3rd 1965 Formula 1 Challenge - 01 - Grand Prix d'Albi

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Mensajes: 2895
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

David :brindis:
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Mensajes: 2895
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Clive Loynes escribió: ... think that I have trapped a nerve in my right arm and it is making the use of the mouse rather tricky. ...

... Creo que he atrapado un nervio en mi brazo derecho y está haciendo que el uso del mouse sea bastante complicado. ...

How strange that the replay analyzer has not reported it :nose: :jo: get better Clive ... great race going back :bien:

Que raro que el replay analizer no lo haya reportado :nose: :jo: mejórate Clive ... gran carrera remontando :bien:
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 250
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Great fun dashing around Albi in the GP65's! :)

Congratulations to Sergio on a fine win. I did my best to spoil it for him but in all honesty, it was down to luck if I managed to take and hold the lead. As for luck, there can be no denying that I had plenty of the good kind on my side as a wild spin in the T1-T3 complex had my eyes watering. Can't hardly believe that Sergio missed carving my Cooper in half!

Going to the grid, I thought something looked odd. An empty hole up ahead. As we sped away, it became clear that Clive had missed the start. There's a limit to being a good sportsman and spotting us a edge, Clive. First lap dramas as Quico spun in the far hairpin and dropped to last save for a late-starting Clive. Over the first laps, I had to work hard to stay with Sergio as the 32-valve Climax has a power edge over the 16-valve unit behind my shoulders. Only the slipstream saved me there. Birle was doing a fine job in P3 aboard the Brabham BT7 which like my Cooper, is also a bit short on power. Kudos to both he and Quico for opting for these less-than competitive power plants.

Lap10 and Sergio slipped off onto the grass exiting T1 and opened the door for me to take the lead...for about 800 metres. The extra ponies under his hood made all the difference, tho, and he re-took the lead going into the far hairpin.

In all this, Quico was fighting back from his off and took over P3. As well, Clive was storming back and cutting fast laps. I knew that my only chance was a slipstream pass on Sergio but it forever to finally get a chance. Lap16. I came off the T1-T4 complex in the best position yet and stayed with Sergio all the way down the following straight. Decision time. It's now or never. Well, greed is a terrible thing, isn't it? I braked as late as I ever have and as it turned out, I was wildly beyond my talent. In way too deep, I spun off into the barriers and was indeed fortunate to not take off a wheel or drill Sergio. He was able to pass safely. As well, Quico's pace had caught him up to the point where he could pass for P2 before I could recover. Groan... For the remaining laps, I pounded along as fast as I dared til I was catching his slipstream. Proof of that is that on LapXX, I managed to set the FTD. DOH! Brile was not so far behind that another gaffe on my part wouldn't be further punished. Bad luck for him, tho, with an off on Lap20 that put him behind the hard-charging Clive.

Coming up to the last lap, I was astonished to see Quico ease off on the pit straight and allow me to pass. I thought, 'Did he mis-read his pit board and think that race was over? There's another lap to run!' Well, as we now know, poor Quico was coming up short on fuel. Merde! He had to cruise in that last lap and yield the final podium placing to Clive. Miserable luck there, Quico.

Great fun being back the PDLR gang again. Looking forward to Pau where I don't think that we can count on Clive to shoot himself in the foot again. ;)

Oh... One thing... A couple of times in the race, someone...don't know whom...posted chat messages. This kills frames rates. My fps drops into the single digits. Please, gys, avoid putting up chat til after the last car has taken the checker. It does matter.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Great report Doni.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
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Mensaje por quico »

Clive Loynes escribió:Great report Doni.

Intenté la pole, pero no era el día, o el setup, o las dos cosas. Sergio y Clive lo ponían muy caro.

Como Clive se tomó la salida con calma, llegué a T1 yo solo, pero en la recta Sergio me dejó dando vueltas, como en los dibujos animados. Pero al llegar a la curva del final de la recta, me lo encuentro en medio de la trazada, que se ha bajado del coche y está midiendo la curva. Como no iba pegado a el, no pensaba que pudiéramos tener ningún problema ahí y yo llego a la curva silbando alegremente. La única manera de no llevármelo por delante es seguir recto. No lo he mirado, pero no creo que fuera su forma habitual de tomar la curva, debió entrar con miedo o mirando a las chicas...

Me reengancho detrás del pelotón, y tras pasar por meta tomo T1 también alegremente, y me encuentro a Cayo y David haciendo carambolas. Me llevo un susto, pero hay sitio para pasar si vas medianamente atento -lo de silbar ya se me había cortado con lo de Sergio-.

Y así vuelta a vuelta, acercándome un poco a Doni y Sergio, hasta que en lap 16 Doni lo intenta y se va fuera al final de la recta y le paso, consiguiendo el 2º puesto... para 3 vueltas.

La verdad es que pensaba que Sergio llevaba un BT7, no el BT11, y pensaba que apretando, podría acercarme a el. Así que forzando un poco, trompeo (en la dichosa curva) y Doni me vuelve a adelantar. Era la vuelta 19.

Voy siguiendo a Doni, ya con pocas esperanzas de alcanzarle, cuando al comenzar lap 21 me lo encuentro entre T1 y T2, cruzado en medio de la pista. Afortunadamente, su coche se mueve hacia el interior y lo único que me pasa es que durante un par de segundos el corazón no me arranca.

Me quedo yo disfrutando mi 2º puesto otra vez, dispuesto a ir tranquilo hasta el final, pero veo que Doni no ha perdido tiempo y va a ver si me caza. Voy aguantando el ritmo, hasta que en el último tercio de la vuelta 23, el coche me empieza a ratear... Motor? Miro la pantalla y veo el depósito vacío. Aquel último toque al setup antes de tomar la salida apurando más de la cuenta. Doni me adelanta delante de los boxes, y Clive me alcanza en la curva de mis pesares. Afortunadamente -para mi- Birle no tiene el día y no llega a alcanzarme. Después de todo, un 4º puesto no está tan mal, verdad? Cruzo la meta con 0,2L de gasofa.

Carrera bastante entretenida, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que éramos menos gente de los que solemos.

Encantado de ver a Birle con ganas y de ver a Cayo de vuelta, compañías inapreciables. (Kol, no te dan envidia?)

Gran carrera los del podio, sinceras felicitaciones!

Ánimo David!

I tried the pole, but it wasn't the day, or the setup, or both. Sergio and Clive made it very expensive.

As Clive took the exit calmly, I reached T1 alone, but in the straight line Sergio left me spinning, as in the cartoons. But when I get to the curve of the end of the straight, I find him in the middle of the path, which has gotten out of the car and is measuring the curve. Since I wasn't so close to him, I didn't think we could have any problems there and I came to the curve whistling happily. The only way not to hit him is to go straight. I have not looked at it, but I do not think it was his usual way of taking the curve, he must have entered with fear or looking at the girls ...

I re-engage behind the group, and after finish the first lap, I take T1 also happily, and I find Cayo and David making caroms. I get a scare, but there is room to go if you go moderately attentive - the whistle had already been cut with the Sergio's affaire-.

And so back to back, getting a little closer to Doni and Sergio, until in lap 16 Doni tries it with Sergio and goes outside at the end of the straight and passed him, getting 2nd place ... for 3 laps.

The truth is that I thought Sergio was wearing a BT7, not the BT11, and I thought that by pressing, I could approach him. So forcing a little, spining (always the same turn) and Doni overtakes me again. It was lap 19.

I am following Doni, with little hope of reaching him, when at the beginning of the 21st I find him between T1 and T2, crossed in the middle of the track. Fortunately, his car moves inwards and the only thing that happens to me is that for a couple of seconds my heart won't start.

I stay enjoying my 2nd place again, willing to go quiet until the end, but I see that Doni has not wasted time and will see if he hunts me. I keep up the pace, until in the last third of lap 23, the car starts to rate me ... Engine? I look at the screen and see the empty tank. That last touch to the setup before taking the exit hurrying more of the account. Doni overtakes me in front of the pits, and Clive reaches me in the curve of my sorrows. Fortunately, f-or me-, Birle does not have the day and does not reach me. After all, a 4th place is not too bad, right? I reach the finish line with 0,2L fuel.

Pretty entertaining career, especially considering we were fewer people than we usually do.

Nice to see Birle wanting to see Cayo back, invaluable companies. (Kol, don't you get envious?)

