Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por _nes »


_Nas Pilotillos :piloto:

No tenía un volante para poder pasearme por el nuevo Jarama68, pero gracias al pase VIP que me ha dado Tagomago he podido colarme por los boxes y pasear por el circuito un rato.

Felicidades Quico, por el trabajo :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso:

A ver si algún rato puedo volver a pisaros los talo_nes :D

:cava: :ola:
Monster of GPLRank -250

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

_nes Que alegrón ... :bien: vuelve pronto!!

Última edición por Mezcua el Sab Dic 31, 2022 2:24 am, editado 1 vez en total.
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Great night to say good bye to the year and welcome Jarama68

Congratulations Quico ... great start for a nice track


Grats Aitor :primero: :raquel: Doni :segundo: :tonto: :raquel: and tago :tercero: :piloto:

Thanks all for participate

We all miss you Robert ... get well soon :abrazo:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Informes Report and replay

Report :arrow:
Replay :arrow:

Thx all for racing :piloto:
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por JaniP »

Sorry guys, I had to spend the evening far from my PC. I hope you had a good race. See you next year!
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Doni Yourth
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

A very good test for this new GPL offering from my point of view. The track loaded up just fine and ran without any glitches. It's a fine production and I look forward to its final form and release. Soon?

As for the race, I had little hope of challenging anyone as the BRM is a bit of a porker. Thanks to others falling off the road and ending up behind me, I rose through the order to finish a rather astonishing P2. In the early laps, Aitor was recovering from his early off and was my constant shadow but the nature of Jarama does not lend itself to making for easy overtakes. For many a lap, I just concentrated on hitting my marks and not making any crucial errors. It came to mind the 1981 Spanish Grand Prix here at Jarama where Gilles Villeneuve held off several challengers who were undoubtedly faster but couldn't engineer a pass. He scored a fine win and is one of Murray Walker's most memorable races. Ultimately, I did get crossed-up in one corner and Aitor was by and away like a shot. Later, I got into a fine old scrap with Super Karakol and once behind me, he faced Aitor's dilemma, Where to Pass? Finally, SK managed a fine run off the last corner and blasted by for the position going into T1. A nice job to work that out, SK. No sooner had he copped the place when a few corners later, he was off the road and into a DNF with damage. Bad luck there, SK.

All in all, a fine test. Take a bow, Qucio! :)

PS: As I found in an earlier trial run on the PDLR server being hosted on VROC, my intended car setup was not available. I had to scratch one up on the spot. It was OK but I'm still a bit mystified as to why my canned setups seem unavailable.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por quico »

Quiero agradecer a todos los participantes en la carrera de ayer (incluido nes) por haber sacado tiempo en una fecha tan “movida” para estar en el estreno del circuito.

Y quiero agradecer a Tago todo el trabajo que ha hecho últimamente para hacer la web y dejarla en perfecto estado de revista (¡y en dos idiomas!) y contactar con todos vosotros para la cita de anoche. Vaya curro.

¡Gracias a todos!
¡¡¡Feliz año!!! :brindis:

I want to thank all the participants in yesterday's race (including nes) for taking time on such a "busy" date to be at the track's premiere.

And I want to thank Tago for all the work he has done lately to make the website in perfect condition (and in two languages!) and contact all of you for last night's appointment.

Thank you all

Happy New Year!!! :brindis:
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Enhorabuena a tod@s porque disfrutamos de una ocasión realmente especial :D
Congratulations to all of us because we enjoyed a really special occasion.

Es cierto que la web me ha dado un poco de trabajo, pero es de ese del que se disfruta ... me ha hecho cantidad de ilusión :P
It is true that the web has given me a bit of work, but it is the kind of work you enjoy ... it has made me a lot of illusion

Pocas tienen un como se hizo y ese fantástico banco de información gráfica :D
Few have a how it was done and that fantastic graphic information bank.

Ahora solo nos falta lo que si tienen todas las webs de pistas del GPL ... fotos del trazado en el GPL :nose:
Now we only need what all the GPL track websites have... photos of the track in the GPL

Xug como andas de tiempo para un reportage gráfico wapo ... y luego me lo llevo para la web :simp:
Xug do you have time for a nice graphic report ... and then I'll take it for the web.

Feliz año nuevo!!! :noel: :raquel: :noel: :raquel: :noel:
Happy New Year!!!
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Sorry I did not make it. With all the family stuff going on I completely forgot we had a race on Friday.

Glad you had some fun and the test was useful.

