6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Los tiempos después de la FP4 :caballito:
Times list after FP4

Código: Seleccionar todo

1 	G. Lopez55 	VAN 	3:51.57
2 	C. Loynes55 	LAN 	3:52.18
3 	N. Xug 		MER 	3:56.00
4 	P. Skingley55 	LAN 	3:56.18
5 	tagomago55 	LAN 	3:57.21
6 	C. Cambero 	MER 	3:59.46

Good luck all for today

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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Nieva »

Remember to put race fuel between qualy and race, children.

Follow me for more pro-driver racing tips 😓.

Nice track, thanks as always :).
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." Richard P. Feynman
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Nieva escribió: Mar Abr 18, 2023 10:32 pm Remember to put race fuel between qualy and race, children.

Follow me for more pro-driver racing tips 😓.

Nice track, thanks as always :).
:aplauso: :mrgreen:

Great racing night at Carthage 33


Grats to Paul for a fighted win :primero: :tonto: with Gaizka :segundo: :raquel: and Doni :tercero: :tonto: happy for his fight with Xuggy :bien:

Thx all for racing ;)
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Gracias a todos por correr.

No pude igualar el tiempo de vuelta de Gaizka pero supongo que todos pensamos lo mismo :) ..... sin embargo, esta era una pista de rebufo por lo que todo era posible.

En la salida me lancé como un cohete y me puse en cabeza antes de la T1.
Clive me pasó antes de llegar a Soukra, pero entró demasiado caliente. Le he seguido y también me he ido largo.
Se ha liado un poco, pero de alguna manera he vuelto a ponerme en cabeza.

Después de unas vueltas me di cuenta de que teníamos unos segundos de ventaja sobre el tercero, así que trabajé con Gaizka para ampliar la diferencia y no retrasarnos mutuamente.

A medida que se acercaba el final de la carrera, puse en marcha mi plan para la última vuelta.
Había calculado que si estaba delante antes de los bolardos del Anfiteatro Romano, tenía muchas posibilidades de mantener el liderato hasta la bandera. Gaizka también se dio cuenta de lo mismo, así que tuvimos una buena batalla por ese trozo de asfalto en la última vuelta.

Enhorabuena a Gaizka y Doni y a todos los que terminaron.
Lo sentimos por los DNF.

Gracias por ser los anfitriones.

Thanks all for racing.

I could not match Gaizka's lap time but I guess we all feel the same :) ..... however this was a slipstream track so anything was possible.

At the start I launched like a rocket and was into the lead before T1.
Clive passed me before we got to Soukra but he went in too hot. I followed him in and also went wide.
It got a bit messy but somehow I emerged in the lead again.

After a few laps I noticed we had a few seconds to 3rd so I worked with Gaizka to extend the gap and not hold each other up.

As the end of the race drew closer I put my last lap plan into action.
I had worked out that if i was in front before the bollards at the Roman Amphitheatre, I stood a good chance of holding the lead until the flag. Gaizka also realised the same thing, so we had a good battle for that piece of tarmac on the last lap.

Well done Gaizka and Doni and all that finished.
Sorry to the DNF.

Thanks for hosting.
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Clive Loynes
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Well I made a complete mess of that!

It wasn't me who passed Paul on the way to T1, it must have been Tago. I had a Gordini in front of me by the time that I reached that point!

Congratulations to Paul, Gaizka and Doni.

The traffic was a problem in the early stages but eventually I was left following Gaizka and Paul at a respectable distance. Then I fell asleep on the run to T1. I arrived at the corner not sure if it was T1 or 2 and in the resulting dithering I managed to stuff the Lancia into the bales and then bounced off a few bollards for good measure. I was surprised that I still had all the wheels but when Jorge in his Gordini steamed past on the run down to T2 I realised that I had an engine problem.

Doni and Xug came past in their turn as I watched my lap times get longer and longer.

It was just a question of how far I could get. The answer was past 50% but I didn't make it to the flag.

Shame as I could probably have complicated Paul and Gaizka's race.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

A dynamite battle for the lead and win with Paul just edging out Gaizka. Holy Smokes! What a duel! :)

Walking out of here with a podium was not a result I could have dreamed of in a million years. By rights, it should have been Xuggy's as he clearly had the pace on me and looked set to take P3 right up to very late in the last lap. Only a little slip with a poorish pass through the tricky left-hander 3/4 of the way round that final tour gave me the chance to pull alongside and ease ahead. Even so, it was a toss-up as to whom was going to emerge with the bronze medal right up to the final chicane. Great drive, Xuggy!

Sad to say that many fell by the roadside and didn't figure in the finishing order. Only four of use left to take the flag. Poor Tago overshot Soukra on the first lap and got stuck in the sand bags. Grim. Ricky then blasted over the berm at Marsa to get stuck himself. Jorge looked set for a fine result in the little Gordini but came up short on fuel. OUCH! Clive was running a solid race despite some offs til the engine went sour and ultimately failed completely. With all this going done, it left me to try and maintain a gap back to Xuggy but he was on fire and closing rapidly. Over the last several laps, we exchanged places thanks to the slipstream and it was a hoot seeming a full 169mph with the tow. :)

My third place here vaults me up the order in the title standings only a couple of markers behind Clive and equal with Tago. Ricky is trailing slightly but still in the hunt. Gaizka is light-years ahead of all us with Paul safe in P2. The final two races of the championship season will be crucial. I've been practicing the Targa and set a 43m01s lap just this morning with no dramas on realistic damage.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

hola chicos,
pues bueno, desafortunadamente otra carrera que se va a la basura, no venia mal, pero gaizca atacaba muy fuerte en las curvas ya que era ahí el único lugar para poder pasar, y fue en una de esas curvas donde frene muy adelante ya que sentí que gaizca estaba muy cerca y no frene antes para evitar un accidente, pero ni modo, me salí y quede enterrado en los fardos, en fin, ya veremos la próxima carrera a ver como nos va :-)
felicitaciones clive. gran carrera hiciste, y gaizca, con ese auto, para quitarse el sombrero. ;) muy bien Doni gran trabajo por ese 3 puesto.
nos vemos en la próxima :-)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: 6th 1955 F1 Championship - 09 - Grand Prix de Tunisie

Mensaje por Mezcua »

En los entrenos noté que mi acelerador hacía el burro, no solo arriba que oscilaba entre 95 y 100% continuamente, sino que abajo no hacia el 0 continuo sino picos de 0 - 15%
In training I noticed that my throttle made the donkey, not only up that oscillated between 95 and 100% continuously, but down not to the 0 continuous but peaks of 0 - 15%.

Entonces calibraba todo el volante y en alguna ocasión parecía arreglarse
Then I calibrated the whole wheel and sometimes it seemed to be fixed.

Eso me hacía ir en pista con el pie a tabla apretando más como si eso pudiera solventar el desaguisado
That made me go on the track with my foot on the board, pressing harder as if that could solve the problem.

Bien, el día antes comentando con Gaiz me sugirió que calibrara el pedal desde 5 hasta 90 ... cosa más bien difícil pero pensé ... porque no?
Well the day before commenting with Gaiz suggested me to calibrate the pedal from 5 to 90 ... rather difficult thing but I thought ... why not?

Así que para la FP4 probé y algún calibrado fue un desastre pero por fin salió algo parecido a 0 - 85 :aplauso:
So for the FP4 I tried and some calibration was a disaster but finally came out something like 0 - 85

Ahora solo tenía que ser suave en el gas de salida de curva que ahora era menos fino y de repente bajé a 57 :shock:
Now I only had to be soft on the gas corner exit which was now less fine and suddenly I went down to 57

... y además pude competirle a Clive el entreno :reygreen:
... and I could compete with Clive that training

En esas llegué a carrera en las peores condiciones sacando PB de 54 en la Q
So I got to the race in the worst conditions and I got a PB of 54 in the Q
Salí acelerado con un acelerador que ahora por fin no necesitaba el pisotón que yo le daba y volé del 5º a aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh las balas de paja :sierra: :ahorcado: :llorar: :boink:
I accelerated off with a throttle that now finally didn't need the stomp I was giving it and flew from 5th to arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg straw bales

Por eso Paul pensaba que mi Lancia era el de Clive
That's why Paul thought my Lancia was Clive's

Por cierto Doni 43.16 en el targa con acelerador sin calibrar ... bajaré 15s con el nuevo truco de calibrado? :nose: :-P
By the way Doni 43.16 on the targa with uncalibrated throttle .... Will I drop 15s with the new calibration trick?