2021 F1 1967 - 01 - South African Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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2021 F1 1967 - 01 - South African Grand Prix

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Campeonato PdlR 2021 F1 1967

Circuito: Kyalami 1967
Día: 7 de septiembre de 2021
Vueltas: 33

Track: Kyalami 1967
Date: September 7th 2021
Laps: 33

GPLRank F1 1967: Imagen


Normas / Rules
  • Modo pro / Pro mode
    En modo pro no es posible reiniciar / Under pro mode rules there is no [shift]+[r]
    Prohibido adelantar bajo bandera amarilla / Overtaking is not allowed under yellow flags
Sesiones de práctica libre opcionales / Optional free practice sessions [30 min Q + 15 min training mini race]
  • Lunes / Monday
    • FP1 - 21.30 h
      FP2 - 22.15 h
      FP3 - 23.00 h

    Martes / Tuesday
    • FP4 - 21.00 h
Carrera / Race

Calificación / Qualifying: 30 min
Carrera / Race: 35-45 minutos de carrera aproximadamente / About 35-45 minutes race

Duración aproximada del evento / Approximate duration of the event: 1 h 15 min

21.55 h – 22.05 h Encuentro en el VROC (sala PDLR, sin contraseña), bienvenida y contraseña para entrar en el servidor / Racers meeting at VROC (chatroom: PDLR, no password), welcome and password for the race server
22.05 h – 22.35 h Entrada al servidor, 30 min de calificación / Server open, 30 min qualifying
22.35 h – 23.15 h Carrera en modo pro, de unos 35-45 min / Pro mode race, about 35-45 minutes

[Todas las horas son CET o, del 28 de marzo al 31 de octubre, CEST. / All times are CET or, from March 28th to October 31st, CEST]
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

A solo 12 días para iniciar nuestro querido campeonato 67 de este año Just 12 days to start our beloved 67 champ of this year :piloto:

Atentos a algunas cuestiones importantes Some important questions

Calendario Season calendar

Antes de verano Blood propuso y aceptamos el cambio de Brno49 por Reims, quedando la temporada definitivamente así Before the summer Blood proposed and we accepted the change of Brno49 for Reims, leaving the season definitively as follows
Mezcua escribió:Parece buena idea llevarse Brno 49 al 55, asi que la temporada del 67 con la última sugerencia de Keni queda así

Temporada 67 67 Season

07/09/2021 - Kyalami - Pappy original
14/09/2021 - Zandvoort - Pappy original

28/09/2021 - Reims - Reims 1967 French Grand Prix #8 :arrow:
05/10/2021 - Spa - Spa Circuit National de Francorchamps 1967 Spa '67 #50 :arrow:

19/10/2021 - Dundrod65 - Dundrod 1965 Ulster Tourist Trophy #26) :arrow:
26/10/2021 - Mosport - Pappy Original

09/11/2021 - zeltw71 - Österreichring 1971 Austrian Grand Prix #3) :arrow:
16/11/2021 - Bathurst - Mount Panorama Bathurst Trophy Race #6 :arrow:

30/11/2021 - Keimola - Keimola 1970 Finnish Grand Prix #2 :arrow:
14/12/2021 - Monza - Monza67 SRMZ announcement and :arrow:

Vueltas Laps

33 Kyalami
31 Zandvoort
22 Reims
13 Spa 67
12 Dundrod 65
32 Mosport
25 Zeltw71
21 Bathurst
34 Keimola
29 Monza 67

La actualización de web y revisar la publicación en Weekly están pendientes Web update and review of the Weekly publication are pending

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Nuestros servidores (PDLR y GPLE) tienen instalado el siguiente parche Our servers (PDLR and GPLE) have the following patch installed

Lesser Wrong Direction DQ Patch by Olaf Lehmann

Código: Seleccionar todo

Posted Mar 03 2021 - 06:35 AM 

Here is a patch which prevents unnecessary and nonsensical disqualifications.

 On some tracks it is impossible to return to the track after a mistake without driving in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, gpl disqualifies drivers if they drive faster than 7km/h in the wrong direction for a certain time. A blatant example is Dundrod. We had two disqualifications there last season for this reason.

 This patch has the effect that disqualification only takes place if the speed exceeds 100km/h.

 The patch works offline. 

 Online, the host is decisive. Only if the patch is on the server does the changed speed limit apply.


 This is an xml patch like there are already many.

 Just put the xml file into the GEM+/Options folder and select it in GEM+! 

Según nos cuenta Olaf no es necesario instalarlo en el cliente porque el servidor es el que lo tiene que tener instalado No need to install this patch on the clients as the server is mandatory as explained by Olaf

Thanks Olaf ... great job :bien:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

y también tienen instalado el siguiente parche and also have installed the following patch

anunciado por Gaiz aqui en este foro announced by Gaiz here in this forum

Track Gap Freeze Fix Patch v.09 by Lee (Lee200 at srmz)

Código: Seleccionar todo

Posted Jun 09 2021 - 07:09 AM

This v.09 patch prevents freezes that are caused by gaps between track segments.  Some tracks, such as Spa67, have these gaps.
  The patch doesn't remove gaps from the track, but simply ignores them.