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Happy new year Paul !!! ... we miss you but family and other staff is also important :noel:
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por birle1 »


resumen corto de la carrera. me lo pase de puuu madre.

resumen largo. mi carrera empezo bien an la cualy con un segundo puesto. pero siguio mal en la primera frenada. frene tarde y me fuy largo, y tuve que dejar pasar al peloton. ahi empezo la parte intensa. tuve que adelantar al medio peloton, pues el resto se fue apartando por diferentes problemas. con doni fui bastante paciente, y espere a que fallara para pasarle. pero con tago y karakol no tuve tanta paciencia. tuve la sensacion que con tago force la situacion un poco, pues me tire en la frenada de la primera horquilla, un poco a lo loco, pero bien. creo que le deje sitio por fuera hasta la salida del segundo vertice, donde ya vi que estaba por detras, y me abri a la trazada normal. con kol, fallo a la salida de la recta de meta, sali un pelin mejor, no llegue a pasarle del todo, pero como para la primera frenada, yo frenaba menos el coche para el primer vertice, me tire sin contemplaciones por fuera. en el primer vertice le deje sitio, pero para el segundo ya vi que estaba por delante, y la tome normal. creo que ya. a partir de aqui, me fui con mi ritmo, pero sin forzar, hasta la meta.

por lo demas, fue un placer de rodar con todos vosotros, conocidos y no conocidos. crei que me costaria mas coger ritmo, y constancia, pues las ultimas veces que rode con el gpl el año pasado ya, me costo horrores dar dos vueltas seguidas a kyalami. fue un desastre. no se lo que hare el año que viene. no puedo prometer que vuelva al 100%, pero si me da, echare alguna carrerita por aqui. pero sin presion. en circuitos conocidos.

nos vemos por los circuitos del mundo!!!!


short summary of the race I had a fucking time.

long summary. My race started well at the cualy with a second place. but it continued badly in the first braking. I braked late and went wide, and had to let the peloton pass. That's where the intense part began. I had to overtake the half peloton, as the rest drifted away due to different problems. I was quite patient with Doni, and I waited for him to fail before I passed him. but with tago and karakol I didn't have that much patience. I had the feeling that with tago I forced the situation a bit, because I jumped on the brakes at the first hairpin, a bit like crazy, but good. I think I left room for him on the outside until the exit of the second vertex, where I already saw that he was behind, and I opened up to the normal line. with kol, I failed at the exit of the finish line, it came out a tad better, it did not happen at all, but as for the first braking, I slowed the car less for the first vertex, I threw myself without contemplation on the outside. At the first vertex I left room for it, but for the second I already saw that I was ahead, and I took it normally. I think now. from here, I went with my rhythm, but without forcing, until the goal.

otherwise, it was a pleasure to shoot with all of you, known and unknown. I thought it would be more difficult for me to pick up the rhythm, and perseverance, because the last times I rode with the gpl last year, it cost me horrors to do two consecutive laps of kyalami. it was a disaster. I don't know what I'll do next year. I can't promise that I'll be back 100%, but if I do, I'll take a little run here. but without pressure. in known circuits.

See you around the circuits of the world!!!!
Lasse Albrecht
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Lasse Albrecht »

It was great to come together will all of you for this occasion! The track is very challenging on the drivers discipline, about driving the lines very quickly while maintaining momentum, and on the concentration.

I was delighted to get the opportunity to drive the track before its release to the public. And several drivers here showed great pace! Maybe I should have taken the BRM to make things even more interesting, but I was looking forward to battle it out with Robert who took the Cooper. Unfortunately he felt sick, fortunately he was back racing with Gentlemens League today. :)
Crashed out with 10 laps to go, but that wasn't unpredictable because I never had a rhythm around here. Different lines, braking points etc. every lap...
Thanks Tago for inviting and organizing, and most of all Quico for his outstanding work! :)
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Cayo Cambero
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Cayo Cambero »

Hola amigos , gracias por la invitacion , he estado desplazado en casa ajena toda la Navidad hasta ahora y sin volante :-(
La verdad que lamento no haber podido disponer del tiempo necesario que el evento se merecia , en fin.. es una mierda.
Es un placer ver que seguis aquí , tabajando duro y pasandolo bien , un fuerte abrazo a todos y que tengais un buen año
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Que alegría saludarte Cayo :D

Igualmente feliz año ... ya sabemos que cuando alguno como tu no dice nada es porque anda en otras buenas juergas

Pronto novedades para el 2023 ... no dejes de pasarte por aquí y decir la tuya

Un abrazo :abrazo:
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Super Karakol
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Registrado: Sab Feb 24, 2007 3:15 pm
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Re: Campeonato PdlR 2022 | F1 1967 | 10 - Gran Premio de España

Mensaje por Super Karakol »

Hola Cayo!! Feliz año nuevo!!
Hola a todos!
No hay mejor musica que escuchar vuestros motores en el Jarama_Tron del siglo!
No consigo recordar cuando fue mi último GP 67 con vosotros ¿?! pero os aseguro que justo cuando bajó la badera verde volví a tener melenas, mi culito bamboleaba a ritmo de funk y la sonrisa se me pegó en la cara como un recién desvirgado.

