IV.7 Oulton Park

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
Mensajes: 23
Registrado: Mié Oct 19, 2005 3:30 pm

Mensaje por carlomax »

Nada, nada, que para tiempos el mío, 1:54, después de surfear bastantes veces en el lago, recoger ciruelas de los árboles, o simplemente, salirme en recta sin más... ¡dichosos setups!... He probado varios setups con resultados lamentables y al final con el que mejor me va el coche es con uno que me hice yo para mónaco ligeramente retocado. En fin, veremos en la pachanga de esta noche si conseguimos rodar por debajo de 1:50. Lo bueno es que alguna vez estuve por encima de 3 minutos (cuando me iba a bañar al lago, claro).
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Sergi Barcheeelo
Campeón V Gpl-Pdlr
Mensajes: 1686
Registrado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 8:44 pm
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Sergi Barcheeelo »

Nass tardes,

yo he dado unas 20 vueltas a oulton y ahora me muevo por el 1.40, pero de ahi no bajo. Almenos la ultima vez que corri (con paco y con Xug), estuve tres vueltas seguidas sin irme a buscar bolets por la vegetacion.

Asi que hoy hay paxhanga-entreno? a que horas?? a ver si me da tiempo a estar...

saludos a todos,

Sector Butifarra

Derbi Panther (1989 - ?)
Opel Ostras 1.6 Gls (1995 - ?)
Honda Cb 250 (2002 - 2004)
Gilera Nexus (2004 - 2006)
Yamaha Xmax (2006 - ?)
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Mensajes: 1323
Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
Ubicación: Barcelona 1967

Mensaje por Gaizka »

dido escribió:Esta noche probaremos una parrilla de estilo moderno. 2x2
Parrilla instalada y servidor lanzado con racelist infinita. Gracias por el archivo Dido :bien:
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Mensajes: 193
Registrado: Jue Dic 23, 2004 9:04 pm
Ubicación: Girona

Mensaje por Philip »

Yo ya estoy desesperado :( .

Ayer volví a tener problemas con el circuito. La cuestión es que en los circuitos "standard" todo va como la seda pero en éstos... nada mas salir a pista las barras del lag empiezan a subir y bajar y en pocos segundos el servidor (digo yo...) me echa. Ya no sé que hacer, que probado casi todo; el core, bajar los graficos... :roll:

Alguna idea de lo que me pueda pasar? :cry:
Mensajes: 278
Registrado: Lun Ene 03, 2005 10:29 am
Ubicación: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Mensaje por thund »

Philip , te mande un fichero, lo has recibido?

Saludines para tod@s
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Mensajes: 193
Registrado: Jue Dic 23, 2004 9:04 pm
Ubicación: Girona

Mensaje por Philip »

thund escribió:Philip , te mande un fichero, lo has recibido?

Saludines para tod@s
Pues no, no recibí nada, pero no te preocupes que ahora el problema es totalmente distinto; anteriormente me era imposible instalar circuitos, pues bien, ahora sí que puedo y sin problemas (después de reinstalar de zero el juego) ahora lo que me pasa es que al jugar online, debo tener algo mal porque nada mas salir a pista y empezar a acelerar, va subiendo el lag, las barras suben y bajan y luego se me desconecta. :roll: :evil:
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Tito Ogglestone
Mensajes: 1894
Registrado: Vie Dic 31, 2004 9:52 am
Ubicación: Barcelona, España

Mensaje por ogledalo »

Ayer hubo unas pachangas en Oulton que creo que confirman lo complicado de este circuito y lo difícil que es adelantar.

Sin embargo, mi intervención ahora es para pedir disculpas por el incidente que yo y sólo yo y por mi culpa protagonicé con los pilotos (muy buenos, por cierto) italianos.

A ellos ya les pedí disculpas y al resto de los que estábais os las pido ahora. Incalificable e injustificable. Simplemente ayer tuve un MUY mal día y lo tuvieron que pagar ellos de manera injusta como digo.

Lo siento. :oops:
"... si no hubiera otra gente en este mundo."
Annelies Marie (Anna) Frank

The really great man is the man who makes everyone feel great.
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Mensajes: 498
Registrado: Lun Dic 13, 2004 10:57 am
Ubicación: Málaga

Mensaje por dido »

Por mi parte se aceptan las disculpas, aunque no justifique el exceso, entiendo que el día fue verdaderamente malo.

De todas formas creo que ellos ni se enteraron, lo más facil es que tuviesen el chat desconectado.
<a href="skype:diego_doni?call" title="Skype">Imagen</a>
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Mensajes: 118
Registrado: Jue Oct 06, 2005 10:30 pm

Mensaje por Xavy »

Bueno tras los test previos y algunas incidencias con mi red WIFI (creo q por ahi viene el problema) consegui dar unas laps finalmente para probar el Honda en esta pista en la q corro de año en año. Me costó un poco cogerle el ritmo pero cuando se lo coges es realmente tremenda. Consegui rodar finalmente en tiempos de 35 bajos, un poco mas lento que mi compi, pero para ser el primer test no esta mal. Veremos esta noche en la qualy.

Vaticino que va a ser una carrera de supervivencia por lo que desde aqui quiero transmitir a todos los pilotillos, sosiego y calma, que van a pasar muchas cosas y en el trozo rapido, un incidente en grupo puede ser catastrofico.

Nos vemos esta noche!

PD: Franky desde pc de Xavy. 8)
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Sergi Barcheeelo
Campeón V Gpl-Pdlr
Mensajes: 1686
Registrado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 8:44 pm
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Sergi Barcheeelo »

dido escribió:Por mi parte se aceptan las disculpas, aunque no justifique el exceso, entiendo que el día fue verdaderamente malo.

De todas formas creo que ellos ni se enteraron, lo más facil es que tuviesen el chat desconectado.
Pues no se si se enteraron, pero cuando acabo la race estaban hablando en italiano y creo que en clave alfa...no se...

Yo mientras hacía el intento de no salirme en cada curva (ayer no daba pie con bola) iba leyendo lo que vosotros deciais por el chat (vosotros tambien leeis lo que se dice en el chat en la parte superior de la pantalla?..yo me puse el display modifier y lo leo todo)...y puedo decir que es mu dificil hacer dos cosas a la vez.... :lol:


Sector Butifarra

Derbi Panther (1989 - ?)
Opel Ostras 1.6 Gls (1995 - ?)
Honda Cb 250 (2002 - 2004)
Gilera Nexus (2004 - 2006)
Yamaha Xmax (2006 - ?)
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Mensajes: 816
Registrado: Dom Dic 19, 2004 11:17 pm
Ubicación: Xixon

Mensaje por memo »

Track: Oulton Tue Nov 29 23:12:44 2005


Pos No Driver Team Nat Time Diff Laps
1 9 Lesmes Gonzalez Ferrari SPA 1m33.407s 8
2 8 Javier Carral Cooper SPA 1m33.475s 00.068s 6
3 15 Diego Doni Cooper ITA 1m33.884s 00.477s 13
4 13 xavier aldea Honda SPA 1m34.072s 00.665s 11
5 12 Jose M. Ruiz Lotus SPA 1m34.363s 00.956s 9
6 16 Diego Sampedro Cooper SPA 1m34.471s 01.064s 14
7 22 Dani Torre Brabham SPA 1m34.657s 01.250s 12
8 7 Carlos Espada Ferrari SPA 1m34.684s 01.277s 12
9 1 Fran Guillen Honda SPA 1m35.017s 01.610s 10
10 19 Julian Martinez Ferrari SPA 1m35.091s 01.684s 14
11 14 manel acosta Eagle SPA 1m35.765s 02.358s 12
12 18 Nick Xug Eagle CAN 1m36.151s 02.744s 14
13 6 Thund Thund Lotus SPA 1m38.334s 04.927s 13
14 2 Pepe Mompo Lotus SPA 1m38.435s 05.028s 1
15 10 Antonio Gonzalez Cooper SPA 1m40.027s 06.620s 12
16 5 Alberto Navarro Lotus SPA 1m41.083s 07.676s 10
17 3 Guillen Xavy Lotus SPA 1m59.435s 26.028s 7
18 17 Abat Hernaez Cooper SPA 2m20.496s 47.089s 4
19 11 Grego Liñan Ferrari SPA No time No time 1
20 4 GPLE.GAIZTOR Brabham SPA No time No time 0

All times are official
Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Oulton Tue Nov 29 23:12:44 2005

RACE RESULTS (After 18 laps)