Great race on the podium, sincere congratulations!
no corrais que es peor...
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Mensajes: 1181
Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Llego tarde a la crónica , como casi siempre , os pido disculpas y espero que me perdonéis por todas las carreras que no he comentado :roll: . Puede parecer que la vida en un pueblo pequeño te ofrece , entre otras cosas , mucho tiempo para el ocio , pero la verdad es que nunca me siento en la butaca de casa antes de las diez de la noche .
No tengo excusa , pues siempre se puede sacar un rato para contribuir en el foro , pero entre las abejas ( I´m a beekeeper , casi todos lo sabéis ) , el huerto , el corral y sus animales , mis quehaceres diaros y un nuevo proyecto que hemos puesto en marcha mi compañera y yo , la verdad es que no paro en todo el día .
El nuevo proyecto es una microcervecera artesana ; llevamos desde el mes de Enero montando el proyecto , y por fin hemos logrado todos los permisos necesarios ( sanidad , hacienda , indústria , agricultura y medioambiente , casi nada... ) . Después de pelearnos con la burocracia española , de algún que otro viaje a Guadalajara , de enseñar al gestor cómo funciona y tributa una empresa como ésta , notarios , abogados , ayuntamientos , aprender nosotros mismos todos los trámites para poner ésto en marcha , buscar financiación , etc. , por fin , lo hemos conseguido .
Quería compartirlo con vosotros hace tiempo , pero os lo cuento hoy porque ya es una realidad :D :D . Os invito a unas birras en Milmarcos cuando queráis :wink: :wink: !!!! Gracias por escucharme :brindis:

Y ahora al lío :
Lo primero decir que he debido equivocarme al escoger el coche . Creí que el brabham BT11 era el coche más lento de la parrilla . Las pachangas del Lunes las hice con el Cooper , pero no se por qué , pensé que el BT11 sería aún más lento , es obvio que me equivoqué :lol: :lol: . Para mañana cojo el más lento que haya ( por cierto , ¿ cuál es ? )
Clasifiqué tercero pero en la parrilla faltó Clive , así que sólo tenía a Quico por delante . Como cuenta él mismo , lo adelanté relativamente fácil . Viendo anoche la repetición , en la curva que comenta Quico que frené demasiado pronto , tiene razón , pero estando en la primera vuelta y siendo la curva más delicada del circuito , lo que hice fue asegurar el interior de la curva para que Quico no me pasara y entrar con mucho cuidado para no trompear . Seguro que esperaba que entrara más rápido , pero lo último que quería era molestarlo , te pido disculpas Quico .
Intentando esquivarme se fue al verde y dejó de incordiarme . Después llegó Doni con más ritmo que yo , pero su coche no era capaz de adelantar al mío en velocidad punta . Debía pilotar al límite , abriendo todo lo posible las trazadas para salir con velocidad y evitar así los rebufos . Eso en unas curvas ; en otras lo tenía que hacer al revés , cerrar el interior y ocupar la trazada natural , para obligar a Doni a frenar más de lo necesario y salir yo con más velocidad que él . Resumiendo , intenté complicarle la vida todo lo que pude . Complicarle la vida y molestarle como una mosca tonta en verano , iba primero y no le iba a poner fácil el adelantamiento . Doni , te digo lo mismo que a Quico , te pido disculpas si alguna vez te molesté demasiado , no era mi intención .
En alguna curva entrábamos prácticamente en paralelo , pero intentaba dejar siempre un hueco suficiente para que pasáramos los dos sin problemas . Tú hacías lo mismo conmigo , para mí fue una lucha muy limpia por las dos partes .
Supongo que agoté tu paciencia e intentaste un adelantamiento al límite que podía haber salido bien , pero alargaste demasiado la frenada y te fuiste fuera . Seguramente si hubieras logrado el adelantamiento , hubieras ganado la carrera . Pero no fue así y me dejaste solo en cabeza . A partir de ahí tuve una carrera tranquila ( creo que fue en la vuelta 17-18 cuando te saliste de pista , ya tenía suficiente batalla en el cuerpo ) y me dediqué a no perder la concentración y llegar al final con el coche entero . Crucé meta en primera posición con bastante ventaja y con la certeza de que mi Brabham tenía algo que no tenían los demás ... lo siento .
Enhorabuena a Doni que luchó al 100% y a Clive por la remontada . Quico , si no te hubieras ido tan rápido nos lo hubiéramos pasado muy bien . David , nos encanta que corras con nosotros y queremos que sigas , cada piloto tiene sus retos y todos son igual de importantes , ahora mis retos puede que hayan cambiado , pero te aseguro que mis primeros años en el GPL fueron muy duros , yo era un novato y en PDLR.GAIZTOR había auténticos aliens . Me temblaban las piernas en cada carrera esperando la bandera de salida y me costó mucho llegar a tener un nivel suficiente como para pelearme en las carreras . Así que te envío todo el ánimo posible :amor: .
Aitor , Cayo , poneos las pilas ya !!!
Tago , muchísimas gracias por darlo todo siempre para que podamos disfrutar de éstas carreras tan cojonudas siempre , muchas muchas gracias :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso: .
Xug , Trooper , ya tardáis !!!

