6th Tasman Cup F1 66 - 2 - Australian Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Desastre total en Sandown . Dos incidentes en el mismo sitio me dejaron fuera de la carrera en las dos mangas y al principio de carrera :cry: :cry: :cry: .
No empiezo con buen pie.....
Grats a los dos pódiums :papa noel: :papa noel: .
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Como en Roy Hescket descubrí que el setup estándar era muy bueno, aquí partí del estándar a pesar de tener ya hecho un 1 08 con uno mío. Con pocos retoques salió un setup más que decente para las carreras.

En la primera manga, salí muy bien (2º en parrilla), plantando cara a Blood hasta T1, y comenzamos a rodar con Sergio pegado a mi, pero en la curva lenta del fondo del circuito, a mitad del 3er parcial, se fue al campo.
Al empezar la 2ª vuelta, veo a Blood quedándose fuera de carrera en T1, dejándome solo delante, con margen sobre los demás, así que fue cuestión de no cometer errores y acabar.

En la segunda, adelanté en la salida a Tago y a Doni, molestados por el tráfico, pero en la curva favorita de Sergio, fallé el cambio de marchas y Doni me adelantó. No importa mucho, porque me hubiera adelantado en cualquier rebufo así que tampoco es para llorar. Y no adelanté a nadie más. Simplemente no cometí más errores y eso me llevó a terminar 2º detrás de Doni.

Una pena el desastre de noche de Sergio y Blood que hubieran animado la noche.

Blood, no se lo que has rodado tu aquí, pero yo si que he rodado, y te aseguro que tragarse T1 no es nada extraño, aunque me sorprendió que te la tragaras tu! :D

As in Roy Hescket I discovered that the standard setup was very good, here I started from the standard despite having already made a 1 08 with one of mine. With few tweaks, a more than decent setup for the races came out.

In the first race, I did a very good start (2nd on the grid), standing up to Blood until T1, and we began to shoot with Sergio close to me, but in the slow curve at the bottom of the track, halfway through the 3rd set, he went to countryside.
At the start of the 2nd lap, I see Blood being out of the race in T1, leaving me alone in front, with margin over the others, so it was a matter of not making mistakes and finishing.

In the second, I overtook Tago and Doni at the start, bothered by the traffic, but in Sergio's favorite corner, I missed the gear change and Doni overtook me. It does not matter much, because he would have gone ahead in any slip so it is not to cry either. And I didn't overtook anyone else in the track. I just didn't make any more mistakes and that led me to finish 2nd behind Doni.

A pity the night disaster of Sergio and Blood that would have animated the night.

Blood, I don't know what you drive here, but I have driven many times, and I assure you that swallowing T1 is not strange, although I was surprised that you swallowed it!
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
Ubicación: Barcelona 1967

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Mezcua escribió::D

Veo tu apuesta y la doblo (con el plato de mis pequeñines) :lol:

GPL Rank = -92.907
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Hace años empecé a trabajar en un gif animado, pero se quedó en standby… :D

no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

quico escribió:...un gif animado...
Gaizka escribió:...el plato de mis pequeñines...
vamos a tener que hacer un club de fans! :lol:
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 210
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Pretty lucky to waltz out of Sandown with a P2 and a P1 under my belt. Most unexpected.

I didn't qualify all that well missing my PB by quite a margin. Things were looking grim as I didn't get the best start having to check up for Xuggy who seemed a bit slow in launch. P7 over the S/Fline with only Tago in my mirrors. Immediate developments, tho, as Jani was spun in T2 and I got a run on Xuggy to pick up two spots in short order. Sergio off into a shunt proper in Goodyear promoted me yet again. Well! I didn't even notice that Keni had shunted at Shell to start Lap02 and was surprised to see my board showing me up to P3 next lap. What ever is going on? This is like Christmas coming early. Mid-race, I got a bit of a run on Clive going under the Dunlop Bridge to ease by under braking for Shell. Quico was well up the road and safe. Very surprised to have logged the FTD on my last lap for earning a point. That might prove important someway down the road.

Sorry to have lost Jani for this go. I gridded up behind Tago who was a little slow off the line and I was back in P7. Tago ran wide in T2 and I managed to slip by for P6. Quico seemed slow to accelerate off Goodyear on this opening lap and I passed for P5. So far, so good but there was a long, long way to go yet. Lap03 and Xuggy muffed T2(Peters)and I out-gunned him leading onto the straight. Lap04 and Sergio was going great guns in P2 with Keni well in sight when it all went wrong at Goodyear again. Dear me... Up to P3 now with Clive again ahead. Lap09 and with a solid lead, Keni's BRM engine blew sky high. I hadn't even seen him making for pits as Clive and I passed by into T1 to start Lap10. End of that lap and I pulled off a near carbon-copy of my pass on Clive from the heat. With my pit board at the S/Fline, it was a couple of laps before I got the flash that I was P1. DOH! Clive was in hot pursuit for several laps til an off entering the those tricky esses cost him a spot to Tago. With fully half the race yet to run, it was not going to be a cruise as Quico was fired up and directly behind. My set was geared to use 5th as top but the pace was becoming so hot that I feared an engine blowup was on the cards so on those laps where Q was not an immediate threat, I changed-up to 6th to give the engine a breather. On laps when he was really close, I held 5th gear to hold him off. While Quico and I were disputing the lead, Tago and Clive were engaged in a fair old punch-up for P3. Good stuff there, gys.

My driving was getting a little bit scruffy on occasion with some laps having me skip over the curbs in the esses with a hold-your-breath moment. Scary stuff. Managed to hang on for a narrow victory with Quico a close P2. Last lap dramas between Clive and Tago. What seems an odd collision to me between the two had Clive knerfed off the road exiting Goodyear but Tago surrendered the place most sportingly. Good show.

Off to Jarama next with new rides where I can assure you, I'll start on pole for the feature. A track where I never seem to cut the mustard.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 672
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Doni Yourth escribió:.................................... Last lap dramas between Clive and Tago. What seems an odd collision to me between the two had Clive knerfed off the road exiting Goodyear but Tago surrendered the place most sportingly. Good show.

It was a wierd one indeed.

I was suddenly shown a blue flag and thought "crickey" I'm being lapped. So I moved, I thought, out of the way and slowed a little. The Brabham then hit me. Tago must have been as confused as I was!

I think it must have been the point at which the leader won the race. The marshals start waving anything they have got and this one was blue!

I didn't know that it was Tago until we had finished.

Great passes there Doni.

And great report too.
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 210
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Ah... So... GPL's curious coding of having marshals throw any old flag after the leader gets home. That explains it nicely, Clive.

One can never be quite sure what's going on when this happens. Is that waved yellow really warning of potential disaster ahead or just a flag-happy marshal?
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.