3rd 1955 F1 Championship - 10 - Gran Premio d'Italia
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
Final Q including Q4
Race replay and report published
Thx all for racing

Código: Seleccionar todo
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Best
1 tagomago LAN 2:46.84 2:46.95 2:47.80 2:47.06 2:46.84
2 Keni Blood GOR 2:48.47 2:47.72 2:47.72
3 Clive Loynes GOR 2:47:85 2:50.75 2:47.85
4 Sergio GOR 2:50.24 2:48.20 2:50.36 2:50.18 2:48.20
5 Jorge Nieva GOR 2:50.72 2:50.67 2:50.36 2:48.23 2:48.23
6 N. Xug FER 2:48.71 2:48.71
7 Quico CON 2:49.30 2:49.30
8 Doni GOR 2:51.81 2:51.81




Race replay and report published

Thx all for racing

Bravo Quico!
I had to skip last night event... Thank for the season guys. I did not enjoy every moment in this mod, but there were some special moments - Bremgarten, Reims, even Leipzig was fun
See you next season!
Tuve que saltarme el evento de anoche... Gracias por la temporada chicos. No disfruté cada momento en este mod, pero hubo algunos momentos especiales: Bremgarten, Reims, incluso Leipzig fue divertido
¡Nos vemos la próxima temporada!
Full season on Weekly: http://freeleo.hu/weekly/?p:events/season/PDLR2020-1/
Thanks for the reports Clive!
I had to skip last night event... Thank for the season guys. I did not enjoy every moment in this mod, but there were some special moments - Bremgarten, Reims, even Leipzig was fun

Tuve que saltarme el evento de anoche... Gracias por la temporada chicos. No disfruté cada momento en este mod, pero hubo algunos momentos especiales: Bremgarten, Reims, incluso Leipzig fue divertido

Full season on Weekly: http://freeleo.hu/weekly/?p:events/season/PDLR2020-1/
Thanks for the reports Clive!
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
I only have Google Spanish so no need to apologise for your English.raquel escribió:![]()
Clive: sorry for my english
I hope you enjoy a tight race in wihch everyone can give the best game to your rival to make him feel satisfied with the good work done.
I wish that when the checkered flag is honored, there is a smile on the face of all the pilots. Because overcome is not the same that winning: the best victory is one that has not yet achieved.
I think that we took your advice and had a great race last night.

Solo tengo español de Google, así que no necesito disculparme por tu inglés.
Creo que tomamos su consejo y tuvimos una gran carrera anoche.

- Cayo Cambero
- Mensajes: 902
- Registrado: Jue May 15, 2008 10:09 am
- Ubicación: Collado Villalba - Madrid
El lunes por la noche estaba en el salón de casa con el portátil y como tengo todo el gpl copiado ahí, me metí al server (no se si era la Q1 o la Q2), y me subí al coche de Blood. Dio unas una o dos vueltas detrás de otro coche y se quedó solo. Bien, Keni es muy rápido y seguro que es capaz Pero llegar a la segunda peraltada a 259km/h ya me mosqueó. Me bajé a mi PC y probé con el Gordini. Unas vueltas para ajustar las marchas y... voila, también yo era más rápido con el Gordini que con el Connaught. Así que empecé a entender los problemas en los otros circuitos, Reims, Indy... Cuando Blood decía que se iba a enganchar a mi rebufo, me callé, para que de salir bien de la parabólica y llegar más rápido a la primera peraltada... por lo menos todavía me tuvierais un poco de miedo.
Así que, desmontada la leyenda urbana de la inferioridad del Gordini, por lo menos en pistas rápidas, y algo mosqueado, me metí en la Q4, más que nada para ajustar las marchas. Para eso tenía que pillar rebufos, y solo cogí una o dos vueltas, pero me hice una idea.
Ya en la carrera, salí bien, a pesar de llevar una primera kilométrica, así que llegué 4º a T1. La cagada vino en Lesmo I, que acabé tomándo apoyado en el guardarail. Afortunadamente sin consecuencias mecánicas, pero me pasaron Xug y Clive.
En lap 2, Xug se salió en la Parabólica, y pude acercarme al grupo, que en esas vueltas se debían ir molestando. El lap 3, Sergio se había quedado detrás del grupo de cabeza y justo delante mío cuando, al llegar a la Parabólica, se sale de la pista, dejándome la 4ª posición tras Tago, Blood y Clive, que estaban algo lejos pero aún me llegaba el rebufo. En lap 5 llegué a estar cerca de ellos, pero se alejaron de nuevo. En lap 8 me volví a juntar, pero levanté algo el pie para no tener que ir bailando con ellos y ya nunca pude volverles a coger. Así que en carrera no tuve peleas, pero me mantuve concentrado hasta el final. Con lo que le pasó a Blood en la última vuelta, conseguí un inmerecido podio. Así es esto.
Muy contento de llevarme el Champi, que, la verdad, lo veía en globo. Por una vez el error fue de Sergio!
Enhorabuena a todos por la gran carrera, y aunque Blood sufriera el “efecto gpl”, dio emoción delante aunque le faltara la traca final que llevaba esperando toda la carrera.
Gracias a todos por la felicitaciones!
Monday night I was in the living room with the laptop and since I have all the gpl copied there, I went to the server (I don't know if it was Q1 or Q2), and I got into Blood's car. He turned a one or two laps behind another car and after he was alone. Well, Keni is very fast and he is sure to be able to get out of the Parabolica faster and get to the first banked faster ... But getting to the second banked at 259km / h already blew me away. I got off my PC and tried the Gordini. A few laps to adjust the gears and ... voila, I too was faster with the Gordini than with the Connaught. So I started to understand the problems on the other circuits, Reims, Indy ... When Blood said he was going to get hooked on my slipstream, I kept quiet, so that at least you were still a little scared of me.
So, dismantling the urban legend of Gordini's inferiority, at least on fast tracks, and a bit pissed off, I got into the Q4, more than anything to adjust the gears. For that I had to catch slipstreams, and I only took one or two laps, but I got an idea.
Already in the race, I did a good start, despite having a first gear very long, so I finished 4th at T1. The shit came in Lesmo I, which I ended up taking it leaning on the fence. Fortunately without mechanical consequences, but Xug and Clive passed me.
In lap 2, Xug went out on the Parabolica, and I was able to get closer to the group, which in those laps must have been bothering each other. On lap 3, Sergio had stayed behind the leading group and right in front of me when, we got to the Parabolica, he left the track, leaving me in 4th position after Tago, Blood and Clive, who were a bit far but still reached me the slipstream. In lap 5 I got to be close to them, but they walked away again. In lap 8 I got back together, but I raised my foot a bit so that I didn't have to dance with them and I could never catch them again. So in the race I had no fights, but I kept focused until the end. With what happened to Blood on the last lap, I got an undeserved podium. So is this.
Very happy to take the Champi, which, truth be told, I saw in a balloon. For once the mistake was Sergio's!
Congratulations to everyone for the great race, and although Blood suffered the "gpl effect", he gave excitement ahead even though he was missing the final fireworks that he had been preparing for the entire race.
Thank you all for the congratulations!
Así que, desmontada la leyenda urbana de la inferioridad del Gordini, por lo menos en pistas rápidas, y algo mosqueado, me metí en la Q4, más que nada para ajustar las marchas. Para eso tenía que pillar rebufos, y solo cogí una o dos vueltas, pero me hice una idea.
Ya en la carrera, salí bien, a pesar de llevar una primera kilométrica, así que llegué 4º a T1. La cagada vino en Lesmo I, que acabé tomándo apoyado en el guardarail. Afortunadamente sin consecuencias mecánicas, pero me pasaron Xug y Clive.
En lap 2, Xug se salió en la Parabólica, y pude acercarme al grupo, que en esas vueltas se debían ir molestando. El lap 3, Sergio se había quedado detrás del grupo de cabeza y justo delante mío cuando, al llegar a la Parabólica, se sale de la pista, dejándome la 4ª posición tras Tago, Blood y Clive, que estaban algo lejos pero aún me llegaba el rebufo. En lap 5 llegué a estar cerca de ellos, pero se alejaron de nuevo. En lap 8 me volví a juntar, pero levanté algo el pie para no tener que ir bailando con ellos y ya nunca pude volverles a coger. Así que en carrera no tuve peleas, pero me mantuve concentrado hasta el final. Con lo que le pasó a Blood en la última vuelta, conseguí un inmerecido podio. Así es esto.
Muy contento de llevarme el Champi, que, la verdad, lo veía en globo. Por una vez el error fue de Sergio!
Enhorabuena a todos por la gran carrera, y aunque Blood sufriera el “efecto gpl”, dio emoción delante aunque le faltara la traca final que llevaba esperando toda la carrera.
Gracias a todos por la felicitaciones!
Monday night I was in the living room with the laptop and since I have all the gpl copied there, I went to the server (I don't know if it was Q1 or Q2), and I got into Blood's car. He turned a one or two laps behind another car and after he was alone. Well, Keni is very fast and he is sure to be able to get out of the Parabolica faster and get to the first banked faster ... But getting to the second banked at 259km / h already blew me away. I got off my PC and tried the Gordini. A few laps to adjust the gears and ... voila, I too was faster with the Gordini than with the Connaught. So I started to understand the problems on the other circuits, Reims, Indy ... When Blood said he was going to get hooked on my slipstream, I kept quiet, so that at least you were still a little scared of me.
So, dismantling the urban legend of Gordini's inferiority, at least on fast tracks, and a bit pissed off, I got into the Q4, more than anything to adjust the gears. For that I had to catch slipstreams, and I only took one or two laps, but I got an idea.
Already in the race, I did a good start, despite having a first gear very long, so I finished 4th at T1. The shit came in Lesmo I, which I ended up taking it leaning on the fence. Fortunately without mechanical consequences, but Xug and Clive passed me.
In lap 2, Xug went out on the Parabolica, and I was able to get closer to the group, which in those laps must have been bothering each other. On lap 3, Sergio had stayed behind the leading group and right in front of me when, we got to the Parabolica, he left the track, leaving me in 4th position after Tago, Blood and Clive, who were a bit far but still reached me the slipstream. In lap 5 I got to be close to them, but they walked away again. In lap 8 I got back together, but I raised my foot a bit so that I didn't have to dance with them and I could never catch them again. So in the race I had no fights, but I kept focused until the end. With what happened to Blood on the last lap, I got an undeserved podium. So is this.
Very happy to take the Champi, which, truth be told, I saw in a balloon. For once the mistake was Sergio's!
Congratulations to everyone for the great race, and although Blood suffered the "gpl effect", he gave excitement ahead even though he was missing the final fireworks that he had been preparing for the entire race.
Thank you all for the congratulations!
no corrais que es peor...
He probado el Connaught por curiosidad, y sí es un poco más lento en las rectas que el Gordini, pero no anda lejos:
Ya me pareció raro que llegabas a nosotros y en las rectas te quedabas retrasado