Disculpas por el tocho y nos vemos ésta noche :twisted: :twisted:

I'm late for the chronicle, as almost always, I apologize and I hope you forgive me for all the races I haven't commented on: roll:. It may seem that life in a small town offers you, among other things, a lot of time for leisure, but the truth is that I never sit in the armchair at home before ten at night.
I have no excuse, because you can always take a while to contribute to the forum, but among the bees (I´ma beekeeper, almost everyone knows it), the garden, the corral and its animals, my daily chores and a new project that We have launched my partner and I, the truth is that I do not stop all day.
The new project is an artisan microbrewery; We have been assembling the project since January, and finally we have achieved all the necessary permits (health, finance, industry, agriculture and environment, almost nothing ...). After fighting with the Spanish bureaucracy, from the occasional trip to Guadalajara, to teach the manager how a company like this works and taxes, notaries, lawyers, town halls, learn all the procedures to get this started, seek funding, etc. , Finally we succeeded .
I wanted to share it with you some time ago, but I tell you today because it is already a reality: D: D. I invite you to a beer in Milmarcos when you want: wink:: wink: !!!! Thanks for listening to me: toast:

And now to the mess:
The first to say that I had to make a mistake when choosing the car. I thought the brabham BT11 was the slowest car on the grill. I made the pachangas of Monday with the Cooper, but I don't know why, I thought the BT11 would be even slower, it's obvious that I was wrong: lol:: lol:. For tomorrow I take the slowest one (by the way, which one is it?)
I qualified third but Clive was missing on the grid, so I only had Quico ahead. As he tells himself, I made it relatively easy. Seeing last night the repetition, in the curve that Quico says that I stopped too soon, is right, but being on the first lap and being the most delicate curve of the circuit, what I did was to secure the inside of the curve so that Quico would not happen to me and enter very carefully so as not to spin 360 degrees . Surely I expected him to enter faster, but the last thing I wanted was to annoy him, I apologize Quico.
Trying to dodge, he went to the green and stopped bothering me. Then Doni arrived with more pace than me, but his car was not able to overtake mine at top speed. He had to fly to the limit, opening as much as possible the paths to get out with speed and thus avoid the overflows. That in curves; in others I had to do it the other way around, close the interior and occupy the natural layout, to force Doni to brake more than necessary and leave me faster than him. In short, I tried to complicate my life as much as I could. Complicating his life and disturbing him like a silly fly in summer, he went first and it was not going to make overtaking easy. Doni, I tell you the same as Quico, I apologize if I ever bothered you too much, it was not my intention.
In some curve we entered practically in parallel, but I always tried to leave enough space for us to pass without problems. You did the same with me, for me it was a very clean fight for both parties.
I guess I exhausted your patience and tried an overtaking to the limit that could have worked out well, but you lengthened the braking too much and went away. Surely if you had achieved overtaking, you would have won the race. But it wasn't like that and you left me alone in the lead. From there I had a quiet race (I think it was on lap 17-18 when you left the track, I already had enough battle in the body) and I dedicated myself not to lose my concentration and reach the end with the whole car. I crossed the finish line in the first position with enough advantage and with the certainty that my Brabham had something that the others didn't have ... I'm sorry.
Congratulations to Doni who fought 100% and Clive for the comeback. Quico, if you hadn't gone so fast we would have had a great time. David, we love that you run with us and we want you to continue, each driver has his challenges and all are equally important, now my challenges may have changed, but I assure you that my first years in the GPL were very hard, I was a rookie and in PDLR.GAIZTOR there were real aliens. My legs were shaking in each race waiting for the exit flag and it was very difficult for me to have enough level to fight in the races. So I send you as much encouragement as possible: love:.
Aitor, Cayo, put your batteries now !!!
Tago, thank you very much for giving everything always so that we can enjoy these beautiful races always, thank you very much: applause:: applause:: applause:.
Xug, Trooper, you're late!

Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Well done to Sergio and Quico for great reports.

I'm not an expert in the 65 cars and so when I started to look at doing the series, because there was no available 55mod racing, I didn't know which car to take. I do not have a ranking list for the cars but I do remember that the BT7 is regarded as the slowest.

So I looked at last year's times and tried to find a car that would let me match the times of the front runners.

I tried the BT11 and found that after some tweaking of the default I could match the times at Albi.

If the BT11 is too fast for me then please tell me. I do not wish to take advantage of the PDLR sportsmanship. But I really don't know what I should be in. I don't think that I can match Sergio, birle and Quico in the the BT7 but I will try if necessary.

Tomorrow I shall have to stay in the BT11 as I'm trying to do two races. Firstly the PDLR race at Pau and then the UKGPL 66mod race using a Lotus 43. They are so different that I am having to practice a lot with the 66mod car and will not have time to switch to anything else but the BT11 for Pau.

I will also try to find a ranking list for the 65mod cars.

Enhorabuena a Sergio y Quico por sus excelentes informes.

No soy un experto en los 65 autos, así que cuando comencé a mirar la serie, porque no había carreras disponibles de 55mod, no sabía qué auto tomar. No tengo una lista de clasificación para los autos, pero sí recuerdo que el BT7 es considerado como el más lento.

Así que miré los tiempos del año pasado y traté de encontrar un auto que me permitiera igualar los tiempos de los primeros.

Probé el BT11 y descubrí que después de algunos ajustes en el valor predeterminado, podía igualar los tiempos en Albi.

Si el BT11 es demasiado rápido para mí, dígamelo. No deseo aprovechar la deportividad PDLR. Pero realmente no sé en qué debería estar. No creo que pueda igualar a Sergio, Birle y Quico en el BT7, pero lo intentaré si es necesario.

Mañana tendré que quedarme en el BT11 mientras trato de hacer dos carreras. Primero, la carrera PDLR en Pau y luego la carrera UKGPL 66mod con un Lotus 43. Son tan diferentes que tengo que practicar mucho con el auto 66mod y no tendré tiempo de cambiar a otra cosa que no sea BT11 para Pau.

También intentaré encontrar una lista de clasificación para los autos 65mod.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Sergio68 escribió:Llego tarde a la crónica , como casi siempre , os pido disculpas y espero que me perdonéis por ....

El nuevo proyecto es una microcervecera artesana ; llevamos desde el mes de Enero montando el proyecto , y por fin lo hemos conseguido .

Tago , muchísimas gracias por darlo todo siempre para que podamos disfrutar de éstas carreras tan cojonudas siempre , muchas muchas gracias :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso: .


I'm late for the chronicle, as almost always, I apologize and I hope you forgive me
The new project is an artisan microbrewery; We have been assembling the project since January, and finally we succeeded .
Tago, thank you very much for giving everything always so that we can enjoy these beautiful races always, thank you very much :aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso:

:mrgreen: :brindis: :abrazo:

Nada que perdonar ... Genial, enhorabuena por esa noticia cervecera ... y de nada ... un placer compartir pista con todos vosotros

Nothing to forgive ... Great, congratulations on that beer news ... and you're welcome ... a pleasure to share track with all of you

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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 721
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Thanks to Xavier and Sergio for the practice last night.

I couldn't get near to Sergio's qually time but in the race he perhaps had selected the Default setup?

Great battle with Xavier.
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Mensajes: 1181
Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Clive Loynes escribió:Thanks to Xavier and Sergio for the practice last night.

I couldn't get near to Sergio's qually time but in the race he perhaps had selected the Default setup?

Great battle with Xavier.

Quité aire a las ruedas pero no funcionó muy bien . Tuve un par de accidentes y me fui a dormir :roll:

I took air off the wheels but it didn't work very well. I had a couple of accidents and went to sleep :roll: [/list]
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón