2018 F1 1967 - 11 - Grande Prémio de Portugal
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
YEAH, Big Grats Sergio, Tago & Tron
Such a surprising result, which makes the end to a huge thrill of our season
My own fault I came in 45 minutes late for Porto & could have settled the championship...but just look at points now before the last race:
2 is fighting for the Championship, 4 fighting for third place
The first time I look forward to a race at Montjuic
...I hope to see you all

Such a surprising result, which makes the end to a huge thrill of our season

My own fault I came in 45 minutes late for Porto & could have settled the championship...but just look at points now before the last race:
2 is fighting for the Championship, 4 fighting for third place

The first time I look forward to a race at Montjuic

...I hope to see you all

- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
- Mensajes: 38
- Registrado: Mar Feb 13, 2018 1:46 pm
- Ubicación: Norway
Do you mean MontjuichPark_Fix_patches.zip?
I would say , yes you need them and this zip contains four folders with the same two files , choose the two that works for you , most likely high res , and copy and replace into the track folder.
Drove a oAo race here a couple of months ago and it turned into a disco with massive amounts of drivers suffering disconnect.
I would say , yes you need them and this zip contains four folders with the same two files , choose the two that works for you , most likely high res , and copy and replace into the track folder.
Drove a oAo race here a couple of months ago and it turned into a disco with massive amounts of drivers suffering disconnect.
- Clive Loynes
- Mensajes: 721
- Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
- Ubicación: North Yorkshire
Ufff!!! pasaron muchas cosas en Porto
. Lo primero que recuerdo es la patada en el culo que me dió Tron y que me hizo volar muy alto . La cuestión es que intenté esquivar a Clive y pasar muy despacio a su lado , pero se estrechó el espacio y quedé bloqueado , y Tron no pudo esquivarme y me mandó a " Z Reticuli " ( en España Raticulín ) .
No se cómo sobreviví al percance , pero pude volver a pista , aunque el coche sufrió varias averías , la más importante la del motor , noté falta de potencia al instante .
Me reincorporé y pensaba que había quedado en la cola del pelotón
. Clive iba delante mío y pensé que por lo menos nos disputaríamos la penúltima plaza . Tuvimos una bonita lucha , inexplicablemente era más rápido que él en algún punto del circuito y le intentaba meter el coche una y otra vez . En una de esas , Clive frenó mucho antes que yo , y , aunque hice lo posible para no acariciarlo , repliqué la patada en el culo que me había dado Tron .
La culpa fue mía ( te pido disculpas ) y reduje la velocidad esperando a que se rehiciera para devolverle la posición , pero no venía , miré el pribluda y ví que no se movía , por lo que le dí por muerto y continué .
Lo que me extrañó fue ver a un coche detrás mío pues ya he dicho que pensaba que iba último , así que en la siguiente vuelta miré la pizarra y ví que estaba segundo
. También ví que no aparecía Clive detrás mío por lo que certifiqué su defunción ( luego he visto tu DC
) .Tron por delante era inalcanzable y el Toro Grosso iba lleno de heridas y golpes , y no había nadie que me molestara por detrás , así que pensé en acabar la carrera lo más tranquilamente que pudiera sin más pretensiones , pero el abandono de Tron me colocó en cabeza de carrera y no tuve más trabajo que el de intentar no cometer errores y acabar primero .
Seguro que me dejo un montón de detalles , pero ya sabéis que mi memoria es de 8 bits los mejores días .
Grats a Tago por su
y a .......................
, bueno a los demás
Pasado mañana toca Montjuich
, ahí nos la jugaremos con Tagomago , Clive y Tron
, a ver quién se lleva el solomillo y quién se lleva el bacon

Ufff !!! many things happened in Porto . The first thing I remember is the kick in the ass that Tron gave me and that made me fly very high. The issue is that I tried to dodge Clive and move very slowly to his side, but the space narrowed and I was blocked, and Tron could not dodge me and sent me to "Z Reticuli" (in Spain Raticulín).
I do not know how I survived the accident, but I was able to get back on track, although the car suffered several breakdowns, the most important was the engine, I noticed a lack of power at the time.
I rejoined and thought I had been in the queue of the peloton . Clive was ahead of me and I thought that at least we would dispute the penultimate place. We had a nice fight, inexplicably was faster than him at some point in the circuit and tried to put the car again and again. In one of those, Clive braked long before me, and, although I did my best not to caress him, I returned the kick in the ass that Tron had given me.
The fault was mine (I apologize) and slowed down waiting for him to redo to return the position, but did not come, I looked at the pribluda and saw that it did not move, so I gave him for dead and continued.
What surprised me was seeing a car behind me because I said I thought I was going last, so on the next lap I looked at the board and saw that it was second . I also saw that Clive did not appear behind me so I certified his death (then I saw your DC: roll:). The front was unreachable and the Toro Grosso was full of injuries and blows, and there was nobody to bother me from behind , so I thought about finishing the race as calmly as I could without more pretensions, but the abandonment of Tron put me at the head of the race and I had no other work than trying not to make mistakes and finish first.
Sure I leave a lot of details, but you know that my memory is 8 bits the best days.
Grats to Tago for his secon and to ......................., to others .
The day after tomorrow, Montjuich plays , there we will play with Tagomago, Clive and Tron, to see who gets the sirloin and who gets the bacon

No se cómo sobreviví al percance , pero pude volver a pista , aunque el coche sufrió varias averías , la más importante la del motor , noté falta de potencia al instante .
Me reincorporé y pensaba que había quedado en la cola del pelotón

La culpa fue mía ( te pido disculpas ) y reduje la velocidad esperando a que se rehiciera para devolverle la posición , pero no venía , miré el pribluda y ví que no se movía , por lo que le dí por muerto y continué .
Lo que me extrañó fue ver a un coche detrás mío pues ya he dicho que pensaba que iba último , así que en la siguiente vuelta miré la pizarra y ví que estaba segundo

Seguro que me dejo un montón de detalles , pero ya sabéis que mi memoria es de 8 bits los mejores días .
Grats a Tago por su

Pasado mañana toca Montjuich

Ufff !!! many things happened in Porto . The first thing I remember is the kick in the ass that Tron gave me and that made me fly very high. The issue is that I tried to dodge Clive and move very slowly to his side, but the space narrowed and I was blocked, and Tron could not dodge me and sent me to "Z Reticuli" (in Spain Raticulín).
I do not know how I survived the accident, but I was able to get back on track, although the car suffered several breakdowns, the most important was the engine, I noticed a lack of power at the time.
I rejoined and thought I had been in the queue of the peloton . Clive was ahead of me and I thought that at least we would dispute the penultimate place. We had a nice fight, inexplicably was faster than him at some point in the circuit and tried to put the car again and again. In one of those, Clive braked long before me, and, although I did my best not to caress him, I returned the kick in the ass that Tron had given me.
The fault was mine (I apologize) and slowed down waiting for him to redo to return the position, but did not come, I looked at the pribluda and saw that it did not move, so I gave him for dead and continued.
What surprised me was seeing a car behind me because I said I thought I was going last, so on the next lap I looked at the board and saw that it was second . I also saw that Clive did not appear behind me so I certified his death (then I saw your DC: roll:). The front was unreachable and the Toro Grosso was full of injuries and blows, and there was nobody to bother me from behind , so I thought about finishing the race as calmly as I could without more pretensions, but the abandonment of Tron put me at the head of the race and I had no other work than trying not to make mistakes and finish first.
Sure I leave a lot of details, but you know that my memory is 8 bits the best days.
Grats to Tago for his secon and to ......................., to others .
The day after tomorrow, Montjuich plays , there we will play with Tagomago, Clive and Tron, to see who gets the sirloin and who gets the bacon
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón