2018 F1 1967 - 07 - Großer Preis von Deutschland

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:oops: El servidor sufrió un "System error" y se reinició ... no he podido verificar porque, pero ya está en danza ... decidme si quereis replanificar la carrera por falta de entrenos :)

:oops: The server crashed due to a "System error" and it restarted ... I still don't know the reason, but now is up and running ... just say if you want to reschedule the race because of the lack of training :)
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Registrado: Mié Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am
Ubicación: Milmarcos (la Siberia)

Mensaje por Sergio68 »

Para ir bien en el infierno verde tendríamos que entrenar durante un año entero Jose Luis :lol: :lol: . Por mí se corre
Long live Rock´n ´roll & ternasco de Aragón
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

clive's server tested and all went fine

me abstengo sobre correr o no, las dos opciones me van bien
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Registrado: Mar Mar 22, 2016 12:40 am
Ubicación: Kastrup

Mensaje por Pelle_B »

Clive Loynes escribió:Practice server is running.

Please test as soon as posible to identify problems.
Your server is fine, but only this PING in iGOR: 9999
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 723
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Pelle_B escribió:
Clive Loynes escribió:Practice server is running.

Please test as soon as posible to identify problems.
Your server is fine, but only this PING in iGOR: 9999
Beats me. :?
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 723
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Mezcua escribió: ... just say if you want to reschedule the race because of the lack of training :)
Can we cancel it due to lack of skill?
Mensajes: 141
Registrado: Mié Oct 09, 2013 10:26 am
Ubicación: Porto-Portugal

Mensaje por Sochenna »

As minhas desculpas, pela ausência.

Seis intervenções médicas em 5 meses, deixaram marcas difíceis de ultrapassar. Mas vou voltar a estar presente como nos anos anteriores.

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D Lanzando server :) launching race :)
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Trooper 55
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Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Trooper 55 »

Al primer paso por meta me he quedado sin sonido :?

He intentado seguir, pero al final he roto motor al no hacer los cambios bien...

At the beginning of the second lap I have run out of sound

I tried to follow, but in the end I broke the engine by not making the changes well ...
Última edición por Trooper 55 el Mar May 22, 2018 11:38 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 723
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I shall need the analyser file from Xavier to update Weekly.
I felt so awful by the end that just wanted to shut it all down and get out. :(
So I forgot to save my replay. :roll:

Grats to Pelle, Dag and TRON. I think.
Dag Johnsen
Mensajes: 38
Registrado: Mar Feb 13, 2018 1:46 pm
Ubicación: Norway

Mensaje por Dag Johnsen »

Grats Pelle and Tron. Grats to all those who survived the green hell , commiserations to those who didnt.

Fun race , I had Pelle all over my gearbox from the start wich was more or less as expected. Then it went quiet towards the end of the 1st lap and starting the 2nd lap he was 4 secs behind. But just as suddenly as he disappeared he reappeared and was chasing me again. Got a little gap but then I spun on the 3rd lap and he was passed me. Considering where I spun I was lucky not to be out so the hunt was on from there. Got close but not close enough and managed to mess up the last carousel every time so it wasnt to be. But a good fight it was as Yoda would say.

We race @ Albi on thursday if anyone is up for a drive.
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
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Mensaje por quico »

Not that kind of race you like despite the podium.
In the first lap, I made the same mistakes as the people that crashed their cars did. First when overtaking Xug, I touched the right grass and been launched to the left slope resulting in that dishonorable position you can see below. Just after that, Sergio reached with me still recovering normal rhythm and crashed his car. At the beginning of the big straight, passing Tago so abruptly, I touched the right hedges been stopped.

Surviving that, the rest of the race still had some incidents that luckily were without loosing the car -integrity :D - while except Dag and Pelle, all drivers desapeared.

Had no time to develope a softer setup for the ring, I used a very hard GH2, that worked correctly for me although I was so slow.

Grats Pelle, Dag and Clive!

Última edición por quico el Mié May 23, 2018 11:36 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
no corrais que es peor...
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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Report & replay updated

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Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Mi suerte solo puede continuar o mejorar :roll:

En Silverstone mientras tuve una bonita batalla con Clive mi cambio de subir marchas dejó de funcionar correctamente y ante la imposibilidad de mantenerme en pista sin ser un objeto errático tuve que abandonar la pelea :jo:
Aqui en el Ring definitivamente no funcionaba, así que cambié el botón de cambio e intenté durante los entrenos acostumbrarme ... enfrentarse con el Ring y con un nuevo cambio no fue tarea fácil :fundido:
Iba más o menos en ello cuando al salir de una curva lento provoqué que Tron casi muriera al intentar pasarme ... eso ya me descentró lo suficiente para perder una rueda y tener que abandonar :horca:

Tengo que revisar mi volante
Tengo que revisar mi volante
Tengo que revisar mi volante
Tengo que revisar mi volante

Enhorabuena al podium, Dag por el disfrute y Pelle por la victoria :)
Thx all for racing

My luck can only continue or improve :roll:

While I had a nice battle with Clive in Silverstone, my gear change failed to work properly and, given the impossibility of keeping me on track without being an erratic object, I had to quit the fight :jo:

Here in the Ring definitely did not work, so I changed the switch button and tried during the training to get used to ... face the Ring and a new change was not easy :fundido:

I was more or less in it when leaving slow a curve I caused that Tron almost died when trying to overtake to me ... that already decentered me enough to lose a wheel and to have to leave :horca:

I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel

Grats to podium, Dag for the enjoy and Pelle for the win :)
Thx all for racing
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 723
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Mezcua escribió: My luck can only continue or improve :roll:

While I had a nice battle with Clive in Silverstone, my gear change failed to work properly and, given the impossibility of keeping me on track without being an erratic object, I had to quit the fight :jo:

Here in the Ring definitely did not work, so I changed the switch button and tried during the training to get used to ... face the Ring and a new change was not easy :fundido:

I was more or less in it when leaving slow a curve I caused that Tron almost died when trying to overtake to me ... that already decentered me enough to lose a wheel and to have to leave :horca:

I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel
I have to check my driving wheel

Grats to podium, Dag for the enjoy and Pelle for the win :)
Thx all for racing
Hope it's something simple and fixable. In the past, I have had to replaced the little microswitches on the gear change paddles.