Happening on the server

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Registrado: Vie Dic 14, 2007 12:53 am

Happening on the server

Mensaje por Weslake »

Dear Gentlemen, Dear Admin,

today I was racing GPL. Later i found out it was one of your servers.
It was a race with about 8 participiants. I looked forward to it.
The start was good, i could overtake a car and I kept big disctance in order not to hit anyone.
After that i stuck behind a Lotus.
The Lotus driver was NOT so experienced, as it seemed. He swerved all over place and had no car control. In order to avoid a crash, i kept distance.

After some corners, the car of me suddenly jumped into my car.
It was a lag.
Every car on the server had run smoothly. Only this car was jumping around.

I am very disappointed by what happened after that.

For a long time i could rear words like "eject" or my car number.

Tagomago, the player whom i hit, had tried to eject me without saying a word.

In opposition to this, he had caused the crash, because he had no clean internet connection, neither driving control.
Again I must say how disappointed I am. Withouth saying a word or asking anything, he tried desperatedly to kick me.
If he had looked more carefully, he would have seen clean driving by me.

I looked around to find who it is.
Tagomago is Jose Luis Mezcua.
I remember him, because he had already caused some crashes. That doesnt matter for me, but it shows taht he is not sure of the car, has not the car control and takes too less care to avoid a crash.

Despite of all taht and with a bad internet connection he fired me off the server. I am very disappointed by this. I hope not all Admins of the Gaiztor league are like this.

When i look at the ranking, he is not even negative, and i doubt if he can estimate situations correctly.
Additionally he would have seen that it was a lag.
To my person: I have "some" experrience and prefer the Eagle-car. I am ranked -61 but i do my fast laps in races, not in quali.

without trying anything he reacted in a very unappropriate way, after that race he disappeared.
I hope this is not what the Gaiztor League is. I hope the league is better than that and the people there have some attitude.

I am upset because of this, because it is really unfriendly.

Written after the race with Racing Greetings,

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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2005 12:44 am
Ubicación: Barcelona 1967

Re: Happening on the server

Mensaje por Gaizka »

Weslake escribió:Dear Gentlemen, Dear Admin,

today I was racing GPL. Later i found out it was one of your servers.
It was a race with about 8 participiants. I looked forward to it.
The start was good, i could overtake a car and I kept big disctance in order not to hit anyone.
After that i stuck behind a Lotus.
Great that you choose our servers to race :)
Weslake escribió:The Lotus driver was NOT so experienced, as it seemed. He swerved all over place and had no car control. In order to avoid a crash, i kept distance.
Mmmmmm, how can someone seem experienced if he swerves all over place and had no car control? For sure he was slow, but this opinion is infected by what you have discovered later (GPL Rank plus bad memory selection) and the "eject" episode.
Weslake escribió:After some corners, the car of me suddenly jumped into my car.
It was a lag.
Every car on the server had run smoothly. Only this car was jumping around.

I am very disappointed by what happened after that.

For a long time i could rear words like "eject" or my car number.

Tagomago, the player whom i hit, had tried to eject me without saying a word.
First of all, everybody can have a bad day, sorry.

But you know that GPL (when online) only receive pieces of info (not all the data), so GPL "simulates" the not received info. If there was a lag... who knows how the hell did your Eagle behave at my father (Mezcua's) GPL. It's possible that my father has seen you going FULL GAS against him, for example :wink:

That would have been for sure a good reason to kick you immediately.

If that wasn't the case, then I repeat again, sorry, I suppose it was just a bad day.
Weslake escribió:In opposition to this, he had caused the crash, because he had no clean internet connection, neither driving control.
No, no and no. All that arguments are bullshit so I'm just gonna ignore them.
Weslake escribió:Again I must say how disappointed I am. Withouth saying a word or asking anything, he tried desperatedly to kick me.
If he had looked more carefully, he would have seen clean driving by me.
I understand your feelings. Thanks for taking your time to search us, come here and explain what happened.
Weslake escribió:I looked around to find who it is.
Tagomago is Jose Luis Mezcua.
I remember him, because he had already caused some crashes. That doesnt matter for me, but it shows taht he is not sure of the car, has not the car control and takes too less care to avoid a crash.
Again, bullshit. That's not fair, my friend. I've raced against you very few times, but I can remember very well what happened at Monza this year (1967 Legends champ) and I could say the same about you.