Me da que tienes algo mal, yo las primeras carreras tenía un problema de calibración con los pedales, y se nota bastanteLap Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Laptime
K. Bloode 55 44.216s 46.677s 41.423s 35.839s 2m48.155s
Driver (car) Sect1 Sect2 Sect3 Sect4 Overall Lowest Average Laptime
K. Bloode 55(Con) 255.2 248.1 246.3 256.8 256.83 98.74 214.087 2m48.155s
Ya me pareció raro que llegabas a nosotros y en las rectas te quedabas retrasado

- Mensajes: 250
- Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
- Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada
Ripper of a race with Jorge for P4. That was fun! 
Grats to Tago on a fine win! Clive a very close P2 in the Gordini. Quico a fine P3 with points enough to emerge our GP55 Champion. Well done!
Very bad luck for Keni as it seemed that GPL took a wobbly when he and Tago entered the banking for the last time and the Gordini was body-slammed. Pretty clearly a lag situation ruining a terrific run. Scary that Keni's Gordini did a 'Sarti' and ended up down the banking onto the road course below. Pretty dramatic stuff there.
I'm still not sure why with a low first gear the pack was able to pull away from off the grid. Rather than use four gears for a lap, I settled on three and that may have been a strategic blunder. The way Jorge could come off Lesmo2 for the straight following was something to see. I was still in the hunt to hang with the lead serial til a tiny mistake in the Parabolique on Lap02 got me a touch sideways and I lost momentum. I knew right then and there that my goose was cooked. Sure enough, over the next couple of laps, I had to watch Quico pull away ever so slightly as the slipstream was lost. Groan...
This left Jorge and I to duke it out and I must appreciate his restraint in not trying to make passes at every opportunity. Far too often, I'm up against competitors who will make dive-bomb pass attempts with, at best, a slim chance of pulling it off and even if successful, will result in slowing us both down. There should be an unwritten rule...No passing going into Lesmo1. It's a recipe for disaster.
Jorge and I were joined by Xuggy mid-race after he recovered from an early off in the Parabolique. Impressive that he could wind in the gap so rapidly. No sooner had he caught us to contend for P4 when his engine blew sky-high approaching Lesmo1. At first, I saw the puff of smoke and wasn't sure whether it was Jorge or Xug. Then the green Ferrari started to slow and I knew. Bad luck after a fine comeback.
Going into the last lap, Jorge enjoyed a decent advantage as we roared by the pits and approached the banking. By dint of applying geometric calculus and gauging the wind, track temperature, tyre temperature and barometric pressure, I calculated that I could just pass coming off the last banking and surge by for the place. By golly, I did it! Skipped off the banking and stole P4 at the last gasp.
Well, if you believe any of the above the paragraph, you must think that the Moon is made of green cheese because I was down on my knees praying that I could pick up the slipstream and quite frankly, I didn't think that I'd make it. Only in the last moments on the final banking did it look like I might actually have the steam to pass and must confess to being rather shocked that I picked up enough speed to make that last-second pass. Hearty congratulations to Jorge on a fine drive. I appreciated the wave after the S/F line and returned the gesture. That was fun!
I'm looking forward to our PDLR GP66 races. As the '55 mod is Clive's favourite, I think the '66 is mine. Such a wide variety of cars and powerplants. I've familiarized myself with the 'normas' and think that I understand the requirements. From what I gather, we are limited to certain chassis in certain races. I'm anticipating some great racing.
Lastly, I should like to invite an American amigo of mine whom I've been jousting with in GPL for almost 15 years to look at joining the PDLR. I won't mention a name as yet as I've yet to approach him on the matter. Let's just say that he's a top bloke, solid competitor, good friend and would be a credit to the PDLR. Would this be OK?

Grats to Tago on a fine win! Clive a very close P2 in the Gordini. Quico a fine P3 with points enough to emerge our GP55 Champion. Well done!
Very bad luck for Keni as it seemed that GPL took a wobbly when he and Tago entered the banking for the last time and the Gordini was body-slammed. Pretty clearly a lag situation ruining a terrific run. Scary that Keni's Gordini did a 'Sarti' and ended up down the banking onto the road course below. Pretty dramatic stuff there.
I'm still not sure why with a low first gear the pack was able to pull away from off the grid. Rather than use four gears for a lap, I settled on three and that may have been a strategic blunder. The way Jorge could come off Lesmo2 for the straight following was something to see. I was still in the hunt to hang with the lead serial til a tiny mistake in the Parabolique on Lap02 got me a touch sideways and I lost momentum. I knew right then and there that my goose was cooked. Sure enough, over the next couple of laps, I had to watch Quico pull away ever so slightly as the slipstream was lost. Groan...
This left Jorge and I to duke it out and I must appreciate his restraint in not trying to make passes at every opportunity. Far too often, I'm up against competitors who will make dive-bomb pass attempts with, at best, a slim chance of pulling it off and even if successful, will result in slowing us both down. There should be an unwritten rule...No passing going into Lesmo1. It's a recipe for disaster.
Jorge and I were joined by Xuggy mid-race after he recovered from an early off in the Parabolique. Impressive that he could wind in the gap so rapidly. No sooner had he caught us to contend for P4 when his engine blew sky-high approaching Lesmo1. At first, I saw the puff of smoke and wasn't sure whether it was Jorge or Xug. Then the green Ferrari started to slow and I knew. Bad luck after a fine comeback.
Going into the last lap, Jorge enjoyed a decent advantage as we roared by the pits and approached the banking. By dint of applying geometric calculus and gauging the wind, track temperature, tyre temperature and barometric pressure, I calculated that I could just pass coming off the last banking and surge by for the place. By golly, I did it! Skipped off the banking and stole P4 at the last gasp.
Well, if you believe any of the above the paragraph, you must think that the Moon is made of green cheese because I was down on my knees praying that I could pick up the slipstream and quite frankly, I didn't think that I'd make it. Only in the last moments on the final banking did it look like I might actually have the steam to pass and must confess to being rather shocked that I picked up enough speed to make that last-second pass. Hearty congratulations to Jorge on a fine drive. I appreciated the wave after the S/F line and returned the gesture. That was fun!

I'm looking forward to our PDLR GP66 races. As the '55 mod is Clive's favourite, I think the '66 is mine. Such a wide variety of cars and powerplants. I've familiarized myself with the 'normas' and think that I understand the requirements. From what I gather, we are limited to certain chassis in certain races. I'm anticipating some great racing.
Lastly, I should like to invite an American amigo of mine whom I've been jousting with in GPL for almost 15 years to look at joining the PDLR. I won't mention a name as yet as I've yet to approach him on the matter. Let's just say that he's a top bloke, solid competitor, good friend and would be a credit to the PDLR. Would this be OK?
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
Hi Doni, I'm sure your mate would be more than welcome but it might be a week before anyone looks at the forum again as the next race is in May.
Thanks for the heads up on the 66 season. I didn't realise that there was a complication over the car selection.
Since most of my 66 activity has been based on the Lotus 43, and I'm having to do these races without any practice to preserve my 55mod approach, I shall probably have to confine my participation to the Group 3 races.
Hola Doni, estoy seguro de que tu compañero sería más que bienvenido, pero podría pasar una semana antes de que alguien vuelva a mirar el foro, ya que la próxima carrera es en mayo.
Gracias por el aviso en la temporada 66. No me di cuenta de que había una complicación sobre la selección del auto.
Como la mayor parte de mi actividad 66 se basó en Lotus 43, y tengo que hacer estas carreras sin ninguna práctica para preservar mi enfoque de 55mod, probablemente tendré que limitar mi participación a las carreras del Grupo 3.
Thanks for the heads up on the 66 season. I didn't realise that there was a complication over the car selection.
Since most of my 66 activity has been based on the Lotus 43, and I'm having to do these races without any practice to preserve my 55mod approach, I shall probably have to confine my participation to the Group 3 races.
Hola Doni, estoy seguro de que tu compañero sería más que bienvenido, pero podría pasar una semana antes de que alguien vuelva a mirar el foro, ya que la próxima carrera es en mayo.
Gracias por el aviso en la temporada 66. No me di cuenta de que había una complicación sobre la selección del auto.
Como la mayor parte de mi actividad 66 se basó en Lotus 43, y tengo que hacer estas carreras sin ninguna práctica para preservar mi enfoque de 55mod, probablemente tendré que limitar mi participación a las carreras del Grupo 3.