Ripper of a round at Road America! This has to be just about the best venue of all North American circuits. It's got it all. Long straights, high and medium-speed sweepers, tight hairpins, up and down. What more could you want?
What happened to Keni? He didn't blow it up. Let's hope it's not a trend otherwise the rest of us are all sunk. Great drive, KB.
Tago. You swine! You should be charged with Grand Theft Auto! I just knew that you were sitting back there biding your time waiting for the last lap to make a bid. I've raced you before enough to know your credo. 'Why push a guy off the cliff when he might just jump off all on his own', right? Crafty. Disappointed to have so long run in P2 albeit miles behind Keni to lose out on the last lap but in all fairness, I benefited from an uncharacteristic off by Tago in the Caroussel on Lap02 that gave me the place. For a moment there, I thought that his race might be run but any damage sustained wasn't enough to cripple his ride. Nice job, amigo.
I didn't make too many errors in this round but gave myself an enormous fright coming off T1 on the first lap. I gassed it hard to fend off Will and Sergio and wheelspin sent my Cooper onto the infield grass at speed. Man! My eyeballs must have been as big as Buicks! Luckily, managed to quickly edge it back onto the roadway keeping my place. Hope I didn't give anyone a heart flutter with that.
With Tago's off on Lap02, I actually thought that I might cruise it a bit taking top gear on the run down to Canada Corner where on a hot lap, I'll hold 4th gear. Soon, I realized that Tago was just stalking me and that I'd best get on with it. Things remained pretty static for many a lap with Tago not far off my tail as a threat but so far, not challenging. Wait a tick! What's this? Around Lap12-13, I caught sight of another blip in my mirrors not far behind Tago's Ferrari. Light blue... Ahhh... Must be a Brabham and he's looking very racey. This was Will resurgent after some early misadventures to now threaten Tago and with me next on his menu. Expecting the last lap attack from Tago, I might now not even have a shot at the podium. As it turned out, Will made some late offs to handicap his threat and at the flag, he was just shy of making the podium. Nice recovery there, Will.
Sorry to see that we lost Jani so early on as he was certainly demonstrating pace. I'm convinced that he would have been well in the mix for a podium.
While I dearly love this circuit, I'll be glad to see the end of it for a piece. I've run a good half dozen races here in the last month. There really is too much of a good thing.
2020 F1 1967 - 07 - Wisconsin Grand Prix
- Mensajes: 238
- Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
- Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada
Bueno pues me salió una gran carrera
Gaiz me ayudó días previos con tandas de trazada y ritmo
Venía en progresión de tiempos porque marqué PB 2.17.13 en la Q4 y eso suele ser presagio de desastres en carrera porque acabas cogiendo un ritmo superior al que realmente conoces
Entonces sali contento con mi segundo en parrilla y aseguré T1 buscando soltar los nervios ... pero no se soltaban ... asi que un poquito de hierba en la vuelta 2 me hizo trompear y perder posición con Doni ... por suerte Will no me pudo pasar
Entonces Doni me regaló un precioso ritmo vuelta a vuelta que me permitió soltar los nervios e incluso pude empezar a pensar que hacer para intentar ganar la posición ...
Adelantar a Doni no es una broma porque no baja la guardia y mantiene un buen ritmo ... sin embargo la diferencia del Ferrari se hacía patente en las rectas
Me concentre en dejar pasar las vueltas sin pasar, porque no hubiera mantenido la posición delante y además con tantas vueltas por delante quizás 3º estaba bien
Sin embargo Will se acercó lo suficiente como para que yo empezara a empujar a Doni ... por suerte pequeños fallos le mantenian a la caza pero no encima
Con esto habían caido las vueltas y mi mejor opción era tratar de salir de la última curva con rebufo ... Como vi que era jugárselo demasiado a una carta si lo hacia en la última vuelta, lo hize quedando una vuelta para acabar y luego ver si era posible aguantar ... y aguanté
Así que mi segundo puesto se lo debo a Doni porque sin su genial ritmo no hubiera llegado a final de carrera con opciones ... luego la diferencia de coche puso el resto
Un placer rodar con todos vosotros
Well, I had a great race
Gaiz helped me in the previous days with line and rhythm
I came in progression of times because I marked PB 2.17.13 in the Q4 and that is usually a sign of disaster in the race because you end up taking a higher pace than you really know
Then I went out happy with my second on the grid and I secured T1 looking to release the nerves ... but they wouldn't let go ... so a little bit of grass on lap 2 made me spin and lose position with Doni ... luckily Will couldn't pass me
Then Doni gave me a beautiful rhythm lap after lap that allowed me to release my nerves and I could even start thinking about what to do to try to win the position ...
Overtaking Doni is not a joke because he does not let down his guard and keeps a good pace ... however the difference of the Ferrari was evident in the straight lines
I concentrated on letting the laps go by without passing, because I would not have kept the position in front and besides with so many laps ahead maybe 3rd was right
However, Will got close enough to make me start pushing Doni ... Luckily, small mistakes kept him on the hunt but not on top of it
With this the laps had fallen and my best option was to try to get out of the last curve with a tailback ... As I saw that was playing too much to a card if I did on the last lap, I did it leaving one lap to finish and then see if it was possible to hold ... and I held on
So I owe my second place to Doni because without his great pace I would not have reached the end of the race with options ... then the car difference put the rest
A pleasure to share track with all of you