Pos No Driver Team Nat Laps Race Time Diff
1 8 Javier Carral Cooper SPA 18 28m27.108s
2 15 Diego Doni Cooper ITA 18 28m54.571s 27.463s
3 13 xavier aldea Honda SPA 18 28m55.527s 28.419s
4 16 Diego Sampedro Cooper SPA 18 29m14.245s 47.137s
5 22 Dani Torre Brabham SPA 18 29m25.293s 58.185s
6 18 Nick Xug Eagle CAN 18 29m33.823s 1m06.715s
7 7 Carlos Espada Ferrari SPA 18 29m40.993s 1m13.885s
8 19 Julian Martinez Ferrari SPA 18 29m43.849s 1m16.741s
9 12 Jose M. Ruiz Lotus SPA 18 29m44.702s 1m17.594s
10 17 Abat Hernaez Cooper SPA 17 29m02.152s 1 lap(s)
11 1 Fran Guillen Honda SPA 15 24m17.742s 3 lap(s)
12 10 Antonio Gonzalez Cooper SPA 15 28m38.953s 3 lap(s)
13 9 Lesmes Gonzalez Ferrari SPA 12 19m39.309s 6 lap(s)
14 3 Guillen Xavy Lotus SPA 10 19m03.487s 8 lap(s)
15 2 Pepe Mompo Lotus SPA 9 15m26.292s 9 lap(s)
16 14 manel acosta Eagle SPA 8 13m31.540s 10 lap(s)
17 11 Grego Liñan Ferrari SPA 8 13m51.906s 10 lap(s)
18 5 Alberto Navarro Lotus SPA 6 11m18.555s 12 lap(s)
19 6 Thund Thund Lotus SPA 2 4m15.495s 16 lap(s)
20 4 GPLE.GAIZTOR Brabham SPA 0 DidNotStart 18 lap(s)

Race results are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)


Pos Driver Time Lap
1 Javier Carral 1m33.083s 18
2 xavier aldea 1m34.039s 15
3 Diego Doni 1m34.045s 17
4 Fran Guillen 1m34.304s 12
5 Dani Torre 1m34.589s 15
6 Carlos Espada 1m34.805s 11
7 Diego Sampedro 1m34.904s 17
8 Lesmes Gonzalez 1m35.410s 9
9 Nick Xug 1m35.772s 12
10 Jose M. Ruiz 1m36.116s 9
11 manel acosta 1m36.182s 8
12 Julian Martinez 1m36.524s 8
13 Grego Liñan 1m37.576s 7
14 Pepe Mompo 1m37.915s 6
15 Abat Hernaez 1m38.516s 8
16 Alberto Navarro 1m38.577s 3
17 Guillen Xavy 1m40.789s 2
18 Antonio Gonzalez 1m44.345s 13
19 Thund Thund 1m45.847s 2


Driver Laps
Javier Carral 1-18

Number of lead changes: 0
Number of leaders: 1


Driver Laps led
Javier Carral 18


Driver Start Finish Change
Abat Hernaez 18 10 8
Nick Xug 12 6 6
Guillen Xavy 17 14 3
Antonio Gonzalez 15 12 3
Julian Martinez 10 8 2
Dani Torre 7 5 2
Diego Sampedro 6 4 2
Grego Liñan 19 17 2
Javier Carral 2 1 1
xavier aldea 4 3 1
Diego Doni 3 2 1
Carlos Espada 8 7 1
Pepe Mompo 14 15 -1
Alberto Navarro 16 18 -2
Fran Guillen 9 11 -2
Jose M. Ruiz 5 9 -4
manel acosta 11 16 -5
Thund Thund 13 19 -6
Lesmes Gonzalez 1 13 -12


Driver Laps/Total Percent
Jose M. Ruiz (16/18) 88.89
Diego Doni (15/18) 83.33
Diego Sampedro (14/18) 77.78
xavier aldea (14/18) 77.78
Abat Hernaez (14/17) 82.35
Fran Guillen (13/15) 86.67
Javier Carral (13/18) 72.22
Nick Xug (13/18) 72.22
Carlos Espada (13/18) 72.22
Julian Martinez (10/18) 55.56
Antonio Gonzalez (7/15) 46.67
Grego Liñan (6/8) 75.00
manel acosta (5/8) 62.50
Lesmes Gonzalez (5/12) 41.67
Dani Torre (4/18) 22.22
Pepe Mompo (3/9) 33.33
Guillen Xavy (2/10) 20.00
Alberto Navarro (0/6) 0.00
Thund Thund (0/2) 0.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver Avg Deviation Std Deviation Avg Laptime Laps
Thund Thund 0.000 0.000 1m45.847s 2
Javier Carral 0.416 0.581 1m34.556s 18
Fran Guillen 0.767 1.118 1m35.907s 15
Nick Xug 1.158 1.505 1m37.636s 18
Jose M. Ruiz 1.236 1.713 1m37.966s 18
Carlos Espada 1.349 1.816 1m37.354s 18
Julian Martinez 1.388 1.721 1m38.360s 18
Pepe Mompo 1.584 1.994 1m40.464s 9
xavier aldea 1.653 3.495 1m36.082s 18
Diego Doni 1.694 3.610 1m35.965s 18
Abat Hernaez 2.169 3.475 1m40.892s 17
Diego Sampedro 2.236 3.405 1m37.058s 18
Lesmes Gonzalez 2.407 4.009 1m37.499s 12
manel acosta 2.493 3.645 1m38.946s 8
Dani Torre 2.603 3.867 1m37.454s 18
Grego Liñan 3.505 4.506 1m41.140s 8
Antonio Gonzalez 6.509 8.058 1m52.350s 15
Alberto Navarro 7.111 8.368 1m51.969s 6
Guillen Xavy 10.248 10.986 1m53.619s 10

