I certainly gave it a thump.
6th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Autocar Trophy
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Autocar Trophy

Mi carrera tuvo sus más y sus menos
My race had its ups and downs
PB en la calificación con 38 medio me ponia 5º en la tabla superado por un excelente Jorge con su Jordini y delante de Enrique
PB in the qualifying with 38 half I was 5th in the table surpassed by an excellent Jorge with his Jordini and in front of Enrique.
Ambos se excluyeron de la carrera y mi pelea consistió en intentar cazar a Clive, lo conseguí en parte pero por fin a 7 del final un fallo me hizo alejarme y perder toda opción de acercarme
Both were excluded from the race and my fight consisted in trying to catch Clive, I did it partly but finally with 7 laps to go a failure made me move away and lose any chance to get closer.
Asi que contento por mi progresión final aqui aunque solo pude ser 4º
So happy for my final progression here although I could only be 4th.
Thx all for racing