7th Tasman Cup F1 66 - 04 - Gran Premio di Varese

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

To the casual observer noting the race results, it might appear that Doni had a walkaway win. A MOV of better than 13 seconds. Ho-hum... What a yawner.

Of course, the stats don't tell everything, do they? In truth, this was a real barn-burner of a race with anyone of about six or seven drivers having a bonafide shot at the win. One by one, though, the fates stepped in to deny all but myself from sipping the champers. Spins and collisions managed to eliminate all my challengers and I could cruise in for the last few laps to a rather surprising win. I won't get that lucky again any time soon!

Next on the slate is Alta98. Not sure I'll enter there. While I like the first half of the circuit layout, I positively detest the last half. It's a toss up.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »


A veces me guardo una foto wapa y luego la pierdo o se me olvida subirla... :roll: Esta era del principio, Jani lideraba y Blood lo perseguía desatadamente. Acabó bien para mi, P3, después de pelearme al final con Quico, como él ha contado.

Sometimes I keep a cool photo and then lose it or forget to upload it... :roll: This was the beginning, Jani led and Blood chased him wildly. It ended well for me, P3, after fighting at the end with Quico, as he has told.

:cava: grats, Blood :primero: Stewart :segundo: & Xug :tercero: :cava: