7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Fun race but it was difficult making a pass on a high speed circuit in the slowest car.
I had a plan for the finish but was swamped on the last lap before I could get in position to make it work.

Well done podium.
Thanks for hosting.
Doni Yourth
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

WOW! What a dynamite finish! This gets a 5/5 score. I'm only sorry that Xuggy, Ricky and Tago couldn't join the fun.

Bravo to Gaizka on the victory. In the right place at the right time. Quite pleased to come away from this stunner of a race with P2. Frankly, I would have been happy with P4. Clive and Paul right in the mix right up to the last seconds. Well done, chaps.

Great fun and a real thriller from start to finish. I managed to get some lovely slipstream tows at times with a speed of 170 mph. Can't say enough for the mindful driving of everyone as not once was there a collision. A few close calls to be sure but no contact that I saw.

We lost Xuggy early on thanks to a shunt and Ricky ditto shortly after. Tago's Lancia must have lost a cylinder or two as mid-race, he fell back not able to maintain pace. Bad luck, fellas.

Phillip Island next and a venue where I don't typically do very well.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Clive Loynes
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Well, it was an honour to drive the tow truck for you gentlemen last night, although I was hoping for a slightly better result.

The big problem for me was that I really needed a better view of what was going on behind me! When Enrique was behind me we had a stable situation because he didn't appear to have geared his Ferrari to give a top speed that could get him past me, even with slipstream. I think that Paul was in much the same situation so long as I kept to the inside at the end of the back straight. I think that Doni appeared alongside at one point but the main problem was Gaizka. He had some long legs on that Ferrari!

From the practice races I was very much focused on the last corner. If you had the inside there then the lap was yours. But Gaizka moved the danger zone to earlier in the lap. :(

On the last lap I didn't want to be in the lead at the start of it but I was. I could hear Gaizka lifting as we trundled down to the straight to Gladbacher. I tried to be slower at Gladbacher to keep him bottled up without a run at me but somehow he found a tow at the right time to pass me on the way to Dorp. With four cars in the mix, it made a fightback a difficult problem unless I was absolutely sure where everybody had got to. I had hoped to get back in front on the run to Roermonder but I might have had to lift for just an instant to avoid rear ending him and that left me on the outside in that corner.

I was left with a daft move on the outside of the final corner and that let Doni snatch second with a brilliantly timed run.

Thanks for the fun.
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por enriquefarina »

one of the best races I've ever run in this mod, it's a shame that one of my cats climbed onto my computer table and for a fraction of a second, lost the braking reference :boink: and I couldn't correct it, causing me the accident that left me out,......obviously that cat was yesterday's dinner..... :cura:
In Clive's post, which said that if my Ferrari didn't have the right 5th gear to pass me, the answer is, it wasn't that, my strategy was to stay on your exhausts, almost the entire race and attack with 2 laps left like Doni did, because if I started to pass you, the two piranhas that were coming behind me would get behind you and I would lose that second position and although they did it several times, I was able to stay behind you for almost half the race, and I knew very well that he Lancia is faster in final speed side by side than my 555. :D
In any case, I give a big round of applause to everyone's excellent handling, a very professional driving, keeping their lane, with perfect respect, that's why I said at the beginning that one of the best races in this mod of my life, so find ran only half of it.
Excellent job, I gave a wonderful 2nd place to Gaizca, who knew how to do it very well and I do not understand the loss of power of the Lancia, but it is a Clive podium, and I congratulate you all.
I hope to be able to run more often, but the schedule sometimes hurts me, since here in Mexico, the races are at 2 in the afternoon and there are times when I have to visit clients and I can't postpone them, that's why I lost several .
Anyway, I would like to race again in mod 55, they are very competitive and you are a group of professionals very worthy of admiration.
Cheers friends and I keep running (less mod 65)
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por Paul_S »

I had a look at the replay .... good fun :)

But I noticed one of the passes I made was not good.
I had slip streamed up behind Gaizka and thought I had cleared Clive but not enough, so Clive had to take severe avoiding action.

Well done Clive, you saved a big crash. :bien:
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Re: 7th 1955 F1 Championship - 07 - Grenzlandring Rennen

Mensaje por Mezcua »

Mi report de carrera a partir de la vuelta 7 cuando toque el freno :cry: :cry: :cry:
My race report from lap 7 when I hit the brakes.

Muy contento con el resto, una gran diversión los días previos en entrenos y además salió una fp4 muy bonita en batalla con Clive :piloto: :bien:
Very happy with the rest, great fun the previous days in training and also came out a very nice fp4 in battle with Clive

La clasificación sin gasolina pensaba que me llevaría al 8 alto pero tuve la suerte de que un lejano Xug me diera el precioso rebufo para llevarme la pole :reygreen:
Qualifying without fuel I thought would take me to a high 8 but I was lucky that a distant Xug gave me the precious slipstream to take the pole.

Luego en carrera rodaba cómodo cuando observé que el rebufo me succionaba hacia el coche delantero y toqué suavemente el freno
Later in the race I was riding comfortably when I noticed that the slipstream was sucking me into the front car and I gently touched the brake.

Inmediatamente os fuisteis todos ... pensé que había hecho una reducción de motor incorrecta y supuse que tras unas vueltas el motor humearía :boink: :llorar: :ahorcado:
Immediately you all left ... I thought I had made an incorrect engine reduction and assumed that after a few laps the engine would smoke.

Vi que en las grandes rectas llevaba los frenos en amarillo y no lo entendía ... asi que tras muchas vueltas volvi a tocar el freno corroborando que la pedalera me habia jugado una mala pasada :nova:
I saw that in the big straights I had the brakes in yellow and I did not understand ... So after many laps I went back to touch the brake corroborating that the pedal had played a trick on me.

Genial carrera y mejores compañeros de pista :baba:
Great race and better track mates

Thx all for racing ;)