much damage has happened to the car & start getting closer to Dag...& then it happens, a great sight when a Brabham explodes :wink:
The last laps are awaiting Sergio, so we can follow when we cross the finish line 8)

Grats for all of you, there were many exciting things happening today on this track :) ...but bad for those who had to go out :cry:

In my wait for Sergio, I totally forgot this gave points, but at this point, Dag was gone...& Dag gets a point :mrgreen:
Sergio got the point, because Dag only 9 laps & a point more to Torro Grosso. You need it more than me…& Dag :P

Thank you all for another fun day here at PDLR :brindis:
Última edición por Pelle_B el Mié Jun 27, 2018 3:26 pm, editado 3 veces en total.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Well I made a complete mess of that!

Grats to Pelle, Sergio and Tago and all finishers.

I think that I only had Dag in front of me at T1 but no matter how much I tried to slow down the Ferrari was drawn to the Armco. I only gave it a light kiss but I think that the Ferrari has glass wishbones!

Heading for T3 I could feel that the car was bent and so I tried to keep to the right to allow others to get past.

I did a lot of spins but after a while the main problem was that I had to crawl around the last and first corners or the back would let go and give me yet another spin.

Survival was the aim but even that failed as my last spin reduced me to three wheels. :(

As I watched the race unfold it looked as though Tron was having the same problem with his Cooper but he did a better job of keeping it going to the end.

Well done to Xavier on his 4th place, keeping Tron behind him. Many thanks. ;-)

Porto with brakes will be interesting. I've only done it in the 55 mod hotlap challenge on GPL Weekly.

I have added the results on GPL Weekly and have given the point for lap time consistency to Sergio as Dag only did 9 laps.
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Mensajes: 105
Registrado: Mar Mar 22, 2016 12:40 am
Ubicación: Kastrup

Mensaje por Pelle_B »

Clive Loynes escribió:I have added the results on GPL Weekly and have given the point for lap time consistency to Sergio as Dag only did 9 laps.
Oops, my fault...no point to Dag because of only 9 laps, Big Thx...sry Dag :wink:
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Very little training this two weeks due to flu with fever (no smiley for this :D ) mixed with endless variety of domestic jobs (bad mixture) and inside the two weeks, three travels Madrid->Lisboa->Madrid->Lisboa (by car, 700Km each). I arrived Mexico without a setup to drive trusted, but at least, cured.

Classified in the middle of the grid, and for once I did a good start with the intention of not to lose contact with the group ahead. But the group ahead had own plans and I was no part of them. I had to drive trough the grass to avoid cars dancing in front of me. In T1 I was the last driver of the race. I drove behind David until he failed and then spent some laps reaching Xug. Xug was so consistent and only made a mistake that allowed me to pass him, but few laps later Trooper spun in T1 and I had to stop, Xug passed me and he will not failed again.
From then only my own mistakes when got close to Xug that results in my 5th position at the end, the last driver of those that finished the race. Grats to them.
no corrais que es peor...