1st 1955 F1 Championship - 04 - Dutch Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 703
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Xug escribió:
Clive Loynes escribió:post the rpydump file here
:arrow: :piloto:
Brilliant! :bien:

But my days as the Reporter may be limited.

It didn't work. :(

Did you do this? :-

RPYdump-way for 1955, F2 and CanAm events In rpydump-0.6.2-win32 version (double-click on rpygui!) select "semikv" format, check the "auto CST" option and by clicking on RPY button browse for the replay file. Mark "output to file" and click Run.
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Mensaje por Xug »

Clive Loynes escribió:this

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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 703
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Thanks Xavier, that did it. :D

All that I have to do now is get the points system changed on GPL Weekly and backdate it to cover the rounds already run.

Can you please tell me what points system the other mods will use?
Dag Johnsen
Mensajes: 38
Registrado: Mar Feb 13, 2018 1:46 pm
Ubicación: Norway

unexpected win

Mensaje por Dag Johnsen »

Thank you guys , that was a fun race. Being completely new to the 55`s I show up with absolutely no expectations other than to have fun racing. P5 seemed fair and I was just glad I wasnt seconds behind after Qualifying. Im running more or less the default setup with some minor changes to the gears but not much else as Im kinda clueless about these trucks from the 50`s.

I had a rocket start , it struck me standing on the line that I have no idea how to start these things , I almost choked @ Spa so this time I thought what the hell , just floor it and see what happens. I was very suprised how it reacted off the line , much better than last time.
Zandvort is also one of my better tracks and Im comfortable with driving it so my only thought was to keep my head down, get to the finish line and see what that brings , P1 was way above what I expected. I was running 3rd when I think there was a disconnect for the 2nd place or something like that and all of a sudden I was 2nd. Didnt even think about Sergio as I expected him to cruise of into the distance. I was only trying to hold position really. But after I while I could still see him and took some extra risks to close the gap and when he gave me an opening in turn 1 I think it was, I couldnt believe it. It was kinda surreal but very , very enjoyable. :D

It kinda felt like a fluke but as they say , I`ll take it. 8)

C u guys @ Aintree.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 703
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Points on GPL Weekly

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

I believe that I have sorted out the points as shown on GPL Weekly

http://freeleo.hu/weekly/index.php?page ... =PDLR18-55

Please check and let me know if I have made an error.
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Mensajes: 2566
Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Re: Points on GPL Weekly

Mensaje por Xug »

Clive Loynes escribió:check
Clive: I've uploaded the championship table I do for our web :arrow:

:arrow: let's compare the differences:
- Troop gets 2 points in Argentina because he completes 30%.
- Tago gets 3 ponits in Spa (also that %)
- Xug 1 in BAires + 2 in Spa (")

Please check and let me know if I've made a mistake :)

The scoring system that shows GPL Weekly isn't correct:

Código: Seleccionar todo

Scoring system: PDLR 1   9 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - not classified: 0 did not start: 0 pole position: 1 fastest race lap: 1 hat-trick: 0 most laps led: 0 highest climber: 0 qualified: 0 - You have to complete 90% of race distance to be classified.
Our system:
- For F1 55:
Scoring system: PDLR 1 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - not classified: 0 did not start: 0 pole position: 1 fastest race lap: 1 hat-trick: 0 most laps led: 0 highest climber: 0 qualified: 0 - You have to complete 30% of race distance to get points, unless the one for PP: you don't have even to start the race.

- For other mods (not F155 and not F167):
Scoring system: PDLR 2 9 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - not classified: 0 did not start: 0 pole position: 1 fastest race lap: 1 hat-trick: 0 most laps led: 0 highest climber: 0 qualified: 0 - You have to complete 40% of race distance to get points, unless the one for PP: you don't have even to start the race.

- For F1 67:
Scoring system: PDLR 3 9 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - not classified: 0 did not start: 0 pole position: 1 fastest race lap: 1 hat-trick: 0 most laps led: 0 highest climber: 1 qualified: 0 lap consistency: 1 - You have to complete 50% of race distance to get points, unless the one for PP: you don't have even to start the race.

Differences in bold. Points for 1st: 9 in all mods / 8 in F1 55.

All rules will be explained in the rules page, but it's not yet updated for this season. Soon will be, I hope. Thank you all for your patience :piloto:
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 703
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Thanks Xavier,

That helps a lot.

I know that the points system shown is wrong but I can't change at the minute. I have to manually alter the points so it is a great help to have your points allocations explained.

I think that I have it correct now but we will see what happens when you add the Zandvoort points.
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Trooper 55
Mensajes: 1425
Registrado: Vie May 08, 2009 3:59 pm
Ubicación: Madrid

Mensaje por Trooper 55 »

Os debía esta.

Pues nada, ¡¡otro podio !! :D :tercero: . A mi este circuito me encanta, pero con los 55 lo he pasado francamente mal. Eso de quedarte sin frenos es un incordio. Tuve un susto gordo pero sin consecuencias afortunadamente. A partir de ahí y viendo que ni por delante ni por detrás tenía nada de qué preocuparme bajé el ritmo para asegurar otra vez los puntos. Cuando quedaban ya pocas vueltas estuve a punto de coger a Sergio ( me falto una vueltita mas) . Pensé que tenía algún fallo mecánico, pero parece que era algo más suyo que del coche :rie:

Felicidades a Dag :primero: y Sergio :segundo: por su buen resultado aquí.
" La percepción, sin comprobación ni fundamento, no es garantía suficiente de la verdad"
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Registrado: Mié Ene 02, 2008 6:09 pm
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Mensaje por quico »

Uf, me acuerdo solo de que iba a entrar con el Lancia y al ver los tiempos que había por ahí me dio un poco de cosa, y me cogí el Gordini sin haberlo tocado nunca antes de la calificación. Creo que Birle había advertido sobre el, pero no lo recordé en aquel momento. Ni siquiera es comparable al Connaught. Es la castaña del grupo.

Así que sin setup ni nada, toqué lo que buenamente me pareció y califiqué y corrí una carrera poco divertida, con poco entreno del circuito y nada del coche. Para olvidar, vamos. El mod me parece simpático y tal, pero no me entusiasma, quizá porque he corrido muy poco este mes, vete a saber.

I choose the Gordini just before enter the server, and with zero training I only could see that Birle was right when he said is the worst car in the grid. A race to forget :roll: .

Grats to the people that had fun :D .
no corrais que es peor...