The patch also fixes bugs in the 69X mod that can cause freezes.

The patch is standalone and seems to work well with all mods both on and offline.

The team consisted of Ginetto, John Ollis, and myself.  Ginetto made us a special test track that had specific gaps.
  This made finding the cause of the freezes much easier.  He also discovered how to modify the buggy 69X mod's 23.xml file so that it works properly. 
 John did much of the testing and also found the code section that was causing the freezes with the 69X mod.  Thanks to both for a job well done.

Let us know if you find a track that still causes a freeze.  Please be specific about the mod and location on track.


Detailed Patch Instructions:

As usual, you can put the patch in the mod's physics directory, the mod physics' Options directory, or the GPLSecrets/GEM+/Options directory.
  Delete the original mod .exe and check the patch in GEM+ to rebuild the mod .exe.

Freezes were caused by two separate issues.  The Track Gap Freeze Fix v.09 patch fixes both:

1.  Some tracks have gaps between the track segments.  This can cause GPL's code to freeze the sim when any player or AI chassis runs over them.
2.  The 69X mod has a faulty 23.xml file in its physics which can cause freezes in corners.

Important Note--The 66 F1 mod v1 included a small size version of the 23.xml.  This file can be identified by viewing its size as 2.94 KBs/3015 bytes.
  The Track Gap Freeze Fix v.09 patch cannot patch this file and may cause further trouble so don't use the patch with the 66 F1 mod v1.
  We highly recommend you download and install the 66 F1 mod v2 located here:


The v2 mod version includes a standard, large size size version of the 23.xml.  This file can be identified by viewing its size as 6.83 KBs/7001 bytes.
  The Track Gap Freeze Fix v.09 patch works OK with this file.
Publicación en srmz y descarga :arrow: Publication in srmz and download

En este caso si que hay deberes para los clientes (o sea vosotros) In this case there are homework for the clients (I mean all of you)

--> teneis que instalar el parche, solo en el caso de que no lo tengais You must install the patch, just in case you dont have it yet installed

--> teneis que habilitarlo en Gem You have to enable it in Gem


Thanks Lee ... great job :bien:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Por cierto, bienvenido Robert a nuestro campeonato ... by the way, welcome Robert to this champ

Selección de coche Car selection

Para la elección de coche utilizamos el clásico sistema de compensar la parrilla siendo los pilotos con mejores habilidades los que seleccionan los coches con prestaciones menos brillantes, sin embargo también mantenemos que la elección de coche es libre
For the choice of car we use the classic system of compensating the grid with the best skilled drivers selecting the cars with less brilliant performance, however we also maintain that the choice of car is free

Yo particularmente siento una sensación especial cuando oigo el sonido de un BRM o un Honda en carrera ... detrás de esos sonidos suele haber un piloto de altas prestaciones :piloto:
I particularly feel a special sensation when I hear the sound of a BRM or a Honda in a race.... behind those sounds there is usually a high performance driver

Sobretodo se trata de que todos disfrutemos Above all, it's about us all enjoying ourselves

¿En que condiciones os apetece Keny/Robert pelear este año? Under what conditions do you want to fight Keny/Robert this year?

Cooper? ... Honda? ... BRM?

En ese caso yo utilizaré mi Ferrari del año pasado :ferrari: In that case I will be using my former year's ferrari


Entonces yo me compraría un Eagle :eagle: Then I would buy an Eagle

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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

hola! espero q todas hayais tenido unas magníficas vacaciones a pesar del *** virus y que esteis con ganas de volver al pilotaje y las cosas serias de verdás :mrgreen: gracias por empezar a mover la temporada, Mezcua ;)
me pongo con los cambios en el calendario.
por mi parte, como me gusta q la parrilla tenga todos los colores, esperaré a ver cuál queda sin conductor. he pensado que quizá haré lo contrario que tú: así ya tendríamos en parrilla un :ferrari: y un :eagle: :)


Hi! I hope you all had a great vacation despite the *** virus and that you are looking forward to returning to riding and real serious things. Thanks for starting to move the season, Mezcua
I'll apply soon the changes to the calendar.
As I like much a colorful grid, I'll wait and see which are other drivers' options, maybe I'll do the opposite of you: so we have a :ferrari: and an :eagle: on the grid.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 1:00 pm
Ubicación: Cooper

Mensaje por Blood »

Yo voy a seguir en Cooper :cooper: el BRM y el Honda no soy capaz de sentirme cómodo con ellos. :oops:

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Robert Fleurke
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Registrado: Mié Jul 28, 2021 5:40 pm
Ubicación: Groningen

Mensaje por Robert Fleurke »

Gracias por la bienvenida y por tenerme. :)

Si tenemos que usar un solo coche toda la temporada:

Lo más probable es que lleve el BRM, mi bestia de confianza de Eastbourne, la ballena verde. 8)

Thanks for the welcome and having me. :)

If we have to use one car whole season:

Most likely will take the BRM, my trusted Beast of Eastbourne, the green whale. 8)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D


:lotus: Lotus -
:eagle: Eagle - Xuggy
:ferrari: Ferrari - Tago
:brabham: Brabham -
:cooper: Cooper - Keni
:honda: Honda
:brm: BRM - Robert

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

PdlR 2021 F1 1967 Championship


1 07.09.2021 South African Grand Prix Kyalami 1967 33 laps
2 14.09.2021 Dutch Grand Prix Zandvoort 1967 31 laps
3 28.09.2021 Reims 1967 French Grand Prix 22 laps
4 05.10.2021 Grand Prix de Belgique Spa Circuit National de Francorchamps 1967 13 laps
5 19.10.2021 Ulster Tourist Trophy Dundrod 1965 12 laps
6 26.10.2021 Canadian Grand Prix Mosport 1967 32 laps
7 09.11.2021 Grand Prix von Österreich Zeltweg 1971 25 laps
8 16.11.2021 Bathurst 500 Mount Panorama - Bathurst 21 laps
9 30.11.2021 Finnish Grand Prix Keimola 1970 34 laps
10 14.12.2021 Italian Grand Prix Autodromo Nazionale di Monza 1967 29 laps

Grand Prix

- The grand prix consists of a series of 4 free practice sessions ( 3 on Monday + 1 on Tuesday) and about 45 minute race on Tuesday with its 30 min official qualifying.
- The official race procedure starts at 22:00 h CET (from April to October, CEST) on Tuesdays.
- It is run in GPL pro mode.
- In pro mode there is no restart ([shift]+[r]).
- No overtaking under yellow flag.

- Free practice sessions are optional. They are training sessions consisting of a 30 min. qualifying and a 15 min. short race. They are held every Monday eve of the race at the following times:
--> FP1 - 21.30 h
--> FP2 - 22.15 h
--> FP3 - 23.00 h
And one more session on Tuesday:
--> FP4 - Tuesday at 21.00 h.

- In each race:

1st position: 9 points
2nd position: 6 points
3rd position: 4 points
4th place: 3 points
5th position: 2 points
6th position: 1 point

Pole position: 1 point
Fastest lap: 1 point
Consistency: 1 point
Highest climber: 1 point

- 50% of the race must be completed to obtain points, except for the pole position.
- Each driver discards the result of 1 Grand Prix, i.e. the results of the 9 best events are added up and the worst one is discarded.
- When there is a tie on points, the driver with the highest number of first places in the race is ranked first. If the tie persists, the one with the most second places, etc.


There is a team of each brand: Brabham, BRM, Cooper, Eagle, Ferrari, Honda and Lotus.
Each driver is a member of the team of the car he races.
In each race, the team receives the points corresponding to the position of the best of its drivers.
There are no extra points for teams.
There are no discards in the team championship.


Each driver chooses the car with which he will race in the championship, according to his level, in order to make the grid as even as possible.
A driver can change car and team if the change does not harm the balance of the competition.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) and reviewed by me
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Recommended Driver Behaviour by Phillip McNelley

Spanish version at pdlr :arrow:

English version ar ukgpl.com :arrow:

English version at wiki.grandprixlegends.info :arrow:
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Se acabaron las vacaciones :cabreo: Vacations are over

Espero que las hayais disfrutado como yo :bien: Hope you have enjoyed them like me

Resumiendo: han sido días de prismáticos y cerveza In short: binoculars and beer days


tranquilidad quietness


y algo diferente and something different



y ahora a entrenar :lista: :rie: :mrgreen: and now it's time to train

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Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Hola pilotillos😀😀,me perderé la primera carrera,algunos somos tardíos en coger vacaciones,pero qué bien que sientan rediós.
Viendo la parrilla no voy a dejar al Honda sin jinete,así que se me apunte uno,pero que sea el bueno,que os conozco.
Un abrazo a todos y mucha suerte en la primera cita del 67' championship👍👍👍

Welcome Robert👏👏👏
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Disfruta tus vacaciones Sergio Enjoy :bien:

:lotus: Lotus -
:eagle: Eagle - Xuggy
:ferrari: Ferrari - Tago
:brabham: Brabham -
:cooper: Cooper - Keni
:honda: Honda - Sergio
:brm: BRM - Robert

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Registrado: Jue Jul 18, 2019 12:15 pm
Ubicación: Budapest, EU

Mensaje por JaniP »

Hola a todos!

Yo hesito sobre mi carro - Brabham? BRM? Yo va vi.
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