All times are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Oulton Tue Nov 29 23:12:44 2005

Driver: GPLE.GAIZTOR - Brabham

No practice laps

No race laps

Driver: Antonio Gonzalez - Cooper

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m03.865s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m57.910s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m31.849s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 2m02.195s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m41.952s
Lap 6: 3m04.856s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m06.257s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m54.412s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m06.515s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m58.375s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m40.027s
Lap 12: 1m58.009s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 50.302s
Lap 1: 2m20.465s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m46.491s
Lap 3: 1m46.157s
Lap 4: 1m45.498s
Lap 5: 1m47.685s
Lap 6: 1m52.034s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m54.758s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m57.763s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m45.356s
Lap 10: 2m05.913s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m50.742s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m47.276s
Lap 13: 1m44.345s
Lap 14: 2m12.017s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m56.866s [Off the track]

Driver: Javier Carral - Cooper

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m37.852s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m40.086s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m41.250s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m35.426s
Lap 5: 1m33.793s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m33.475s

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.715s
Lap 1: 1m39.645s
Lap 2: 1m35.225s
Lap 3: 1m34.455s
Lap 4: 1m34.290s
Lap 5: 1m35.949s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m34.100s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m34.853s
Lap 8: 1m34.574s
Lap 9: 1m34.630s
Lap 10: 1m34.338s
Lap 11: 1m34.127s
Lap 12: 1m34.815s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m34.822s
Lap 14: 1m34.466s
Lap 15: 1m34.057s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m34.764s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m34.915s
Lap 18: 1m33.083s

Driver: Diego Sampedro - Cooper

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m32.719s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m39.100s
Lap 3: 2m33.672s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 1m36.993s
Lap 5: 1m35.926s
Lap 6: 1m34.859s
Lap 7: 1m37.298s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m47.881s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m36.956s
Lap 10: 1m36.286s
Lap 11: 1m35.593s
Lap 12: 1m35.145s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m35.730s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m34.471s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.314s
Lap 1: 1m42.660s
Lap 2: 1m37.527s
Lap 3: 1m36.322s
Lap 4: 1m35.420s
Lap 5: 1m35.572s
Lap 6: 1m47.198s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m35.387s
Lap 8: 1m35.759s
Lap 9: 1m36.151s
Lap 10: 1m35.334s
Lap 11: 1m35.480s
Lap 12: 1m35.146s
Lap 13: 1m36.178s
Lap 14: 1m35.689s
Lap 15: 1m35.400s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m45.063s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m34.904s
Lap 18: 1m37.456s [Off the track]

Driver: Jose M. Ruiz - Lotus

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m37.179s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m35.584s
Lap 3: 1m35.509s
Lap 4: 1m35.368s
Lap 5: 1m37.609s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m34.413s
Lap 7: 1m34.363s
Lap 8: 8m02.110s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 1m41.053s

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.368s
Lap 1: 1m57.621s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m41.373s
Lap 3: 1m38.203s
Lap 4: 1m38.564s
Lap 5: 1m37.212s
Lap 6: 1m37.121s
Lap 7: 1m36.748s
Lap 8: 1m36.255s
Lap 9: 1m36.116s
Lap 10: 1m37.155s
Lap 11: 1m37.503s
Lap 12: 1m42.786s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m39.418s
Lap 14: 1m37.051s
Lap 15: 1m37.957s
Lap 16: 1m37.843s
Lap 17: 1m36.890s
Lap 18: 1m37.233s

Driver: Grego Liñan - Ferrari

Practice laps
Lap 1: 5m10.034s [Off the track, Invalid lap, Unknown incident]

Race laps
Lap 0: 53.617s
Lap 1: 1m55.019s
Lap 2: 1m43.196s
Lap 3: 1m38.539s
Lap 4: 1m39.487s
Lap 5: 1m51.356s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m39.781s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m37.576s
Lap 8: 1m38.050s

Driver: xavier aldea - Honda

Practice laps
Lap 1: 4m17.802s [Invalid lap]
Lap 2: 1m35.879s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m34.538s
Lap 4: 1m52.456s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m35.354s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m38.562s
Lap 7: 2m55.312s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 1m34.072s
Lap 9: 1m41.155s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m53.242s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 1m50.265s