No todo fueron flores. Durante la semana le fuí dando vueltas y más vueltas al Jarama_Tron pero no conseguía nada medio decente.
Me fui a Kyalami a ver si así recuperaba "el mojo" y tampoco. Watkins tampoco... Crystal Palace!! nada.. siempre a 4 segundos en el mejor de los casos. Hasta que de rebote comprobé la calibración del volante y ví que el pedal de freno siempre estaba pisado un 30%-40%.. y el pedal del embrague fluctuaba tambien un 3%... Faltaba una 1 hora para la carrera.

Me salió más barato mancillar el Pc de mi hijito-bicho-wapo y le instalé el GEM, el GPL y a tirar con su G25. Y funcionó!!!

...Bajó la bandera y despues de T1 TagoMaster me enseñó todas las trazadas, le olisqueé su culito como perro obediente y no solo no se aljeaba sino que además en la horquilla podia oler su Eagle!! Le conseguí pasar por pesao (me sentí como ese amigo que no para de decirte "miramireloj!! mira mira!!! miramireloj!!" por todos los laos. Me habia puesto 2do ?! y tenia ritmo!! Iba comodisimo!! ...2 dias por delante iba Lasse, brindando con Zeus y los aliens del olimpo.
...hasta que poco despues, al bajar a segunda, me quedé con el cambio de marchas en la mano :simp: .
Lo volví a encajar en la mesa y justo entró 3ra (bien!) ..hasta acabar esa vuelta fui cambiando de marchas con mucho cuidado y en la pequeña recta lo iba apretando, Cuando Birle me llegó por detrás. Le escuchaba mas no le veia (mis espejos no renderizaban) Casi le empotro contra la valla (SORRY AItor!!) por suerte el Culebrillas del Norte me esquivó y se alejó y alejó...
Cuando Doni me vino por detrás casi le habia pillado el juego al cambio de marchas, pero no iba tan comodete como al principio. Me pasó en la recta, al poco le repasé en la recta tambien. Pero al bajar a 2a. se volvió a salir el cambio y la valla se comió mis ruedas derechas al intentar meter 3a... THE END.

Un gustazo de noche
Estaré muy muy muy atento al nuevo calensario 2023,
Muchas gracias a todos por la acogida, me sentí en casa otra vez.

Hello Cayus!! Happy New Year!!
Hello everyone!
There is no better music than listening to your engines in the Jarama_Tron ...of the century!
I can't remember when my last GP 67 was with you?! but I assure you that just when the green flag came down I had long hair again, my little ass moved to the rhythm of funk and i got the smile stuck to my face like a recently first time sex person.

It wasn't all flowers. During the week I went around and around the Jarama_Tron but I couldn't get anything decent. No rythm, .. no nothing
I went to Kyalami to see if that would recover "the mojo" but neither. Neither did in Watkins... nor Crystal Palace!! nothing... always 4 seconds away, at best. Until I checked the calibration of the G27 steering wheel and I saw that the brake pedal was always depressed by 30%-40%... and the clutch pedal also fluctuating by 3%... There was 1 hour left for the race.

It was faster for me to use the PC of my little_madafakito_son_baby. So I installed GEM, the GPL, and to use his G25. And it just worked fine!!!

...The green flag moved and since T1 TagoMaster showed me all the lines, I sniffed his little ass like an obedient dog. He wasnt pulling away ¿?! Just the opposite, at the hairpin I could even smell his Eagle!! I got him his place cos i can be really a pain in the ass (I felt like that friend who keeps telling you "ihaveanewwatch!! look look!!! lookmynewwatch!!" all over the place. I placed 2nd?! and I had rhythm!! I was very comfortable!! . ..2 days ahead was Lasse, toasting with Zeus and the aliens from Olympus.
...until shortly after, when I shifted down to second, I ended up with the H pattern gearbox in my hand :simp: .
I put it back on the table and it just came in 3rd gear (good!) ..until the end of that lap I changed gears very carefully and on the short straight I tried to fix it, screw it,
...when Birle came up behind me. I listened to him but I didn't see him (my mirrors didn't render)
I almost killed him against the fence (SORRY AItor!!) luckily the Snake Guy from the north dodged me and got away... and got really away...
When Doni came up behind me, he had almost under control the H pattern gear change, but i wasn't as comfortable as at the beginning of the race. He passed me on the straight, soon after I passed him on the straight as well. But when shifting down to 2nd. the gear came out again and the fence ate my right wheels .. THE END.

Amazing night
I 'm very very keen to the new calendar 2023,
Thank you all very much for the welcome, I really felt at home again.