5th 1955 F1 Championship - 03 - Oldham Grand Prix

Los análisis de carrera oficiales, crónicas y comentarios de los pilotillos.
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Mensajes: 104
Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2022 8:49 pm

Mensaje por Paul_S »

Gracias por las carreras.

Lo siento por los que no han salido.

No pude igualar el ritmo de Gaizka, pero me di cuenta en los entrenamientos de que no podía sacar el coche de la línea de salida, así que supuse que el segundo puesto en la parrilla sería suficiente.
Hice una mala salida, pero mejor que la de Gordini, y me puse en cabeza.
Gaizka me ha alcanzado, pero después de los incidentes que se han producido por detrás, hemos tenido la pista para nosotros solos.
No sé cuántas veces nos hemos intercambiado el liderato, pero toda la carrera ha estado muy reñida.
Gaizka tenía más ritmo, pero con el rebufo y el mejor par motor de la Connaught pude seguirle y rebasarle cuando pude.

A medida que avanzaba la carrera, mi conducción se volvió más alocada y al poco tiempo ya había rozado el muro varias veces. En la penúltima vuelta le di un gran golpe pero después de recuperarme el coche no parecía tan malo a pesar de que los observadores informaron de daños medios.
Supongo que estos coches son fuertes y después de ver el accidente de Jorge en la primera vuelta lo confirma :)

Así llegamos a la última vuelta y a varios cambios por el liderato.
En la chicane de Heyside, casi al final de la vuelta, iba en cabeza pero me metí demasiado y tuve una salida lenta. Estaba seguro de que había perdido la carrera allí, pero Gaizka no pudo hacer el pase en la última chicane.
Así que cruzamos la meta con menos de un segundo de diferencia.

Una gran carrera en un gran circuito para los coches de 55.

Enhorabuena a Gaizka y también a Jorge por su gran recuperación tras el increíble accidente de la primera vuelta.

Gracias por la organización y la acogida.

Thanks for the racing.

Sorry to those that DNF.

I could not match the pace of Gaizka but I had noticed in training he could not get the car off the line at the start, so I guessed 2nd on the grid would be good enough.
I actually made a bad start but still better than the Gordini and took the lead.
Gaizka caught me but after incidents behind we had the track to ourselves.
I am not sure how many time we exchanged the lead but the whole race was close.
Gaizka had more pace but with the slipstream and better low torque from the Connaught I could stay with him and re-pass when I could.

As the race went on my driving became more wild and before long I had clipped the wall a few times. On the penultimate lap I gave it big hit but after recovering the car did not seem that bad despite the spotters reporting medium damage.
I guess these cars are built strong and after seeing Jorge's crash on lap 1 it confirms it :)

So we came to the last lap and several changes for the lead.
At the Heyside chicane near the end of the lap I was leading but went in too deep and had a slow exit. I was sure I had lost the race there but Gaizka could not quite make the pass into the last chicane.
So we crossed the line with less than a second between us.

Great race at a great track for the 55 cars.

Well done Gaizka and also Jorge for a great recovery from that amazing 1st lap crash.

Thanks for organising and hosting.
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Clive Loynes
Mensajes: 670
Registrado: Mié Ene 31, 2018 6:38 pm
Ubicación: North Yorkshire

Mensaje por Clive Loynes »

Congratulations to all finishers and my sincere apologies to anyone who had their race ruined by my mistake at the start of the race.
As I recall, we were not even at racing speed when I was caught out by the car in front of me hitting the brakes harder than expected.

After that I was so busy looking in my mirrors to make sure that I didn't get in anyone's way that I missed a couple of braking points and lost a wheel.

My first instinct, not to bother with this race, was correct.

Felicitaciones a todos los finalistas y mis más sinceras disculpas a cualquiera que haya arruinado su carrera por mi error al comienzo de la carrera.
Según recuerdo, ni siquiera íbamos a la velocidad de una carrera cuando me atrapó el automóvil que estaba delante de mí y frenó con más fuerza de lo esperado.

Después de eso, estaba tan ocupado mirando por los espejos para asegurarme de que no estorbaba a nadie que me perdí un par de puntos de frenado y perdí una rueda.

Mi primer instinto, no molestarme con esta carrera, fue correcto.
Doni Yourth
Mensajes: 209
Registrado: Mié Feb 27, 2019 1:45 pm
Ubicación: Keswick, Ontario, Canada

Mensaje por Doni Yourth »

Bravo to our podium finishers! Another tight duel for the win with Paul coming up trumps. Well done, fellas.

A fun track in these GP55 cars but I'm afraid that my race was largely a horror show. That I emerged with a P6 placing was clearly a fluke.

It started going wrong in qualifying when my second timed lap was binned within sight of the SFline as I caught a fence and was stuck fast. It was easily going to be my fastest effort. Grrr...

Off the start, I was away nicely and holding place til we got to Goats when I caught sight of Clive in my left mirror surging up at a great rate of knots. This wasn't going to end well. I stayed well to the right to give this rocket some room but it wasn't enough. A tap in the rear sent me around and after the dust settled, I was dead last. Sigh... Later in this same lap, I made an ill-judged pass on Cambero just before the Watersheddings that put me out of sync with this tricky switchback. Cuffed the rails and went for a wild spin. Cambero spun as well most likely in sympathy in trying to avoid me. Sorry about that. Thanks to some other fallers along the way, I finished that opening round in P9. On Lap02, I came across Quico recovering from an off just backtrack of Goats. I swung around his Vanwall and thought I'd cleared him nicely but no, as he resumed, he caught my right rear tyre and spun me back down to last place again. Double sigh...

On Lap03, a very serious incident. In the server replay cap, I would direct you to lock on my Maser at 11:00 in and follow to 11:30. In this time span, I was closing on Test Red in his yellow Maser til suddenly, he disappeared. After some seconds, he came back into view directly ahead of me and I had to take avoiding action losing a place to Cambero. I note that T. Red is seemingly based in the USA and with myself in Canada and with the server in Europe, it would appear that our connections are lagging enormously. I only hope that this is remedied for the next race.

Moments after this, I clipped Cambero in the tail coming off Grains Bar and we both spun. My bad. Sorry for that. This really bummed me out and I was fast losing concentration. I actually got stuck somewhat in a hedge for a time and Cambero was by and easily away. Only later in the lap did I manage to catch back up to him again and this time, get by without incident. Finished Lap03 in P7.

I started Lap05 a good 10 seconds behind Quico but he had troubles in the Shore Edge switchbacks and fell back to me. Started Lap06 only one second down. The long straight leading to and out of the Watersheddings let me close right in but it wasn't a good pass opportunity for Hill Stores. I was ready to follow Quico through there when it seemed he slowed early perhaps thinking I was going to make a bid and this caught me off guard. I swung to the right to miss him but clipped his tail sending him into a wild spin. Sadly, he got stuck in the fence and couldn't proceed. Bad luck there, Q, and my apologies for that. I was completely out of position for Hill Stores and slammed the rail on exit sending my Maser into a dizzying spin. Somehow, I survived this to proceed and make it to the flag in P6 without any further dramas. I'd had enough of that for one day, thanks. One lucky boy.
Those who do not learn from history will be condemned to relive its mistakes.
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Mensajes: 2718
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Parece la posición de pole en la salida, pero Seems to be pole position starter but


al abrir el ángulo de cámara when we open the camera's angle


Nada mal después de 9 vueltas Not bad after 9 laps

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Mensajes: 2718
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 8:28 pm

Mensaje por Mezcua »

:D :D :D

Algunos jueces otorgaron un 10 :shock:
Some judges awarded a 10

Despegue Takeoff


Movimiento 1 Movement 1


Movimiento 7 Movement 7


Aterrizaje Landing


Con esta hábil maniobra el coche quedó ajustado con el mejor setup que en entrenos Jorge no había logrado y de esa manera me cazó en la vuelta 7 tras marcar un 4.10 en la vuelta 7 :nose: :jo: :bien: Me quito el sombrero Jorge
With this skillful maneuver the car was adjusted to the best setup that Jorge had not achieved in practice and thus he caught me on lap 7 after setting a 4.10 on lap 7 :nose: :jo: :bien: Hats off Jorge

A parte de eso pues me lo pasé muy bien en pista :piloto: :baba:
Other than that, I had a great time on the track

Thx all for racing :wink: