Temporada 2020: Qué quereis?-2020 Season: What do you want?
Temporada 2020: Qué quereis?-2020 Season: What do you want?
Expectativas, deseos, sugerencias para los champis del 2020.
Expectations, wishes, suggestions for 2020 champs.
Expectations, wishes, suggestions for 2020 champs.
no corrais que es peor...
- Mensajes: 13
- Registrado: Jue Nov 28, 2019 1:58 pm

Además el año pasado le dejamos casi todo el trabajo a mi querido Xuggy

Entrenos (67 y 55) Trainings (67 and 55)
Me gustaría formalizar más el día de entrenos porque cuando hay entrenos de verdad suele haber luego carreras de verdad ... por decir algo la Q la hacemos el lunes de tal a tal hora hay que darse unas vueltas ... el mejor tiempo es el que vale para el dia de carrera y entraremos al server según ese orden ... probablemente ya que somos unos cuantos ese día de entrenos se corren algunas pachangas ... I would like to formalize the training day more because when there are real trainings there are usually real races ... to say something, the Q will be done on Monday ... from an hour to an other hour everyone has to lap for a while ... the best time is the one valid for the race day and we will enter the server in that order ... probably since we are a few that training day some non official races are run ...
Formato carrera diferente para mods (no 55) Different race format for mods (no 55)
Recuerdo que nos lo pasamos bastante bien con el sistema de dos tandas ... Tanda 1 Q 10 minutos y R 15 minutos (o algo parecido) ... Tanda 2 parrilla invertida según resultado tanda 1 y R 20/30 minutos I remember that we had a good time with the two-batch system ... 1 Q 10 minutes and 15 minutes R (or something similar) ...Round 2 inverted grill according to result round 1 and R 20/30 minutes
Este formato de carrera no lo usaría con el mod 55 This race format would not be used with mod 55
Temporada Season
Celebramos 28 gp We celebrate 28 gp
Para mi las estrellas del GPL son el 67 original y el 55 porque ambos tienen una dificultad de conducción que dan un brillo especial respecto al resto de mods For me the stars of the GPL are the original 67 and 55 because both have a driving difficulty that give a special shine compared to the rest of mods
O sea que asignaria 10 pruebas al 67, otras 10 al 55 y 8 a otro mod ... probablemente toca 66 si miramos la utilizacion mas reciente ese es el que menos o hace mas tiempo que hemos corrido So I would assign 10 tests to 67, another 10 to 55 and 8 to another mod ... probably 66 if we look at the most recent use that is the least or most time we have run
Enero - Abril = 10 pruebas mod 55
Mayo - Julio = 8 pruebas mod xx
Septiembre - Diciembre = 10 pruebas 67 original
January - April = 10 events mod 55
May - July = 8 events mod xx
September - December = 10 events 67 original
Respecto a pistas también tengo alguna opción nueva ... pero ahora no me da tiempo para mas ...Regarding tracks I also have some new option ... but now I don't have time for more ...

- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 722
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
I am just hoping for a longer '55 season than this year.
I have started to practice with the Gordini.
The rest, for me, is just waiting for the next '55 season.
Solo espero una temporada '55 más larga que este año.
He empezado a practicar con los Gordini.
El resto, para mí, solo está esperando la próxima temporada '55.
I have started to practice with the Gordini.
The rest, for me, is just waiting for the next '55 season.
Solo espero una temporada '55 más larga que este año.
He empezado a practicar con los Gordini.
El resto, para mí, solo está esperando la próxima temporada '55.
A mi el formato que hemos hecho estos 2 últimos años (6/55 + 12/67 + 10/65) me ha gustado mucho, así que lo repetiría a gusto. Pero tampoco me negaría a cambiar, me adaptaría a cualquier opción.
28 carreras al año da un ritmo ideal para mi, 2 martes sí y uno no a lo largo de casi todo el año.
el formato de 2 carreras con Q el lunes me parece buena idea, pero no hace falta Q el martes, las 2 carreras podrían ser de 30 min + 30 min o de 20 + 40 (sería o bien 2 long o bien una short y una long?, cuantas más vueltas mejor, para mi). Este formato solo lo pondría en el 67, q tenemos más práctica, en los otros entrenar un poco aun hace falta. Tengo una duda: como registramos los tiempos del lunes? Cada uno postea su mejor vuelta a lo largo del martes y establecemos entre todos el orden el martes a las 22h? y si a uno se le olvida? o alguien revisa las repes del lunes??
Mods: me gusta mucho el 65 y aun me gustaría más probar alguno como el GT67 nuevo o un CanAm, en vez del 65 o además.
si estamos de acuerdo en que 55 y 67 son prioritarios, podría ser algo así (hay muchas opciones buenas: 8+12+8, 10+12+6, 10+10+8, etc.):

O bien, podemos comprimir y al lado del 65 poner otro mod (hay pocas opciones buenas aquí: 6+10+6+6, 8+8+6+6):

I liked the format we have done in the last 2 seasons (6/55 + 12/67 + 10/65), so I would repeat it at ease. But I would not refuse to change, I would adapt to any option.
28 races a year gives an ideal pace for me, 2 race and one free throughout most of the year.
the format of 2 races with Q on Monday seems like a good idea, and thent it is not necessary Q on Tuesday, the 2 races could be 30 min + 30 min or 20 + 40 (it would be either 2 long or one short and one long?, the more laps the better, for me). This format is only good for 67, where we have more practice, in others training a little is still needed. I have a question: how do we record the times on Monday? Everyone posts their best lap throughout Tuesday and we set the order together on Tuesday at 10pm? What if someone forgets his time? or does anyone review monday's replays??
Mods: I really like 65 and I would still like more to try some like the new GT67 or a CanAm, instead of 65 or in addition to it.
if we agree that 55 and 67 are priorities, it could be something like this (there are many good options: 8 + 12 + 8, 10 + 12 + 6, 10 + 10 + 8, etc.):
Or, we can compress and next to 65 put another mod (there are few good options here: 6 + 10 + 6 + 6, 8 + 8 + 6 + 6):
A mi el formato que hemos hecho estos 2 últimos años (6/55 + 12/67 + 10/65) me ha gustado mucho, así que lo repetiría a gusto. Pero tampoco me negaría a cambiar, me adaptaría a cualquier opción.

O bien, podemos comprimir y al lado del 65 poner otro mod (hay pocas opciones buenas aquí: 6+10+6+6, 8+8+6+6):

I liked the format we have done in the last 2 seasons (6/55 + 12/67 + 10/65), so I would repeat it at ease. But I would not refuse to change, I would adapt to any option.

Or, we can compress and next to 65 put another mod (there are few good options here: 6 + 10 + 6 + 6, 8 + 8 + 6 + 6):

- Mensajes: 250
- Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
- Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada
Hola, amigos! 
I'm quite flexible in adopting any schedule and mod but my preference from the two charts posted above would be for #1. That would be an 8 + 12 + 8 spread over the '55, '67 and '71 CanAms.
I ran several championships last season with other leagues where contestants were limited to using one chassis per event only. Selection was free but once used, it was locked away from future use. Is something along these lines worth consideration here at the PDLR?
I note that in the 1967 calendar, we have RRC, a fantasy track that we used last season. I'd much prefer to see a real-world track in that slot that actually staged races in that year. Some candidates might be...
Roy Hesketh
Oulton Park
Lourenco Marques
Jarama; yup; even would prefer this to RRC.
Have a great holiday season, chaps! CYA in the New Year!

I'm quite flexible in adopting any schedule and mod but my preference from the two charts posted above would be for #1. That would be an 8 + 12 + 8 spread over the '55, '67 and '71 CanAms.
I ran several championships last season with other leagues where contestants were limited to using one chassis per event only. Selection was free but once used, it was locked away from future use. Is something along these lines worth consideration here at the PDLR?
I note that in the 1967 calendar, we have RRC, a fantasy track that we used last season. I'd much prefer to see a real-world track in that slot that actually staged races in that year. Some candidates might be...
Roy Hesketh
Oulton Park
Lourenco Marques
Jarama; yup; even would prefer this to RRC.

Have a great holiday season, chaps! CYA in the New Year!
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
Hello mates.
Championships: I frankly like the 1st option but I will accept what most decide and I don't think I should vote for anything. I remember that when I start 67 I will already be 70 years old and I shouldn't vote for anything, because if I show up just to remember fellow members I have known for a few years and I appreciate, as well as those who made the Championship truly International .
However, I wish to wish you a Christmas and a New Year full of successes, especially health and personal achievements.
My "well be there" to all.
Championships: I frankly like the 1st option but I will accept what most decide and I don't think I should vote for anything. I remember that when I start 67 I will already be 70 years old and I shouldn't vote for anything, because if I show up just to remember fellow members I have known for a few years and I appreciate, as well as those who made the Championship truly International .
However, I wish to wish you a Christmas and a New Year full of successes, especially health and personal achievements.
My "well be there" to all.
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 722
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
I don't reach 70 until June but keep practicing David. We can make 2020 the year of the oldies!Sochenna escribió:Hello mates.
......... I remember that when I start 67 I will already be 70 years old ....
As you probably all know, my only real interest is the 55mod and the rest is just waiting time. UKGPL are considering a 55mod season and I have pushed to have that run on a Sunday so that it does not interfere with PDLR. They would be very pleased to see all of you in any of their races. Tago has taken part in their 55mod and 66mod races, which are all run at 60fps. I expect that he likes to just turn up and race without organising anything!

I have always struggled to run more than one sim/mod at a time and with age this has not become any easier. 55mod needs an entirely different approach to all the others, due to the brakes, or lack of them, so the only way that I can compete, if I am also racing 55mod in another series, is to just arrive-and-drive, without any practice. That way I do not fall out of the 55mod zone.
I know that Sergio and Quico can do it that way but they are aliens!

I do 65mod "under sufferance" as I hate the things and I do not have any interest in CANAM.
In short, if I can find a 55mod series then I shall do that. If there is nothing available I shall try to support PDLR.
10,12,6 sounds good. How about 66mod instead of 65?
Última edición por Clive Loynes el Dom Dic 29, 2019 12:01 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
- Trooper 55
- Mensajes: 1425
- Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
- Ubicación: Madrid
Hola a todos. A mi tambien me gusta el formato de estos dos últimos años, asi que voto por eso mismo.
Lo que veo dificil en mi caso es lo que propone Tago para los Lunes. No se que pasa en mi vida, pero cada vez tengo menos tiempo libre y los lunes me suele ser casi imposible correr....
Hi, everybody. I like the format of these last two years too, so I vote for that.
What I find difficult in my case is what Tago proposes for Mondays. I don't know what's going on in my life, but I have less and less free time and on Mondays it's usually almost impossible for me to run...
Lo que veo dificil en mi caso es lo que propone Tago para los Lunes. No se que pasa en mi vida, pero cada vez tengo menos tiempo libre y los lunes me suele ser casi imposible correr....
Hi, everybody. I like the format of these last two years too, so I vote for that.
What I find difficult in my case is what Tago proposes for Mondays. I don't know what's going on in my life, but I have less and less free time and on Mondays it's usually almost impossible for me to run...
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
Parece que nos inclinamos por algo así:

Qué os parece?
circuitos: son una propuesta sin más, hay decenas de circuitos posibles. sugerencias?
fechas: por favor, revisad que las fechas son buenas en vuestro pueblo. tal como está, queda el 08.12 libre por si hay algún aplazamiento.
GP: insisto en que me gusta la propuesta de Tago de incluir el lunes para Q, y 2 carreras son mejor que 1, pero ¿cómo hacemos la parrilla? el problema de si alguien no puede el lunes que plantea Trooper se puede resolver con 2 carreras si la 2a es parrilla invertida (respecto al resultado de la 1a carrera o a la 1a parrilla) se compensaría la desventaja
coches: como en el 66 son muy desiguales, podemos considerar la propuesta de Doni, ya lo hicimos en los primeros campeonatos del 66. o bien, como hicimos en los siguientes, establecemos una cilindrada para cada evento... Para el 55 y el 67 me gusta el mismo coche todo el campeonato.
Votad, a ver si podemos cerrar esta semana un calendario. a mi me iría muy bien porque tengo tiempo de trabajar en la web.
It seems that we are inclined to something like this:
What do you think?
tracks: these is a proposal only, there are dozens of possible circuits. any suggestion?
dates: please check that the dates are good for you. As it stands now, 12.08 is free in case there is any postponement.
GP: I insist that I like Tago's proposal to include Monday for Q, and 2 races are better than 1, but how do we make the grid? The problem of whether someone can not put a laptime on Monday that Trooper raises can be solved with 2 races if the 2nd starts with inverted grid (with respect to the result of the 1st race or the 1st grid)
cars: as in 66 they are very unequal, we can consider Doni's proposal, we already did it in the first championships of 66. Or, as we did in the following ones, we established an engine capacity for each event ... For 55 67 I like the same car for all races.
Vote, let's see if we can agree a season calendar this week. It would be fine for me because I have time to work on the web.
Parece que nos inclinamos por algo así:

Qué os parece?

Votad, a ver si podemos cerrar esta semana un calendario. a mi me iría muy bien porque tengo tiempo de trabajar en la web.
It seems that we are inclined to something like this:
What do you think?

Vote, let's see if we can agree a season calendar this week. It would be fine for me because I have time to work on the web.

- Mensajes: 250
- Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
- Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada
Hola, amigos! I hope for all the best for you all in 2020.
In looking at Xug's latest proposed schedule, I quite like it. Sorry to see the CanAms dropped but I do love the 1966 mod as well. Quite probably my favourite, in fact, thanks in large part to the numerous and highly varied cars available.
In all honesty, set it up as you like and I'll be there.
Not sure how the Monday qualifying thing will work out but I'm game to give it a try.
In looking at Xug's latest proposed schedule, I quite like it. Sorry to see the CanAms dropped but I do love the 1966 mod as well. Quite probably my favourite, in fact, thanks in large part to the numerous and highly varied cars available.
In all honesty, set it up as you like and I'll be there.

