Primera carrera para mí y primer podio

Congratulations a Keni

Quico , igual te has de tomar un coñac antes de las carreras para relajar ese cuerpo

Nos vemos en pista !!!
Good run for me . I was able to steal Will's position at the exit and put myself in tow for Blood. Although I was trying to get close to his ass, it was hard for me, despite what the Brabham runs compared to the Cooper, and I couldn't catch the slipstream. I was about three laps behind him, and each time he was closer, but also more to the limit, and at the end, when I was going to attack him, I scored a spin that took him away about seven seconds. From behind Will didn't get a chance to get close enough to make me uncomfortable and I kept moving away from him and keeping my distance from Blood. Like Quico, I had a somewhat monotonous race and almost at the end I had another mistake and I lost almost all the advantage with Will, thank goodness that the finish line was close and I was able to get on the podium in second position:
First race for me and first podium , although I lacked battle. I'm going to wait in Westwood to see where I really am and consider a car change (or not).
Congratulations to Keni: ufo: and to Will for the result .
Quico, maybe you have to have a brandy before the races to relax that body .
See you on the track !!!