7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Me salió una carrera excepcional :P
I had an exceptional race

En la sesión de entrenamientos libres 4 bajé a 5.01.34 tras mantenerme en 5.02 alto y medio en las sesiones 1-3 del día anterior
I dropped to 5.01.34 in free practice session 4 after staying at a high 5.02 and a half in sessions 1-3 the day before.

Eso suele ser presagio de desastres en carrera porque disputar posición no cuadra cuando aun te faltan algunos sustos que descubrir
That is usually a harbinger of disasters in the race, because challenging for position doesn't add up when you still have a few scares to discover.

Así que en la calificación de carrera quité gasolina y temiendo sustos más que mejores tiempos busqué ese 5.01
So in the race qualification I removed fuel and fearing scares rather than better times I looked for that 5.01

Tras varios intentos y pensando que no me quedaría tiempo para calmarme y salir a carrera en condiciones, lo que suelo hacer en ultima tanda ya con gasolina, quedando 5 minutos para el final de la tanda salí a buscar mi ansiado 5.01 y conseguí un 4.59 medio que me puso segundo en parrilla :simp: :mrgreen: :piloto:
After several attempts and thinking that I would not have time to calm down and go out to race in conditions, what I usually do in the last run and with fuel, with 5 minutes left to the end of the run I went out to look for my desired 5.01 and I got a 4.59 half that put me second on the grid.

No pude dar las gracias ni felicitar a nadie ... aun tenía puesto mi mejor jersey, tenía las pulsaciones a 100 y sudaba como un pollo ... me quité el jersey, verifique setup de carrera y salimos sin haberme podido calmar :jo:
I couldn't thank or congratulate anyone ... I was still wearing my best jersey, my heart rate was at 100 and I was sweating like a chicken... I took off my jersey, checked the race setup and we went out without having been able to calm down.

El coche no agarraba nada juas ... tampoco ayudaban las pulsaciones a tope ... así que al primer pequeño desliz Paul me adelantó para irse a la caza de Gaiz y me quedé rodando con Clive detrás, buscando desesperadamente relajar los nervios
The car was not gripping at all ... and my heart rate didn't help either ... so at the first small slip Paul overtook me to go chasing Gaiz and I stayed behind with Clive, desperately trying to relax my nerves

8 iban a ser muchas vueltas
8 was going to be a lot of laps

Clive se me acercaba y en vuelta 3 me superó por rebufo en la recta de meta :bien:
Clive was closing in on me and on lap 3 he overtook me on the finishing straight.

Ahí empezó lo difícil porque la llegada a las frenadas exigía templar el freno para no llevármelo por delante ... conseguí encontrar ese ritmo en el que podía seguirle bien sin muchos sustos de comérmelo
That's when the hard part started because the braking required me to be careful with the brakes so as not to hit him ... I managed to find that pace where I could follow him well without too many scares to eat him.

Estaba difícil el podium pero era importante estar ahí por si acaso
It was difficult to get the podium but it was important to be there just in case.

Rodamos juntos las vueltas siguientes hasta que al finalizar la vuelta 6 falle un pelo una curva y eso le hizo a Clive ganar unos metros
We drove together for the next few laps until the end of lap 6 when I came out of a corner a bit slow and that made Clive gain a few metres.

En la 7 cometió un fallo y pude superarlo utilizando la hierba por el interior
On lap 7 he made a mistake and I was able to overtake him using the grass on the inside.

La 8 fue para Clive una vuelta de recuperar los metros perdidos mientras yo seguía en mi ritmo
Lap 8 was Clive's lap to make up the lost meters while I was still on my pace.

Sabía que si te acercabas yo perdería el podium porque tendrías el rebufo de la recta de meta como ya habías hecho en la vuelta 3
I knew that if you got close I would lose the podium because you would have the slipstream on the finishing straight as you had done on lap 3

Sin embargo como conseguiste acercarte disputamos en paralelo las eses de antes del curvón de derechas en bajada
However, as you managed to get close to me, we were racing parallel to each other in the sprint before the right-hand downhill corner.

Luego tu maniobra de intentar el interior en la última curva me lleva a mi a intentar un exterior imposible igual que tu interior es imposible porque estamos más allá del punto en que se puede intentar ... yo tengo mala suerte y un árbol se me come
Then your manoeuvre to try the inside in the last corner leads me to try an impossible outside as your inside is impossible because we are beyond the point where you can try ... I have bad luck and a tree eats me.

En resumen ... un final con mala suerte para una gran carrera :cabreo:
In short ... an unlucky end to a great race.

Según mi versión la ronda de cervezas esta vez te toca Clive :brindis:
By my reckoning the round of beers this time goes to you Clive.

Enhorabuena a todos acabando en un circuito que tiene trampas en todas las curvas y gracias a todos por estos grandes ratillos en pista
Congratulations to all finishing in a circuit that has traps in every corner and thanks to all for these great moments on the track.

Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

WOW! Now I've seen some heartbreaker finishes in my time but this one has to be the sorriest. Poor Tago. I don't use Pribluda so had no idea that he'd shunted off to a DNF on the last corner of the last lap til I saw the finishing order. My, my...

Gaizka a fine win and not really challenged. Paul a splendid run in the Connie to a most worthy P2. Clive survives to claim P3 after a race-long duel with Tago.

I score a lucky P4 thanks to Tago's DNF and frankly, I was never even remotely able to run with any more pace. I was giving it all I had. I was impressed that Xuggy was able hang with me in the early laps and it certainly looked like he had my number. Only a couple of spins set him back.

Road67 a great fantasy circuit with tricky elevation changes and road camber switches that can really catch one out. I was annoyed that I bungled the 180° corner on Lap05 to have a brief off-course ride but managed to recover without too much time lost. That cost me a '64'.

Off to Wegberg next for the thrilling high-speed slipstream parade. :)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 06 - French Road Grand Prix

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Oh dear, so sorry that it had to end that way.

Tago found some great pace at the end of qually and carried it through to the race.

I made my "signature" bad start, which allowed Paul to attack Tago from the first corner and by turn three he was in second spot.

That left me to fight out the Lancia Cup with Tago. There were places on the lap where he was quicker than me but the last sector belonged to me and I was able to get into position to slipstream and pass him on the home straight.

But he didn't go away! There were places where he closed on me at such a rate that I thought that I had Gaizka behind me! Just when I thought that 3rd place was mine, apparently, I had saved one of my daft mistakes for the race! At the bit of sector two where you have to go from 5th and brake over a crest before threading the beast through a tricky right left that ends in a steep climb, the Lancia decided to go right when I wanted left! tago was past me before I could recover and the battle was rejoined in reverse order.

As I have said, the final sector was mine and my intention was to out drag Tago to the line. I somehow found myself moving alongside him into the final corner, which presented me with a problem of how to slow down enough such that I didn't need the outside half of the track. I failed and lost the back end. At the same time, Tago had run off onto the grass. We were both heading for the trees but I was going backwards. Tago was unlucky enough to find a tree that was solid but I didn't.

As I tried to turn around and find the track, I gave Tago a nudge but he was already upsidedown with only three wheels. A rotten end to a great battle.

I found the track and headed for the line, not actually knowing what had happened to Tago as I had been going backwards for most of the time.

Sorry Tago. Definitely owe you a beer.