VI.11 Rouen

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
Mensajes: 89
Registrado: Jue Sep 13, 2007 12:08 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Derrapacaps y Glamur

Mensaje por josele »

Queridos amigos de la parte de atras de la parrilla,

ayer os vi muy bien en las bolitas esas...GPLTV

Que rabia no poder haberos acompañado en las labores de "cotxe escombra". La próxima vez será. Oye aprovechad para entrenar,...pero no mucho, no sea que entretanto mi clavícula, me dejéis solo con el trabajo de barrer ahí atrás, eH!!!!

Un abrazo
Wiso Glamour
Mensajes: 117
Registrado: Lun Sep 24, 2007 12:21 am

Mensaje por Wiso Glamour »

A ver si coincido con alguien para ver las carreras con bolitas yo tambien¡¡
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Mensajes: 825
Registrado: Jue Mar 23, 2006 3:04 pm

Mensaje por sergiomora »

Los martes de carrera siempre hay "espectadores" viendo la carrera por la "tele" en el chat del Vroc.
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Super Karakol
Mensajes: 1520
Registrado: Sab Feb 24, 2007 3:15 pm
Ubicación: Mollet del Valles (Barcelona)

Mensaje por Super Karakol »

quiero anunciar ..mi primer!!!
1:56:65!!! (21:03h. del 8 del 10 del 2007, despues de cenar unos espaguettis con queso)
... flipo.
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Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: Mar Ene 04, 2005 1:32 pm

Mensaje por F399 »

Y yo que estaba alucinao porque el sábado hice mi primer 1:57...

Y encima he visto hacer a Álex Vaello hacer 55s como yo hago 2:00...

Definitivamente os habéis empeñado en hacer que me deprima... :cry:

Forza Ferrari
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Mensajes: 1619
Registrado: Jue May 25, 2006 1:57 pm
Ubicación: Girona

Mensaje por _nes »

:shock: . . . *ño KKL, o me invitas a unos Spaguetis de esos o no hay mas setups :no: :evil:
Mensajes: 1403
Registrado: Mar Dic 28, 2004 12:25 am
Ubicación: barna city

Mensaje por manel »

pues yo tambien estaba flipao con mis luchas pachangueras de ayer noche.. y un solitario 1.57.95 que me marque en carrera ...
Gracias Xug y gracias Franky ... y regor, y nes... y vaello... a todos los que ayer me "empujaban" a pisar mas y mas y mas....

Que bonito es este circuito para luchas rueda a rueda ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

sobre todo noueveau monde... je, je :aplauso:

¿nos preparara JUAN LUIS una "foundi" para despues de la carrera esta noche? :lol:

SUERTE A TODOS.... y ojito ... ¡¡ QUE DISFRUTEIS ¡¡
Mensajes: 379
Registrado: Dom Ene 28, 2007 10:38 pm
Ubicación: Igualada

Mensaje por Regor »

Efectivamente hay nucho crack aqui, estara muy dificil la carrera para todos, sera divertido :D :D

Eso si, por favor, cuidado con las primeras curvas hasta la horquilla. Esto no es un crystal, aqui en principio se puede adelantar... asi que no arruinemos la carrera al principio.

Suerte a todos 8)
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Mensajes: 259
Registrado: Sab Nov 11, 2006 3:24 pm

Mensaje por Aubrey »

Hoy gran día de carreras. :bien:

Gas siempre!
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Supporter Incondicional
Mensajes: 6223
Registrado: Sab Abr 16, 2005 2:29 pm
Ubicación: "Chiches", como antes...

Mensaje por raquel »

Hoy me muero de ganas, pero os lo prometo :twisted: de ver tranquilamente un carrerón en Rouen por la tele.

¡DISFRUTAD! Que eso es lo que más a mí me gusta :D

Por si alguien quiere, visto el menú de Karakol que parece ha sido triunfador, me he puesto a cocinar pasta a la carbonara :lol: Eso sí, sin queso, lo siento... quien lo quiera que lo sirva aparte.

GO, GO, GO.... :piloto:
"Thx for racing." :piloto: (J.L.)
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Mensajes: 825
Registrado: Jue Mar 23, 2006 3:04 pm

Mensaje por sergiomora »


Ponme un plato que voy muy lento!!!!!!!!!!!
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Supporter Incondicional
Mensajes: 6223
Registrado: Sab Abr 16, 2005 2:29 pm
Ubicación: "Chiches", como antes...

Mensaje por raquel »

POST-RACE, porque no te creo Sergio 8)

Venga, campeonísimo!!! :bien:
"Thx for racing." :piloto: (J.L.)
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Mensajes: 120
Registrado: Mar Feb 27, 2007 8:07 am
Ubicación: Perpinya (Francia)


Mensaje por manuslot »

Carrera con salida de locos, coches en todas direcciones ante el T1, otro en el centro de la pista al T2, y tras reinicio necesito 1.06 min hasta el nouveau monde en en lap 1.

Sali SOLO en T2 en el lap 2 (1.26 min para llegar à nouveau monde).

Sigo sin concentracion y al 4e giro un ferrari vuelve a pista en la gran curva y me corta en 2!
Piloto cargol F1
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Cronometrista oficial
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: Mar Ene 04, 2005 1:32 pm

Mensaje por F399 »

Antes que nada quiero pedir mis más sinceras disculpas a Manuslot, y por extensión a todos, porque debido a mi empecinamiento en llegar a meta por ver si llegaba a puntuar con el motor humeante he provocado, tras tocar un árbol en la Scierie, la retirada de Manuslot. Lo siento. Estoy abierto a cualquier sanción o reprimenda que la Organización crea apropiada por comportamiento poco deportivo.

Lo demás importa menos, por no decir nada. Como me temía, y como siempre en Rouen, mala carrera para mí.

En calificación lo previsto.

La salida un caos.

Y cuando ya se había estabilizado la cosa en P11 con Carral por delante a dos segundos y Ferchu por detrás a otros dos, en la bajada a Nouveau Monde me encuentro un coche cruzado (verde, no sé si Brabham o Lotus) y me lo como con patatas. No pierdo ninguna rueda, pero el motor humea. Veo que puedo continuar y, fuera de trazada, me propongo a completar las vueltas para puntuar (que creo en ese momento que han de ser una o dos) con las desafortunadas consecuencias para Manuslot que ya he contado.

Lo siento. Estoy avergonzado. :oops:
Forza Ferrari
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Mensajes: 816
Registrado: Dom Dic 19, 2004 11:17 pm
Ubicación: Xixon

Mensaje por memo »


Código: Seleccionar todo

Track: Rouen             Tue Oct 09 23:18:54 2007


Pos No Driver                           Team     Nat      Time      Diff Laps
 1  14 Roger Regor                      Eagle    SPA 1m55.628s             11
 2  12 Alex Vaello                      Lotus    SPA 1m55.746s   00.118s   13
 3  11 J. Aubrey                        Lotus    SPA 1m56.322s   00.694s   12
 4  19 xavier aldea                     Cooper   SPA 1m56.867s   01.239s   12
 5  15 Jorge Grao                       Honda    SPA 1m57.627s   01.999s   14
 6  16 Alex karakol                     Ferrari  SPA 1m57.701s   02.073s    8
 7   2 Grego Liñan                      Brabham  SPA 1m57.747s   02.119s   10
 8  22  Nes Team                        Ferrari  SPA 1m57.763s   02.135s   14
 9   8 Sergio Mora                      Honda    SPA 1m57.820s   02.192s   11
10  13 Fran Guillen                     Cooper   SPA 1m57.836s   02.208s   13
11  10 Javier Carral                    Honda    SPA 1m57.959s   02.331s   12
12  17 Lesmes Gonzalez                  Cooper   SPA 1m58.238s   02.610s   12
13   3 Julian Martinez                  Ferrari  SPA 1m58.239s   02.611s   13
14   1 F. Lizarraga                     Lotus    SPA 1m58.245s   02.617s   11
15   7 Manu Vega                        Brabham  FRA 1m58.350s   02.722s   12
16  18 Manel Acosta                     Brabham  SPA 1m58.505s   02.877s   12
17   9 Nick Xug                         Brabham  CAN 1m59.233s   03.605s   11
18   6 Thund Thund                      Lotus    SPA 2m00.327s   04.699s   12
19   4  PDLR.GAIZTOR                    Brabham  SPA   No time   No time    0

All times are official
Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Rouen             Tue Oct 09 23:18:54 2007

RACE RESULTS (After 18 laps)

Pos No Driver                          Team     Nat Laps   Race Time       Diff
 1  12 Alex Vaello                     Lotus    SPA   18  35m19.395s            
 2  11 J. Aubrey                       Lotus    SPA   18  35m42.515s    23.120s 
 3  15 Jorge Grao                      Honda    SPA   18  35m51.735s    32.340s 
 4  18 Manel Acosta                    Brabham  SPA   18  36m08.911s    49.516s 
 5  19 xavier aldea                    Cooper   SPA   18  36m15.508s    56.113s 
 6  13 Fran Guillen                    Cooper   SPA   18  36m27.164s  1m07.769s 
 7   1 F. Lizarraga                    Lotus    SPA   18  36m35.378s  1m15.983s 
 8  22  Nes Team                       Ferrari  SPA   18  36m36.616s  1m17.221s 
 9  17 Lesmes Gonzalez                 Cooper   SPA   18  36m51.242s  1m31.847s 
10  10 Javier Carral                   Honda    SPA   18  37m03.643s  1m44.248s 
11   9 Nick Xug                        Brabham  CAN   18  37m13.821s  1m54.426s 
12  16 Alex karakol                    Ferrari  SPA   15  30m43.379s   3 lap(s) 
13  14 Roger Regor                     Eagle    SPA    9  17m48.480s   9 lap(s) 
14   3 Julian Martinez                 Ferrari  SPA    4   9m33.769s  14 lap(s) 
15   7 Manu Vega                       Brabham  FRA    4   9m58.553s  14 lap(s) 
16   2 Grego Liñan                     Brabham  SPA    3   6m34.177s  15 lap(s) 
17   8 Sergio Mora                     Honda    SPA    3   6m44.535s  15 lap(s) 
18   6 Thund Thund                     Lotus    SPA    2   4m40.900s  16 lap(s) 
19   4  PDLR.GAIZTOR                   Brabham  SPA    0 DidNotStart  18 lap(s) 

Race results are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)


Pos Driver                                 Time Lap
 1  Alex Vaello                       1m55.652s  12
 2  Roger Regor                       1m56.418s   8
 3  Alex karakol                      1m57.580s   6
 4  J. Aubrey                         1m57.624s   7
 5  xavier aldea                      1m57.741s  14
 6  Fran Guillen                      1m57.899s   7
 7  Jorge Grao                        1m58.132s  15
 8   Nes Team                         1m58.159s  13
 9  Javier Carral                     1m58.248s  13
10  F. Lizarraga                      1m58.260s  17
11  Manel Acosta                      1m58.505s  12
12  Lesmes Gonzalez                   1m58.766s  12
13  Grego Liñan                       1m59.784s   3
14  Nick Xug                          2m00.310s  11
15  Julian Martinez                   2m00.316s   3
16  Manu Vega                         2m02.129s   3
17  Sergio Mora                       2m02.634s   2
18  Thund Thund                       2m11.934s   2
19   PDLR.GAIZTOR                       No time


Driver                           Laps
Alex Vaello                      1-18

Number of lead changes: 0
Number of leaders: 1


Driver                           Laps led
Alex Vaello                      18


Driver                           Start Finish  Change
Manel Acosta                        16      4      12  
F. Lizarraga                        14      7       7  
Nick Xug                            17     11       6  
Fran Guillen                        10      6       4  
Lesmes Gonzalez                     12      9       3  
Jorge Grao                           5      3       2  
Alex Vaello                          2      1       1  
Javier Carral                       11     10       1  
J. Aubrey                            3      2       1  
 PDLR.GAIZTOR                       19     19       0  
Manu Vega                           15     15       0  
Thund Thund                         18     18       0  
 Nes Team                            8      8       0  
Julian Martinez                     13     14      -1  
xavier aldea                         4      5      -1  
Alex karakol                         6     12      -6  
Sergio Mora                          9     17      -8  
Grego Liñan                          7     16      -9  
Roger Regor                          1     13     -12  


Driver                           Laps/Total    Percent
J. Aubrey                           (18/18)     100.00
Alex Vaello                         (18/18)     100.00
Lesmes Gonzalez                     (16/18)      88.89
Manel Acosta                        (15/18)      83.33
xavier aldea                        (14/18)      77.78
F. Lizarraga                        (14/18)      77.78
Nick Xug                            (12/18)      66.67
 Nes Team                           (10/18)      55.56
Javier Carral                        (8/18)      44.44
Jorge Grao                           (8/18)      44.44
Roger Regor                           (8/9)      88.89
Fran Guillen                         (5/18)      27.78
Alex karakol                         (3/15)      20.00
Julian Martinez                       (2/4)      50.00
Grego Liñan                           (1/3)      33.33
Sergio Mora                           (1/3)      33.33
Thund Thund                           (0/2)       0.00
Manu Vega                             (0/4)       0.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver                    Avg Deviation  Std Deviation  Avg Laptime   Laps
Thund Thund                       0.000          0.000    2m11.934s      2
Sergio Mora                       0.275          0.275    2m02.909s      3
Alex Vaello                       0.400          0.567    1m57.347s     18
J. Aubrey                         0.489          0.615    1m58.518s     18
Manel Acosta                      0.543          0.776    1m59.263s     18
Jorge Grao                        0.629          0.875    1m58.990s     18
Lesmes Gonzalez                   0.922          1.075    2m00.337s     18
Roger Regor                       1.002          1.373    1m57.774s      9
Fran Guillen                      1.046          1.298    1m59.810s     18
F. Lizarraga                      1.185          1.466    1m59.909s     18
Nick Xug                          1.981          3.641    2m02.930s     18
Alex karakol                      1.981          2.375    2m00.127s     15
 Nes Team                         2.125          3.216    2m00.444s     18
Grego Liñan                       2.535          2.535    2m02.319s      3
xavier aldea                      3.335          5.747    2m00.452s     18
Javier Carral                     3.568          4.415    2m01.737s     18
Julian Martinez                  24.637         26.134    2m19.251s      4
Manu Vega                        25.670         27.286    2m23.578s      4

All times are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Rouen             Tue Oct 09 23:18:54 2007

Driver:  PDLR.GAIZTOR - Brabham  

No practice laps

No race laps

Driver: Javier Carral - Honda    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m59.835s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m58.977s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m58.866s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m06.891s
Lap 5: 1m58.505s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 3m26.003s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 1m58.174s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m00.398s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 3m07.969s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 2m09.435s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m58.371s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m57.959s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.827s
Lap 1: 2m31.744s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m00.754s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.844s
Lap 4: 1m59.752s
Lap 5: 1m59.064s
Lap 6: 1m58.494s
Lap 7: 2m02.020s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m05.986s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m59.183s
Lap 10: 1m58.334s
Lap 11: 1m59.338s
Lap 12: 1m58.966s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m58.248s
Lap 14: 1m58.584s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m10.264s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 2m12.414s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 2m08.339s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m59.959s [Off the track]

Driver: Sergio Mora - Honda    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m03.308s
Lap 2: 1m59.238s
Lap 3: 2m01.437s
Lap 4: 2m22.431s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m00.875s
Lap 6: 1m59.206s
Lap 7: 1m58.848s
Lap 8: 1m57.820s
Lap 9: 2m55.386s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 2m56.571s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 4m32.598s

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.608s
Lap 1: 2m36.579s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m02.634s
Lap 3: 2m03.185s [Off the track]

Driver: Alex karakol - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m58.625s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 4m00.398s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 1m58.573s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m57.701s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 8m45.281s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 6: 2m22.610s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m26.083s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m58.541s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.828s
Lap 1: 2m40.231s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m00.466s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m05.136s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m04.820s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m02.397s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m57.580s
Lap 7: 1m58.616s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m58.526s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m58.697s
Lap 10: 1m58.281s
Lap 11: 2m00.955s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m58.358s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m58.050s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m59.044s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 2m00.865s [Off the track]

Driver: Alex Vaello - Lotus    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m58.521s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m57.422s
Lap 3: 2m29.471s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m03.269s
Lap 5: 1m59.391s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m57.051s
Lap 7: 1m57.743s
Lap 8: 3m05.103s [Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 1m58.090s
Lap 10: 1m57.832s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m56.725s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m56.849s
Lap 13: 1m55.746s

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.471s
Lap 1: 2m04.491s
Lap 2: 1m58.067s
Lap 3: 1m58.150s
Lap 4: 1m57.359s
Lap 5: 1m57.077s
Lap 6: 1m57.362s
Lap 7: 1m57.221s
Lap 8: 1m56.952s
Lap 9: 1m56.960s
Lap 10: 1m57.268s
Lap 11: 1m57.059s
Lap 12: 1m55.652s
Lap 13: 1m57.304s
Lap 14: 1m57.659s
Lap 15: 1m57.716s
Lap 16: 1m57.227s
Lap 17: 1m57.885s
Lap 18: 1m57.986s

Driver: J. Aubrey - Lotus    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m57.677s
Lap 2: 1m57.695s
Lap 3: 1m58.759s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m24.175s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 2m07.505s
Lap 6: 1m57.611s
Lap 7: 1m56.724s
Lap 8: 1m56.526s
Lap 9: 1m56.597s
Lap 10: 2m46.188s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 1m56.934s
Lap 12: 1m56.322s

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.236s
Lap 1: 2m06.931s
Lap 2: 2m00.181s
Lap 3: 1m59.208s
Lap 4: 1m57.943s
Lap 5: 1m58.042s
Lap 6: 1m58.435s
Lap 7: 1m57.624s
Lap 8: 1m58.379s
Lap 9: 1m59.027s
Lap 10: 1m57.987s
Lap 11: 1m58.925s
Lap 12: 1m58.926s
Lap 13: 1m57.901s
Lap 14: 1m57.922s
Lap 15: 1m58.503s
Lap 16: 1m58.903s
Lap 17: 1m58.290s
Lap 18: 1m58.623s

Driver: Fran Guillen - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m12.603s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m01.772s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m16.966s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m59.872s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m00.123s
Lap 6: 3m15.080s [Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m11.194s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m40.663s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m01.491s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m01.092s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m59.297s
Lap 12: 1m57.836s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m58.333s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.775s
Lap 1: 2m28.078s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m03.104s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m00.114s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m00.632s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m01.927s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m00.633s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m57.899s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m59.273s
Lap 9: 1m59.067s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m58.674s
Lap 11: 2m01.349s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m59.554s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m58.943s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m58.782s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m59.008s
Lap 16: 1m58.938s
Lap 17: 1m59.148s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m59.737s

Driver: Manel Acosta - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m09.658s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m29.822s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m26.009s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m01.058s
Lap 5: 1m58.691s
Lap 6: 1m58.810s
Lap 7: 1m59.234s
Lap 8: 2m09.739s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 3m43.031s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 1m59.627s
Lap 11: 3m33.645s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 1m58.505s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 50.857s
Lap 1: 2m18.053s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m59.858s
Lap 3: 1m59.351s
Lap 4: 1m59.144s
Lap 5: 1m58.561s
Lap 6: 1m59.156s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m58.966s
Lap 8: 1m58.532s
Lap 9: 1m59.181s
Lap 10: 1m58.627s
Lap 11: 1m58.772s
Lap 12: 1m58.505s
Lap 13: 1m58.695s
Lap 14: 1m59.131s
Lap 15: 1m59.444s
Lap 16: 2m00.602s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m59.373s
Lap 18: 2m01.574s

Driver: Lesmes Gonzalez - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m14.822s
Lap 2: 2m00.355s
Lap 3: 2m19.938s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m59.396s
Lap 5: 1m59.062s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.238s
Lap 7: 2m00.220s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 47.510s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m10.277s
Lap 10: 2m00.063s
Lap 11: 2m00.453s
Lap 12: 2m08.185s

Race laps
Lap 0: 50.583s
Lap 1: 2m42.391s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m00.778s
Lap 3: 2m02.014s
Lap 4: 2m01.920s
Lap 5: 1m59.733s
Lap 6: 1m59.120s
Lap 7: 2m01.550s
Lap 8: 2m01.672s
Lap 9: 1m59.668s
Lap 10: 2m00.214s
Lap 11: 1m59.559s
Lap 12: 1m58.766s
Lap 13: 1m59.530s
Lap 14: 1m59.891s
Lap 15: 2m00.426s
Lap 16: 2m01.841s
Lap 17: 2m00.261s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m58.796s

Driver: Jorge Grao - Honda    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m12.695s
Lap 2: 1m58.725s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m58.062s
Lap 4: 1m58.004s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m57.720s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 59.335s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m53.670s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 1m58.925s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m02.466s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m23.794s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m00.042s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m57.627s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m57.936s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m58.118s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.530s
Lap 1: 2m07.836s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m01.422s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.331s
Lap 4: 1m58.907s
Lap 5: 1m58.535s
Lap 6: 2m00.787s
Lap 7: 1m58.959s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m59.558s
Lap 9: 1m58.454s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m59.149s
Lap 11: 1m58.691s
Lap 12: 1m59.050s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m58.156s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m58.361s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m58.132s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m58.312s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m58.289s
Lap 18: 1m58.747s [Off the track]

Driver: Roger Regor - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m05.116s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m57.311s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m55.848s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m57.915s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m58.069s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m55.628s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m59.469s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m12.863s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m00.964s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m56.160s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m56.474s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 47.191s
Lap 1: 2m06.566s
Lap 2: 1m58.506s
Lap 3: 1m57.737s
Lap 4: 1m57.396s
Lap 5: 1m57.330s
Lap 6: 2m01.053s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m56.977s
Lap 8: 1m56.418s
Lap 9: 1m56.777s

Driver: Manu Vega - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m17.948s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m02.069s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m00.460s
Lap 4: 2m06.389s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m59.928s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.350s
Lap 7: 3m35.911s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 2m10.844s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m00.550s
Lap 10: 2m23.668s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 3m26.037s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 2m10.155s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 51.086s
Lap 1: 2m44.203s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 3m02.084s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m02.129s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m06.522s [Off the track]

Driver: xavier aldea - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m06.792s
Lap 2: 1m58.619s
Lap 3: 1m57.533s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m58.852s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m57.585s
Lap 6: 2m03.823s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m57.037s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m47.741s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m06.147s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m59.573s
Lap 11: 1m56.867s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 4m29.474s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 48.325s
Lap 1: 2m06.965s
Lap 2: 2m01.115s
Lap 3: 1m59.757s
Lap 4: 1m59.035s
Lap 5: 1m58.786s
Lap 6: 2m00.287s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m57.981s
Lap 8: 1m58.008s
Lap 9: 1m57.895s
Lap 10: 1m58.408s
Lap 11: 2m06.796s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m58.008s
Lap 13: 1m58.169s
Lap 14: 1m57.741s
Lap 15: 1m57.761s
Lap 16: 1m58.145s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m57.999s
Lap 18: 2m21.798s [Off the track]

Driver: Julian Martinez - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m10.877s
Lap 2: 2m00.489s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m26.332s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m01.075s
Lap 5: 1m58.752s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.911s
Lap 7: 1m58.610s
Lap 8: 2m05.217s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m58.428s
Lap 10: 1m58.239s
Lap 11: 1m59.556s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m02.107s
Lap 13: 1m58.854s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 50.289s
Lap 1: 2m33.196s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m01.231s
Lap 3: 2m00.316s
Lap 4: 2m56.208s [Off the track]

Driver:  Nes Team - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m07.279s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m09.752s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 48.115s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 2m03.499s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m07.806s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.491s
Lap 7: 1m58.433s
Lap 8: 1m59.582s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m59.231s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m01.022s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m34.693s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 1m58.679s
Lap 13: 2m08.820s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m57.763s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.255s
Lap 1: 2m27.268s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m11.330s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m00.519s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m04.866s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m00.177s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m59.897s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m03.134s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m58.369s
Lap 9: 1m58.904s
Lap 10: 1m59.001s
Lap 11: 2m00.175s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m59.391s
Lap 13: 1m58.159s
Lap 14: 1m59.099s
Lap 15: 1m58.866s
Lap 16: 1m58.697s
Lap 17: 1m58.282s
Lap 18: 1m58.698s

Driver: Grego Liñan - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m32.375s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m59.132s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 3m17.066s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 1m59.614s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m57.747s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m57.887s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 3m35.320s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 2m00.773s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m15.755s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m57.753s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 49.162s
Lap 1: 2m27.848s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m04.854s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.784s

Driver: Nick Xug - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m10.203s
Lap 2: 2m23.679s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 2m11.158s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m02.928s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m59.233s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 5m01.808s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m05.251s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m00.607s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m00.947s
Lap 10: 2m49.067s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 2m08.315s

Race laps
Lap 0: 51.413s
Lap 1: 2m20.065s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m01.344s
Lap 3: 2m02.592s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m01.493s
Lap 5: 2m01.507s
Lap 6: 2m01.354s
Lap 7: 2m03.346s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m02.643s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 2m01.818s
Lap 10: 2m02.523s
Lap 11: 2m00.310s
Lap 12: 2m03.536s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 2m02.078s
Lap 14: 2m00.734s
Lap 15: 2m00.332s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 2m02.520s
Lap 17: 2m16.746s
Lap 18: 2m04.938s

Driver: F. Lizarraga - Lotus    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m27.901s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m10.934s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m59.382s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m59.565s
Lap 5: 1m59.628s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m58.245s
Lap 7: 1m58.624s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 5m49.768s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m02.138s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m21.076s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m00.418s

Race laps
Lap 0: 50.809s
Lap 1: 2m33.578s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m02.897s
Lap 3: 2m00.434s
Lap 4: 2m02.558s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m59.936s
Lap 6: 2m02.650s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 2m01.059s
Lap 8: 1m59.767s
Lap 9: 1m58.866s
Lap 10: 1m59.376s
Lap 11: 1m59.434s
Lap 12: 1m59.304s
Lap 13: 1m59.290s
Lap 14: 1m58.908s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m58.805s
Lap 16: 1m58.394s
Lap 17: 1m58.260s
Lap 18: 1m58.524s

Driver: Thund Thund - Lotus    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m14.539s
Lap 2: 1m59.919s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 2m35.039s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m02.739s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 2m06.555s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 2m01.808s
Lap 7: 2m00.327s
Lap 8: 4m13.056s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 2m18.346s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 2m03.073s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 2m01.485s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 2m04.921s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 51.409s
Lap 1: 2m25.028s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 2m11.934s [Off the track]

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

Track: Rouen             Tue Oct 09 23:18:54 2007


Start of the race:
 PDLR.GAIZTOR fails to make the start.
Polesitter Roger Regor in a Eagle leads the field as the flag drops.

Lap 1:
Sergio Mora overtakes Alex karakol.
Sergio Mora is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Javier Carral overtakes Sergio Mora.
Javier Carral overtakes Alex karakol.
Javier Carral is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Sergio Mora.
Fran Guillen overtakes Alex karakol.
Fran Guillen is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
Grego Liñan overtakes Alex karakol.
Grego Liñan is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
 Nes Team overtakes Grego Liñan.
 Nes Team overtakes Alex karakol.
 Nes Team is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Thund Thund overtakes Manu Vega.
Thund Thund overtakes F. Lizarraga.
Thund Thund overtakes Julian Martinez.
Thund Thund overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Thund Thund overtakes Javier Carral.
Thund Thund overtakes Fran Guillen.
Thund Thund overtakes Sergio Mora.
Thund Thund overtakes  Nes Team.
Thund Thund overtakes Grego Liñan.
Thund Thund overtakes Alex karakol.
Thund Thund is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Manu Vega.
Nick Xug overtakes F. Lizarraga.
Nick Xug overtakes Julian Martinez.
Nick Xug overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Nick Xug overtakes Javier Carral.
Nick Xug overtakes Fran Guillen.
Nick Xug overtakes Sergio Mora.
Nick Xug overtakes  Nes Team.
Nick Xug overtakes Grego Liñan.
Nick Xug overtakes Alex karakol.
Nick Xug is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Manel Acosta overtakes Manu Vega.
Manel Acosta overtakes F. Lizarraga.
Manel Acosta overtakes Julian Martinez.
Manel Acosta overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Manel Acosta overtakes Javier Carral.
Manel Acosta overtakes Fran Guillen.
Manel Acosta overtakes Sergio Mora.
Manel Acosta overtakes  Nes Team.
Manel Acosta overtakes Grego Liñan.
Manel Acosta overtakes Alex karakol.
Manel Acosta is in position 6 at the end of the lap.
Alex Vaello overtakes Roger Regor.
Alex Vaello is in position 1 at the end of the lap.
Roger Regor loses the lead.
The new race leader is Alex Vaello.

Lap 2:
 Nes Team overtakes Thund Thund.
 Nes Team is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
F. Lizarraga overtakes  Nes Team.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Thund Thund.
F. Lizarraga is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Julian Martinez overtakes  Nes Team.
Julian Martinez overtakes Thund Thund.
Julian Martinez is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
Javier Carral overtakes  Nes Team.
Javier Carral overtakes Thund Thund.
Javier Carral is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Grego Liñan overtakes  Nes Team.
Grego Liñan overtakes Thund Thund.
Grego Liñan is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Grego Liñan.
Fran Guillen overtakes  Nes Team.
Fran Guillen overtakes Thund Thund.
Fran Guillen is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 3:
Manu Vega overtakes Thund Thund.
Manu Vega is in position 17 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Thund Thund.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 16 at the end of the lap.
Alex karakol overtakes Thund Thund.
Alex karakol is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Sergio Mora overtakes Thund Thund.
Sergio Mora is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Thund Thund retires the Lotus.

Lap 4:
Manu Vega overtakes Sergio Mora.
Manu Vega overtakes Grego Liñan.
Manu Vega is in position 15 at the end of the lap.
Julian Martinez overtakes Grego Liñan.
Julian Martinez is in position 14 at the end of the lap.
Alex karakol overtakes Sergio Mora.
Alex karakol overtakes Julian Martinez.
Alex karakol overtakes Grego Liñan.
Alex karakol is in position 13 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Alex karakol.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Sergio Mora.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Julian Martinez.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Grego Liñan.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
 Nes Team overtakes Julian Martinez.
 Nes Team overtakes Grego Liñan.
 Nes Team is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Julian Martinez.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Grego Liñan.
F. Lizarraga is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Javier Carral overtakes Grego Liñan.
Javier Carral is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Sergio Mora retires the Honda.
Grego Liñan retires the Brabham.

Lap 5:
Javier Carral overtakes Fran Guillen.
Javier Carral is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Manu Vega retires the Brabham.
Julian Martinez retires the Ferrari.

Lap 6:
Javier Carral overtakes Nick Xug.
Javier Carral is in position 7 at the end of the lap.

Lap 7:
Alex karakol overtakes Lesmes Gonzalez.
Alex karakol is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Nick Xug.
Fran Guillen is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 8:
Nick Xug overtakes Javier Carral.
Nick Xug is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Javier Carral.
Fran Guillen is in position 7 at the end of the lap.

Lap 9:
Javier Carral overtakes Nick Xug.
Javier Carral is in position 8 at the end of the lap.

Lap 10:
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Roger Regor.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 12 at the end of the lap.
Alex karakol overtakes Roger Regor.
Alex karakol is in position 11 at the end of the lap.
 Nes Team overtakes Roger Regor.
 Nes Team is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Roger Regor.
F. Lizarraga is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Roger Regor.
Nick Xug is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
Javier Carral overtakes Roger Regor.
Javier Carral is in position 7 at the end of the lap.
Fran Guillen overtakes Roger Regor.
Fran Guillen is in position 6 at the end of the lap.
Manel Acosta overtakes Roger Regor.
Manel Acosta is in position 5 at the end of the lap.
Jorge Grao overtakes Roger Regor.
Jorge Grao is in position 4 at the end of the lap.
xavier aldea overtakes Roger Regor.
xavier aldea is in position 3 at the end of the lap.
J. Aubrey overtakes Roger Regor.
J. Aubrey is in position 2 at the end of the lap.
Roger Regor retires the Eagle.

Lap 11:
Jorge Grao overtakes xavier aldea.
Jorge Grao is in position 3 at the end of the lap.

Lap 12:
Alex karakol overtakes Nick Xug.
Alex karakol is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
 Nes Team overtakes Nick Xug.
 Nes Team is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Nick Xug.
F. Lizarraga is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
What would become the fastest lap of the race is set by Alex Vaello.
The time is an impressive 1m55.652s.

Lap 15:
 Nes Team overtakes Javier Carral.
 Nes Team is in position 8 at the end of the lap.
F. Lizarraga overtakes Javier Carral.
F. Lizarraga is in position 7 at the end of the lap.

Lap 16:
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Alex karakol.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Javier Carral.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Nick Xug overtakes Alex karakol.
Nick Xug overtakes Javier Carral.
Nick Xug is in position 9 at the end of the lap.
Alex karakol retires the Ferrari.

Lap 17:
Javier Carral overtakes Nick Xug.
Javier Carral is in position 10 at the end of the lap.
Lesmes Gonzalez overtakes Nick Xug.
Lesmes Gonzalez is in position 9 at the end of the lap.

Lap 18:
Manel Acosta overtakes xavier aldea.
Manel Acosta is in position 4 at the end of the lap.

End of the race:
Alex Vaello wins the race 23.120s ahead of J. Aubrey.
Last of the podium finishers was Jorge Grao,
finishing 32.340s behind the winner.

Finishing order and last lap info is unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser
Scuderia Paquetown Racing - Este es nuestro año

19 to go!