Would that be fair? Of course, not.

Let me tell you that Mezcua has also run the 1967 Legends champ (WITH KEYS :eek:) and nobody have had any complaint.

For sure he is human, like everybody here (except myself :ovni:, of course :lol:) and sometimes crashes happen, but nothing else.
Weslake escribió:Despite of all taht and with a bad internet connection he fired me off the server. I am very disappointed by this. I hope not all Admins of the Gaiztor league are like this.

When i look at the ranking, he is not even negative, and i doubt if he can estimate situations correctly.
Additionally he would have seen that it was a lag.
To my person: I have "some" experrience and prefer the Eagle-car. I am ranked -61 but i do my fast laps in races, not in quali.

without trying anything he reacted in a very unappropriate way, after that race he disappeared.
I hope this is not what the Gaiztor League is. I hope the league is better than that and the people there have some attitude.

I am upset because of this, because it is really unfriendly.

Written after the race with Racing Greetings,

Well, I'm just the other Gaiztor admin, and only not to ban your username at this forum and not to delete this post demonstrates that we deserve a second chance from you :P

I'm not joking at all, because your post have been extremely hard, but well, I've liked that you have chosen the dialog way to solve this.

Hope you accept our "sorrys" and excuses.

For sure we will be more cautious the next time we execute another "eject" in the future.

See you on tarmac,
GPL Rank = -92.907
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Site Admin
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Registrado: Lun Nov 22, 2004 7:54 pm

Mensaje por admin »


Jens Kraft was banned from our server and for his behavior he will be banned everytime he does what he did the other night

Some of his sentences are ... lets say... underground

Zandvoort race ... I was following him when in t4 forced a mele

I finished my race to see what was happened and saw him taking out another driver only 3 curves ahead

All of us know how "easy" is to take out somebody ahead you

Then he normally says the others are the bad guys, there is lag .....

If somebody enters a server when there is no time to qualify then he must take the patience to pass the others ... it is a matter of respect

Moreover it seems that he finds esplanations based on my fantastic rank ... a pity that not exists a gentleman rank

There are in our champ really fast people that say sorry even when the other, being slow or simply a duck, forces the error

Jens ... use your time to improve being a gentleman on track and not to post against me


Jens Kraft fue baneado del server y tal como es será baneado cada vez que haga lo que hizo la otra noche

Algunas de sus afirmaciones son digamos surealistas

Zandvoort.... yo iba detrás de él y entró en T4 a saco provocando una melé

Me sali a ver que habia pasado y 3 curvas más allá sacó de pista otro piloto

Todos sabemos lo "fácil" que es sacar al piloto que va delante

Después suele explicar que los otros son los malos, que hay lag ...

Para mi si alguien entra de prisa y corriendo a un server a correr luego tiene que tomarse la paciencia de adelantar ... es una cuesión de respeto

Además parece que encuentra justificaciones en base a mi fantástico rank

Lástima que no haya un gentleman rank

En nuestro campeonato tenemos gente rapidisima que se disculpa incluso cuando el otro por lentorro o patoso comete el error

Jens ... dedica tu tiempo a mejorar tu comportamiento en pista y no a postear contra mi

Jose Luis Mezcua (keys)
Última edición por admin el Sab Dic 22, 2007 2:06 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
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Sergi Barcheeelo
Campeón V Gpl-Pdlr
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Registrado: Mar Oct 25, 2005 8:44 pm
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Mensaje por Sergi Barcheeelo »

J*oder como está el patio... :shock:

Pocos tios he conocido yo (a excepción de los pilotillos GplPdlr...) más Gentleman que tu, Mezcua...y encima con Keys.

Ná, tu a lo tuyo...¡¡que es aprender con el volante!!
:wink: :twisted:
Sector Butifarra

Derbi Panther (1989 - ?)
Opel Ostras 1.6 Gls (1995 - ?)
Honda Cb 250 (2002 - 2004)
Gilera Nexus (2004 - 2006)
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Super Karakol
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Registrado: Sab Feb 24, 2007 3:15 pm
Ubicación: Mollet del Valles (Barcelona)

Mensaje por Super Karakol »

A quien hay que comprarle gafas? :lol:
Nada MagoMezcua, ni caso,... es una pena...tantos años de evolución.. tanta masa encefálica... desperdiciada así.. :?
Mucho tiempo libre tiene este Jens... :no: ay! si lo tuvieramos nosotros!! cuántas maravillas hariamos!!
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Registrado: Sab Abr 16, 2005 2:29 pm
Ubicación: "Chiches", como antes...

Mensaje por raquel »

Roto el hielo y siendo consciente, además, de que yo soy la menos indicada para dar opinión aquí, pues sí me gustaría comentar al menos que yo anoche -cuando se posteó ese mensaje- me quedé absolutamente "petrificada". :(

Nada de lo que leía sobre José Luís (Mezcua) tenía que ver ni con sus intachables formas y comportamiento en pista, ni con ciertos comentarios vertidos sobre él poniendo en tela de juicio "que sea un caballero", en todos los órdenes y aspectos que uno pueda pensar.

Sólo eso quería comentar. :D

Que para nosotros es un orgullo!!! :baba: :porfa: Y punto. :wink:
"Thx for racing." :piloto: (J.L.)
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Registrado: Dom Jun 24, 2007 10:27 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Derrapacaps »

Pues me vais a permitir que añada un comentario al respecto:

Soy uno de esos patosos que suelen ocasionar problemas a los pilotos rápidos (mi rank me delata, no hay duda), pero en el poco tiempo que llevo en esto del GPL, no he tenido NINGUN, repito , nuevamente en mayusculas, NINGUN, problema con los pilotillos del PDLR, con ninguno.

Es curioso constatar que la mayoria de vosotros teneis un rank que también habla por sí mismo, y algunos hasta teneis el detalle de marcaros algún WR de vez en cuando (eso también habla por sí mismo).

Pues bien, yo en una ocasión me desconecté de una carrera del VROC, tras leer los comentarios que entre ellos se dispensaban unos guiris (desconozco si Jens puede ser uno de ellos), y me despedí, simplemente recomendándoles que aprendieran a ser Gentelmen drivers, porque el vocabulario era de "saca pan y moja".

No me gustó nada el mal rollo y la falta de respeto que, amparados en el anonimato y la falsa protección que parecen creerse que tienen por estar tras un monitor, exhibian algunos de estos personajes.

Esto es algo que jamás he visto entre vosotros y, por lo que os conozco, dudo que vea.

Por si alguien tenía un mero atisbo de duda, lo digo.

Gracias tod@s por momentos tan gratificantes, por ser como sois, por enseñarme tanto, por estar ahí, y, Gaizka, mi única crítica hacia ti es que te tomes la molestia y hagas un derroche de paciencia como el que se puede ver en este post con el tipo este, después de lo que hizo, creo que no lo merece, pero bueno, así nos va.

Feliz navidad :papa noel: a todos, incluso al Jens, a ver si aprende a ser mejor persona que piloto. :roll:
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Registrado: Mar Dic 21, 2004 9:36 pm
Ubicación: BCN

Mensaje por Franky »

Estas cosas son normales en el mundillo On-Line.... lo raro es nuestra comunidad! :lol:

Sólo teneis que daros una vuelta por otros servidores, otros juegos, comentarios de paginas de periodicos deportivos, comentarios de videos de Youtube.... etc... los impresentables sin educacíon que encima se toman la licencia de dar lecciones morales a los demas abundan en exceso.

