7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Clive Loynes
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Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Well that is now two disappointing races in this series. Gaizka and Paul obviously drove well but I didn't do a good job in either of them and certainly didn't do justice to the Lancia.
It may well be that this will continue as on a Monday we look after our granddaughter all day and by the time that I get to race, I'm already knackered. I can do the occasional fast lap but my concentration over a full race distance is abysmal.

In this race the car seemed to do something completely different in the Cutting on lap one and I was lucky not to lose some wheels. Losing second to Paul was a good result. I was closing back in on him when I made my second error and that put me about twenty seconds behind him. Getting back to just three seconds at the end shows that I improved over the second half but I can't say that I ever felt really happy with the car.

Thanks for the race and congratulations to both Gaizka and Paul for fine drives.

Bueno, ya son dos carreras decepcionantes en esta serie. Gaizka y Paul obviamente condujeron bien, pero yo no hice un buen trabajo con ninguno de los dos y ciertamente no le hice justicia al Lancia.
Es muy posible que esto continúe, ya que un lunes cuidamos a nuestra nieta todo el día y cuando llego a la carrera, ya estoy hecho polvo. Puedo hacer alguna que otra vuelta rápida, pero mi concentración en una distancia completa de carrera es abismal.

En esta carrera el coche pareció hacer algo completamente diferente en el corte de la primera vuelta y tuve suerte de no perder algunas ruedas. Perder el segundo puesto ante Paul fue un buen resultado. Me estaba acercando a él cuando cometí mi segundo error y eso me dejó unos veinte segundos detrás de él. Volver a sólo tres segundos al final demuestra que mejoré con respecto a la segunda mitad, pero no puedo decir que alguna vez me haya sentido realmente feliz con el coche.

Gracias por la carrera y felicitaciones tanto a Gaizka como a Paul por sus buenos pilotajes.
Doni Yourth
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Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

A reasonable drive from me to score a P6. No mistakes...well, OK, one when I went a touch wide in The Cutting on Lap09 and lightly brushed the tyre wall; gave myself a bit of fright there...and all laps on track. No 64's. I expect that Quico was kicking himself in the butt for letting me get ahead on the run down to T1 off the start. He was overly cautious in that, imo. For the rest of the race, he was my constant shadow and most likely faster but could never quite mount a challenge. On Lap15, my replay cap showed that he disappeared altogether. ??? This is confirmed from the server example. It seems that his signal was dropped momentarily and from that point onward, he was not scored. He was now just a tiny red dot in my mirrors and not knowing what was really going on with scoring, I kept my pace up to log my best laps late in the going. Without the scoring glitch, Quico finished up only two seconds down on me. Good job I kept up my pace as in all fairness, he was in contention for the place.

Sorry to have lost Xuggy early on. Those barriers at Murray's are pretty damned stout.

Great job by Gaizka for win. Well done, sir. Paul a fine run home to P2. Clive recovering from early grief to nab a close P3. Well done to all runners.

Blandford Camp next on the sked. Looking forward to it! :)
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por quico »

Cargué el circuito poco antes de la carrera pero aún me dio tiempo a entrar en la 4ª sesión libre. Di cuatro o cinco vueltas, pero por lo menos una vez en cada una, se me ponía la pantalla en negro durante unos segundos. Dejé la sesión y me puse a trastear en el ordenador. Toqué las opciones de rendimiento de pantalla, poniéndolas en máximo rendimiento y parece que la cosa se ha solucionado (pura potra).

Utilicé el setup estándar ajustando solo las marchas y la gasolina (mal, porque me sobraron 20 litros) porque no tenía tiempo de mirar nada más ya que necesitaba todo el tiempo posible para entrenar. Parece que Enrique tampoco había rodado en este circuito, pero se apañó bastante bien. La diferencia es que yo llevaba más de un año sin tocar el volante, excepto para hacer algún replay del Jarama para comprobar cosas.

En la salida no peleé la posición a Doni por mi poca confianza por el poco entreno y el recuerdo de las muchas carreras que le arruiné en el pasado. Rodé detrás suyo toda la carrera, aunque en alguna ocasión que despareció (lag) tuve que aflojar hasta tenerle otra vez en pantalla (tengo que ver de quien es el lag).

Muy contento de haber aguantado toda la carrera y de estar otra vez con todos vosotros.

Enhorabuena a los balas del podium.

I loaded the track shortly before the race but I still had time to enter the 4th free session. I did four or five laps, but at least once in each one, the screen went black for a few seconds. I left the session and started messing around on the computer. I touched the screen performance options, setting them to maximum performance and it seems that the thing has been solved (pure filly).

I used the standard setup adjusting only the gears and fuel (badly, because I had 20 liters left over) because I didn't have time to look at anything else since I needed as much time as possible to train. It seems that Enrique had not driven on this track either, but he managed quite well. The difference is that I hadn't touched the steering wheel for more than a year, except to make replays of the Jarama to check things.

At the start I did not fight Doni for position due to my lack of confidence due to the lack of training and the memory of the many races that I ruined for him in the past. I rode behind him the entire race, although sometimes he disappeared (lag) I had to slow down until I had him on the screen again (I have to see whose lag it is).

Very happy to have lasted the entire race and to be with all of you again.

Congratulations to the bullets on the podium.
no corrais que es peor...
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por Xug »

(Quico, que alegria verte de nuevo en la pista!)
Había consegudo llegar a 29s tras varias sesiones de entrenamientos y llegué a la carrera con la sola idea de intentar acabar, acabar el último.
Mi única preocupación aquí era la dificultad de gestionar los frenos, claro, Gaizka lo había advertido. En la última curva, Murray's corner, es muy difícil frenar bien, así que pensé adoptar un enfoque seguro: frenaría un cuarto de hora antes de lo que mi instinto corredor considerara juicioso. No iba a bajar de 29s, pero podría acabar.
Pero en la Q se me ocurrió, en la primera vuelta, en la bajada hacia esa curva, cuando vas dandole al freno y rezando tus oraciones de frenada, una comparación que ya no me pude quitar de la cabeza: me sentí como se debió sentir el capitán del barco de vapor que destrozó un muelle en Sidney porque no calculó la inercia de su nuevo barco mucho más rápido que el velero anterior. Lo vio Joseph Conrad y lo contó en un artículo sobre el Titanic, para ilustrar que cuando aumentas el tamaño y la potencia hay que aumentar la capacidad de frenar, cosa que no hacían los constructores de F1 en 1955.

En la vuelta 2 me pasó a mi. (Lo leí en este libro.)

I had managed to reach 29s after several training sessions and I arrived at the race with the only idea of trying to finish, to finish last.
My only concern here was the difficulty of managing the brakes, of course, Gaizka had warned about this. In the last corner, Murray's, it is very difficult to brake well, so I thought I would take a safe approach: I would brake a quarter of an hour earlier than my racing instinct considered appropriate. I wasn't going to go below 29s, but I could finish.
But in Q it came to my mind, on the first lap, on the descent towards that turn, while you press the brake pedal and say your braking prayers, a comparison that I could no longer get out of my head: I felt how it must have felt the captain of the steamship who wrecked a dock in Sydney because he did not calculate the inertia of his new ship much faster than the previous sailboat. Joseph Conrad saw it and told it in an article about the Titanic, to illustrate that when you increase size and power you have to increase the braking capacity, a work that F1 constructors did not do in 1955.
I assure you it is not for the vain pleasure of talking about my own poor experiences, but only to illustrate my point, that I will relate here a very unsensational little incident I witnessed now rather more than twenty years ago in Sydney, N.S.W. Ships were beginning then to grow bigger year after year, though, of course, the present dimensions were not even dreamt of. I was standing on the Circular Quay with a Sydney pilot watching a big mail steamship of one of our best-known companies being brought alongside. We admired her lines, her noble appearance, and were impressed by her size as well, though her length, I imagine, was hardly half that of the Titanic.
She came into the Cove (as that part of the harbour is called), of course very slowly, and at some hundred feet or so short of the quay she lost her way. That quay was then a wooden one, a fine structure of mighty piles and stringers bearing a roadway—a thing of great strength. The ship, as I have said before, stopped moving when some hundred feet from it. Then her engines were rung on slow ahead, and immediately rung off again. The propeller made just about five turns, I should say. She began to move, stealing on, so to speak, without a ripple; coming alongside with the utmost gentleness. I went on looking her over, very much interested, but the man with me, the pilot, muttered under his breath: “Too much, too much.” His exercised judgment had warned him of what I did not even suspect. But I believe that neither of us was exactly prepared for what happened. There was a faint concussion of the ground under our feet, a groaning of piles, a snapping of great iron bolts, and with a sound of ripping and splintering, as when a tree is blown down by the wind, a great strong piece of wood, a baulk of squared timber, was displaced several feet as if by enchantment. I looked at my companion in amazement. “I could not have believed it,” I declared. “No,” he said. “You would not have thought she would have cracked an egg—eh?”
I certainly wouldn’t have thought that. He shook his head, and added: “Ah! These great, big things, they want some handling.”
Some months afterwards I was back in Sydney. The same pilot brought me in from sea. And I found the same steamship, or else another as like her as two peas, lying at anchor not far from us. The pilot told me she had arrived the day before, and that he was to take her alongside to-morrow. I reminded him jocularly of the damage to the quay. “Oh!” he said, “we are not allowed now to bring them in under their own steam. We are using tugs.”
A very wise regulation.
(https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/11 ... mages.html)
On lap 2 it happened to me
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

:quico: :jo: :rie: No se me ocurre mejor manera de empezar el dia que con esta lectura y un cafetico I can't think of a better way to start the day than with this reading and a cup of coffee. :mrgreen:
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 02 - Bathurst 500

Mensaje por quico »

Thanks Xug for the reading. Really wanted you on the track for the whole race :( .

Doni, never really wanted to fight with you, my only goal was to finish the race, only to enjoy the smell of the exhausts (in the 55 they used castor oil?) and happy to give you something to think about keeping you awake. As I said obove, more than a year without touching the wheel, as most of the replays for the jarama were made in the laptop with the AI far from the wheel.

Need a new cockpit in Málaga, but when ready I'll be with you with continuity.
no corrais que es peor...