Not sure how the Monday qualifying thing will work out but I'm game to give it a try.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 722
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
Con la intención de apoyar actividad los lunes pero no perjudicar a los que no puedan (Troop
) podemos hacer tres tandas de Q los lunes y 1 de repesca los martes .. la cosa sería algo así, a ver que os parece With the intention of supporting activity on Mondays but not harming those who can not (Troop
) we can do three series of Q on Mondays and one more chance on Tuesdays .. the thing would be something like that, let's see what you think
Doble Q Lunes/Mondays Martes/Tuesdays en/in 4 series para/for Mod 55 y 67
Lunes/Mondays 21.30 a/to 23.45 (también / also could be possible 21.00 a/to 23.15)
Martes/Tuesdays 21.00 a/to 21.45
Solo hay que participar en una de las series para optar a tiempo de Q You just have to participate in one of the series to opt for Q time
22.00 Carrera oficial / Official Race Pro - Long

Doble Q Lunes/Mondays Martes/Tuesdays en/in 4 series para/for Mod 55 y 67
Lunes/Mondays 21.30 a/to 23.45 (también / also could be possible 21.00 a/to 23.15)
- 1.- 21.30 = 30 min Q + 15 min R = 22.15
2.- 22.15 = 30 min Q + 15 min R = 23.00
3.- 23.00 = 30 min Q + 15 min R = 23.45
Martes/Tuesdays 21.00 a/to 21.45
- 4.- 21.00 h = 30 min. Q + 15 min. R
Solo hay que participar en una de las series para optar a tiempo de Q You just have to participate in one of the series to opt for Q time
22.00 Carrera oficial / Official Race Pro - Long
- Se lanza el server con 45 minutos de Q para que nos de tiempo a entrar a todos The server is launched with 45 minutes of Q so that we have time to enter all
Presencia en el chat para entrada en orden cuendo el moderador de la orden mejor Q a peor según todas las sesiones ... ultimos los que no tengan tiempo Presence in the chat to receive the entry order to the server from the moderator according to the Q times better to worse ... last those who do not have time
Cuando entras se puede/debe hacer vuelta de instalacion, pero siempre sin marcar tiempo Once in the server drivers can/must make installation laps but always without marking time
Una vez todos dentro el moderador finaliza la clasificación iniciando la carrera ... el orden de parrilla será el de entrada en el servidor Once everyone in the moderator finishes the classification by starting the race ... the grid order will be the entry into the server
Es el momento de desear suerte a todos /Time to say good luck chaps!
Formato de doble evento para carreras de mod 66 Double event format for mod 66 races
Todo esto sucede el martes 22 horas (y minutillos en España no nos lucimos por nuestra puntualidad
) All this happens on Tuesday 22 hours (and minutillos in Spain we do not show off for our punctuality
Primera Carrera Oficial / First official race
Segunda carrera oficial / Second official race Pro - Long

Todo esto sucede el martes 22 horas (y minutillos en España no nos lucimos por nuestra puntualidad

Primera Carrera Oficial / First official race
- 10 min Q + Pro Short Race
Segunda carrera oficial / Second official race Pro - Long
- Se lanza el server con 45 minutos de Q para que nos de tiempo a entrar a todos The server is launched with 45 minutes of Q so that we have time to enter all
Presencia en el chat para entrar en el server en orden invertido acorde al resultado de la primera carrera Presence in the chat to enter the server in reverse order according to the result of the first run
Cuando entras se puede/debe hacer vuelta de instalacion, pero siempre sin marcar tiempo Once in the server drivers can/must make installation laps but always without marking time
Una vez todos dentro el moderador finaliza la clasificación iniciando la carrera ... el orden de parrilla será el de entrada en el servidor Once everyone in the moderator finishes the classification by starting the race ... the grid order will be the entry into the server
Es el momento de desear suerte a todos /Time to say good luck chaps!

Me gusta la idea de coche unico para mod 55 y 67 acorde a equilibrar la parrilla I like the idea of single car for mod 55 and 67 according to balance the gridXug escribió:Hola, ...
coches: como en el 66 son muy desiguales, podemos considerar la propuesta de Doni, ya lo hicimos en los primeros campeonatos del 66. o bien, como hicimos en los siguientes, establecemos una cilindrada para cada evento... Para el 55 y el 67 me gusta el mismo coche todo el campeonato.
Hi, ...
cars: as in 66 they are very unequal, we can consider Doni's proposal, we already did it in the first championships of 66. Or, as we did in the following ones, we established an engine capacity for each event ... For 55 67 I like the same car for all races.
Para el 66 me parece bien igualar la parrilla marcando cilindrada porque la segunda carrera con parrilla invertida y coches igualados puede ser emocionante For 66 it seems good to match the grid marking the power of cars because the second race with inverted grid and matched cars can be exciting