2018 F1 1967 - 08 - Canadian Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Great racing day at Mosport ... thx all for racing

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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 670
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Very sorry to tagamago for ending his race.

I had a great race with TRON for the first 23 laps, both of us having made a mistake at Moss at some point.

I was chasing him over the last few laps when he came up behind David to lap him. David held him up for about a lap before letting him past on the straight. This let me get closer.

He went left on the straight to let TRON past but then crossed the track to the right. So I went left. Then he went left as well so I went right.

Then he came back across the track just as I was passing and I hit him.

That sent the pair of us into the air. We both seemed to survive but when I tried to drive around him he moved towards me again and I swerved off the track to get past.

That's when tagamago ran into me. That was not tago's fault, it was mine but by that point I was not very happy and had lost track of where the following cars were.

Very sorry tagomago.

People being lapped should get out of the way.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D Informes updated !!!!!!!!
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Don't worry Clive ... that's racing ... of course is not your fault ... David should let you pass better ...

When I arrived to both of you I did not found a hole ... sorry for that ... I should have found how to :twisted:

Anyway my race was a fantastic race fighting with Sergio for the 5th position ... and we fight closely about 20 laps ... :tonto: :piloto: :baba:

Thx all for racing

Última edición por Mezcua el Mié Jun 06, 2018 10:07 am, editado 1 vez en total.
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Mensaje por Pelle_B »

Finally, the day when all I did went up into a higher unit :raquel:

Big Grats Dag & Tron :aplauso:

Had seen in the training, Tron could do 21 times & knew I had to squeeze my Torro Grosso to the wildest I could.
I have to admit, I had to reinstall the wheel & throw all the unnecessary kilos out of the car, also my Big Mac.

Pole, but...Tron on the side & Dag behind with Clive, I had not thought my heavy Torro Grosso came first through T1.
Tron was not lucky & had to let Dag pass by, I'd rather have a Cooper behind me than a Brabham...& it was a little hard to get rid of :P
To my luck, setup was perfect & drove almost like a SCX (slot car), had only a single little spin in my attempt to get the best racelap...it came the lap after :wink:
Really nice to drive GPL when everything succeeds & see the man with the flag 8)

Also Grats to you all here at Mosport, some more unfortunate than others.

@David: Here in Denmark we say: An accident rarely comes alone...
...here you can say, everything went wrong what could go wrong.
I know you feel terrible right now, but get up on the horse again, but yes, very unfortunate for Tago & Clive :cry:

Thx again for a fun day here at PDLR :brindis:

Monza next on the calendar, it will be difficult in both Honda & Cooper...but if we go back to 1967, I'm already dreaming :dormir:
Dag Johnsen
Mensajes: 38
Registrado: Mar Feb 13, 2018 1:46 pm
Ubicación: Norway

Mensaje por Dag Johnsen »

Grats Pelle & Tron! Also grats to all finishers and commiserations to the DNF`ers.

Had only a short stint of practice and no set up for the brabham at mosport so I knew it would be very difficult to do something about Pelle in his grosso , coming away with 2nd place felt like a victory in itself.

Managed to squeeze a halfway decent laptime out of the brabham in Q and P3 was pretty a good result considering. Hit the sweet spot in the start and flew off the line and managed to get by Tron on the outside of T1 and from there it was 27 similiar laps. Pelle was eeking away from me and I managed to preserve the gap down to Tron. After a few laps I didnt see anyone.. so it was one of those races.

Great fun driving with you guys. Race at kyalami thursday if any of you guys feel the need for more races this week. VROC @ 2000 CET.
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Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Si!!!! muy buena lucha con Tagomago , seguro que me ayudó la ancha silueta del Toro Grosso para tapar todos los agujeros que el Brabham veía y quería aprovechar. De todas formas ya lo he inscrito en el gimnasio y le he prohibido los Big Mac y las cervezas hasta final de temporada , cada vez está más lento y perezoso .
Conservé la concentración al 100% y más o menos podía controlar a Tagomago aunque a veces estaba muy muy cerca . Como dice , la lucha duró aproximadamente 20 vueltas de infarto , hasta que me despisté y toqué con la rueda trasera izquierda ligeramente la barrera de antes de la horquilla y trompeé . A partir de ahí perdí mi concentración y encadené varios errores retrasándome mucho respecto a Tago y Trooper , que también me adelantó .
No pude más que cruzar meta en quinto lugar , con un sentimiento agridulce , por lo bien y lo mal que lo hice en carrera . Ahora creo que los hombres de negro van a venir a mi casa a tomar café ...........
Grats al pódium y a Pelle , que ha salvado la pelota de partido
Sigo sin poder entrenar nada y piloto cansado , como sabéis los de aquí , me dedico a la apicultura y estamos en plena campaña . Este año es especialmente bueno y excepcional ( ocurre cada 20 años ) y estoy dedicado plenamente a cosechar miel sin descanso . Cuando hay que hacerlo no se puede dejar para el día siguiente y llevo varios días trabajando 15-20 horas sin prácticamente descanso .
Nos vemos en pista !!!!

Yes!!!! very good fight with Tagomago, certainly helped me the wide silhouette of the Toro Grosso: lol:: lol: to cover all the holes that the Brabham saw and wanted to take advantage of. Anyway, I have already registered him in the gym and I have banned him from Big Macs and beers until the end of the season, he is getting slower and lazy.
I kept the concentration at 100% and more or less I could control Tagomago although sometimes it was very very close. As it says, the fight lasted approximately 20 laps of infarction, until I got distracted and touched with the left rear wheel slightly the barrier of before the fork and trompeé. From there I lost my concentration and I chained several errors delaying me a lot about Tago and Trooper, who also overtook me.
I could only cross the finish line in fifth place, with a bittersweet feeling, for the good and the bad that I did in the race. Now I think the men in black are going to come to my house to drink coffee ...........
Grats to the podium and to Pelle, who has saved the match ball
I still can not train anything and pilot tired, as you know here, I am dedicated to beekeeping and we are in full campaign. This year is especially good and exceptional (it happens every 20 years) and I am fully dedicated to harvesting honey without rest. When it is necessary to do it, it can not be left for the next day and I have been working for 15-20 hours without practically resting for several days.
See you on the track
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Que buena Sergio ... si que disfrutamos ayer :bien:

Yo venia de una progresión buena 25,s en toma de contacto 24,s y ya 23,s en los entrenos previos y en la calificación 22 alto todos ellos con fuel para las 27 vueltas así que tenia los deberes hechos ... solo faltaba un pelo de suerte en la salida, que nadie me robara la cartera y engancharme al que hubiera delante

Sergio rodaba muy bien delante de mi pero con ese pelo de nerviosismo del que no puede fallar porque el coche de atrás está cerca ... Poco a poco fui ganado confianza y cada vez salia mas fluido el rodar juntos ... yo llevaba la ventaja de ir detrás ... es más relajado ... es como si el de alante te lleva ...

Además al engancharme a Sergio me protegí de Troop que rodaba solido detrás nuestro

Aun y así Mosport requiere concentración y con las vueltas se empezaba a notar el cansacio ... en el salto de la 8 y para no irme al césped di dos volantazos ... ufff ... luego en esa vuelta ocurre el toquecito de guardarrail en Moss y eso me permite pasar a Sergio ... Que rato más wapo

:D Great Sergio ... we enjoyed yesterday :bien:

I came from a good progression 25, s in touchdown 24, s and 23, s in the previous training and in the qualification 22 high all of them with fuel for the 27 laps so I had the duties done ... then I just wanted a lucky start at the exit, with no one stealing my wallet and hook me to the one in front

Sergio rolled very well in front of me but with that little nervousness that you can not fail because the car behind is close ... Little by little I gained confidence and every time it came out more fluid to roll together ... I had the advantage to go behind ... it's more relaxed ... it's as if the one in front takes you ...

Hooked on Sergio, I protected myself from Troop that was rolling solid behind us.

Mosport requires concentration and with the laps we began to notice the tiredness ... in the jump of the 8th and to not go to the turf I gave two swings to the wheel ... :shock: ... then in that turn happens the touch of guardrail in Moss and that allows me to move on to Sergio ... Great time on track
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 670
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

No server for Monza? :(
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D Monza ready to host famous riders from all over the world ...
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
Ubicación: madrid

Mensaje por quico »

Not enough awake to fight the pole with Pelle, I got a 21 for the 2nd place in the grid, very good in any case.

At the start, Dag made so much better leaving me 3rd in T1 and then was a race seeing him in front and Clive behind. I couldn’t get closer to Dag, but Clive sometimes was so close to me. I was waiting the mistake of Dag, Clive, or even Pelle, as Mosport is not a Toro Grosso track, but the mistake was mine, just in the middle of the race in Moss, and Clive passed me. But few laps later was Clive who missed Moss and returned several seconds behind. Then I could drive calm, but Clive was pushing hard and every lap he was getting closer. Then he had that bad understanding with David. I finally finished 3rd that makes me very happy.

I must say here that had never problems with David, but this races are fantastic as we are so many people in the track and is not as easy as years before.

Pelle_B escribió:Monza... it will be difficult in both Honda & Cooper...
Cooper needs to find a whole second to reach Honda there...

PD: David, I hope you will enjoy the jam we agreed I sent to you. :D
no corrais que es peor...