6th Tasman Cup F1 66 - 06 - Grand Prix de France

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 248
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

A predictable result, I suppose. No heat race, no warmup at speed. I had run 2m38s offline in preparation. Ah, well...
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
Mensajes: 82
Registrado: Jue Jul 18, 2019 12:15 pm
Ubicación: Budapest, EU

Mensaje por JaniP »

Two fantastic race for me. Thank you guys!
Unfortunately the second one ended earlier as I expected. After a spin I tried to make a donut turn, and trashed my engine... :)


Dos carreras fantásticas para mí. ¡Gracias chicos!
Lamentablemente, el segundo terminó antes como esperaba. Después de un giro, intenté hacer un giro de rosquilla y destrocé mi motor ... :)
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:shock: A pity Doni ... next one should be better :wink:

Jani :bien: :piloto:

Great racing time at Montlhery



Keni is crowned in both runs :primero: :primero: :tonto:

Jani :segundo: :tonto: and back luck

Xuggy :tercero: :tonto: and bad luck

Quico bad luck and :segundo: :tonto:

Clive bad luck and :tercero: :tonto:

Tago 4º & 4º wowowowowow :tonto: :prrr:

Thx all for racing :piloto: :baba:
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Mensajes: 34
Registrado: Jue Jun 25, 2020 7:55 pm

Mensaje por guillermo64 »

Had so much fun learning this circuit. Great choice. Sadly I took out Clive and myself in round 1 (sorry again Clive) but still had fun. Managed to make it just past the half-way point in round 2 before an unexpected tree got in my way.

Grats to all that participated and hats off to the podium. Well done gents.

Love the format of this series. Hope to make the next one. Only 1 point behind Jani....8)

My new avatar....


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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 720
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Like the new avatar Will.

Don't worry about the tangle in the first race. I think that I was on my side of the road when we first made contact but we were both near the middle.

In the second race you did a grand job of keeping the angry mob off my back but I needed you to keep them back for just a bit longer.

Great drive by Keni as usual and Quico was a bit quick too.

I tried for two weeks to get a setup for the Lotus that would let me take the fast kinks in the straights at flat-out but failed miserably! Going on board with Keni they looked like a complete non-event! It was as though he was just driving down the motorway.

I tried to stay with Quico when he came past but in the end it was me who made the mistake and having lost the tow there was nothing that I could do about reclaiming second spot.

Full marks to Tago as well for keeping it on the island and making it to the finish.

See to in Brno.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

En la primera carrera conseguí salir bien y mojarle la oreja a Keni, llegando 1º a T1. Desgraciadamente al empezar el 2º partial el motor me abandonó como el desodorante. Keni dijo que el gpl reportó "arbol de levas", por lo que pudo ser un incidente random del gpl (no un fallo mío) ya que si no, no hay report de nada. También pudo ser exceso de entusiasmo en la salida.

Pensé que por lo menos, saldría en la pole en la 2ª carrera, pero en el chat vi a Doni y creí que el saldría primero. Luego me di cuenta que antes de romper el motor, en la primera carrera había ocurrido un desastre y había más gente saliendo por delante de mi. Al final, Doni pidió salir atrás y yo salí detrás de Clive y Will.

En la salida conseguí emparejarme con Will después de T3, pero me aguantó bien. En lap 3 hice las chicanes mejor que Will y le pude pasar en el mismo sitio al empezar Lap 4 (haciendo mi setup, procuré que fuera bueno para T3). En la 6 me pasó Blood, y solo hasta la 9 pude alcanzar a Clive y pasarle, como siempre, después de T3.

Al final, 2º tras Blood, que después de los últimos desastres me sabe muy bien.

Estupendo tener a Guillermo aquí, y enhorabuena a todos los que os divertisteis.

In the first race I managed to get out well and wet Keni's ear, reaching 1st in T1. Unfortunately when starting the 2nd partial the motor abandoned me as the deodorant. Keni said the gpl reported "camshaft", so it could have been a random gpl incident (not my fault), otherwise there is no report of anything. It could also be over-enthusiasm at the start.

I thought that at least I would start on pole in the 2nd race, but in the chat I saw Doni and I thought he would start first. Then I realized that before I broke the engine, a disaster had happened in the first race and more people were coming out ahead of me. In the end, Doni asked to go back and I went after Clive and Will.

At the start I managed to pair up with Will after T3, but he put up with me. In lap 3 I made the chicanes better than Will and I was able to pass him in the same place when starting Lap 4 (doing my setup, I tried to make it good for T3). At 6 Blood passed me, and only until 9 was I able to catch up with Clive and pass him, as always, after T3.

In the end, 2nd after Blood, that it tastes very Good to me after the last disasters.

Great to have Guillermo here, and congratulations to all of you who had fun.
no corrais que es peor...