Eso hace que todavia valga mas nuestro buen ambiente y creo que es sencillamente eso lo que engancha a todos los que se quedan aquí.

Simplemente hay que ver quienes seguimos unidos, quienes han desaparecido.... aqui no se obliga a nadie a hacer o pensar nada, simplemente nos respetamos todos, esa es la premisa principal.... pero si aceptamos en nuestro seno hasta a Julian y mira que es raro el tio!!! :twisted:

Creo que todos los que estamos aqui metidos valoramos muy mucho lo que hemos tenido la fortuna de encontrar o crear.

Va por ustedes....... :brindis:
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Registrado: Mar Dic 28, 2004 12:25 am
Ubicación: barna city

Mensaje por manel »

Como ya se ha dicho, poco trabajo tiene el tio este para buscar un nombre, que esta detras de un nick, que encima llegue hasta este foro para postear...NI SIQUIERA SIN SABER SI LE ENTENDERIAMOS :twisted: contra un miembro de nuestra comunidad...
Por lo poco que yo sé y he experimentado, a más de uno nos han sacado de pista coches con nombres surrealista, más de uno a abandonado alguna carrera porque era imposible ni siquiera llegar a dar una vuelta completa al circuito que fuera... en fin, que yo sepa nadie de esta comunidad se daria el trabajo de perseguir a cualquiera de esos NICKS por haber tenido un incidente en carrera. Por tanto alguien que se da la molestia de desperdiciar todo ese tiempo, es simplemente que se cree que porque ÉL este en la pista, todos los demas deberiamos apartarnos y cederle el paso....
Jose Luis no necesita que le defendamos, su comportamiento ya lo hace, el "elemento" se ha expresado, se le ha contestado debidamente y aqui queda reflejado... estos post son simplemente para apoyar a un compañero al que "literalmente" se ha insultado...
A partir de aqui, la indeferencia es la mejor arma...
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Registrado: Jue May 25, 2006 1:57 pm
Ubicación: Girona

Mensaje por _nes »

Apoyo totalmente la sentencia que en ese dia se le aplicó a ese "Sr".
Estabamos en la 1ª vuelta, yo salía entre los primeros puestos y ni me enteré de la melé, pero al llegar a la curva del puente, me envistiero por atrás mandandome a . . . Me quedé de piedra. si al menos lo hubiera visto venir. o lo hubiera llevado un par de curvas detras presionando, quizás podria haber entendido que se pusiera nervioso o fuera un accidente por una lucha en carrera. Pero ni eso. Me saco de pista sin ningún tipo de contemplación. Ni siquiera reinicié el coche. me fui a boxes y después salí del server.
Por suerte no hay mucha gente con este comportamiento. Pero todos sabemos que mas de una vez han apericido personajes como él durante nuestras pachangas, rompiendo la harmonia del grupo y convirtiendo la competición en un enfrentamiento. Por eso:
Apoyo totalmente la sentencia que en ese dia se le aplicó a ese "Sr".
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Cronometrista oficial
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Registrado: Mar Ene 04, 2005 1:32 pm

Mensaje por F399 »

Franky escribió:...pero si aceptamos en nuestro seno hasta a Julián y mira que es raro el tío!!! :twisted:

Gracias por el piropo... ¡y por aceptarme!

(Yo también te quiero, Franky :wink: ).

Por cierto, de entre los tíos deportivos y elegantes que tenemos por aquí (y son muchos) Mezcua es precisamente de los que destaca por ello.
Forza Ferrari
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Registrado: Mar Ene 25, 2005 9:40 am
Ubicación: València

Mensaje por Xug »

aquí tb con nuestro admin: si echas a alguien, bien echado está :bien:
Mensajes: 4
Registrado: Vie Dic 14, 2007 12:53 am

Mensaje por Weslake »

thanks for the fair answer at first.

there was a race this year. the 1967 anniversary. at monza. i think that is the race that you mentioned. i outaccelerated the polesitter coming from place 2 and was hit from him by the inside. my race was over immediately. surely his lotus is a faster car.

"Weslake wrote:
In opposition to this, he had caused the crash, because he had no clean internet connection, neither driving control.

--> "No, no and no. All that arguments are bullshit so I'm just gonna ignore them." "

Sorry, but from what i saw, the lotus car was lagging time by time massively. it was the car which was lagging, the others were not. maybe the admin should have a good connection, but this time it was so.

The same thing is with the ferrari car. it is not my way to just shovv another car into the rear. i pursued the Ferrari car and all of a sudden it flipped into my cockpit. when i drive against other drivers, i often have a distance of about 5 to 1 meter. like at the "backstraight" in zandvoort, when you go the right hander over the bridge. nothing happened. no crash, nothing.

on that day, 2 cars crashed into me, not on my will.

but one thing: just the lap after the crashes i had followed a car for 4 laps, where nothing of these crashes happened. the admin should have atleast watched me trying to cleanly pass the cars and retracting 3 times before i could take the other car on the outside in turn 1. (yeah, :P that is possible in zandy ;) )

anyways. the racing was good against the other car i met. all i read was trying to write the eject commando in proper syntax, without even saying something. i was about to write sth., but then my race would be over. i hoped it would happen that he would look at the replay another time, but the perpetuus trying to kick me and all of a sudden it happened made me angry after i found myself in windows.

anyways. feel happy racing then, i had one race on a full server 2 days ago and we had a lap long fight, if you save replays automatically you can see it.




" But you know that GPL (when online) only receive pieces of info (not all the data), so GPL "simulates" the not received info. If there was a lag... who knows how the hell did your Eagle behave at my father (Mezcua's) GPL. It's possible that my father has seen you going FULL GAS against him, for example "

maybe that FULL GAS into a car is because of a lag again, and then it shouldnt be punished at all, the driver doing that behaved correctly.

BTW i never had a real bad ping. if i have, i leave.

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mach 5
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Registrado: Vie Nov 02, 2007 12:16 pm

Mensaje por mach 5 »

Weslake... may I remind you that you called us “gentlemen” in your first message? When I read that, I supposed it was not an empty word and you knew here there were real gents. That’s why once you have read the previous posts, in my opinion the first thing you might do before going on and on about your complaints and explanations is to apologize to Mr. Mezcua for your comments. With regard to these comments, I have something to tell you: I don´t believe you. At all. I was racing with him some days ago (before your “terrible” problem), and as much as other drivers, I not only could appreciate an excelent behaviour all the time he came along with me, but he even gave me a big help when I needed. He is a good driver. You have a golden opportunity to demonstrate you are also a gentleman... Anyway, do as you please. Regards.
Última edición por mach 5 el Sab Dic 22, 2007 2:53 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
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Site Admin
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Registrado: Lun Nov 22, 2004 7:54 pm

Mensaje por admin »


I understand you were angry cause you were fired form the track with no explanation.

In t4 one lotus driver was fired by you with no explanation ...

Near the bridge you fired a second driver, this time with no explanation too ...
Extracted from second driver's post:

First lap, I started from first positions and I didn't know about the mele, but when I arrive to the bridge curve somebody hit me in the back sending me to .... I was startled, if I could see him coming, or at least he would followed me two curves pushing me, maybe I could understand he was nervous or it could be an accident for a fight in race. But not at all. He took me out of the track with no contemplation. I didn't reset the car, went to boxes and then went out of the server ...
While the first driver said something not very polite about you on the chat I was trying to remember how to fire you, cause I don't have de habit of firing drivers

You can't use lag to justify taking drivers out of the track
Extracted from our "Behavior rules on track"

Never hit the car that is ahead of you. This is, probably, one of the more stupid things that a driver can do to another. In this case there are few excuses. If you are behind a car, you have the responsability of driving in a way that you ensure you don't hit him. It doesn't matter if you are fast or you think you have the right to pass, you are talented or you think that slower drivers shouldn't block faster ones
If you are blocked by somebody, bud luck. You have to win the position like the rest of the people, and even being frustrated, it is your responsability to avoid the collision. Even if they start to brake before what you would do normally, you should anticipate this posibility and drive taking care of that.

If you have tried to do your best and even so you see the collision is inevitable, then you should exit the track, crashing yourself and aborting if necessary, to avoid the crash.

Obviously, it is a duty of the driver ahead you not to brake maliciously, reducing his speed deliberately. He should drive as fast as he can. But while he drives within his limits, he doesn't have to be worried by somebody hitting him his back

To be able to follow another driver without hitting him is something you should learn to do. Normally it is not an easy task ....
As you can see the spirit of the rule is that the driver ahead of you has all the rights while pushing within his limits

On line racing offers lag problems but this doesn't mean the driver ahead you loses his rights ... it's just another thing you should control

You are welcome to our servers ... You and everybody from the world

We only require fair play

José Luis


Entiendo que te enfadaras por ser expulsado de la pista sin explicaciones.

En t4 un piloto de lotus fue expulsado por ti sin explicaciones ...

Cerca del puente expulsaste un segundo piloto, esta vez sin explicaciones también ...
Extracto del post del segundo piloto:

Estabamos en la 1ª vuelta, yo salía entre los primeros puestos y ni me enteré de la melé, pero al llegar a la curva del puente, me envistiero por atrás mandandome a . . . Me quedé de piedra. si al menos lo hubiera visto venir. o lo hubiera llevado un par de curvas detras presionando, quizás podria haber entendido que se pusiera nervioso o fuera un accidente por una lucha en carrera. Pero ni eso. Me saco de pista sin ningún tipo de contemplación. Ni siquiera reinicié el coche. me fui a boxes y después salí del server.
Mientras el primer piloto decia en el chat algo no muy educado acerca de ti yo intentaba recordar como expulsarte, porque no tengo el habito de expulsar pilotos

No puedes utilizar el lag para justificar el sacar pilotos de la pista

Extracto de nuestras "Reglas de comportamiento en pista"

Nunca choques con el coche que tienes delante. Ésta es, probablemente, una de las cosas más estúpidas que un piloto puede hacer a otro. En este caso hay pocas excusas. Si estás detrás de un coche, tienes la responsabilidad de conducir de forma que no colisiones por detrás con él. No importa si eres más rápido, piensas que tienes derecho a que te dejen pasar, tienes más talento, o piensas que los pilotos más lentos no deben bloquear a los más rápidos. Si estás taponado por alguien, mala suerte. Tienes que ganar la posición igual que todo el mundo, y aunque estés frustrado, es tu responsabilidad evitar la colisión. Incluso si comienzan a frenar antes de lo que tú harías normalmente, tienes que anticipar esta posibilidad y pilotar teniéndolo en cuenta.

Si has intentado hacer de todo (girar, reducir, salir de la trazada, etc) y aun así ves que la colisión es inevitable, entonces debes salirte de la pista, accidentándote y abandonando si es necesario, para evitar el choque.

Se espera, obviamente, que el piloto que va delante no frene maliciosamente, reduciendo su velocidad de forma deliberada. Debe conducir tan rápido como pueda. Pero mientras pilote dentro de sus límites, no tiene que preocuparse de que alguien le dé por detrás. Ser capaz de seguir a otro piloto sin darle es algo que debes aprender a hacer. Normalmente no es una tarea fácil.
Como puedes ver el espíritu de la norma es que el piloto que va delante tiene todos los derechos mientras tire dentro de sus límites

Las carreras on line ofrecen problemas de lag pero eso no significa que el piloto que va delante pierda sus derechos ... es tan solo una cosa más que tienes que controlar

Eres bienvenido a nuestros servidores ... Tu y cualquiera desde cualquier sitio

Solo requerimos juego limpio

José Luis