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.663s
Lap 1: 1m41.171s
Lap 2: 1m36.271s
Lap 3: 1m35.204s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m34.808s
Lap 5: 1m34.812s
Lap 6: 1m35.303s
Lap 7: 1m35.865s
Lap 8: 1m35.432s
Lap 9: 1m35.236s
Lap 10: 1m35.001s
Lap 11: 1m34.742s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m36.167s
Lap 13: 1m35.812s
Lap 14: 1m35.602s
Lap 15: 1m34.039s
Lap 16: 1m34.726s
Lap 17: 1m34.516s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m49.872s [Off the track]

Driver: Nick Xug - Eagle

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m02.940s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m49.093s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m22.879s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m38.241s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m36.272s
Lap 6: 1m36.662s
Lap 7: 2m04.975s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m30.420s
Lap 9: 1m57.594s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m36.151s
Lap 11: 2m11.624s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m38.005s
Lap 13: 1m59.462s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m37.562s

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.153s
Lap 1: 1m49.567s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m42.355s
Lap 3: 1m38.348s
Lap 4: 1m39.175s
Lap 5: 1m36.802s
Lap 6: 1m38.664s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m36.421s
Lap 8: 1m36.788s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m37.070s
Lap 10: 1m37.346s
Lap 11: 1m36.892s
Lap 12: 1m35.772s
Lap 13: 1m38.721s
Lap 14: 1m36.593s
Lap 15: 1m36.816s
Lap 16: 1m36.557s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m37.093s
Lap 18: 1m38.405s [Off the track]

Driver: Abat Hernaez - Cooper

Practice laps
Lap 1: 3m44.470s [Off the track, Invalid lap, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 4m00.701s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 2m20.496s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 10m01.863s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 51.236s
Lap 1: 2m01.350s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m53.334s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m39.401s
Lap 4: 1m39.108s
Lap 5: 1m39.545s
Lap 6: 1m40.343s
Lap 7: 1m39.474s
Lap 8: 1m38.516s
Lap 9: 1m41.814s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m39.117s
Lap 11: 1m41.367s
Lap 12: 1m41.853s
Lap 13: 1m43.454s
Lap 14: 1m39.627s
Lap 15: 1m39.300s
Lap 16: 1m38.584s
Lap 17: 1m39.444s

Driver: Diego Doni - Cooper

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m43.212s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m39.699s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m24.824s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 1m34.950s
Lap 5: 1m34.683s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 3m04.682s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 1m34.477s
Lap 8: 1m56.768s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m01.544s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m59.394s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m40.792s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m33.884s
Lap 13: 1m33.982s

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.161s
Lap 1: 1m42.709s
Lap 2: 1m36.043s
Lap 3: 1m35.310s
Lap 4: 1m34.883s
Lap 5: 1m35.408s
Lap 6: 1m34.946s
Lap 7: 1m35.622s
Lap 8: 1m35.253s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m34.703s
Lap 10: 1m35.194s
Lap 11: 1m35.022s
Lap 12: 1m34.917s
Lap 13: 1m35.256s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m35.404s
Lap 15: 1m34.258s
Lap 16: 1m34.860s
Lap 17: 1m34.045s
Lap 18: 1m50.292s [Off the track]

Driver: manel acosta - Eagle

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m10.198s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m45.512s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m47.180s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m37.693s
Lap 5: 1m41.448s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m35.765s
Lap 7: 1m35.919s
Lap 8: 1m36.633s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 3m15.600s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 1m59.968s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 4m15.789s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 1m37.258s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.569s
Lap 1: 1m56.064s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m37.825s
Lap 3: 1m38.376s
Lap 4: 1m47.674s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m38.491s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m36.795s
Lap 7: 1m37.279s
Lap 8: 1m36.182s

Driver: Carlos Espada - Ferrari

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m36.254s
Lap 2: 1m42.987s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m35.544s
Lap 4: 4m26.922s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 1m49.832s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m37.833s
Lap 7: 1m39.783s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m00.117s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m37.688s
Lap 10: 1m35.356s
Lap 11: 1m35.658s
Lap 12: 1m34.684s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.941s
Lap 1: 2m02.745s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m38.134s
Lap 3: 1m39.142s
Lap 4: 1m38.511s
Lap 5: 1m36.482s
Lap 6: 1m37.348s
Lap 7: 1m36.927s
Lap 8: 1m35.919s
Lap 9: 1m36.585s
Lap 10: 1m36.306s
Lap 11: 1m34.805s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m36.477s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m38.461s
Lap 14: 1m38.278s
Lap 15: 1m43.072s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m36.018s
Lap 17: 1m36.010s
Lap 18: 1m36.547s [Off the track]

Driver: Julian Martinez - Ferrari

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m57.170s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 2: 1m36.813s
Lap 3: 1m36.634s
Lap 4: 1m35.669s
Lap 5: 1m44.398s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m36.044s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m35.091s
Lap 8: 1m35.491s
Lap 9: 1m35.627s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m35.800s
Lap 11: 1m35.403s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m35.806s
Lap 13: 2m40.250s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 14: 1m35.912s

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.549s
Lap 1: 1m47.886s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m40.969s
Lap 3: 1m40.886s
Lap 4: 1m38.015s
Lap 5: 1m38.242s
Lap 6: 1m37.746s
Lap 7: 1m37.178s
Lap 8: 1m36.524s
Lap 9: 1m37.469s
Lap 10: 1m37.334s
Lap 11: 1m36.770s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m37.140s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m40.084s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m42.637s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m38.934s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m38.455s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m36.824s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m36.922s

Driver: Guillen Xavy - Lotus

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m53.103s [Off the track, Invalid lap, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m02.269s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m09.610s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m59.435s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m01.454s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m48.361s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m12.209s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 56.183s
Lap 1: 1m49.445s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m40.789s
Lap 3: 1m41.102s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m41.449s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m45.020s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.785s
Lap 7: 1m56.901s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m10.448s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m02.452s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m05.628s [Off the track]

Driver: Dani Torre - Brabham

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m38.046s
Lap 2: 1m35.781s
Lap 3: 1m59.910s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m34.657s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m35.419s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m35.985s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m50.606s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 1m51.596s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m52.270s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 3m00.812s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 3m25.680s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 1m39.730s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.856s
Lap 1: 1m46.424s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m39.501s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m35.942s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m36.312s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m35.668s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m36.097s
Lap 7: 1m35.533s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m35.301s
Lap 9: 1m36.111s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m37.409s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m37.238s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m35.488s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m36.064s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m35.150s
Lap 15: 1m34.589s
Lap 16: 1m45.825s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m35.326s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m49.174s [Off the track]

Driver: Pepe Mompo - Lotus

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m38.435s [Off the track, Unknown incident]

Race laps
Lap 0: 59.802s
Lap 1: 1m47.487s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m39.862s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m39.392s
Lap 4: 1m40.517s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m44.456s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m37.915s
Lap 7: 1m42.760s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m38.983s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m39.833s

Driver: Lesmes Gonzalez - Ferrari

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m55.688s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m36.332s
Lap 3: 1m34.832s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m35.057s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m33.407s
Lap 6: 8m35.252s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 1m49.157s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m35.939s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 43.957s
Lap 1: 1m47.574s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m38.290s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m36.135s
Lap 4: 1m35.843s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m36.911s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m36.000s
Lap 7: 1m35.898s
Lap 8: 1m36.228s
Lap 9: 1m35.410s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m49.950s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m35.467s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m36.361s

Driver: Fran Guillen - Honda

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m35.696s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 2m29.297s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 2m07.970s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m38.633s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m44.646s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m36.598s
Lap 7: 1m35.017s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m45.755s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m35.212s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m43.016s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.862s
Lap 1: 1m52.892s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m39.058s
Lap 3: 1m37.331s
Lap 4: 1m36.338s
Lap 5: 1m35.170s
Lap 6: 1m36.232s
Lap 7: 1m35.717s
Lap 8: 1m35.577s
Lap 9: 1m34.839s
Lap 10: 1m35.232s
Lap 11: 1m35.906s
Lap 12: 1m34.304s
Lap 13: 1m35.953s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m35.750s
Lap 15: 1m35.296s

Driver: Thund Thund - Lotus

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m37.906s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m02.265s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m38.935s
Lap 4: 1m58.002s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m46.386s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m45.214s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m38.334s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m42.214s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m51.547s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m49.813s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m45.443s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m42.732s
Lap 13: 1m57.980s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.650s
Lap 1: 2m25.713s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m45.847s [Off the track]

Driver: Alberto Navarro - Lotus

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m16.869s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m45.933s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m44.552s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m46.033s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m26.407s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m03.106s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m31.008s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m54.953s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m38.732s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 1m41.083s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 52.431s
Lap 1: 1m50.993s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m00.122s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m38.577s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m50.783s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m48.768s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m01.596s [Off the track]

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Oulton Tue Nov 29 23:12:44 2005


Start of the race:
GPLE.GAIZTOR fails to make the start.
Polesitter Lesmes Gonzalez in a Ferrari leads the field as the flag drops.

Lap 1:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Thund Thund.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 18 at the end of the lap.
Abat Hernaez overtakes Antonio Gonzalez.
Abat Hernaez overtakes Thund Thund.
Abat Hernaez is in position 17 at the end of the lap.
Grego Liñan overtakes Abat Hernaez.
Grego Liñan overtakes Antonio Gonzalez.
Grego Liñan overtakes Thund Thund.
Grego Liñan overtakes Carlos Espada.
Grego Liñan is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Antonio Gonzalez.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Thund Thund.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Carlos Espada.
Guillen Xavy is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Alberto Navarro overtakes Antonio Gonzalez.
Alberto Navarro overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Alberto Navarro overtakes Thund Thund.
Alberto Navarro overtakes manel acosta.
Alberto Navarro overtakes Carlos Espada.
Alberto Navarro overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Alberto Navarro is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes manel acosta.
Nick Xug overtakes Fran Guillen.
Nick Xug overtakes Carlos Espada.
Nick Xug overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Nick Xug is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Julian Martinez overtakes Fran Guillen.
Julian Martinez overtakes Carlos Espada.
Julian Martinez overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Julian Martinez is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Dani Torre overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Dani Torre is in position 6 at the end of the lap.
Diego Sampedro overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Diego Sampedro overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Diego Sampedro is in position 4 at the end of the lap.
xavier aldea overtakes Diego Doni.
xavier aldea overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
xavier aldea is in position 2 at the end of the lap.
Javier Carral overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Javier Carral is in position 1 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez loses the lead.
The new race leader is Javier Carral.

Lap 2:
Carlos Espada overtakes Grego Liñan.
Carlos Espada overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Carlos Espada is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Pepe Mompo overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Pepe Mompo is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Guillen Xavy is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Jose M. Ruiz overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Jose M. Ruiz is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
manel acosta overtakes Alberto Navarro.
manel acosta is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Nick Xug.
Fran Guillen is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 3:
Pepe Mompo overtakes Guillen Xavy.
Pepe Mompo is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Julian Martinez.
Fran Guillen is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Thund Thund retires the Lotus.

Lap 4:
Abat Hernaez overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Abat Hernaez is in position 16 at the end of the lap.
Carlos Espada overtakes Guillen Xavy.
Carlos Espada overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Carlos Espada overtakes manel acosta.
Carlos Espada is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
Jose M. Ruiz overtakes manel acosta.
Jose M. Ruiz is in position 10 at the end of the lap.

Lap 5:
manel acosta overtakes Pepe Mompo.
manel acosta is in position 12 at the end of the lap.

Lap 6:
Abat Hernaez overtakes Guillen Xavy.
Abat Hernaez is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Grego Liñan overtakes Guillen Xavy.
Grego Liñan is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Dani Torre overtakes Diego Sampedro.
Dani Torre is in position 5 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Diego Sampedro.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 4 at the end of the lap.

Lap 7:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Alberto Navarro.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 17 at the end of the lap.
Alberto Navarro retires the Lotus.

Lap 9:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Grego Liñan.
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes manel acosta.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Grego Liñan.
Guillen Xavy overtakes manel acosta.
Guillen Xavy is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Abat Hernaez overtakes Grego Liñan.
Abat Hernaez overtakes manel acosta.
Abat Hernaez is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Pepe Mompo overtakes manel acosta.
Pepe Mompo is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Grego Liñan retires the Ferrari.
manel acosta retires the Eagle.

Lap 10:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Guillen Xavy overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Guillen Xavy is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Abat Hernaez overtakes Pepe Mompo.
Abat Hernaez is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Fran Guillen is in position 6 at the end of the lap.
Diego Sampedro overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Diego Sampedro is in position 5 at the end of the lap.
Dani Torre overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Dani Torre is in position 4 at the end of the lap.
Pepe Mompo retires the Lotus.

Lap 11:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Guillen Xavy.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Guillen Xavy retires the Lotus.

Lap 12:
Carlos Espada overtakes Jose M. Ruiz.
Carlos Espada is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Julian Martinez.
Nick Xug is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Diego Doni overtakes xavier aldea.
Diego Doni is in position 2 at the end of the lap.

Lap 13:
Antonio Gonzalez overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Antonio Gonzalez is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Abat Hernaez overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Abat Hernaez is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
Jose M. Ruiz overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Jose M. Ruiz is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Carlos Espada overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Carlos Espada is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Julian Martinez overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Julian Martinez is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Nick Xug is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez retires the Ferrari.

Lap 14:
Carlos Espada overtakes Julian Martinez.
Carlos Espada is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 15:
Julian Martinez overtakes Carlos Espada.
Julian Martinez is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 16:
Abat Hernaez overtakes Fran Guillen.
Abat Hernaez is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Jose M. Ruiz overtakes Fran Guillen.
Jose M. Ruiz is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Carlos Espada overtakes Julian Martinez.
Carlos Espada overtakes Fran Guillen.
Carlos Espada is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Fran Guillen.
Nick Xug is in position 6 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen retires the Honda.

Lap 18:
Diego Sampedro overtakes Dani Torre.
Diego Sampedro is in position 4 at the end of the lap.
What would become the fastest lap of the race is set by Javier Carral.
The time is an impressive 1m33.083s.

End of the race:
Javier Carral wins the race 27.463s ahead of Diego Doni.
Last of the podium finishers was xavier aldea,
finishing 28.419s behind the winner.

Finishing order and last lap info is unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser
Scuderia Paquetown Racing - Este es nuestro año

19 to go!
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Mensajes: 816
Registrado: Dom Dic 19, 2004 11:17 pm
Ubicación: Xixon

Mensaje por memo »

Bueno, Oulton Park... adorado por unos y odiado por otros.
Llegaba a la carrera bastante temeroso, pues había roto motor varias veces durante los entrenamientos privados, incluso en unas vueltas de instalación que di antes de empezar la carrera :?

En la qualy salí a por todas.. y ya en la primera tanda PAM! 1:33:4, justo lo que yo predecía que era mi mejor vuelta teórica, asi que para boxes y a esperar a ver lo que hacen los demás y cargar fuel y dar unas vueltillas con el coche cargado. Nadie parecía amenazarme la pole, hasta que en sus dos últimos intentos Carral se fue acercando hasta quedarse a 7 centésimas en su último intento :jo: por un pelo y me quita la pole :jo:

Pues nada, segunda pole de la temporada. Mira que yo no me suelo prodigar mucho haciendo buenos tiempos, pero bueno, con el Ferrari es más fácil.

En la carrera salí con demasiado cuidado y perdi nada menos que CINCO posiciones en la salida. A partir de ahí fui rodando bastante temoroso y sin ninguna confianza, temía romper el motor. Iba rodando por detrás de Seninha y por delante de Danich. Seninha cometió un error y me puse cuarto durante unas vueltas, pero trompeé y me pasó danich y posteriormente, en la vuelta 10, cometí un error y me pasaron otros dos pilotillos.
Iba detrás de Franky, bastante lejos, hasta que en la vuelta 12 vi un lotus que iba despacio, Xavy, y no se que pasó que se quedó parado justo en el medio de la horquilla y yo lo toqué suavísimamente, pero ya se sabe... GPL online... salí volando por los aires y no pude continuar en carrera.

Enhorabuena a Super Carral :primero:, al señor wellmaster Dido :segundo: y a Mega Pilotillo Aldea :tercero:

Nos vemos en Mosport.
Scuderia Paquetown Racing - Este es nuestro año

19 to go!
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Mensajes: 498
Registrado: Lun Dic 13, 2004 10:57 am
Ubicación: Málaga

Mensaje por dido »

Lesmes quita el freno de mano hijo que tenías los frenos humeando :hihi: :lol:
<a href="skype:diego_doni?call" title="Skype">Imagen</a>
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Mensajes: 816
Registrado: Dom Dic 19, 2004 11:17 pm
Ubicación: Xixon

Mensaje por memo »

eh? donde? cuando? en que lugar?
y quién es el? en que lugar se enamoró de ti? de donde es? a que dedica el tiempo libre?
Scuderia Paquetown Racing - Este es nuestro año

19 to go!
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Mensajes: 317
Registrado: Lun Dic 20, 2004 11:28 pm
Ubicación: Asturies, patria querida

Mensaje por _Seninha_ »

Sólo había corrido una vez en Oulton antes de hoy, pero confiaba en que podía hacer una buena carrera dadas las características del trazado, donde: "la potencia sin control no sirve de nada " :twisted:

Confiaba en poder hacer un 33 alto, pero no me sentí agusto ni con el coche ni con la silla en ningun momento, notaba la postura rara, aunque no se pq y no conseguía cogerle el punto al coche. Así todo hice 6º, lo cual no está mal.

Salí bien y gane una posición, iva tras Dido, iva a mi ritmo (malo) y se me ivan escapando los de alante, pero mantenía a raya a los de atrás, hasta que se me fue la olla y llegué a la frenada de Druids (segundo cartelito de la izquierda, tras pasar el vertice de la de izquierdas) en 5ª a fondo... :eek:... frene como pude, me metí por la hierba, toque el seto, volvi a pista... lo tenía... pero no, pise el exterior y trompo y me quede enganchado en la hierba oscura. Me pasaron Lesmes y Dani.
Vuelta a pista y a tirar. Franky me iva recortando por detrás y por delante Dani me mantenía la distancia, hasta q la pifie otra vez, esta vez en T1. Esa fue una vuelta fatídica para los tres, en T2 Dani la pifia y Franky se desconecta.
De ahí al final presión a Dani para recuperar la 4ª plaza, y lo conseguí en la ultima vuelta, cuando él la cagó en T1.

Ahora para Canadá, a ver que se puede hacer.
